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[Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi Empty [Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi

Sat Oct 15, 2022 7:41 pm
Enter The Shinigami

I. Basic Information

That voice that pierces my chest so deeply
resembles a never-ending cry of ecstacy.

⚋ Name: Noharu Asahi 野花 朝日
⚋ Alias':
⚋ Age: 247
⚋ Birthday: January 13th
⚋ Gender: Female
⚋ Race: Shinigami

⚋ Affiliation: Gotei United

⚋ Marital Status: Never.
⚋ Religious Standing: Who cares?
⚋ Sexual Orientation: Hedonist

⚋ Height: 5’ 7cm 5mm
⚋ Weight: 98 lbs
⚋ Hair Colour: Blonde
⚋ Eye Colour: Blue

[Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi SIDEBR2_FDlRKQeagAAScpP

» Appearance Written:

Noharu is a fair, light-skinned woman with a very striking appearance. With bright sky-blue eyes, very obvious feminine features and wild untamed blonde hair. Additionally, she has a natural tendency toward more revealing outfits. Often modifying her shuhakusho to be sleeveless and show a bit of cleavage. IN her more casual hours one can likely find her promptly showing off her legs and bosom 90% of the time. This of course includes shamelessly showing off a maze of scars and other old injuries along her body which she displays with pride.

While she is capable of a calm, serene, professional demeanor, she often comes off as a bit carefree and trashy even at a glance, as she is rarely without some form of a smile on her face.

I. Personality

» Personality:

Noharu is a hedonist through and through. Having grown up poor and had a very lax rolemodel, she quickly developed a rampant enjoyment for having a good time and enjoying herself exactly as much as she was allowed to. Though this never delved into hard addictions or drugs, Noharu is a well-known drinker and a sucker for parties. She once also had a tremendous reputation from her academy days for sleeping around with both her male AND female peers. However those rumors have long since faded despite the fact that she still partakes in such activities from time to time on a fairly regular basis.

Beneath the surface, she is explosively passionate. Going from angry to happy to seductive in the blink of an eye. Despite this, she has a hard and unflappable type of personality, even in the face of something that would cause issues for her, her personality doesn’t change all that much unless she really HAS to. While she is raunchy and crude in how she speaks and will gladly trade insults, her insult and indignation are generally only skin-deep. While she may flaunt her looks and seek out the friendships of others, she actually is almost entirely self-motivated and self-gratified. She is happy to please others, but the only approval she truly cares about is her own. Any care she takes toward the opinions of others is generally in service to what she herself wants.

I. History

» History:

She was reincarnated into the Rukongai in one of the poorer districts in the outskirts. While not quite so lawless as the outright extreme outskirts, she lived a rough and desperate life. Fighting others for food, scrounging for shelter, and often having to fight tooth and nail just to keep herself safe.

She learned never to trust others. To never look out for others, and to always carry a blade on her, lest she found herself taken advantage of. It was a tough and brutal living that spanned a good four years until finally she met Him. A man who would soon change her entire outlook on living.

Shintaro Asahi

Saving her from a particularly nasty fight, Shin (as he preferred to be called), promptly recognized she had a particular talent about her, and signs of budding spiritual prowess. Seemingly on a whim, he took her under his wing. And that was when her life took a sudden turn. Rescuing her from that hellish shithole he brought her to the inner districts and into a better life. She found his lax, carefree attitude absolutely infectious. He would seemingly flit from subject to subject, letting his heart guide him wherever. It was a way of living she’d never known, and she quickly grew to love it.

Before long, he enrolled her in the shino academy and in addition to the academy classes, he also trained her personally, recognizing her unusually high potential. Within the first half of a year, she was well ahead of her classmates and had grown significantly in strength, seemingly driven by her fascination with the powers and abilities she learned in classes, she would almost always find some way to adapt these techniques to make her everyday life easier. Closer to the year mark of her work in the Academy, and soon learned the name of her Zanpaku’to. After having only been in the Academy for a year and a half, she graduated and was enrolled into Eighth division under Captain Kyoraku and declined a position as a seated officer, intent instead on enjoying herself and simply supporting her fellow members rather than leading them.

