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The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 4336
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[Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama Empty [Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama

Tue Dec 20, 2022 4:07 am
[Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama HanaAppHeader_ovbMAbb3QfBV1NELLLy5dd

I. Basic Information

» Name: Hana Aoyama
» Alias: None
» Age: 44
» Appears: Late teens, early 20s
» Birthday: September 15 2078
» Gender: Female
» Height: 5’2”
» Weight: ~110

» Appearance Written: Hana is a petite and delicate looking young woman. She keeps her hair in a high-ponytail, wears very little makeup, and prefers dresses and skirts to anything else. She comes off elegant and graceful in everything she does. She speaks politely, having been raised to be a “princess” of sorts. She has even altered her shihakusho enough to look prettier in order to mirror her likes.

» Alignment: Neutral Good
» Association: Gotei United
» Rank/Position: Member of Seventh Division
» Specialty: Fundamentals of shunpo

» Sexual Orientation: Straight
» Relationship Status: Single
» Attraction: Patient, masculine, and loyal.

Text Color: 0066ff

Synopsis: Hana grew up a strange combination of spoiled, sheltered, and abused. When certain things were being forced on her, decisions were made that alienated her from the world she understands. She lives her life trying to understand the world as a normal person, only to find that a lot of it is pretty bleak. After a lot of struggle, Hana has decided doing things on her own is the best path, but this has started causing friction between her and those that try to call her friend.

I. Personality

» Personality: The toughest struggle Hana currently faces is becoming a person. Up until recent years, Hana has been sheltered and protected from most outside influences. This causes her to misunderstand certain types of social interactions and become quite fragile to hostility. Stronger individuals would take things in stride, or even snap back, where Hana can be sensitive. Since she is becoming aware of rougher personalities outside the villains of her novels, Hana is trying to learn to be less affected by them. However, she has no interest in hardening her heart to the callous troglodytes of the world, and she fears losing that piece of her.

The world outside her family manor has proved more terrifying than expected. Wars, hollows, thieves, the ignored plights of the poor, and many other things wrong with the world often make Hana want to return to the safety of her parents’ protection. Knowing what that would entail, however, keeps Hana going forward. This does not take away from the helplessness Hana experiences when observing these problems. Hana has little-to-no power as a Shinigami and her parents financially shut her off, so she does not know how to help. The only action she could confidently take is to train and become strong enough to make an impact.

Hana has a difficult time dealing with random and uncertain events. She has lived her entire life under the careful routines of those who took care of her, and it has created a slightly obsessive perfectionist who has a difficult time with chaos. This is why her living area is always neat and she writes like an elegant font on a computer. Even if something takes her more time, she prefers to execute her plans accurately. She is in no way a risk taker, because risk normally involves the unknown, chaos, or uncertainty in some way. She is the type to make a list and print out an itinerary. The more orderly things are, the more tranquil Hana feels.

» Likes: Reading, dancing, music, the violin, and daydreaming. Smoothies and juice over tea any day!

» Dislikes: Calligraphy, feeling unclean, rough personalities, and feeling unsafe or uncertain.

I. History

» History: Hana was born into a noble family. For the first few years, her life was as easy as one would expect. During a time that she was too young to fully recall, someone vanished from her life; an older brother that often cared for her. With his disappearance, Hana's family became strict and home became a prison. She had very little freedom, only allowed to exit the manor when escorted by one of her parents. As she grew older, she longed to have some semblance of independence, but she was always kept to a strict schedule and was heavily guarded. She soon learned the rigid rules were about keeping her in check, not about her safety.

Once Hana's family fell began struggling, they sold off what they could to keep their lifestyle. It became clear that the changes in noble authority were not going to slow down, so Hana's mother decided to marry Hana off. She had little freedom as it was, so when the idea was proposed, she whole-heartedly rejected it. She refused to meet with any suitors and sabotaged ones she was forced or tricked into attending. When her mother became aware of this, punishments became abusive. Hana was starved, slapped, humiliated, and was dragged around her home by her hair. During this abuse, Hana noticed that her father was nowhere to be found.

When she was growing up, Hana was always closer to her father than her mother. No matter how many times her mother claimed to love her, Hana could never shake the feeling that the woman was wicked. So, the only time that Hana’s abuse occurred was when her father was dealing with business away from home. When she tried telling her father what was going on, her mother blocked her way and intimidated Hana by threatening to put a snake in her bed the next time he was gone for more than a day. Not knowing any better, Hana kept her mouth shut for weeks more. However, her rebellion against their marriage plan never ceased.

Finally sick of her refusal to “help the family,” her mother created an ultimatum for Hana. Her first choice was to marry one of the men that had come forward with interest and enough money to keep the family wealthy. Her second choice was to be enrolled at Shino Academy and become a soldier and “likely die to a hollow on her first mission.” Since Hana had been sheltered from most of the world for all of her life, the dangers of being a Shinigami never truly sank in. Enrolling in school was the easy choice, but it astonished her parents. To Hana, going to school was a way to make friends and be free. Being a “soldier” was not truly considered.

Hana’s six years at the academy started extremely lonely. She had no friends and was “weird” to other people because she often stared off into the distance, daydreaming about something. She did not start paying much attention until her second year when she met Hiroe, whose excitement about becoming a Shinigami attracted Hana’s attention. Hiroe was also quite blunt with Hana and explained why other people found it difficult to interact with her, which gave her reason to try harder. While Hana and Hiroe became closer, Hana was hiding a few too many secrets about herself, but there was one that she was sure Hiroe was hate her for.

