Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:19 am
Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] Y9u5IiA

Rangiku Matsumoto

Walking to First Division’s quarters, Rangiku had a stack of papers in her arms, feeling a bit weary from having to get all of that done. Getting back into the swing of things of course meant doing less favorable activities, like paperwork… She suddenly missed just grading papers and the like, wondering why this stuff wasn’t automated or whatever. Unfortunately, she didn’t have anyone willing to take the load, so she had to spend time getting all of it done herself, but at least it was done and she just had to drop it off.

She was coming back into her role in the Gotei pretty smoothly, having seen some familiar faces and getting to know some newer ones. Warmed her heart to see so many dedicated people still around, it was like the Gotei hadn’t changed all that much since she went into semi-retirement. Walking up to one of the offices, she’d poke her head in, “Delivery!” She’ll call into the room, gesturing the papers in her hands, before she caught glance at a familiar head of pink hair, “Hang on.. Igendai? That you?”

A smile rose on her face, “It is! Hey, how ya doin’? Long time no see!” Last time she saw the kid, he was finishing up his last year in the Academy, so to run into him now was a pleasant surprise.

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Sun Oct 23, 2022 11:30 am
Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen was relaxed, thankfully his day had gone pretty well! Ko was even chilling in the corner of his office, practically asleep after a long day of idly pestering Igendai while he was working. No runs had been necessary and so he'd gone without the usual.... worry of having to leave her unattended. His work was done for the day and he could relax~

And then he got another customer! Frankly the day was almost over so he just smiled, promptly sitting up and offering a nod. "Hello! Welcome to Squad One, my n-.... Sensei?!" He sputtered?! Surprise written across his face as of ALL people he found himself looking at one of his old teachers?! Almost immediately he broke out into a smile and stood up! "Matsumoto-Sensei! Yea it's me!~" He practically chimed, smiling from ear to ear as he walked around his desk to get the stack of papers from her and set them down, practically bouncing with excitement! He'd always liked her as one of his instructors, she was one of those unpredictable teachers that always made lessons fun. Especially seeing her crack down on the slackers! Of course Igen had been a pretty ideal student and so he'd always seen these little reprimands from the outside looking in.

"I've been really good! I even unlocked my Shikai!" He chimed and gestured to the snoozing tiger in the corner of his office. Kinda forgetting how weird it was. Completely unaware that they both had feline zanpakuto.Ko, in the meantime, lazily opened her eyes and raised that big head of hers to glance at the Lieutenant that had arrived.
Do you HAVE to start shouting every time a chick with fat tits walks into your office?

Igen almost choked a little, coughing slightly as he threw a dirty look at his Zanpaku'to. THANKFUL at least, that nobody else could hear her. Well, that he knew of. "So what brings you out here? Wait.... did you rejoin the gotei? What squad are you joining?" He asked, eyeing the paperwork that she'd brought in and then glancing back to her.
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Sun Oct 23, 2022 7:56 pm
Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] Y9u5IiA

Rangiku Matsumoto

She couldn't help but smile warmly at Igen's excitement at seeing her, even after a good while he was still happy to see her. Though it was a good thing that in his excitement he explained what was up with the tiger - that was his Shikai? She was about to ask if he had gotten a pet or something; if anyone would've managed to get something off-the-wall as a tiger for a companion, definitely would've been Igen, though it being of his Zanpakuto definitely was stranger. The woman hadn't witnessed many cases of a constant release, much less physically manifesting as an actual creature.

An odd case, but he clearly wasn't in danger or anything, so she'd just keep with the mood, curiously reaching a hand to pat the cat on the head, but cautious as to not go into the bite zone; just because it wasn't an actual tiger doesn't mean it was any less willing to cause damage if irked, and given Igen's reaction to what seemed to be some communication, definitely was the moody kind.

"Yup, Captain Murasaki asked me to come back, i've come out of being a professor and went right into Eighth!" She'd smile assuredly, "Just helping out with anything extra the other divisions need. So why pick First? Figured you'd want to do something more... Active?"

