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[Spirit Class 6] Priscilla Tintalla Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Priscilla Tintalla Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Priscilla Tintalla Empty [Spirit Class 6] Priscilla Tintalla

Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:04 pm
[Spirit Class 6] Priscilla Tintalla Dji3eV8

Basic Information
» Name: Priscilla Tintalla
» Alias':

» Age: 184
» Birthday: July 18th
» Gender: Female
» Race: Arrancar

» Affiliation: Whoever will take her

» Alignment: Neutral
» Martial Status: Engaged to Kenichi Murata
» Sexuality: Heterosexual?
» Ideal Mate: Someone strong-willed and able to do the thinking for them both

» Height: 5'7"
» Build: Fit, hourglass
» Hair Colour: Red
» Eye Colour: Aqua-green

» Estigma: Priscilla's mask fragments take the form of two curled ram-like horns on either side of her head.
» Aspect of Death: Regret
» Hollow Hole: Small hole two inches below her belly button usually hidden by a colorful sarong

[Spirit Class 6] Priscilla Tintalla Rvn06lE

Psychological Analysis
Priscilla is a woman of extreme hots and colds. Typically she is a congenial woman who can manage to get along with practically anyone, and is often described as amiable and mellow. She does her best to avoid conflict when possible, and does her best not to step on any toes. In most situations she believes in conflict avoidance, a unique trait amongst her people, and that problems should be settled by those involved just walking away.

The main reason Priscilla avoids conflict is because of how much she dislikes being stressed out. She is not an anxious person, but to her even the idea of becoming agitated or stressed is a strong enough deterrent. Her history with others has taught her to be this way and that even if things do not go her way, they could be much worse. This perspective brought about by personal experience is what makes her such an easygoing person to be around.

With all that said, she can quickly become the exact opposite of "mellow". If stressed enough, or pushed further than her tight-lipped self control can handle, Priscilla's personality can explode into a wrathful volcanic eruption. During these "episodes", as she calls them, she is prone to having all reason be thrown out the window as she takes her anger out on anyone and everyone around her. In the past this has resulted in great tragedy for her, while in modern day it happens so rarely Priscilla does not consider it worth mentioning in most instances. Despite the rarity of these explosions it still requires a great effort to bring her back down to Earth, usually either through knocking her unconscious or allowing her to tire herself out. In extremely rare instances she has been able to force herself to calm down.

While Priscilla is described as easygoing, she is often seen as aloof. She is slow to trust others and often avoids allowing relationships to grow, having suffered from such connections being torn apart in the past. Though she does not exactly play hard to get, Priscilla is deep down fearful of these kinds of bonds knowing what could happen if she or someone else were to lose control. Because of this an acquaintance or stranger could not be faulted for thinking she is just difficult to unapproachable and not worth bothering with.

That said, Priscilla is still a somewhat lonely woman with very real emotions. She may not seek relationships, but companionship of any kind, if grown to the point where she could let her guard down, would be welcomed by her. Behind a cold but affable veneer, she is like anyone else. She just happens to also be prone to explosive bursts of rage.

In terms of where she may lie on an alignment chart, she goes with the flow to such an extreme degree it is entirely dependent on who she is accompanying, if anyone. Alone she is a wanderer, not particularly caring about any faction or right or wrong, good vs evil. But in a group Priscilla has chosen to work with, she will do whatever they happen to be doing. Are her friends all bloodthirsty murderers? Then she will kill too. Are they hippy pacifists? Then suddenly she loves laying on blankets in public parks. Priscilla is not one to get caught up in politics or grand schemes, unless asked.


Priscilla remembers little to nothing of her life as a human. In her eyes, she has always been a Hollow and that's that. In truth, her life as a human wasn't anything special. She was a pretty average girl, and by the time she became an adult she was working a typical job and spending her time the same way everyone else her age did.

