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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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[Spirit Class 6] Mirai Takamatsu Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 6] Mirai Takamatsu Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 6] Mirai Takamatsu Empty [Spirit Class 6] Mirai Takamatsu

Mon Mar 06, 2023 2:19 pm
[Spirit Class 6] Mirai Takamatsu Mirai_AppHeader

I. Basic Information

» Name: Mirai Takamatsu
» Alias: The Black Thorn
» Age: ~260
» Appears: Late 20s
» Birthday: Unknown
» Gender: Female
» Height: 5’5”
» Weight: 135

» Appearance Written:
Mirai is a beautiful woman with sharp, piercing red eyes that seem to see right through people. She has glossy dyed-black hair that is always perfectly styled, usually up and tidy. She will let her hair down to look “pretty.” Mirai dresses impeccably, often in elegant but understated clothing that exudes professionalism and confidence. Occasionally, she wears glasses, but she doesn’t need them. She uses them to make her look normal and approachable.

» Alignment: Neutral, leaning Neutral Evil
» Association: The Gotei United
» Rank/Position: Covert Ops Division, No Rank
» Specialty: Assassination, Stealth, Speed

» Sexual Orientation:
» Relationship Status: Single
» Attraction: Conviction

Text Color: 980c2f

Synopsis: Mirai is a socially inept woman with a strange mindset who is very cautious of the world around her and knows she doesn’t “fit in.” She gets close to few, trusts barely anyone, and only seeks a life where she feels like she can be safe and secure, something she has never experienced before. Because of this desire, she often finds herself “faking it” around people, rarely able to speak her mind in fear of ruining any reputation as a “good person” that she has. In reality, Mirai’s dark view of the world colors her actions more than she realizes.

I. Personality

» Personality: Mirai is a woman who craves a true sense of safety, but has grown to believe that there is no safe place in the world, especially for the weak. Her desperate desire to feel secure in life drives her to fight, manipulate, and even kill to get what she needs. Every act she takes is inspired by an instinct of self-preservation, and the need to not be harmed, poor, or used by others again.

Mirai’s observations of the world outside of her old way of life have led her to believe that everyone in the world wears a mask that hides their true selves. Everyone lies, manipulates, and cheats their way into getting what they desire. No one has the confidence to tell the truth, something born of their own weaknesses and insecurities. This view has prevented her from easily fitting in with others because she often looks down on them, seeing them as weak or pawns.

When being intentional in her behavior, Mirai can easily present herself as a kind, helpful person with a somewhat timid demeanor. This is the mask she puts on to put other people at ease, since most can’t handle her true, dark minded views. A lot of her ways of interacting with people actually come from the manga she reads. She utilizes them as entertainment, but also study materials for how people should interact. Incapable of normal socialization, manga inspires new social ideas.

Intelligent, ambitious, cunning, strategic, and analytical, Mirai is always calculating the most efficient paths, whether this be casually or professionally. She has proven her ambition by climbing through the ranks, even applying for positions she is not ready for, hoping she could get closer to her goals. She has proven her intelligence and cunning throughout the years of successfully completing her jobs. She also notices the smallest and most insignificant details about a person.

Likes: Manga, sweets, make-up, perfume, and new clothes.

Dislikes: Weaklings, crybabies, idiots, those who insult her love of manga, loud places, being interrupted, failing at an assignment, being beaten in a spar.

I. History

» History: Mirai was a troubled child who terrified her step-mother with some of the most manipulative acts. Wanting her father’s attention only on her, Mirai’s self-harm and convincing crying fits was close to tearing the marriage apart, but when her step-mother ended up pregnant and more determined to prove Mirai’s behavior, she was caught hurting herself and blaming her step-mother. Since she seemed to young for jail time, she was punished by not being allowed to leave her room. By chance, a fire broke out in the house and her parents fled without her. Her screams for help reached them, but she wasn’t rescued and died in the flames.

Mirai’s early years in the Rukongai brought her into the expected crime, but what people did not expect was how good she was at it or how much she enjoyed the fight, or the causing of pain. She ended up the wild right-hand of a ruthless group of criminals and stayed with them until she attacked the wrong man: a shinigami by the name of Yuuto. Defeated, the man gave her a second chance at life and led her to the Gotei Thirteen and away from the criminals that surrounded her. Having been in the gang for so many years, her knowledge of their networks led to many arrests and a few gangs even being scattered to the wind. Her knowledge proved fruitful.

After taking the time to graduate from Shino Academy, Mirai joined the Covert Ops Division, which came by no surprise to anyone. Mirai tried meshing into society without the old urge to kill and gain power, but the most she did was learn how to be social with people under the acceptable behavior the law and culture allowed. She found herself annoyed by most of the people around her, and so she had to put on a mask to get them to ease up around her. After a few years of this deceptive behavior, she became close to Yuuto and Shuten, often using training and spars to get to know them more, but she was never truly able to be authentic with them.

Always on the outside, looking in at the lives of those around her, Mirai has spent her years never truly being able to connect, even if it was her desire to do so. Mirai just looks at the world through the eyes of someone who values power and strength over anything else. Friendship, trust, love… They are all new, and complicated. So, she ignores them to the best of her ability. Mirai instead trains her body further by going on constant missions and putting herself in combat as often as possible. It’s the best distraction for all the chaos going on in her head.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Elite Speed: Mirai’s speed is the reason she is so good at her job. The years of training have given her the skill to out-maneuver her opponents vision capabilities. To a lot of people, Mirai is little more than a shadow or a blur. She has risen beyond what most what see as the limits to speed, reaching a supernatural peak that allows her to move in silently, make her strike, and get out without a trace. This level of speed is required of someone that takes on her assassination jobs. Her training with Yuuto has also allowed her to hone this skill, pushing her to the limits of what she thought herself capable as well. The entire point of her training is to make herself harder to see by those who are alert and ready.