Even if the boy was well behaved in class, she knew about his nature; not that it was a bad thing, just that she didn't envision him wanting to be cooped up in office work.

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Sun Oct 23, 2022 8:12 pm
Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen smiled, pleased to say the least that Matsumoto-sensei didn't like...freak out or anything. Actually now that he thought about it, she really didn't spook very easy. Hmmm. He was so caught up in the thought that he didn't even notice her reaching out to pet Ko until the idle noise escaped the tiger. Those eyes peering up at the woman, but doing nothing to avoid them, lazily allowing the ex-professor to pet them.
Hm. I like her already. Tell the cow that I find her presence permissible.
He thinned his lips and cleared his throat a bit, chuckling nervously. "Well you got Ko's approval. And Oh wow, Eighth huh? I suppose that's what all this is for." He chuckled, glancing at the stack of papers and then blinking when that question came up. Eh?! Okay one or two was not out of line, but why was everyone so surprised about him going to first?!

"Eh?! Why does everyone ... well I mean yea. I do enjoy being active. But we still go on missions and stuff. I just felt like my leadership skills could be put to good use! Besides, best place to learn about running things. I wanna be the Captain Commander one day after all." He pointed out casually enough, smiling from ear to ear as he leafed through the paper stack and began sorting the forms. Most of this was stuff for higher level officers. Most of the "New Squad Eight" stuff was getting handled higher up the line to make sure that everything was done properly. Whereas the lower end officers were kinda dealing with everything else. Duties that were NORMALLY kinda spread throughout the division fell on his shoulders. But it kept things moving without putting a freeze on just about everything else.

She has a point you know. If you were in some other squad , you wouldn't have to lock me in this fucking CAGE all day.
Ah, right. He cleared his throat a bit and reached down to pat Ko's head, only to JOLT his head back when she went to snap at him. "Wh-... tch. Ahem... well yea, it HAS been a little rough with Ko. Since I kinda can't go everywhere with her when I'm out doing paperwork runs. But still. I feel like this is where I have the best shot to use all my skills. S'not like the old days where Only Tenth and Eleventh saw all the action." He reasoned.
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Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] Empty Re: Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen]

Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:06 am
Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] Y9u5IiA

Rangiku Matsumoto

Despite clearly having the odd tiger's approval to touch, her brow twitched with the feeling that the big furball was silently casting judgement on her. What were the chances she'd end up familiar with two moody cat Zanpakuto? Oh well, she wasn't gonna dwell on it, nodding Igendai's way, "Yep, just handling paperwork..." Not like she had many willing volunteers who could take care of some of the workload for her in her division, least not yet.

"Captain Commander, huh? You're really shooting high, i'm impressed." She'd place a hand on her hip, giving him an encouraging look, "Just make sure to pay as much attention here as ya did in class, you've got a lot to learn if you're going that high, but i'm sure if you put your mind to it you'll do good."

She almost instinctively reached out to him as the tiger snapped at him - her suspicions confirmed - she'd lower her hand and let out a soft nervous laugh, "..Well, I suppose you're right. Proud of you for being a responsible guy."

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Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:28 am
Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen was promptly torn. Between being rather proud and happy to hear that Rangiku was so receptive to his ambitions, and a little miffed that for some reason Ko was fine with his old Sensei petting her, but not him. What the heck was with that?! All the same, he did smile and puff out his chest, giving a sheepish cuckle and rubbing the back of his head. "Of course! I'm VERY responsible. Uh.... ish..." He paused and... considered. Maybe not entirely. Goading Shaoling into plowing him into a rock may ... have been a bit much. Guh, his chest still ached sometimes. Oh shit, actually, that date was actually coming up now wasn't it? He paused, glancing at his calendar and itched the back of his neck. He'd have to remember to check on the pickles.