This however didn’t last forever. During the incidents revolving around the Banishment of Kisuke Urahara and associates, her mentor Shin was among the shinigami who were claimed as casualties.

However, rather than mourn, she insisted on celebrating the life of her mentor. Refusing to allow the loss to bring her down, she began to further fixate on enjoying herself. Drowning the hidden sorrow of losing the man she had secretly fallen in love with beneath more hedonism. At this point, she began to even out. Her growth stunted slightly as she simply did her duty as a member of the squad.

After a while, about 20 years prior to the Ryoka Invasion, she promptly began to set some new ambitions for herself. In addition to becomming a more active member within her squad as well as serving on the frontlines during the Demon and Ender wars following the Winter War, she started to find her own ambitions and set her eyes on one day becoming a Captain. But first, she had to get over her fear of responsibilities. And so, following the war with Ender, she somewhat retired from direct Squad work and focused her energy on the Academy. Becoming a Teacher after a few years of learning how to …subdue her wild tendencies.

Before long, she had become a respected and well-liked teacher among the Shino academy and had learned to keep her wilder tendencies to a few close friends, or when she took trips to the world of the living. One of the ways she managed to subdue her Partying and Hoeing ways was through training and connecting with her Zanpaku’to, who prided themselves on Rules and Order. Often struggling with her wielder in an attempt to reign in her hedonistic tendencies as Noharu frankly did everything she could to corru- ahem, loosen up her zanpaku’to.

As a result of this, she soon achieved Bankai. This would occur just a few years before World War Four. And now, with the threat of another potential war taking place and with the new Captain Commander looking to bolster the Gotei’s numbers, she decided to return to normal Squad Duties and rejoin the Gotei. After years in the Academy, after finally mastering her Zanpaku’to, and getting her ….mannerisms under control. She was finally ready to pursue her goal in earnest.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Tremendous Reiryoku: Noharu has a considerable bounty of energy. Her tendency to utilize her abilities even for everyday situations. While this was always evident even as far back as her days in the Academy, her contributions to the Ender war further bolstered her already hefty reserves.

Adacemy Genius:
Incredibly apt in her ability to learn and adapt to challenges in front of her. Noharu managed to graduate from the academy within a mere 18 months rather than the full Six Years that was normal at the time. IN addition to having a simple natural knack for manipulating her reiryoku, she also had exhibited an exemplary ability to grasp new concepts and a curious enthusiasm that makes her an exceptional student and a dangerous opponent.

Impulse Combatant:
In the midst of a fight Noharu relies in her powerful fighting instincts and her training. As a high-speed combatant, thinking is not always a luxury she can afford and so she has hardened herself through discipline and training to execute her attacks and reactions purely on reflex. Utilizing both her own natural talent and her experience as a fighter, Noharu executes abrupt and decisive counters seemingly concurrent to an opponent's attack.

Brutal Fighter:
Prior to even joining the academy, Noharu has always had to fight to survive. And without any sort of natural durability, she instead had to garner her freakish physical strength. Breaking bones. Choking vulnerable opponents. In the times where she was in peril and her life was on the line, her survival was decided upon the ability to make a quick, vicious strike to kill or otherwise incapacitate an enemy with likely only a single opening when they felt she was theirs. This vicious strength has only grown as a shinigami.

I. Racial Abilities

»  Racial Abilities:

Expert Hoho User:
When Noharu was in the academy, the first 'Power' of a shinigami she fell in love with was Shunpo. As both a means of getting around and circumventing her teachers and more stuck-up peers, she quickly learned how to use Hoho efficiently and rapidly. During Nanao's tenure as Lieutenant, she would even go through great lengths and treat training as a game, to slack off and then use Shunpo to quickly escape without a trace before the Lieutenant could pick up her presence. Once she came to unlock her Shikai and Bankai, Noharu found that Speed continued to serve her best when it came to it's use.

Jester's Flash Step:
A special Flash Step developed by Noharu during her time in the Eight Division. This special shunpo focuses on the utilization of afterimages infused with her Reiryoku. Although these afterimages are not tangible, she has learned to have them execute rude gestures and taunts after she has already left the location.

