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[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi Left_bar_bleue128100/999999[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi Empty [Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi

Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:59 pm
[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi R6gV3W2


Basic Information

○ Name: Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi
○ Alias: Silver Wolf, Silver Valkyrie, Yumi, Miko, Koko, etc..
○ Age: 18
○ Birthday: November 18, 2105
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Quincy

○ Affiliation: The Kamenashi Family, her mother Toshiko, and herself.
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: Half Russian, Half Japanese; Japanese citizen by birth
○ Zodiac: Scorpio
○ Sexual Orientation: Uncertain.

○ Height:5’0”
○ Hair Color: Silver
○ Eye Color: Silver

[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi DV8k2kf

○ Toshiko Kamenashi: Toshiko… The only mother Yumiko has ever known. She knows what Toshiko has told her of her other parent, a Russian Quincy that Toshiko spoke of fondly. However, she knows only of her mother Toshiko. To Yumiko, Toshiko is the best mother in the world. Even if the method that was used to conceive Yumiko was flawed, Toshiko had always provided the best for Yumiko; and Yumiko gained a profound relationship with her mother. Of course, such things always end up strained in some manner due to the relationship of mother and child. But, Yumiko will never feel anything but the deepest of love for her mother; the woman who helped her not only walk, but run.

○ Ritsuko Niklovich/Kemenashi: Bronya's other mother, who she barely knew as a child and had mostly only seen pictures of and heard stories about. She only really has one memory of her mother Ritsuko, and it's the woman smiling down at her darling daughter. She has pictures of her other mother, along with one of Ritsuko's sweaters that she often wears at night. She knows very little of her other mom, and wishes dearly she could have met her in full; especially now she was a legal adult.

○ Johann Arant: Even though Johann has no genetic relation to Yumiko, she has always called him “Grandpa” despite that. Being a close family friend who had helped Toshiko, and Yumiko through their tough times in Yumiko’s youth due to their family’s close nature. Suffice to say, Yumiko views Johann as an actual grandfather despite everything, and refuses to refer to him as anything else aside from variations of calling him “grandpa”. Due to such closeness, Johann also has explicit knowledge of Yumiko’s disability; and is likely among the few to truly understand what she is dealing with outside of her immediate family. It’s easy to say that Yumiko will always view Johann as family.

Psychological Analysis

Yumiko is actually quite a sweet young woman. However, she has long gained the bad habit of bottling up her emotions around those she doesn’t know. It’s a bad habit that comes out in the occasional emotional outbursts that she has depending on the stress of a situation. However, she is still a kind and sweet young woman, often helping whomever she can; even at risk to herself. She also always throws her everything into a task. This was something she developed as part of her training and when she was growing up. Growing up with weakened legs, and wanting to be able to run like other kids is what caused Yumiko to grow like so.

Sensitive about her disability, Yumiko tells absolutely no one about it unless she absolutely has to. Her family knows, as does her Grandpa Johann. However, she’s secretive of the issue, passing off her prosthetics as a method to augment her legs while concealing the truth of the matter. However, if she comes to trust someone, she very well may confide her secrete with them.

Along with all of that, Yumiko is a very intelligent young woman. Due to the nature of her disability, she spent almost all her time studying from home. Due to how much time she had to herself, when she wasn’t in physical therapy, spending time with her family, or even just playing video games, she was studying. Yumiko studied like her mind was constantly voracious for knowledge. Intelligent and analytical, she examines every situation with the sharpness of her intelligence and reacts accordingly.

Overall, Yumiko is her mom’s daughter through and through. Confident, extremely intelligent, sweet, and a certain penchant for tinkering with technology. She loves all forms of technology and life and has very few bad bones within her being. After all, growing up with her disability has tempered her to be stronger than most her age; and her fortunate life, despite her disability, has made her kind. She judges not on race, but on content of character, and she is a rising star, destined to be a great Valkyrie.


Birth of A Kamenashi

Because of the experimental nature of Yumiko’s mother, Toshiko, Yumiko was born from the matrimony of not a man and a woman, but of two women: both Quincy. Ritsuko and Toshiko. Because of Toshiko’s penchant to experiment, and find ways to circumnavigate some natural processes of life, it led the woman to creating what could be best described as a way for a woman to inseminate another woman. This experimentation, while never truly complete, led to the birth of Toshiko’s daughter, Yumiko.

