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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] Empty The Price [Murasaki, Shuten]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 8:39 pm
The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] NsOqTkn


She'd been doing a lot of this since she took over the Gotei, hadn't she? Murasaki didn't exactly relish the thought of removing people from their posts, but the reality of the situation was that captains needed to be the best of the best, and they needed to be able to go out and get things done.

In that regard, she felt like this particular meeting was inevitable. Murasaki sighed as she entered the 5th division's barracks, her expression firm and her stance resolute despite her displeasure at the situation. She knocked on the door to the captain's office, then entered.

"Captain Suika? A word, please."

Ick. She hated saying it like that, it made her sound so...stiff.

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The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] Empty Re: The Price [Murasaki, Shuten]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:14 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Everything hadn't exactly been what one would call eventful. Shuten was, as all things could consider, doing her best with what she had; with her girlfriend, Magnolia, taking a rather extended leave, and Shuten spending what time she could spare to spend time with her, that left Shuten with a rather expansive need to attend to her job as Captain rather extensively. Perhaps she wasn't the best fit, even if Shuten still is one of the better in her technical profession, she isn't what one would call the most powerful being. Her position, as it was, had always relatively been a technical temporary appointment from the simplicity that there was no one else to take the position. Both had been ousted or left in some way, and no one else had come along to take it.

On this particular day, Shuten was once more working on some rather minor paperwork when she heard a knock on the door, which immediately caused her head to snap upwards toward the door, quickly pushing a hand into her yukata to grasp a kunai that rest hidden in the fabric of her clothing. However, such an action was made immediately unnecessary as the current head captain entered her office, which caused Shuten to return to a more relaxed state. However, the Suika did stand respectfully, giving Murasaki a respectful bow.

"Of course, Captain Murasaki, what did you wish to discuss. And please, if you desire to drop formalities a smidgen, I do not mind."

Shuten would give her head captain a small smile, and then proceeded to wait for Murasaki to bring up what she desired to speak about. Shuten wasn't ready for everything, obviously, but she was ready to speak with Murasaki at the very least.

God of Love
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The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] Empty Re: The Price [Murasaki, Shuten]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:12 pm
The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] NsOqTkn


"Right, right. Sorry 'bout that."

Murasaki offered a friendly smile, though it was admittedly more apologetic than anything. She felt bad, which she knew wasn't necessarily a good thing given her position. She needed to be confident, sure in her decisions, and she knew that this was the best course of action here.

"I guess I'll just get right to it. I'm planning to ask the former Captain Astillon to come back. I know ya kind of got pushed into the Captain position because of circumstance, and I know you served under Captain Astillon before he was discharged."

She could have simply said "you're fired," but that wasn't exactly Murasaki's style. After all, if Shuten felt like she merited captaincy, that was something worth looking into, cultivating, all that. But right now, she couldn't afford to just let her keep the position she'd sorta ended up forced into.

"I'll probably have him come back to this division. I wanna know if you'd rather work under him, or consider your own division."

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The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] Empty Re: The Price [Murasaki, Shuten]

Sun Oct 16, 2022 3:56 am

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

As Murasaki spoke, Shuten took in her words, with less and less... gusto. Was that the term? Perhaps it was the odd feelings that filled her being before she plunked into her chair unceremoniously. No matter which way you look at it, this was... well it was far from ideal, even if it was expected; and it was quite quite surprising. The Suika let a small sigh escape herself. Henrex... She's been thinking of having him return to his old position. Frankly speaking, Shuten would be glad to see the idiot again, even if it meant needing to beat him with a baseball bat because he hadn't visited him the entire time he had become a teacher at Shino'o. Regardless, Shuten eventually lifted her gaze and tried at a jovial smile; but it came off more as a slight grimace.

"But I can keep the Haori, right?"

A slight grin graced Shuten's lips before she slowly rose to her feet again, quietly straightening her clothing as she looked at Murasaki once again. She considered her options. Frankly speaking, Shuten was extremely glad Murasaki came to Shuten first and spoke to her of this matter instead of... not. The latter would have produced a rather terrible outcome and could very well create some bad blood between the two women; if not Shuten's own sister as well. Regardless, none of this was going to come to pass. This left Shuten with a more pleasant future of honest cooperation. After a few moments, Shuten finally broke the silence, a small sigh escaping her first.

"I'm glad you came to talk to me about this Captain Murasaki. It makes things easier on us all, I think... I wouldn't mind serving under Henrex, I mean Captain Astillon, again. After all, my set of skills are best suited for this division. I just hope he has learned the importance of getting a good night's rest. Then again, perhaps I am hoping for too much."

Briefly, Shuten considered the haori that adorned her shoulders and then turned her gaze to Murasaki again, considering the woman. After a few moments, Shuten gently pulled on the hem of the Haori's left sleeve; straightening the sleeve and drawing it down her slender arm.

"Can I ask you a favor, Murasaki? Can I be the one to present Henrex with the Haori? It would feel right, considering the situation... Passing the torch as it were."

