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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] Empty Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu]

Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:28 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Interacting with others in different divisions helped build better relations and morale to understand the organization you were part of. So, since there wasn't much to do in the 7th Division on this particular day, Saiko found herself conversing with others in the 8th barracks to help train others, get to know some, and bridge some connections. It was a busy but fulfilling day for the most part.

Yet, despite that, one usually needs a break from everything. So, as the evening sun started setting, Saiko found herself gazing up at it as she drank a bottle of calorie-dense fruit juice and a pile of burgers in her lap. Yeah, she seemed like a fat-ass at the moment, but that was fine since she figured she was mostly isolated from others until she was ready to either head back to her barracks or mingle a bit more in the 8th division barracks.

"Hmmmmmm, tedious."

Her powers definitely came at a hefty price, so a brief thought of Henrex came to mind as she figured both he and herself needed to get rid of these hybrid powers before they did something more foul to their bodies. So, with a sigh, the woman stretched and turned her back around as she felt something off in the air. With a questionable eyebrow, she called out as if someone was there.

"Uhm, if someone is there, please excuse the mess. I didn't think anyone was following me."

With a cough, Saiko dusted off the crumbs from her mouth and tilted her head as she waited for whatever she sensed to make it's self known.

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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] WVMWLOu
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Tue Jan 10, 2023 5:48 pm
noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] HEADER__inline_base_5e2eafe9cc568532236c0ff9dd90ccff-cutout

Certainly not what she expected.

Making her way directly toward Saiko, she paused as she noticed the woman suddenly turning around and looking behind her, the opposite direction from which Noharu approached her. She glanced in that direction as well and tilted her head a bit to the side, putting on a playful smirk. "Not really much one for following people. Sorry if I spooked ya though. Someone back there?" She ventured with a calm smile. Yea no, Noharu wasn't the 'tailing' type. She'd simply walked right up to Saiko, admittedly with her presence zeroed out but well that was kinda a force of habit. IT was always fun to see if she could catch Henrex and the other professors off guard.

"Anywho Hi! Name's Miss Asahi, a professor at the Academy up until recently! Got a sec to chat?" She asked, her voice bright and chipper as she slipped her hands into her pockets and regarded Saiko with a calm, patient smile.
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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] Empty Re: Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu]

Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:29 am


Enter Saiko's Post

Well, she seemed nice enough. Saiko didn't detect anything off with the woman, so the hybrid gave a nod toward Noharu to sit wherever the woman wanted as the pale-skinned girl kept munching and finishing off one of her burgers before wiping away more crumbs from her mouth.

"It's ok. I'm not bothered. It's a pretty packed place~"

Giggling a bit, she continued.

"But yes, my name is Saiko Mori, and we can chat if you want to since I'm not in a massive hurry to be anywhere tonight."

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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] WVMWLOu
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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] Empty Re: Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu]

Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:51 pm
noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] HEADER__inline_base_5e2eafe9cc568532236c0ff9dd90ccff-cutout

Noharu just kinda .... stared for a moment, a brow raising as she looked from the girl to the burgers she was chowing down on. Truly, the Mistress of Cum seemed to have a big appetite. Uhuh... "I actually was curious, I heard you had a date with a friend of mine! You're Saiko, right? I'm a real curious gal so I decided to come and meetcha! Me and Hen taught together at the academy for a bit, and well. When I heard he went and got himself a DATE, I got pretty curious!" She pointed out brightly.

Mostly true. Truth be told, she'd already known about the date before Henrex had told her about it. She had an invested interest in the man after all, so she'd already heard a few whispers that something had gone down, and him clarifying it had been a DATE?! WHEW! Boi just only got back int the dating scene and already found him a spicy one like this! A little .... young-lookin admittedly. But well hey, that's why she was here now. To scope things out. After all, as the one who had recommended Henrex think about maybe getting back into the game, she would be a pretty poor friend if she didn't give a little eyeballin to his prospects. Last thing she wanted was for him to end up with some psycho.
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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] Empty Re: Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 11:46 am


Enter Saiko's Post

Saiko blinked at Noharu for a few moments as she seemed intent on gazing into her crystal eyes before she appeared a bit weirded out. It's not like she cared if Henrex blabbed or gossiped about what they did, but he didn't really seem like the talkative type. So, that begs the question: how on earth did she know? Was she stalking Henrex or something?

After having more time to think, she raised an eyebrow and spoke.

"Yes? We did go on a date of sorts."

Concise and to the point, she nodded and continued.

" on earth did you know? It's not like it was front-page news..."

Invasion of piracy much?

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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] WVMWLOu
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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] Empty Re: Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:16 pm
noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] HEADER__inline_base_5e2eafe9cc568532236c0ff9dd90ccff-cutout

Noharu snorted a bit at that and flashed a big grin. "Well I do't wanna blow my own horn, but hell, Him trying to go and get back into dating was my idea in the first place! OF course he told me about it. Well, with no shortage of adorable flustering and all that." She chimed, not even humoring her implications of stalking. They were just friends and Henrex had told her. Something as inane as HER having somehow spied on both Saiko AND the Captain of the Stealth force wasn't even something she registered as anything more than a joke. Though the girl sure had a weird sense of humor. Though... she did pause and tilt her head a bit to the side.

The girl seemed kinda....weird didn't she? Especially that look she gave Noharu. She'd already said that they were friends hadn't she? Shouldn't it have been obvious that Henrex told her? She was .... kinda totally getting a weird vibe from this girl. Well...she supposed that would certainly explain ... a few questions in her head. And raised a few potential yellow flags. But she kept that to herself. A little wierd, but nothing that tripped too many alarms just yet. Even if she did seem a little........ hm.