Against all odds, especially with the chances of failure, Yumiko was born a healthy baby. Strong, and positively full of energy! However, an unintended side effect of Toshiko’s experiments was not to rear its ugly head for a time. The doctors did report what seemed to be some odd uncertainty in the strength of Yumiko’s legs. Something that Toshiko did take note of, but preliminary tests could do little to reveal the true nature of this uncertainty.

To the Kamenashi family, and especially to another Quincy by the name of Johann who had known Toshiko herself since she was a baby, this was a moment of great celebration. To have a continuation of their family was something they had not honestly expected, given Toshiko’s interest in mainly women. However, that made it no different in the level of excitement that the family, and family friend Johann, had felt during Yumiko’s birth and in the months after. A strong baby, seemingly full of prodigal potential, and had nothing but her future ahead of her.

It wasn’t until Yumiko was starting to become older, breastfeeding and all that fun stuff, that Toshiko swiftly realized that the uncertainty held for her legs held some ground. Normally, a baby would begin to try and start walking around nine or ten months old, however Yumiko seemed to start walking a few months later; the strength of her legs in constant question. Given she was a Quincy, she did have a stronger body than most humanoids… but Yumiko did regardless have some form of weakness in her legs that was inexplicable; but seemed to almost resolve itself, for a time.

When Yumiko had grown to the age of four, where the family, including Johann, Ritsuko, and Toshiko finally fully witnessed and understood how Yumiko couldn’t run like other children; Yumiko was taken to the Kamenashi family doctor. To boil down a bunch of long tests, x-rays, and various other methods of examination, the conclusion finally came. Yumiko had a chronic, and seemingly uncurable, either for her age or in general, weakness in her legs that would persist for her entire life. Physical therapy could make the condition better. However, without some form of prosthetics, Yumiko would never be able to move like any other girls; not even run. It was destroying news for her parents, and especially for Yumiko.

For a little girl, of four years old, such a thing… it was crushing. To know that your legs would never be able to carry you at high speeds, up mountains, jump around, or even hop! And, for Toshiko, it was obvious that, her experiment, had caused this result; for her daughters legs to be essentially taken from her because of a simple prospect. Suffice to say, destruction of an old experiment and the start of a new one, fully intended for her daughter, would swiftly begin as Yumiko struggled for as much normalcy as she could gain.

Burning Determination

Despite everything, despite the fear, doubts, and obvious crushing weight of being unable to properly walk without help; Yumiko still threw herself at her physical therapy sessions full force. Given she was a young child, her physical therapy sessions were nowhere near as intense as those intended for adults. However, Yumiko met her challenges with zeal that was only encouraged by Toshiko. Of course, Yumiko often needed a great deal of encouragement from her mother, which resulted in Toshiko abandoning all of her old experiments and technical tinkering in order to be the lodestone her daughter needed.

Obviously, nothing could last forever.

Given the nature of Yumiko’s disability, she was unable to gain progress even through the multiple years she spent in physical therapy; receiving homeschooling to try and coincide with her frequent need for physical therapy to keep her legs from worsening. However, she didn’t seem to grow better at a rate which a doctor would consider as progress. She certainly gained the capability to walk around for a sustained thirty minutes, and was able to stand for hours without tiring, but she still couldn’t run, jump, or even really do anything else that strong legs could do. Any attempt to jump would be met with scuffed knees and hands, running would result in the same thing.

It was maddeningly frustrating, no matter what age one would be dealing with such things. Yumiko may not have had many friends, because she had a very isolated life due to her disability; but what friends she did, she could never run with. She could never jump, hop, skip, or truly play with, because her legs were too weak. This caused Yumiko to turn to what she could control, her arms, her upper body; her mind. Just like her mother Toshiko, Yumiko had great intelligence. Taught from an early age, Yumiko swiftly began to advance mentally faster than she advanced physically. While she was still no more mature than an eight year old at the time, her mind had developed far better than could’ve been expected. She could perform highschool level algebra and geometry. Trigonometry wasn’t far behind, nor were various other forms of mathematics like calculus and other advanced methods of calculation. Also prominent was her understanding of the sciences and, much like Toshiko, her affinity for technology.