Hana’s time at the Academy was not the most honest. She found herself falling asleep for any written piece of work she needed to complete, so she had a hard time finishing any of it. Since she was failing her classes, Hana came up with the brilliant plan of bribing certain students to doing enough of her homework that she seemed like an above-average student. Since her performance scores were mediocre, it rounded out, and she never got caught. Now, Hana realizes what a stupid decision that was. After graduating and joining the Seventh Division, she’s found herself struggling to survive and must play catch up to keep herself alive.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Average Student: Hana passed her classes as an average student. There is very little that stands out about her skill. If she would say she was good at anything, it’d be that she’s pretty quick on her feet. Her speed level has moved beyond what is expected of a mere human and she’s been known to easily evade her opponents.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Reikaku: After struggling to sense reiatsu correctly, causing her to run into an Arrancar that could have killed her if she was worth it, Hana began to hone her sensory abilities to prevent these mistakes from occurring again.

Shunpo Focus: Hana is only a few months out of Shinigami Academy. The only thing she excelled at is her speed techniques, so Shunpo is where she thrived. Hana has risen above her expectations, and she has gained the expertise required to be able to pull of multiple shunpo in a short period of time.

Kido: Having trained with both Lerna and Mizu to increase her control over Kido, Hana has started her journey to becoming a skilled kido practitioner. While she cannot be considered impressive, her kido is no longer failing her like it once was. Recent events have shown she can successfully use kido in battle.

Zanjutsu: Hana’s struggle with reiryoku control has ended. Gaining the resolve to fight, she has successfully been able to use her reiryoku to sharpen her blade and exercise a hollow above her level. Recent training helped her start hearing the voice of her zanpakuto spirit, though she’s unaware that is what it is.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Fukaorimiya (吹馨宮 , Windblown Fragrant Blossom)

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Fukaorimiya has two forms. The first is an young form that she takes when Hana’s zanpakuto is sealed. She takes on a feminine shape of whirling wind and glittery ice particles, and she is only about two feet tall. She flies around instead of walks and the only distinguishable features are her glowing white eyes and long blue hair constantly under the influence of wind. The second form is much larger, and she takes it on when Hana uses shikai. For now, she stands about ten foot tall, rushing winds outlining the same feminine shape she has when sealed. As Hana’s power grows, Fukaorimiya will become larger.

Fukaorimiya has a delightful personality when she’s not frustrated or angry. She is friendly, cheerful, and more patient than she needs to be. She’s the type to constantly be giggling. She does not like being restrained or forced to hold back. She encourages freedom, exploration, and relaxation. In this way, she mirrors a less insecure Hana. When frustrated, Fukaorimiya’s personality flips on its head. She becomes insulting, easy to irritate, and ready to knock someone on their ass. Like a breeze can be comforting, raging winds can be violent and terrifying.

» Inner World: Hana’s inner world is nothing but sky. There are no buildings and no land or water. Clouds are above, below, and all around. During times of happiness and contentment, the weather is calm and beautiful. During times of fear, frustration, or anger, the wind picks up and goes crazy, often creating hurricane-like weather or tornadoes that throw Hana around so she can’t get her footing.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance:

[Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama HanaZanpakuto_470x

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: N/A

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Chill the Wind

» Shikai Release Action:

» Shikai Appearance:

[Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama Hana_ShikaiAppearance1

» Shikai Abilities: Hana’s shikai uses extremely low temperatures to solidify water particles in the air to create hundreds of small ice fragments in the shape of Ume blossoms. The blossoms float harmlessly in the air until Hana utilizes them. Hana uses the fan that forms in her shikai to control the air, sending the ice-blossoms toward her targets. When utilized, they spin rapidly and their petals flatten with sharp edges to resemble the use of throwing stars or similar weapons.

Genbu (原風; Primary Wind): While her shikai is active, a constant very cold breeze blows the icy ume blossoms around like it would a feather or piece of paper, preventing the iced shape of her flowers from melting and chilling others around. Hana is immune to the temperature changes created by her own zanpakuto.

Frigid Cyclone: Hana waves her fan to send a strong gust of swirling air toward an opponent. The cyclone this creates carries the sharpened blossoms of ice toward the target in an attempt to shred them to pieces. The wind moves at speeds and with a strength equal to her own and reaches a distance equal to the effect range of her Spirit Class, or until it comes into contact with something solid or strong enough to stop it. She can use this technique two times in a thread.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: D
» Speed: C
» Strength: D
» Soul: D

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Adept
» Kidō: Beginner
» Zanjutsu: Adept
» Hakuda: Beginner


Last edited by Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫ on Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:22 pm; edited 6 times in total
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[Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama

Mon Jan 02, 2023 12:23 pm
[mod]Hazard Ranks
Power: F
Influence: D
Resources: D

Comments/Notes: Baby
Tier: 5-4
Hazard Rating: D

Application Approved
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 4336
Age : 32
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[Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Hana Aoyama

Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:45 pm

This post will be updated each time Hana gets one...

2023 New Years Burst Approval
Durability: Untrained > Beginner [5 points]
Tier: 5-4 > 5-1 [15 points]

September 23rd, 2023
Upgrade #1: Link
Spirit Class 9 -> 8
Will Power & Speed: Adepts -> Beginners
Ability Descriptions for Reikaku, Shunpo, Kido, and Zanjutsu

November 25th, 2023
Upgrade #2: Link
Updated History
Zanjutsu: Beginner -> Adept
Shikai Application Addition; Not yet obtained in thread

New Stat System: August 19th, 2024

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