Advanced Martial Skill: While not the most common thing because of her speed, Mirai has occasionally been caught in the act of completing a job. When this happens, she has to have the ability to fight her way out. Her speed, combined with her knowledge of anatomy and martial arts, allows her to make fast, precise, and deadly attacks. Mirai would not say she truly practices any one specific martial art, but she has mostly created her own style; it is a martial art consisting of fluid footwork, sudden movements, a focus on staying out of her opponents sight, and precise pressure point attacks that deliver blows to knock out her opponents. Other martial arts she dabbles in consist simply of karate and Taekwondo.

Stealth Skill: Mirai is skilled in ways of espionage and assassination. For espionage, she has mastered the art of infiltration. She can spot unique points of entry, do rapid clothes changes, and blend in to any type of society. Her life in the Human World and in the Rukongai gave her insights into all types of environments, so she uses those experiences here. Her skill with assassination lies in her speed, ability to blend into the shadows, her observational skills, and her knowledge of anatomy, all of which allow her to take out a target without being revealed.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Advanced Hoho: In conjunction with her abilities in speed, Mirai utilizes hoho in the same manner. She has reached a high level of perfection with her shunpo, allowing her to further increase the speed and accuracy at which she performs her jobs as a shinigami. Mirai’s skill with shunpo allows her to utilize her martial arts techniques and perform precise attacks at impressive speeds. She has also dabbled in the usage of advanced techniques to bewilder her opponents. Things like speed clones are techniques that she uses to prevent an opponent from locking her down.

Advanced Hakuda: Mirai has always had good reiryoku control. Her training brought her to a high skill in hakuda. Her ability to use her energy to enhance her martial and physical skills is impressive. When using hakuda, she focuses on boosting her speed and durability, allowing the momentum behind her speed to carry the power behind her attacks, while boosting her durability so her own body doesn’t break in performing the attacks. When using hakuda, her energy proves very stable, almost unwavering in its application. Mirai’s use of hakuda, combined with her speed and accuracy in attacks, has shown to be a deadly combination.

Adept Zanjutsu: At this level, Mirai has obtained the first major step into mastering her zanpakuto: her shikai. She has heard her spirits name and unlocked the first few sets of abilities that come with it. Now, Mirai is on her way toward an advanced level of zanjutsu, but has not reached that skill level just yet. Her shikai could not be called new or immature; it is merely not fully mastered. She also has not begun her dive into obtaining her bankai, currently finding her level of skill proficient for what her job is. She doesn’t use zanjutsu much outside of her zanpakuto, but she does have the capability of reinforcing herself and her weapon like with hakuda.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Sokushi no Kage

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Sokushi no Kage appears as a petite woman, strangely scrawny with little muscle. Her hair reaches her knees, but is thin and in a loose ponytail. Her eyes are yellow, or gold, depending on your take of the color. She comes off apathetic and bored, as if she would love to be anywhere but where she is. She is easily annoyed by Mirai, but doesn’t seem to have the energy to lash out or get angry. She’s also not very protective, assuming that Mirai can take care of herself in most situations. She also often manifests herself without Mira’s knowledge in order to pick on her, and to see more than the bleak world Mirai has created.

» Inner World: Mirai’s inner world resembles the old broken down neighborhoods that made up the Rukongai before the modernization efforts hit. However, the buildings are repetitive and cookie-cutter, representing the very few openings that Mirai allows in her life. There is one building in the middle that is bigger, nicer, and this is where her zanpakuto spirit resides. This building represents Mirai’s comfort zone. It’s the only place she has “polished up” to make comfortable and welcoming. Since everything else in the world is old or unmaintained, he zanpakuto spirit tries to get her to push her boundaries and wander outside her comfort zone.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: A black wakazashi with a golden hilt.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Restrain them

» Shikai Appearance:
[Spirit Class 6] Mirai Takamatsu Mirai_Shikai_Small

» Shikai Abilities:

Shadow Hold: Mirai’s shikai creates golden needle-like daggers that have the ability to act as anchors when they have pierced someone’s or something’s shadow. For example, if a box was falling off a shelf and a light above casts a shadow on the floor, she could stab her dagger into the shadow and freeze the box in mid-air. The piercing of the shadow prevents the shadow from changing shape, which restrains the creature or object creating the shadow. If affected by this ability, someone can break out of it by having a greater or equal Willpower or Strength level to her zanjutsu. Otherwise, the anchor lasts for two rounds, or until Mirai (or her daggers) make physical contact with their body. Mirai can summon two daggers at once. If one is broken, she can instantly re-summon it, but only once per post. If one is lost and she summons another, the earliest summoned disappears.

The tip of the daggers are exceedingly sharp because they are heavily reinforced by her reiryoku, allowing them to pierce substances stronger than steel. They also have the ability to pierce through reiryoku, durability, and hierro, as long as these skills in question do not exceed Mirai’s zanjutsu level. (i.e. A danku created by a character with kido higher than her zanjutsu level would not be pierced by her zanpakuto unless repeated attempts broke through.) If these skills are equal to her zanjutsu level, they can still resist Mirai, but are not impossible to break.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

When on a mission, Mirai keeps a few assassin-like things on her at all times. She’s an anime character, so don’t go asking where she keeps it all:
x10 kunai knives
x3 smoke bombs
x3 flash bombs
A 20ft, small-linked, chain

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: D
» Speed: A
» Strength: D
» Soul: D

Will Skills
» Willpower: Advanced
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Advanced

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Advanced
» Kidō: Adept
» Zanjutsu: Adept
» Hakuda: Advanced


Last edited by Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫ on Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:22 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Tue Mar 07, 2023 1:52 pm
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:12 pm
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