Because she had such a calculating mind, the girl had begun to think of better ways to spend her time when she couldn’t play because her legs would not allow her. So, she began to tinker, much like her mother does. Creating small robots, little devices to help her measure the time in which she could stay upon her feet and how to help her if she needed to find somewhere to sit and rest immediately. Her vast intelligence, while far better than having no gift at all despite her paltry legs was poor comfort. She still couldn’t run.

Frankly, Yumiko was in a bad way. Even with a supporting set of grandparents, including the man Johann, it was hard for Yumiko to remain completely upbeat. She had kept up with her studies flawlessly, completing every single assignment with speed and with an abnormal amount of aptitude for the subjects. However, she still often would sulk in her room at the prospect of being unable to move on her own for more than thirty minutes to an hour at a time. Her body, while only weak in the legs, couldn’t make up for the problems she had. Which was why, Yumiko’s own mother, had a breakthrough.

As Toshiko had abandoned all her previous experiments and tinkering projects, even the one that was used to conceive Yumiko, the Quincy mother had devoted her entire being to creating advanced prosthetics for her daughter; ones that would need modifications for height and changes in her leg structure as she aged. But, as they were advanced prosthetics meant to make up for the weakness of her legs they would allow her to run. Perhaps too good to be true, perhaps too much to hope… But Toshiko gifted the prosthetics to her daughter on her ninth birthday. It was an advanced prosthesis that, instead of replacing her legs, were like an outer shell, an exoskeleton of sorts, that strengthened her legs. While difficult, and required more than one simple test… They provided what Yumiko’s nigh ceaseless efforts in physical therapy could not. She could run, she could jump… She could be a normal girl. Of course, Yumiko still had to keep up with her physical therapy in order to prevent her legs from weakening; but it was with heart that she knew her mother had come through in the end. While the physical therapy would likely be a lifelong process, along with her prosthetics being a life-long addition to her body, she could still be just like any other girl.

Years of Training

With the new addition of Yumiko’s prosthetics, which would allow her to move around for as long as any other girl with her endurance, she had a new outlook on life. She still often spent time without the exoskeleton legs that was her prosthetics on in order to tinker in her room and tend to her physical therapy; but those prosthetics opened her life in a way that never seemed possible before. Especially because, not only did Yumiko gain the capability to run like a normal child, she could also begin her Quincy training with fervor. Spanning the next eight years of her life of constant training, from a desire of her own to grow strong despite her disability. Luckily, Yumiko had her grandpa Johann and her mothers to rely on in such times.

Even though Yumiko normally couldn’t run without her prosthetics on, the prosthetics were designed to match the capabilities of the rest of her body; strengthening and supporting her legs to be able to act at the level of the rest of her body. This became plain whenever Yumiko would begin the day with a morning run, accompanied by her mother just in case. While the prosthetics were far from flawless and needed constant repair and tinkering to fully customize them to Yumiko, it awakened a fervor inside of the young Quincy that had only before been seen in her during the times which she studied and worked upon her prodigal intelligence. Truth be told, her capabilities as a Quincy were also quite extraordinary, for her age at least.

Starting her training off with what would be considered the “traditional” approach, Toshiko and Yumiko worked on strengthening her body and soul; opening up that somewhat six sense-like ability that could detect the flow of reishi, rieryoku, reiatsu, and the other forms of energy in the world. Because Yumiko was still very young, but at least was now approaching her teenage years, gaining muscle was actually quite difficult for a time; but the intense training left her with greater lessons.