Perhaps it was because of this monotonous normalcy that when she eventually died , she didn't pass over to Soul Society. Instead Priscilla's spirit hung about, unfulfilled by her life as she became corrupted more and more by inescapable rage. Her intense feelings of regret corroded her Chain of Fate over a period of months, until eventually she transformed into a full-fledged Hollow.

As a fledgling Hollow, Priscilla didn't have any leftover grudges or people to protect from her human life. All she had was anger and hunger, which turned out to be plenty strong enough as driving forces. Over a period of multiple years Priscilla killed humans and devoured their souls in her home country America, dodging Shinigami as she did. Her rapacious hunger pushed her ever onward, until eventually she had consumed so many human souls they no longer appealed to her. Now, she turned her sights to other Hollows.

Priscilla became a menace among Hollows in her little corner of the living world, devouring them with wanton abandon. Her only driving force was hunger, and because of the speed with which she consumed Hollows she rather quickly evolved into a Gillian, having amassed many hundreds of spirits within herself. She had perhaps eaten too much, too quickly as she found herself drowning in an ocean of personalities, every second ticking by another lost opportunity to take control. It was within this struggle Priscilla became strong; not in the physical sense, but she evolved beyond the mindless and insatiable hunger she had lived with for many years.

Having taken control over her new Menos body, Priscilla quickly and instinctively traveled from Earth to Hueco Mundo through a Garganta. In her new home she got to work once again in the devouring of other Hollows, but now she did it not to satisfy hunger, but to gain power. To grow further beyond even the Gillian stage. Priscilla wandered the endless sands of Hueco Mundo, and her wish was eventually granted as with a final Gillian added to her collection of souls she transformed into an Adjuchas as she took the form of an eight-legged octopus Hollow.

Though the vast majority of Hollows fall prey to one another long before reaching the Adjuchas stage, Priscilla was still just another in a sea of Hollows. She wasn't some generational figure, radiating power; nor was she a schemer with great intelligence. She was just Priscilla.

Despite her lack of unique quality, it was Priscilla's fortitude that allowed her to survive and, to an extent, thrive amongst her peers. She gained a bit of a name for herself as she continued to grow in strength, until at some point a Numeros under Aizen some time before his defection from the Gotei noticed her and brought her to the Espada and its invincible leader. Though not a Vasto Lorde like he wanted, she was a prime candidate to become an Arrancar and without delay she was artificially transformed into the Priscilla as she is today.

Now operating as a Numeros underneath Aizen, Priscilla had found her place in the world. During her tenure in his army she came across a few notable Arrancar, such as Kita Lirio who was serving as Fraccion under the Ninth Espada at the time. This meeting didn't go well as while Priscilla was outgoing and interested in befriending the woman, Kita's standoffish attitude made this impossible. She also came across Safira Aldrovandi at the tail end of her tenure as Fifth Espada, but her own lowly rank as Numeros meant their interaction didn't proceed past greetings.

In the first of many similar situations, Priscilla soon found herself alone as Aizen's empire collapsed with his death and the defeat of the entire Espada at the hands of the Gotei. She was one of the few survivors, almost all of whom were simple Numeros due to not being on the front lines, and thereafter wandered Hueco Mundo's desert aimlessly. Everything and everyone she had known had tumbled down around her, leaving her with a strong feeling of isolation.

In her travels through Hueco Mundo, with the rare incursion into the living realm for the sake of alleviating boredom, Priscilla's strength managed to draw other, weaker Arrancar to her who saw her both as a bulwark against their enemies and eventually as a good friend. She managed to rediscover her preference for sitting back and letting others make decisions for her, just being glad she had companions again. She and her handful of companions grew to become a close group, a rather unique situation given their normally-aggressive and warmongering natures.

On a day in which the details are still fuzzy for Priscilla, tragedy befell her happy little group of misfit toys. A monster of wrath fell upon them like a natural disaster, slaughtering them all...except for Priscilla. She awoke a bloodied mess, surrounded on all sides by torn apart Arrancar of all shapes and sizes. These rent limbs and bodies couldn't be her friends, could they...? And why was she still alive? Priscilla was in shock, unable to remember anything from the attack. She must have sat there, covered head to toe in what she assumed was her own blood, for hours.