Prankster's Shine Step:
An Evolution of the Jester's Flash Step, Noharu learned to further mold and infuse her Reiryoku into her step techniques. But the true breakthrough came with learning Utsusemi giving her the inspiration she needed to make tangible speed clones. In addition to verbal barbs and rude gestures, after images left behind by Noharu are able to operate independently at 50% of her baseline abilities. These afterimages last a single post and up to 8 can be used per thread. This can be used, at most, three times in a single post.

A special Hoho technique in which the user infuses their reiryoku within an aritcle of clothing in order to create an incredibly life-like afterimage which can be physically cut/injured/interacted with before it is revealed to not be the user. Can bleed for some reason.

Sealing Kido Practitioner: In addition to her efficacy with normal Kido, Noharu is especially proficient with the intricate use of Sealing Kido, namely in her own signature seal which hides her true Zanpaku'to in a tattoo on her body. This seal has been refined over the years so that she can access her Sealed Zanpaku'to abilities even when in Tattoo form.

I. Sealed Powers

» False Zanpakutô Name: Kamiito Konton 神糸混沌 Divine Thread Anarchy

» Zanpakutô Name: Oppression of the Demon Seamstress

» Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance: Takes the form of a red-skinned Oni with glasses and generally modern business attire, generally orbited by thin red strings which seemingly shimmer in and out of existence, connecting objects within her close proximity.

» Inner World: Noharu's inner world is a floating cathedral hovering miles above the ruins of what was once a perfectly symmetrical city. IN times of turmoil, these two landscapes switch places with the city hovering over the ruins of cathedrals and mausoleums. Surrounding these landmarks is an endless shining sea settled beneath a towering eternal hurricane which nests these ruins and floating monuments in it's eye.

» Sealed Zanpakutô Appearance: When it is out and about her Zanpaku'to resembles a straight-edged Odachi with a smooth sky-blue binding along the handle and a guard shaped like a pair of folded angelic wings.

» Sealed Zanpakutô  Power:

Earthly Demon Red String: Noharu has the ability to produce her zanpaku'to's red string. By injecting this String of Fate into her own clothing, she can unravel any article of clothing into string and turn it red over the course of a post. The very next post this string reforms into a weapon. Generally this is in the form of a type of Sword, though Noharu can also form spears or other melee weapons. These weapons have no special abilities or properties and are often mistaken for the true form of Noharu's Zanpaku'to.
These can be reversed at will, otherwise the weapon reverts at the end of the thread. Her usual outfits can produce 5 weapons before she is fully naked.

I. Shikai

» False Shikai Release Phrase: Pull at the Seams.

» False Shikai Release Action: Noharu snaps her fingers and speaks the false release Phrase of her Zanpaku'to, then causing an article of clothing to unravel into thread and turn into a weapon. This is actually her Sealed Ability but often she passes it off as her Shikai. Can be done without the false release Phrase.

» False Shikai Abilities: None, get baited.

» Shikai Release Phrase: Bow your head and feel the thread slit your Throat. Scream your repentance into the ringing bell of the End.

» Shikai Release Action: Noharu claps her hand against a surface and calls out the release phrase of her Zanpaku'to, causing the blade to completely unravel into brilliant red string which collects in the palm of the hand used before wrapping around her body. Since achieving bankai, this can be accomplished simply by clapping her hand against something.

» Shikai Appearance: Noharu's Zanpaku'to is reduced to a mess of Red String which then wraps around her body and forms an article of Clothing, initially this was restricted to a Bright-Red Haori though over time Noharu has learned to have this form into just about any article of clothing she likes.

» Shikai Abilities:

Fate Worn on your Sleeve:

The Overarching Theme of Noharu's Zanpaku'to. X 's mythos revolves around the Red String of fate and how one's station and Fate in life can most easily be seen in one's clothing. The Authority shown in a Commander's Haori, the Power represented in a Martial Artist's Gi, the Punishment woven into a Prisoner's Uniform.