She swiftly gained skill in martial arts as they were taught to her by Toshiko, capable of keeping up with some of Toshiko’s more advanced moves. This normally led to various tests of Yumiko’s abilities, which often targeted Yumiko’s legs. It was purposeful. She had to learn how to protect and care for her one weakness; but also learn how to turn it into a strength at the same time. This resulted in a great deal of focus about Yumiko’s entire body. She needed to gain the skill necessary to use her body like a weapon but also protect her vital weakness. Not to mention, Yumiko was often tested against Toshiko and Johann at different intervals; causing the girl to adapt to much different fighting techniques at the drop of a hat. She needed to perfect her movements, or she would find herself on her ass. With the flow of time, constant training, constant morning runs, and the ever persisting need for physical therapy brought about an even healthier physique for the woman. With lean muscle tone, but still the strong body of a super-human woman, Yumiko swiftly learned how to use her body as a weapon, protect her legs, and also use said legs as a deadly weapon.

One of those methods of protecting her legs was also focused into developing her blut. This was necessary because, at times of extreme need, she could possibly use her blut to reinforce her legs if her prosthetics had ever been broken or she was in an emergency where she couldn’t put them on in time; whatever the reason may be. She needed an impressive defense system, and Toshiko was more than happy to help her train such a feat, along with Johann’s help, as Yumiko was trained with ever increasing intensity. Truthfully speaking, Yumiko endured much more training than was likely necessary for one of her age… but she insisted whenever others desired to let up. She wanted to be stronger, so she could protect not only herself, but those she cared and loved for; and she refused to let her legs get in the way of such actions.

Eventually came her training in weaponry, further expanding upon what she knew in martial arts alone. She gained experience with various weaponry from knives, to knuckle dusters, swords, spears, pistols, rifles, sniper rifles, hand-held cannonry, and just about every weapon Toshiko could find. Truth be told, Yumiko’s training was so rigorous because the girl needed to be able to fend for herself outside of her family. Because the day would eventually come where she would be of age and would be free to choose where she placed herself. As Yumiko trained, grew, learned, and tinkered with technology much like her mother does, she only grew in power; coming off as some form of a prodigy if not for the obvious weakness of her legs. However, it was hard to deny that Yumiko was growing powerful.

Such a thing had grown evident when Yumiko was eventually able to best both her mother Toshiko and her Grandpa Johann; albeit both were narrow wins. These wins didn’t really happen again due to how hard they began to push her. Each match afterwards always became so defyingly close before Yumiko was defeated by a move, or the girl had grown tired. However, she kept fighting longer and longer every after every single match, her endurance growing at a steady pace. Eventually, it got to a point where she could only spar with her mother and grandpa; because she was growing too skilled for others in the family. Each day ended with more than enough bruises that her blut could not protect from due to her exhaustion; but each day caused her to grow in strength, skill, and confidence. After all, being able to perform so well as someone with weak legs, it was a beautiful sight to behold.

Yumiko’s training had lasted eight long years in which the Quincy found herself growing in power. Eventually, the woman finally discovered her spiritual weapon. It wasn’t a conventional weapon, in all senses… It was an Drone-like device that was connected to her intrinsically, vast levels of artificial intelligence mixing with her own vast intelligence; coalescing into a weapon that could take a single form and then construct the weapons Yumiko might need. The robotic drone form her Spirit Weapon took whenever Yumiko summoned it caused her to name the drone “Usagi-san”, because of the bunny ear-like protrusions that it possessed. From there came another intense period of training that spanned the remaining three years of her training before she would come of age.

During said training, Yumiko learned how to properly control Reishi at extensive levels; allowing her to create constructs from the Reishi. When utilizing her spiritual weapon, Usagi-san, she can control reishi at an even greater degree, and Usagi-san can even fabricate her three favorite weapons from said reishi. She once more swiftly gained the capability to control both reishi and her spiritual weapon. It was also quite clear that it would be difficult to break Yumiko’s focus on a matter unless it truly forced her to be unable to consider every option. After all, her mind functioned at such a high level of, for a lack of a better term, computation and calculations that deterring her from a task was nigh impossible at times.

