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Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji] Empty Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji]

Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:16 pm
Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

Back in Africa again, back to what used to be Vastime. It was chilling, how one incident led to the collapse of an entire nation, the only evidence that anything apart from a massive hole that reeked terribly of hollows was here were the dust-taken buildings barely standing at the edges. She saw the leftover carnage of the battles that she herself had been a part of, earth torn into like a god or beast from up high had decided to descend and tear at the Earth.

Just freaked the blonde out a bit of what else could be in that hole... But that wasn't her job today. She was only back here to act as further assistance in gathering info; she was able to hold her own if one of those nasty things decided to attack, and she was pretty good with information-gathering field work to begin with. So far, there was zero evidence that any human life was left, the stink of hollow was everywhere with trace amounts of Shinigami activity, an amount she'd expect with an event so terrifying.

Made her wonder how many other connections to whatever was down there could possibly show themselves, under the right circumstances.

Sitting atop a pile of rubble in plain view, she had taken a break to down some provisions she had in her cooler pack, sighing softly as she look at the setting. Looked like a shopping center or something, she'd never been to the nation personally but she could imagine a perfectly normal day hanging out or getting clothes completely upended by the worst possible scenario.

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:14 pm

Prowling in the Ruins

It was inevitable that her travels would eventually lead here, to what remained of the once great city of Vastime. A giant hole that seemingly appeared overnight, swallowing up an entire city and leaving scarce traces of what once was. To say the stench of death hung heavy here would be an understatement that was outsized only by the massive hole that stench crept from, had she not been used to such a smell Fuurinji would've likely had to cover her nose.

However after over a hundred years of fighting, such a thing had become benign and more akin to an irritation than anything else. So what could she hope to find here anyway? With such little remaining, truthfully speaking there wasn't likely anything that could help in figuring out what actually happened without going into that dreaded place.

But for a Shinigami, this place was the perfect place to search. Scouring the ruins for treasures wasn't what she was searching for, rather she was searching for any souls that might've escaped being sucked into that hole... hopefully at least even one was here. She didn't expect to find one, mostly because the Gotei United had already been here and so any remaining souls that hadn't been consumed were likely already sent to Soul Society. But if even one was still around, she might be able to gain some kind of information as to what happened even moments before the hole appeared.

Alas thus far her efforts were in vain, nothing remained here except the ruined buildings of what once was, that is until she noticed but a single individual. Judging by their rather lax posture however, she went out on a guess that this wasn't a lost soul wandering for the sake of wandering and was rather someone here on purpose though their intent she couldn't properly judge. For the most part this individual seemed mostly unimpressive, merely sitting atop some of the rubble.

To interrupt them or not to interrupt them, that was the question now. However given her lack of any real evidence or findings, it was a rather simple question to answer. "Nice weather we're having, eh?"" Fuu called out from the ground, though her head wasn't looking up towards the girl and was rather staring straight-forward, almost away from the girl in question.

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Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:31 pm
Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

She caught scent of the Shinigami long before she was visible, hoping it was just some Gotei crony going about their business and hopefully wouldn't come across her on break, but here she was looking upon some blind-folded chick. Definitely not the weirdest appearance she's seen, though she did notice the girl's attire definitely didn't match that of an active member. Ah, alright, just some rando Shinigami poking around then... Great.

"If ya call the fallout of a nation 'nice weather', then I guess." It wasn't like she had much of a reason to not answer or ignore her, and she'd rather not make an enemy out of someone she doesn't know the capabilities of, "If you're looking for Pluses to konso, this entire wing is bone dry - i've checked thoroughly. Even the hollows have moved on. If you're looking for places to loot... Fucked up, but I guess you're in the right place. Not like there's anybody left who'd put any value in destroyed shit covered in dust."

Of course she wasn't interested in stealing, if anything she saw that as an insult to anybody who died unexpectedly and tragically here, but it wasn't like she was gonna start an ethical argument on why you shouldn't steal from ruins with someone she didn't really feel compelled to stop.

Kanji Man
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Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:07 pm

Prowling in the Ruins

Ah well she should've expected that type of response, though she was referring to the actual weather itself rather than that which physically surrounded them she couldn't really say she was all too surprised about what the other said. But since she was getting a response, she'd press forward and begin 'walking' upwards like she was walking up invisible stairs. As she did so, she simply shook her head towards what girl said next "Nah, not here to Konso any souls or loot any buildings, though I was hoping to find a plus or two remaining." Once she was level with the other female she stopped and finally turned her head towards the girl "Given you're here I imagine you're either here because you're interested in what happened or you're interested in those who are interested in what happened."

While her head didn't move much more after turning towards the woman, Fuurinji was still inspecting her intently. While her unique sight only gave her a silhouette of those around her that was usually more than enough to tell her what she needed. In this case, the woman didn't have a Zanpakuto and so was unlikely to be either Shinigami or Arrancarr. This left few options, however as soon as the bracelet, and what hung from it, met her attention... she realized easily enough. Quincy. She wasn't entirely surprised, the other Shinigami she'd met had informed her that the Vandereich and Gotei United were working together here, and as much as she absolutely loathed being in the presence of such a... creature, the fact the two were working together did give her at least a reason to pause momentarily. Sure this particular Quincy wasn't much stronger than an ordinary human, killing one that was working with the Gotei United would likely strain their relationship and... well, such a giant hole wouldn't attract a Quincy that was weaker than herself.