"So like...are you not comfortable talkin about the date?" She asked with slightly furrowed brows. Certainly she was a little...suspect that the girl had gone to smiling and chill, but immediately got all defensive and scrutinizing once she mentioned the date.
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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] Empty Re: Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:04 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Well, that cleared up things.

That was a lot more relaxing to hear. Perhaps her own paranoia from the years of Shadow Fall work still lingered every now and again. So, a more relaxed look than earlier flowed over Saiko's face when she said she was the one who set up and arranged the date.

"Well, that was a relief. I'm happy you set that up then, or else that night wouldn't have happened."

Now with a gentle smile on her face, she continued.

"And sorry if I seemed weirded out, it's a bad habit from before I joined the Gotei."

Nodding, she leaned back, looked at Noharu, and blinked innocently when asked if she was comfortable with the date. To which she giggled and nodded.

"Oh no, that doesn't bother me. Anyone can know; I'm just not used to being the topic of the town, is all. So it took me off guard."

That was the truth from her perception.

In her prior life with Shadow Fall, all that mattered was her doing her job, taking out targets, managing her circle, and being able to execute. And given being a traitor in the past to the Gotei before Murasaki pardoned the woman, some part of her just automatically assumed she was guilty of something, and that was just unneeded trauma that would have to be unlearned slowly. At least, that's part of the reason why she was focused on just engaging more with her companions in general.

"But I guess I better get used to that, huh? Before Murasaki let me come here, my life was pretty isolated."

With a nonchalant shrug, Saiko chuckled and then asked her own question.

"But why do you ask? I feel the date went great."

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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] WVMWLOu
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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] Empty Re: Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:16 pm
noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] HEADER__inline_base_5e2eafe9cc568532236c0ff9dd90ccff-cutout

Noharu blinked a bit at that before snorting, that look of suspicion evaporating in favor of a more relaxed smile. "Set up? Well I wouldn't go that far. I just asked him if he was gonna be looking to get back in the dating game, what with him joining back up with the Gotei as Captain again. Him asking you out? That was all him." She pointed out, promptly g iving Henrex his due credit. Even if perhaps his choice was a bit odd, she had to admire his spunk.

All the same, she wasn't so sure as the girl went and brushed things off. Still, that was kinda sudden. She'd originally thought Saiko was pretty relaced, sitting around eating hamburgers. But maybe the girl had a few more secrets and hangups than she thought. Hmm.

"Sounds complicated.But I won't pry into that." Mainly because she wasn't that interested. At least not presently. She could dig more into that personal stuff if they got to know eachother better. Though at that question, she couldn't help but smirk just a little. "Glad to hear it. And mostly just curiosity. We may not be best buds or anything, But Henrex is my friend and colleague. I just wanted to see what kinda girl he was seeing." She noted with a casual smirk, folding her arms. And well, finding out what kinda girl she was, she definitely had quite a few.....questions for Henrex the next time she saw him.
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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] Empty Re: Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:06 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Oh, so Henrex took it upon himself to ask? Well, that was interesting. He didn't seem like the most straightforward guy with that kind of thing. So that certainly added him more points in the mind of Siako as she nodded at Noharu.

"Bonus points for him then~ That was sweet of him."

After tapping her chin, Saiko pondered on the complication of her past. Yeah, it was messy, and it's probably not the best subject to tackle this early in getting to know someone. She wasn't opposed to speaking to it, but if Noharu wasn't going to pry about that, Saiko wasn't either.

"Very complicated."

Affirmed in her stance, Saiko agreed and nodded at Noharu.

She remained quiet for a few moments to listen and hear what the woman had to say. Noharu seemed curious about getting to know the type of woman Henrex was getting himself into. And, if you were a friend, you wouldn't want your buddy to end up with someone who would cause them harm. It was a natural reaction that soothed Saiko because it seemed more honest and straightforward than the paranoia her mind had fed her earlier.

"Well, it's hard to really get to know someone, so I guess it may be best if we become friends over time and get to know each other if you are friends with Henrex, even if distantly from how it sounds."

Standing up now, Saiko burned away a lot of the burger wraps around her into ash before dusting herself off and nodding forward.

"Want to walk and talk? It can't hurt to have more friends. Both I and Henrex probably need more of them than we care to admit.."

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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] WVMWLOu
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noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] Empty Re: Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:20 pm
noharu - Evening Chatter [Saiko/Noharu] HEADER__inline_base_5e2eafe9cc568532236c0ff9dd90ccff-cutout

Noharu raised a brow and smirked a bit at Saiko's..... assessment. And of course her recommendation that the both of them become friends. Noharu blinked, a little....amused that Saiko's suggestion for her to get the digs on her would be to become her friend. That was ...... well, it was certainly an EARNEST answer she supposed. She couldn't help but be a little amused. "Is that so?~ I'll have to keep that in mind." She noted playfully,

Though she did pause and wrinkle her nose a little when the smell of burning plastic filled the air as Saiko burned the wrappers. Not exactly the most pleasant smell to put in the spot and Noharu .... made a mental note of it before she smiled back. "Heh, nah I don't wanna keep you too long. Truth be told I really just wanted to swing by and just introduce myself. Hmm..." She paused and considered. Should she take a moment to get to hang with her? "Sadly I kinda am a little late for a bit of practice. I need to get the rust off myself, it's been a while since I had regular training. Being a professor I more or less just sortof kept with upkeep and focused on my students. So I promised myself I'd get more training in. Kinda didn't time things out to well. But hey, if you wanna come along and watch or join in, that's fine with me. " She offered.
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