Alone again, Priscilla wrapped herself in a cloak of solitude and traveled independently. She was terrified of coming across that monster again. On the off chance it wanted to finish her off, she avoided gathering any companions again despite her loneliness and remained on her own for dozens of years. It wasn't until the 2100's that she finally opened herself back up to potential heart break when she came across a group of hostile Arrancar who saw all outsiders as threats. They attempted to kill her, but her superior power and forgiving attitude allowed her to ingratiate herself with the group. Now, she had a family again.

This marauding group hunted weaker Arrancar, and even ambushed some Shinigami on Earth, with Priscilla a willing sword for her companions to take advantage of. She did as they asked with no qualms, butchering as easily as they did. That is, until it struck again. Just as before, Priscilla awoke in a daze, surrounded by the eviscerated corpses of her friends. The difference this time was she remembered hints, flashes of images from the attack. Priscilla remembered an argument breaking out in the group...threats to split abandon each other...images of herself coated in freshly spilled blood, but not her own. She had done it. She was the monster. This revelation threatened to break Priscilla, an Arrancar who's regrets seemed to just pile up more and more.

Now knowing she was the monster of wrath, Priscilla chose to forgo all anger and stress despite such a thing being at odds with her very existence as an Arrancar. She fought her nature and instincts and became a leaf in wind, giving up all control and bonds to prevent any further appearances of the monster inside her.


» Kita Liro: Priscilla met Kita when they both served under Aizen over a hundred years ago. At the time she felt Kita was too standoffish and cold to make friends with, and as she hasn't seen her since, believes this to still be true.


» Mollusc Regeneration: Priscilla possesses a powerful ability to regenerate from injuries, like others of her kind. Unlike other Arrancar however, hers is a bit unique; something typically easy for her to heal is more difficult, while someone more difficult to heal is significantly easier for her. These things are scrapes and bruises, and entire limbs. For Priscilla, who's physiology is more like molluscs, specifically octopuses, regenerating an arm or leg is far easier than it may be for an equivalently skilled regenerator; on the other hand, more simple injuries are not as swiftly recoverable for her. Ease of healing in practice translates to energy consumption, with more common injuries exhausting her more quickly than if she loses a limb (note: general damage to limbs is part of the former, meaning it still requires greater energy to heal from).

» Hollow Skills: As an Arrancar, Priscilla naturally possesses some level of control over Hollow powers she has retained even after the removal of her mask. Uncommonly, she is highly skilled in these powers' usage. She can rather casually open Garganta for the purposes of travel between Earth and Hueco Mundo, as well as the ability to utilize a Hollow's acidic touch skill. On contact, if she wills it, Priscilla can cause noticeable, and highly painful burns to a non-Hollow's skin depending on their durability compared to her Hollow Nucleus.

» Spiritual Power: Under Aizen Priscilla was nothing more than a Numeros, unable to become even an Espada's Fraccion. Since then she has surpassed even some of those ten almighty figures in Hueco Mundo. She boasts a high level of Reiatsu and has, on multiple occasions, drawn other Arrancar to herself because of it, to form ragtag groups of companions. On each of these occasions she has, in one of her mindless fits of rage, slaughtered the group she called friends.

» Blank:


» Zanpakuto Name: Pulpo [八墨消姫 (プルポ); Spanish for "Octopus", Japanese for "Eight Inkblot Princess"]

» Sealed Appearance: While sealed Pulpo takes the form of a red and blue-striped parasol Priscilla typically hangs over a shoulder when it isn't open.

» Sealed Power: N/A


» Release Phrase: Black out, Pulpo

» Release Phrase: Priscilla holds her Zanpakuto in front of her and opens the parasol, sending out a wave of energy that envelops her before revealing her transformed state.