Aside from that, Johann handled training Yumiko in the arts of the Quincy that were beyond Toshiko. She had always been far more… physical of a Quincy. Johann, however, could train Yumiko in the ways that Toshiko lacked. This portion of training was, to be honest, hard for Yumiko to grasp a bit. The arcane arts of Quincy were difficult for Yumiko to grasp. At first, she was able to grasp them enough to be able to perform a relatively proficient Hirenkyaku, use ginto well enough, and at least be able to follow Johann’s instructions when completing said arcane arts to a T. She still struggled for most of her training, but she did eventually begin to grasp the concepts after a great deal of effort. This resulted in the emergence of her more pure Quincy powers, her vollstandig. At first, it was a fleeing thing, where she was only able to hold it for an attack or two. Through another phase of grueling training led to Yumiko further improving in her spiritual training. Of course, Yumiko did indeed have a long way to go with her arcane arts, but Yumiko was still young and had a way to go. With a better comprehension on the arcane side of Quincy, it at least helped her lay a better foundation for her future. Despite all this, however, Yumiko was still indeed quite skilled for her age, and was most certainly bound for great things.

Much like her mother Toshiko, she was a being who brimmed with confidence, but also had the intelligence and wherewithal to back it up. She wasn’t just a pretty face, or someone who said something just because she believed herself to be capable of it. She KNEW she could do it, even with her disability, she grew to be a potent and strong woman; capable of so much more than she really knew. She still had so many years to grow, being only eighteen by the end of her training; she would always have more to learn from, more to train, and there was always more to grow. She knew this and threw herself forward with great determination; ready to tackle what life threw at her.

Up to the Present

Yumiko’s grueling years of training, while extremely instructive, had come to a close; at least the training that she could be given by her mother and grandfather. From here on, she had to start living a bit on her own. Not completely, at least. She still lived at home with her mother, it was easier since Yumiko could only perform basic maintenance on her prosthetics; but also because she was still young. She finally expressed a desire to join the Vandenriech, something Toshiko was nervous about… But she agreed and wrote a letter of recommendation to the current leader of the Vandenriech. She also recommended that Yumiko be honest with them about her condition, it was the best thing.

From here, Yumiko journeyed to the Vandenriech, Toshiko’s only child and her prodigy as well. The letter of recommendation may not amount to a lot, but at least Toshiko’s name could help her daughter some. From here, Yumiko’s story truly and honestly begins.


» Martial Skill: Because a great deal of Yumiko’s teenage years, and the few years beforehand, consisted of extensive martial training, the woman has gained a great deal of expertise at hand to hand combat and utilizing her body like a weapon. She has also gained immense expertise in her weapon of choice, a spear. She was also trained in firearms extensively, her knowledge of the weaponry being second to none. She also has a mix of experience with martial arts given she was trained by both her mother and Johann, allowing for Yumiko to gain proficiency in aikido that her grandpa Johann practiced and the mixed martial arts that Toshiko practiced. Her grandpa Johann also made certain that Yumiko was well trained in using a bow and in the practice of fencing, both skills she excelled at despite her desire to use her spear. She may not be anything close to a master, however Yumiko swiftly approaches the capabilities of those who are much older than her with a rapidity that speaks of her discipline and determination. She strives for excellence, with a seemingly unconquerable will.

» Blut: Throughout the course of her training, Yumiko had developed her blut to be especially strong all for the sake of protecting her greatest weakness; her legs. This works to such an extent that it’s wholly intended to act as the primary layer of defense if her prosthetics are struck, broken, or not on her legs at the current moment. Of course, her blut can act on the rest of her body, but it is strongest upon her legs.

Yumiko’s Blut is so specially designed that she can essentially force her legs to work at their full capability when she doesn’t have her prosthetics on; but this can only be done once a thread. While lasting four posts, allowing her time to escape from a situation perhaps, afterwards her legs will be completely useless for the rest of the current thread; being strained far past their crippled capabilities. Additionally, while this skill is in effect her blut cannot be used for other purposes.

» A Strong Mind: Yumiko has always been a woman, and a girl, of great intelligence. In her youth, Yumiko had spent most of her time studying due to her disability. She couldn’t run, she couldn’t play outside, she could only move about for very limited periods of time. Even as her prospects increased, she often spent many waking hours studying extensively, growing her intellect and focus with every studious moment. Being very intelligent, Yumiko often refers to an analytical frame of mind. Given she is still young, she still has outburst of emotion that are difficult to control. Regardless, her intelligence can be considered something like that of an advanced super computer; swift, advanced, and capable of processing immense loads of information.