God of Love
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The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] Empty Re: The Price [Murasaki, Shuten]

Sun Oct 16, 2022 9:00 am
The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] NsOqTkn


"Ah, I get the feelin' he'll never really learn his lesson about gettin' enough sleep, but hey, he's a big boy."

Mursaki understood what Shuten was asking of course, and if she was thinking about it entirely formally, it was up to her to give the new captain their haori, present them the role, all of that. But Murasaki certainly wasn't one to abide by tradition just because it was there, and given the situation, she felt like that was the least she could do here.

"Sure thing! That'd be totally fine with me, and I get the feelin' it'd mean more to him if you did it it than me, anyway."

She did still feel bad about this, of course, even knowing that Shuten had more or less always been in this position temporarily. It'd have stung for anyone in this position.

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The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] Empty Re: The Price [Murasaki, Shuten]

Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:57 pm

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

It was a morose chuckle, but a chuckle nonetheless as Shuten chuckled at what Murasaki said about Henrex. No, he really hadn't. It also seemed he had learned little of how to communicate... then again, that was just about the same as well. Shuten let out a small sigh and gave Murasaki a gentle smile.

"Are you sure about that, Murasaki? I'm not sure if Henrex really is that big of a boy... but we have to give credit where credit is well due. Tell me, however, is his return recent or has he been in the Soul Society for a while doing something else?"

The question was innocent enough, but if the answer was exactly what Shuten believed it to be, she was likely going to beat Henrex with a Kanabo. Regardless, it was quite gratifying that Murasaki would allow Shuten to present Henrex with the Haori even if it was mostly her responsibility in the end; given Murasaki's position. It took some of the weight of this news off her shoulders, but it still left the tiniest of sour tastes in her mouth; which resulted in her taking a long drink from the overlarge dish of sake on her desk. Of course, given her Oni nature and how light her casual drinking alcohol was, it gave no effect other than giving Shuten's breath a new pleasant aroma, and completely erased that terrible sour taste.

"Thank you, Murasaki... For both coming to tell me about this and also allowing me to present Henrex with the Haori. It certainly puts you in my favor at the very least; and me in yours. Albeit, I'm afraid I need to find a Haori of my own now... or something similar. I'm afraid I have grown far too accustomed to wearing one. It's quite nice for concealing weapons. And I wish you to know not to feel too bad about this, whether I find myself deserving of the position or not does not erase the fact I knew it could very well be temporary."

The Suika let a gentle smile grace her features before she rose to her feet once again; placing a hand near her Sake dish rather unconsciously.

"Will you need anything else, Murasaki? I still have a bit more paperwork to finish, and a few more tasks to attend to before I can consider this office ready for Henrex. And thank you again... Truly."

God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] Empty Re: The Price [Murasaki, Shuten]

Tue Oct 18, 2022 11:24 pm
The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] NsOqTkn


"He's been here now n' again as far as I know, but he kinda comes n' goes. Unless ya catch him up here when he's teaching, ya might not have an easy time even realizing he's here."

Then again, that was fairly emblematic of why he was qualified for the task of being in the Stealth Force, wasn't it? Anyone who could come in and out that easy, even if it was someone allowed to be there, wasn't exactly the kind of person to leave much trace of their presence.

"Course. Wouldn't feel right if I just sent ya a letter about it or somethin', that's not really my style. I shouldn't need anything else, I don't think. Be sure to tell Henrex to try not to work himself into an early grave though, yeah? I'd be mad if I asked him back and he gave himself a heart attack from not takin' care of himself."

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The Price [Murasaki, Shuten] Empty Re: The Price [Murasaki, Shuten]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:38 am

Song: N/A - By: N/A - Word Count: N/A

It appeared that Shuten's thought that Henrex may have been here for far longer than she had thought, and had not even once thought to SAY HI or just write a DAMNED LETTER. It took a great force of will to relax herself, which consisted in fully emptying the sake dish before her. After a deep breath, she gave Murasaki a small smile, and chuckled softly.

"I can promise he won't die of overworking himself. Of a concussion? Distinctly possible. Sadly, I had to literally beat the concept of sleep into his skull. Let us hope I won't have to do the same anymore... I'd prefer not to get in trouble for that. Again."

Shuten let herself relax a tiny bit before she gave Murasaki a bit warmer smile, not a tiny one that was born out of self control. The Suika gave the woman a small bow and soon gave her another warm smile, and slowly pulled off the Haori that adorned her shoulders. Soon enough, Shuten folded the garb neatly, and gently placed it on the cleanest corner of her desk. A gentle sigh of remorse left her lips, quite accidentally in fact, and she smoothed the front of her garb; a white and black, short, Yukata that was closed and tight in the front. It was sleeveless, and partially showed some of the clothes that Shuten used to wear; apparently being used more as "underwear" now. Shuten let out a small hum, fixing the gloves and long sleeves and other clothing that seemed to be skin tight to her legs and arms. Afterwards, Shuten took a gentle seat in the chair that soon would no longer be hers and gave Murasaki a warm nod.

"Thank you again, Murasaki. And I promise to try and keep Henrex from giving himself a heart attack. But if knocking him out is the method to keep him from overworking... I might explore it slightly. But I suppose I could try some lighter methods. But... it will be good to see him again."

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