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God of Love
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bauher - Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher] - Page 2 Empty Re: Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:32 am
bauher - Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher] - Page 2 CfFiWm2


Most women probably would have been embarrassed in this situation, and really, Arlette was too. Her reasoning, however, wasn't in any sense of the gesture of being picked up, or the implication it might have. No, she was just embarrassed that she couldn't even walk to her own door without getting this much help. She simply nodded her head off to one side, pointing him in the general direction of the kitchen.

"That way."

Despite her pragmatic nature, Arlette's home wasn't entirely as spartan as one would assume. The decorative style was certainly stark, a clean and almost surgical look to everything, but the few paintings here and there on the walls, the furniture, plants or simple decor on the shelves, it all spoke to a woman that had made at least some attempt at creating a genuine home in this place, rather than simply a place to sleep.

"All of that sounds fine. I don't think I've had nearly enough of any of those recently."

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Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:48 am
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Bauher nodded his head as he found a spot to set her down, and promptly peeled his Jacket off, setting it next to her as he walked off to the kitchen to start looking for something for her to eat. He had no idea what condition she was in, so he stuck with something simple. Soup, or maybe just toast or something. Just to get some calories into her. Hell he'd settle for popcorn if she had it. If she was still hungry after that then he'd make her something a bit more dense. Ontop of that he looked for any kind of sports drink, but if need be he'd just get her water.

It all felt so damn automatic. It was painfully ironic that the very same caretaker skills he'd gained taking care of his now-dead wife were coming in handy now.

It wasn't long before he came back, sighing quietly and setting down the food and drink infront of her, taking a moment to look around and find a seat nearby. Intent on watching her to make sure she could hold it down. And well, it wasn't like they were done talking.

"Focus on eating. Just nod or shake your head for now, I don't want you choking. So, we're at your house. Do you have a plan on what to do from here?" He'd ask softly. He didn't need details now, frankly she needed to save her strength. But he just needed a general sense of what was to come. He had a few questions in mind. But there was no rush now that they were inside. And frankly, his fatigue would probably catch up with him soon. That.... or the paranoia would keep him awake all night.
God of Love
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bauher - Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher] - Page 2 Empty Re: Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 12:02 pm
bauher - Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher] - Page 2 CfFiWm2


Arlette would have answered, given a more elaborate response, but he was right. Despite her brave front, she was nothing short of a wreck at present, and she needed to focus on eating. So she did, slowly, methodically, even as her whole body practically screamed at her to scarf it down. All she could do was nod in answer to his question for now, focusing on the meal before her of soup and a sports drink. It was something she was used to, really. It was almost comforting.

Her plan was simple, at least relatively speaking, and she would have written it down for him if she weren't so focused on the distressingly difficult task of eating. Speak with someone, whether that be the Grandmaster or just the director of the Sternritter. She'd made enough points of contact here that she could almost certainly justify an in-person meeting, hadn't she?

From there, it was a very straightforward matter. Just tell them the truth. Show them the few documents she'd managed to bring with her.

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bauher - Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher] - Page 2 Empty Re: Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher]

Fri Oct 14, 2022 12:15 pm
bauher - Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-2117841bdaff1fe77bb0bfd61fbd4de2

He was glad at least that she was listening to him. Good, she was sensible at least. And seeing her eating put him a bit more at ease. No vomiting blood. No sudden collapses. This wasn't so bad after all. "That's a relief at least. Does that plan involve killing your boss?" He asked calmly enough. May as well get the cat out of the bag.

If this was what that woman had done as an "Upgrade" she could only imagine the kinds of things she would do with negative intent. It wouldn't be too bad, if it weren't for how expansive and reaching her influence was. So, it only made sense that he ask if they planned on taking her down, or just getting away from her. It was certainly a pickle to be sure either way.

"I only ask because I don't know to what extent we can rely on the Vandenreich. Given their current suite of problems. I don't think they'll be able to spare many resources. And frankly, I can only think of two people in there I'd outright trust. Unless you know some people." He murmured lightly.
God of Love
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bauher - Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher] - Page 2 Empty Re: Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher]

Sat Oct 15, 2022 12:57 am
bauher - Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher] - Page 2 CfFiWm2


Nodding in response to that question, as well, Arlette thought about the scope of such an aim. Claudia was, at least in theory, a perfectly easy woman to kill. She had nothing other than her resources protecting her, but that was perhaps the most dangerous thing about her. After all, Arlette knew that she controlled an inordinate amount of the world's infrastructure, and more dangerously, she knew that Claudia would have no issue simply crippling it for her own sake.

"...They need to know."

That was as much as she could muster up at the moment, but there was more to it than that. The Duvalier Group's influence was nothing short of immense, and she knew it was almost certain that there were small factions all over the planet with funding right from her. The City of Lights had only avoided being completely in her vicegrip courtesy of Arlette and Bauher's little operation, after all.

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bauher - Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher] - Page 2 Empty Re: Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher]

Sat Oct 15, 2022 1:23 am
bauher - Time Crisis [Arlette, Bauher] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-2117841bdaff1fe77bb0bfd61fbd4de2

He could see the thoughts behind her expression. Impassible as it was, her silence at least spoke to that. And when at long last she gave her response, he couldn't help but nod slightly in recognition. Yea, he supposed that was fair enough. But even so.

"That doesn't sound like resting your voice Miss." He murmured, a very tired smile on his face, and a distinct lack of bite to his voice. A half-hearted little chide. A sigh rolled softly from his chest and he turned, laying across the couch and rubbing at his face for a moment, thinking tat things were no doubt going to be getting a good deal more complicated.

"Right. Well. We'll need a lot of shut-eye then. Is ridiculous as it sounds. Try and get some rest. I admit I didn't quite expect this turn of events. But if you need anything, just tap my shoulder, or use the alarm on your phone." He murmured softly, resting his forearm over his eyes and letting out a slow, steady breath. He was exhausted, and well. For the time being, it seemed they just needed to rest, and get ready to ..... have at a lot of stuff in the morning. Neither of them liekly in any shape to do much more.
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