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Ye Olde Guarde
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Wrong Doors and Right People [Hijiri/Solomon] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrong Doors and Right People [Hijiri/Solomon]

Thu Jan 12, 2023 3:59 pm


Hijiri nodded along as Solomon continued. The world needed people like Solomon. He didn't seem to be the type to keep a judgement that was based on superfluous reasons. If Hijiri were to describe Solomon right now, he'd say "Solomon is an all-around kind guy—a really good person." Hijiri was now just hoping his read on Solomon was not only true, but would stay that way. He'd hate to have to cross blades...

Although he continued to listen to Solomon, Hijiri got to a point where he could not relate. He had a good relationship with both of his parents. They weren't bad people. They were a lot of why he was doing this. Perhaps Solomon's father would be a victim of Hijiri's own, warped sense of justice. But then again, he didn't know what Solomon's father had done. Maybe Solomon and him just had a philosophy difference. That wasn't evil. That was just how things were. If he were performing eugenics on Solomon's siblings to create das Überquincy and disposing of the failed ones by tossing them into an inferno, that'd be one thing.

"Well, I can't say I relate to that. Sorry that your family was so... disagreeable." The two made their way into a more populated area, so the conversation on Shinigami-ness died down. As they neared the front desk, Hijiri spoke up. "Despite there being a lot of people where I'm from, it still amazes me just how many people are packed into this one area. Even at the academy, we'd only see this many during the big assemblies... Is it always this busy?"

"Oh, and, I do have a question for you... and I know it's a silly one. How's the food here?"

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Wrong Doors and Right People [Hijiri/Solomon] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrong Doors and Right People [Hijiri/Solomon]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:16 pm
Wrong Doors and Right People [Hijiri/Solomon] - Page 2 Nc14v0I


"It's fine. I wouldn't expect many people with respectable fathers to relate. To be honest, most of my family as a whole was quite agreeable - especially my mother. I suppose the reason I couldn't stand another moment around my father lies in his lack of agency. His clear inability to stand up for himself. I once held a great deal of respect for him, but over the years we've simply grown apart - to a point where our point of views no longer align."

That was all he had left to offer concerning the subject of his father. To his admission, he was a kind man at heart. One could even claim that he held Solomon's best interests in mind, but the Sternritter would not forgive him for his lack of a spine, how he so calmly let his mother walk out of the door, to say nothing of the training Solomon had to endure, and the subsequent bridge that was created between him and his sisters - all in the name of archaic glory. He didn't despise him, but he certainly wasn't entertaining visiting the man any time soon. Come to think of it, had even told him of when he was finally assigned to the Vandenreich? Whatever. His conversation with Hijiri held his interest more than these annoying ruminations. Turning towards him, Solomon would chuckle softly as nodded his head.

"Yeah. It's rare to see a quiet day in the Vandenreich. We're constantly being sent off on duty or conducting some form of research or another. Soldats carrying out their duties, delivering letters to fellow members, and reporting to their higher-ups. It can get hectic, but we manage pretty well. Especially the people at the desk," he complimented one of the woman typing away at a computer, earning a warm smile from her as she directed her eyes towards Hijiri. Solomon turned towards Hijiri as he listened to his next question, leaning against the main desk. How is the food here? That was a good question. Despite his upbringing, his pallet was far from picky. He wouldn't accept slop, but if the meal was prepared well enough, he could enjoy it without complaint.

All in all, he'd have to say the food was pretty good. Between the volunteers, the food establishments, and even someone like Natasha who offered to make him lunchboxes when she wasn't busy, he'd say that he ate pretty well in the Reich.

"Hard to say. I've only just met you. You might be a picky eater for all I know. Either way, the Vandenreich's food is pretty delicious. The City Of Light has it's fair share of establishments for food, but our in-house chefs are pretty exceptional. Maybe it's bias, but with all the volunteers and even my own peers adding things to the menu, I can confidently say you'll find more meals that you like than those you won't enjoy."

The Oncoming Storm | End Post

Last edited by Iori on Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:19 pm; edited 2 times in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Wrong Doors and Right People [Hijiri/Solomon] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrong Doors and Right People [Hijiri/Solomon]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:12 am


Hijiri thought about Solomon's answer for a moment. He wasn't exactly a picky eater. He was just tired of eating like what he was—a poor person. He only splurged on food on his birthday. Any other time, it was a lot of rice, beans, and cheap vegetables. So this was probably a good sign. But more than that, it told Hijiri one thing about the Vandenreich. It was something crucial. It told him that they weren't looking at this like a military operation. He had heard stories of Shinigami eating mass-produced "food" that came in flavored bricks. He shuddered at that thought.

After a brief conversation with the receptionist, who seemed somewhat-smitten with Solomon, Hijiri once again got a room address. He blinked at it, then laughed as he showed Solomon. "Wow, I'd have been lost forever." It wasn't 34, but 8A. He shook his head, and then held out his hand towards Solomon. "Now these instructions I don't think will wash away, and I don't want to keep you from any important duties. Thank you for all of your help, Solomon. You've been a tremendous help, and I hope we work together soon."

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Wrong Doors and Right People [Hijiri/Solomon] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wrong Doors and Right People [Hijiri/Solomon]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:38 pm
Wrong Doors and Right People [Hijiri/Solomon] - Page 2 Nc14v0I


Solomon chuckled as he noted the true room address. He certainly would have been running in circles, but perhaps fate was at work. He wouldn't voice that thought, of course. He had to maintain some form of a good impression, and that sounded overwhelmingly cliché' the more he thought about it. Any other person could certainly treat it as a coincidental meeting. Perhaps, that was the best approach for him as well. Hijiri was an interesting man, Solomon had concluded. His demeanor and disposition were quite personable, and he hadn't displayed anything that would lead him to dislike him in the future.

It was a good first meeting. Hijiri had received some instruction, and Solomon had gained some insight. In other words, an even trade between both parties. Hell, he could potentially imagine befriending him but he'd reserve that for later. Things were only going to be difficult for him moving forward, considering his race. He knew a few peers who wouldn't be as warm and receptive as he was, but the male seemed well-equipped to handle himself in the face of their disdain, leading Solomon to believe that he'd adapt quite well - regardless of his division.

Shaking Hijiri's hand, Solomon flashed a confident smile as he nodded his head. He was right about one thing. Staying on top of his duties was important. He couldn't afford to fall behind. His hand returning to his side, Solomon would bid him a polite bow.

"Likewise, Hijiri. I hope you find your time here to be enjoyable. It may be difficult at first, but I'm always walking around if you need assistance. Until then, let's keep in touch."

And with that, he walked the opposite way, returning to his duties as another chapter closed. It was odd to be working alongside a Shinigami, but he'd fought and grown fond of one in the Seaside Arena. Why not, another? He mused.

The Oncoming Storm | End Post

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