» Spirit Weapon Name: Valkyrie's Arsenal

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: Yumiko's Spirit weapon changes form depending on her will. However, she prefers to stick to three specific forms. A spear, a laser-cannon, and a sniper rifle. All are unique to the Quincy, and all are potent of their own right.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities

» Three-Fold Valkyrie’s Arsenal: Yumiko’s Spiritual weapon is able to take different forms based upon her will, but she prefers to take the form of only three favored weapons. These weapons are all unique, and Yumiko can only summon one weapon at a time; no more. Not to mention, if the weapon is broken, a new one can be summoned; but only if the previous weapon was broken. She cannot switch between weapons within the same post.

» Spear: A double sided spear, similar to a Xyston except the shaft of the spear has two very clear spear heads on each end; parted on a few parts of each blade, as if to better rip, tear, and lacerate when pulled out of an enemy. The spear can be thrown and recalled to Yumiko, assuming the spear is still in one piece. This weapons relative damage scales with Yumiko’s Spirit Weapon skill capped at elite. At lowest, the spear could leave minor lacerations or minor stab wounds when hit by the spear; quite like being stabbed or cut by a few sharp nails. At highest, the spear could potentially impale an enemy and/or leave major lacerations, much more like the bite of an actual spear against an unarmored foe. At Yumiko's current level, upon contact the spear would leave a 3 inch deep stab wound and leave lacerations equivalent to being cut by a large shard of glass.

» Levitating-Laser-Cannon: Instead of a handheld weapon, this weapon floats next to Yumiko, where she can use it at will. A laser-like cannon, it can be fired on Yumiko’s word at any time. The power of the cannon is based upon Yumiko’s Spirit weapon skill. At lowest, the cannon’s fire will only deal minor damage, and very minor burns. At highest potential damage, Yumiko’s cannon will deal a large amount of damage upon hit, inflicting third degree burns as well. At Yumiko's current level, the cannon would deal a moderate amount of damage and inflict second degree burns. After fire, a two post cooldown is required.

» Sniper Rifle: The final weapon her Spiritual Weapon can become is a sniper rifle. This ability, of all her others, is the only one that truly takes after her mother's skills and habits. What Yumiko generates is a Barret M82 A1 50BMG semi-automatic sniper rifle. This weapon's effective range scales with Yumiko's Spirit Weapon skill up to Elite; as the weapon itself is already more than destructive enough based on its source of inspiration. At lowest, the weapon would retain a similar effective range to the normal Barrett 50BMG of about 2000 yards or one mile. However, at it's maximum capabilities, the weapon could achieve five times it's typical effective range of 2000 Yards or one Mile. At Yumiko's current capabilities, the effective range of the rifle is approximately four times the effective range of 2000 yards or one mile.


» Name: Silver Valkyrie

» Appearance Picture:

» Abilities:

» Reishi Weapon, Valkyrie's Spear: A weapon Yumiko forms while in her Vollstandig, created purely from reishi, it's durability and power scaling off her Spirit Weapon Skill up to Elite. At lowest, untrained, the spear could likely only take blocking at least two strikes with the shaft, and can inflict minor lacerations and very shallow stab wounds; something akin to being impaled with a cactus. Painful, but not life threatening. Meanwhile, at highest, elite, the spear could take up to 12 strikes to the shaft, capable of dealing major lacerations and deep stab wounds. At Yumiko's current level, the spear could handle 10 strikes to the shaft, and creating stab wounds 2 inches deep and lacerations akin to being cut by a large chunk of broken glass glass.

» Valkyrie's Toss: Yumiko can throw her reishi weapon any time she desires, the impact normally causing the spear to be destroyed after impact; but she can reform the weapon instantly with the ambient reishi from the previously destroyed spear and the area around her. The spear's damage when thrown scales off her spellcraft up to elite. At lowest potential, the spear's throw would likely leave no more than a shallow stab wound and very minor cuts; like being nicked by an 1/4 inch shard of glass. At highest potential, the thrown spear could impale an enemy briefly before disappearing into reishi; leaving an open wound and major lacerations from the spear's blade; quite like being stabbed and cut with a big piece of broken glass. At Yumiko's current level, the thrown spear would only be able to delve deep into an enemy; put not penetrate on the other side. The damage dealt is quite akin to being stabbed and cut with a three inch piece of broken glass.