Clothing reflect's one's Fate and Noharu's Zanpaku'to turns that Fate into a wieldable Weapon.

Divine Oni's Red String: This is the primary ability of Noharu's shikai. By unraveling articles of her clothing into Red string she can then use this string to fight. Manipulating it to slash and dice her surroundings. Red String manipulated in Shikai operate with a speed and strength equal to her Zanjutsu skill, while the durability of the strings is equal to her Zanjutsu skill -1 (Capping at Elite for both). The reach of these threads is 50 meters per article of clothing unraveled into Red String, capped at 200 meters. (An article of clothing must cover at least 60% of one of her limbs or 50% of her central mass to increase the range of this ability). Unraveling clothing into red thread happens over the course of 1 post.

Fate's Bloody Fangs: This ability allows Noharu to form weapons from the Red String produced by her Shikai. Specifically the ability to form Swords. Forming a weapon using this ability reduces the range of Divine Oni's Red String by 10 meters per sword produced. Alternatively to being wielded, these swords can be fired at high speeds similar to a gunshot. These weapons can travel up to 100 meters past her maximum thread range when shot and unravel back into string which makes it's way back to Noharu over the course of 1 post.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Release Phrase: 真終わり の 運命無垢 - Shinawari no Unmeimuku - Collapse of Fate's Innocence

» Bankai Release Action: All of Noharu's clothing unravels into red string and promptly collects into a palm-sized ball of string which she then presses to her chest, seeping it into her skin and absorbing it into her heart.

» Bankai Appearance: Noharu loses all clothing and sprouts red string from her back which then forms into bright red feathered wings. These wings pulse a bright red glow and the sound of her heart beating booms through her surroundings, audible up to 200 meters away.

» Bankai Abilities:

Thread of Life - Rapture:
Noharu's beating heart sings to the fate of clothing around her and projects her heartbeat within a 200 meter radius. After two posts of cumulative exposure to Noharu's heartbeat, her bankai can cause the clothing of anyone within this radius to unravel and be drawn to her. Only 1/3rd of a persons' outfit can be unraveled per post and this process stops once they leave the range of her Bankai. A target who re-enters this range will find their clothing resuming it's unraveling without the need for a buildup of exposure again.

Once a target has been entirely stripped of their outfit Noharu grows a new set of wings from some spot on her body. These wings can be used as weapons and can be swung about as though extensions of her own body. These wings can stretch up to a range of 15 meters.

Thread of Life - Fate Cutter:
Noharu can consolidate all of her wings into a single long thread 400 meters in length. Each additional set of wings consolidated into the string adds another 200 meters to it's length with a cap of 1000 meters. This string is generally moving around inside of Noharu's body and can emerge from any point on her body and extend to it's maximum range to attack. The speed at which this attack occurs scales with her Zanjutsu. For each full outfit consumed by Rapture, the speed increased by 50% up to a cap of 200%, partially consumed outfits do not contribute to speed boost.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

I. Skill Sheet

General Attributes
  • Strength: D
  • Speed: S
  • Durability: D
  • Soul: C

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Elite

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Elite
  • Kidō: Adept
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced
  • Hakuda: Adept

I. Role Play Sample

»  Roleplay Sample:

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:44 pm; edited 4 times in total
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi

Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:14 pm
When Kyoraku gave up his position as Eighth division Captain to become Captain Commander...
He didn't do that, he only became Captain Commander within the last 5 years.

Red String manipulated in Shikai operate with a speed and strength equal to her Zanjutsu skill.
What about durability? Also, that's pretty cracked, should probably cap at Elite.[/adm]
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[Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi

Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:25 pm
Damn ph history DAMN IT TO HELL!
Kyoraku thing el fixo'd (Her ambition now started about 20 years before the Ichigo Ryoka invasion)

Durability follows Zanjutsu skill -1, all aspects now cap at Elite for this ability.
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Noharu Asahi

Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:38 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: B
Influence: C
Resources: D

Comments/Notes: something something Trigger joke
Tier: 2-3
Hazard Rating: C

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Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:15 pm
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