So Fuurinji had multiple reasons to not attack immediately, despite every fiber of her being demanding she do so. "So tell me, Quincy, why are you lingering here without any other guard around? From what I've heard your kind are, for some reason, aiding the Gotei United in keeping this threat mostly contained, which also makes me wonder why there are no other Shinigami around."

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Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji] Empty Re: Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji]

Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:30 pm
Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

She was attempting to savor her honestly kind of shitty meal when the Shinigami woman responded, reflecting on her honestly poor choice in putting tomatoes in her sandwich. Practically downing cold soggy acid bread... Sure she was picky and had preferences but it wasn't going to stop her from eating some of the only available food she knew for sure she had. Maybe one of the crushed shops had a chip bin or something... Nah she shouldn't do that, she wasn't as desperate as to be digging through ruins or trash for food like the old days, she needed some self respect.

"Uh, neither actually. I'm here for my job." Her rather matter-of-fact tone responded to the uncomfortably closed in woman. Did she really have to get closer? Ugh.. It wasn't like she was getting a better look at her. Or, maybe she was, considering the sudden shift in mood and tone, causing Liltotto's lip to curl in light annoyance,

"Okay, first of all, I have a name. I'm definitely sure you don't refer to your buddies by 'Shinigami' like you talk to a dog. Secondly, I don't need a fucking chaperone for work, especially not a Gotei one. Third, I don't fucking know, maybe they're on the other end of whatever's left, maybe they're in the hole, maybe they're Hollow excrement - I don't care, not my problem or my job, i'm not your guy's keeper and they definitely aren't mine."

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji] Empty Re: Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji]

Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:05 pm

Prowling in the Ruins

Her Job? Well if that wasn't the most cryptic piece of.... sigh. Of course it'd be cryptic, neither knew the other after all. "Well... She began as the other responded to her rather... scrutinizing questioning "You didn't state your name, so I called you by that which I could notice, which is that Quincy Cross dangling from your wrist. So if you have a name, and wish for me to actually use it, it'd be pertinent for you to state what it is before getting upset that I DIDN'T use it." Her brow furrowed slightly.

Afterwards she simply scoffed at the mention of the Gotei, or rather... the way she said it, it was like she was implying that Fuurinji was apart of whatever Gotei was currently 'running' Soul Society. "Secondly, if you couldn't tell just from my clothing I am not affiliated with the Gotei United. If I was I'd of already known you weren't with them let alone allied with the Quincy's. Which raises another question, if you aren't a Quincy and you aren't affiliated with the Gotei United, what the hell IS your job and why the hell do you have a Quincy Cross if you AREN'T a Quincy?"

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Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji] Empty Re: Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji]

Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:19 pm
Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

Yeah this was not cutting it, picking the sandwich apart and just individually eating the tomatoes instead of trying to eat the whole thing. Sure, they sucked but at least she didn't have to struggle through eating them with everything else in her sandwich, especially since the Shinigami before her was being a total nuisance, what a pain... She'd groan, rubbing her nosebridge between two fingers trying to think of a response that wouldn't just belabor the annoyance.

"Liltotto Lamperd. Sternritter Personnel of the Vandenreich led by Grandmaster Cyrus ast-Auramazda. Investigating the city remains." She spat out the rather simplistic explanations to each question jabbed at her in quick succession, as she wanted to get the idea across as quickly and simplistically as she could, "Yes I can tell you aren't of the current Gotei United. Yes I am 'allied with the quincies'. What I am isn't of your concern. Now if all you're gonna do is bark at me during my lunch break, you can skedaddle."

She'd wave a hand, sighing and pushing the remains of her sandwich in her mouth, which vanished in seemingly barely a swallow.

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji] Empty Re: Prowling In The Ruins [Liltotto/Fuurinji]

Sat Mar 25, 2023 8:33 pm

Prowling in the Ruins

What could the Vandereich possibly want from city ruins? What could they be hoping to gain? Bah this woman truly wasn't of any help at this rate. Although she did at least confirm one thing, she wasn't an ordinary Quincy. Whether she was truly a Quincy in blood or not, that she was apart of the Sternritter Personnel told her that she definitely would've been outmatched had she decided to attack in the first place and... well, she was at least glad that she chose the path of least resistance at this point. It also gave her the name of the current leader, and judging by her attitude....

"I see... Though you failed to answer my last question, of why that which isn't Quincy bears the cross of one. Presumptions would lead me to believe you have, in some capacity, the ability to manipulate Reishi like they can. However, neither Shinigami nor Human can do such a thing and aside from that you do not strike me as a Demon." She waved her hand almost dismissively as she turned away "Ah, whatever. I was hoping that one from the Vandereich might have more knowledge, though it seems like even they must not have the capabilities I thought they did."

She shook her head, provoking a Vandereich probably wouldn't be a smart idea truth be told. "While I can't say I'm surprised, in fact I'm feel quite the opposite about the Vandereich now, I was at least hoping you'd have more information than an unseated Shinigami, given the Vandereich's tenuous alliance with regards tot his hole. But I suppose that even a catastrophe like this won't loosen anyone's lips.... how annoying..." She began to mutter softly towards the end of her statement, now starting to walk away from the woman "Well, Ms. Not-A-Quincy Lamperd, I suppose further communications with the Vandereich are pointless as your knowledge on the situation is, at best, the same as the Gotei United... Which is to say non-existent at best and intentionally ignorant at worse."

Fuurinji raised her hand and gave a half-hearted wave behind her. "Perhaps going solo in this entire affair is for the best... doesn't seem like anyone else has the tenacity or willpower to do anything these days."

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