"I'm getting there at least. I know my limits." He noted sagely, before perking up and putting on a big smile when she went and said that. "I'm happy to hear that Matsumoto-sensei. So what position did you take up in Eighth division?" He asked excitedly, SURELY she was at least a seated officer given her backround as a lieutenant, and her tenure as a teacher. But all the same, he was intrigued to find out. After all, there was a lot of factors (coughcaptainfavoritismcough) that went into where someone placed.
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Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] Empty Re: Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen]

Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:02 pm
Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] Y9u5IiA

Rangiku Matsumoto

Rangiku couldn't help but loose a chuckle at Igendai's statement, knowing full well the guy was at the very least seeking approval. There was certainty that he'd grow to become a reputable member of the Gotei, he just had a rather large set of shoes to fill until then, but she wanted nothing more than the success of him, or really any of her students. Strong individuals lead to a strong whole.

"You'll get there!" She'd give him a gentle punch on the shoulder and a little wink, though her friendly expression appeared to sink into a look of mock sadness when asked what position she ended up in, "Ohh, yknow... You definitely wouldn't have expected it, but..."

..And her foolery kicked in as she immediately transitioned into a wide, mischievous grin, "..I'm Vice Captain of Eighth! Cool, right?"

She'd bring her hands out to do a little jazz, kinda like a 'surprise!', smiling wide at Igen as she'd bring her arms down to her sides and puff her chest with a look of pride, "Your teacher's still got it!"

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Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:16 pm
Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen couldn't help the shine in his eyes as he was encouraged. Puffing out his chest and raising his chin proudly as he basked in his accomplishments, ignoring the unamused look that Ko was giving him throughout. If nothing else, he enjoyed getting to talk with the woman. And well, once she actually revealed the position she would be taking in the new squad, that smile only widened.

"That's awesome! I knew you'd get a high position, but thats impressive!" He exclaimed. Truth be told, a fair number of the old guard didn't quite stick it for the ...contemporary measures of power. A few of the old captains and lieutenants certainly were around. But things had changed, so he wouldn't have been too surprised, if a bit disappointed, if Miss Matsumoto had gotten a lower seat. But in true blue Rangiku fashion, she had managed to snag a lieutenant position! And that was more than reason for celebration!

"We should celebrate! How does lunch sound? On me of course! To celebrate your new position in the Eighth Division!" He declared with a proud smile. After all, he WAS an officer himself, and even if they weren't especially close, she HAD been one of his favored teachers in the gotei,she had a lot of positivity and energy about her after all. And now they were coworkers! Even if she was a superior, she felt it fitting that he at least extend the offer.
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Sat Nov 19, 2022 11:38 am
Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] Y9u5IiA

Rangiku Matsumoto

"Right?" Her cheerful tone bounced off of Igen's own enthusiasm, a smile on her lips. Though the circumstances around the position and the Eighth division itself were less than joyful and of light, Rangiku would treat this with reasonable celebration. She was back to her duties in full swing, even after the trying circumstances of her health and the length of time out of action, no terribly heavy doubt toward her capability being present. It wasn't the same Gotei she remembered so long ago, but it certainly felt like so.

"Aww, you're so sweet. You really are shaping up to be a great man!" She'd pat him on the shoulder, being mostly a genuine compliment, but also perhaps light encouragement for a free meal, "Lunch sounds totally great! Pick a place and we'll go, no problem!"

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Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] Empty Re: Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen]

Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:33 pm
Catscratch Reunion [Rangiku, Igen] HEADER_97131311_p6_master1200

Igen couldn't help but enjoy it all. Matsumoto-Sensei's attitude was always something he aspired to. Positive. Joyous. The way she managed to be playful in every situation was something he quite enjoyed, and even now her encouragement definitely helped amp him up. "I'm only this way thanks to my teachers." He insisted, promptly standing up to his own full height, quite a bit taller than Rangiku for sure. And promptly gave her a thumbs up.

"Of course! But I won't have that. This is a celebration for you after all! You should be the one to pick where we eat." He pointed out. Certainly Generous. But in absolute truth? He usually ate at bars or at food stands. No place worthy of a celebratory meal. Sooooo in a way he sortof did want her to pick the place. A, because well, he wanted her to be able to thoroughly enjoy where they went. And B....well... to avoid revealing how limited his own knowledge of fancy eateries were. Besides, how often would he get to have lunch with one of his old teachers?
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