» Equipment:

○ Prosthetics: These prosthetics were a special gift from Yumiko’s mother, Toshiko. What is essentially an exoskeleton that strengthens and supports her legs to match the strength and speed of her body, this prosthetic allows for Yumiko to run, jump, skip, and overall use her legs as if they had never been weakened by a birth defect. Since Toshiko had made and modified them, and Yumiko continues to modify them, they are able to work properly with her quincy powers; even allowing Yumiko to flow reishi through the prosthetics.

Of course, due to the nature of these prosthetics they only assist Yumiko when they are on. As long as Yumiko keeps them on, she can act, react, run, and perform as if her legs had always been growing with the rest of her body; instead of remaining woefully behind. Without her prosthetics, Yumiko’s legs would return to their natural level; being disabled. The prosthetics, when they are on, cover most of her legs, starting at her upper thigh and ending under her foot; with a structure that goes around her heel to help support everything. She can wear normal shoes and boots with the prosthetics on. Any skill decreases suffered from removing the prosthetics only affect her legs.


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept (W/ Prosthetics on)(Without the Prosthetics, this skill drops to Untrained)
  • General Speed: Advanced (W/ Prosthetics on)(Without the Prosthetics, this skill drops to Untrained)
  • Strength: Adept (W/ Prosthetics on)(Without the Prosthetics, this skill drops to Untrained)
  • Martial Skill: Advanced

Quincy Skills
  • Blut: Advanced
  • Steigen: Advanced
  • Gebet: Advanced
  • Kruezen: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Last edited by darkfunnel on Fri Jul 28, 2023 12:28 am; edited 6 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi

Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:56 pm

Having a Spirit Weapon that is a multifunctional AI would require a level of mastery well beyond what is represented in this app, probably at Master or perhaps even Grandmaster level.

To have such a versatile and independent Spirit Weapon is too much and should be rewritten, so I will withhold from grading the rest of it yet.


Reishi Weapon, Valkyrie's Spear:

A weapon Yumiko forms while in her Vollstandig, created purely from reishi, it's durability and power scaling off her Reishi Absorption, scaling against the target's durability; up to Elite.

This is a Spirit Weapon, I don't really see why it wouldn't scale with Spirit Weapon skill. Also, you can cut the part about it scaling with a target's durability, which isn't needed.

At lowest, the spear could likely only take blocking at least two strikes with the shaft, and can inflict minor lacerations and very shallow stab wounds; something akin to being impaled with a cactus. Painful, but not life threatening. Meanwhile, at highest the spear could take up to 12 strikes to the shaft, capable of dealing major lacerations and deep stab wounds.

I do not understand exactly what this scale means in this context, if you wish to specify this stuff then do so based on her current level in the appropriate skill. Or make definitions for every level of the skill up to Elite.

Valkyrie's Toss:

As above, remove scaling off a target's durability as I think that only confuses things and also clarify what you mean by this scale.


Even as a prodigy with excellent teachers, there is still a lacking of actual experience that Yumiko would need to justify Elite Mental Deduction. She is certainly on the path towards achieving this, but I think Advanced would be more appropriate for what is displayed in the app.

Also, given how her disability is described, it does seem peculiar that her Durability and Strength are not also significantly impacted should she find herself bereft of those prosthetics.

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[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi

Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:45 pm
» Prosthetics:

Semantics on this one, but at this point, these should probably go into Equipment.

» Blut:

Whilst this ability is fine, I would say that the downside would be that Yumiko could not use her Blut for other purposes whilst it is active. So add that stipulation in there.

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[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi

Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:53 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: C
Influence: C
Resources: D


Spirit Class: 6
Hazard Rating: D
Application Approved

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[Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Yumiko Bronya Kamenashi

Thu May 11, 2023 7:09 pm
Yumiko Changelog

-Skills updated to show Quincy Skill Sheet Change, due to This. (5/11)

-Gebet Skill upgraded from Adept to Advanced due to burst rewards. (5/15)
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