» Resurrección Appearance: Upon entering her resurreccion, Priscilla's appearance does not change significantly. Her body loses all of its colour and she exists as a monochrome version of herself that is devoid of the normal vibrant colours she dresses in to be replaced with more than fifty shades of grey. From her tail bone extends eight octopus arms that are pure white with various black splash patterns over them which she can utilise to attack and defend as required, or as secondary limbs.

» Resurrección Abilities: When released, Priscilla regains her nature as a cephalopod hollow. Her physiology gaining traits reminiscent of her time as a hollow while also restoring her hollow powers which involve the generation and manipulation of black water, functioning as ink. This ink is generated from her "ink sac" which is then exerted from her additional eight arms to shoot at targets.

» Deep Breath: When in resurreccion, Priscilla is able to breathe underwater.

» Eight Arms: From her tail bone, the eight additional arms she has can be used for a mixture of attack, defence, and utility. They are as strong, fast, and durable as she is which makes them able to be used with great success. They can extend up to two hundred metres and retract as required. They have suction caps up their length but remain hidden until she requires them to appear, the additional grip of these suction caps allows for her to increase the grip strength of her additional limbs. Finally, should her arms be cut off Priscilla is still able to control them in the same vein that a cephalopod's limbs will continue to move after the fact - she still suffers the pain of her limb being cut off though they will regrow in time.

» Mancha [Blot]: Her hollow power brought to the forefront of her resurreccion. Priscilla's ability is rooted in the ink which she can generate and control, its primary purpose is its power to smother and obscure. Through generating and controlling her ink, she is capable of covering something in the ink which allows for her to conceal it. This is equivalent to a shinigami that uses the kido spell, Kyokko, so it becomes difficult to detect with both the physical senses and reikaku.

With Mancha Priscilla is able to conceal herself and/or allies, blot out her attacks prior to launching them to make it seem they come out from nowhere, set traps, and so on. This concealment is not perfect by any means and those with excellent deduction, or sensory skills can break through the woman's deceptions.

» Gran Mancha [Big Blot]: Once a thread Priscilla is able to overexert her ink sac by causing it to generate an overabundance of black ink, allowing her to generate and cover an area equal to her spirit class. There are a couple of advantages to this where Priscilla can conceal an entire base given time to make it a secure location, another example might be to cover everyone around her in the ink and blot them out which can allow her to make an entire company of enemies suddenly fall into disarray by being unable to see each other.

» Rorschach Cero: While in Resurrección Priscilla can make a simple alteration to a normal Cero by injecting it with a payload of ink. Besides being slightly more powerful than a typical Cero, this ability can spread a large amount of ink upon exploding on impact.

» Firma [Autograph]: A technique where Priscilla is able to put her "signature" on a target. Using one of her eight arms, she is able to designate a target which can make them immune to deluding effects of the ink in exchange for letting her use them as an outlet for her ink, they may still be concealed by the properties of the ink to others though. This means that she will still generate the ink herself but she is able to use the signature to make it generate remotely.

» Weaknesses
» Ink Sac: All of Priscilla's ink comes from her "ink sac". This is located at the base of her spine which connects to the eight octopus arms and is where the ink comes out. If the ink sac is damaged or destroyed then Priscilla will be unable to generate her ink for the remainder of the encounter, or until it heals with her regeneration.


General Skills
» Durability: Advanced
» Speed: Advanced
» Strength: Advanced
» Martial Skill: Adept

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Advanced
» Focus:Adept

Arrancar Skills
» Núcleo: Elite
» Aumentar: Untrained
» Regenerar: Elite
» Cero: Advanced
» Sonido: Adept


Upgrade links here.

Last edited by Paradigm on Mon Aug 19, 2024 12:26 pm; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Priscilla Tintalla Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 6] Priscilla Tintalla Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 6] Priscilla Tintalla Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Priscilla Tintalla

Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:00 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: C
Influence: F
Resources: F

Comments/Notes: I was going to post an octopus sound effect but I don't know what that would be.
Spirit Class: 6
Hazard Rating: D

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