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[Spirit Class 3] Criella Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 3] Criella Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 3] Criella Empty [Spirit Class 3] Criella

Sat Oct 08, 2022 6:13 pm
[Spirit Class 3] Criella NZ0JoYT

The White Witch | Queen of the World

I. Basic Information

» Name: Criella
» Alias: The Ice Witch
» Age: 47
» Gender: Female

» Association: Herself

» Appearance Written:

A petite woman, Criella is nothing but the image of still beauty. There is something distant, cold, yet enticing about her appearance. Her skin pale, and her eyes a sickly piecing blue, Criella gives off a sense of danger at all times. Despite her lack of muscle, she comes off as something overbearing, a weight inescapable. Her hair is platinum blonde, nearing white. Her normal aesthetic of clothing includes, blue, black, and gold, giving her a royal feeling. For her Hollow hole, it is placed right where her bully button should be, and her Hollow mask is the crown a top her head that she normally adorns with gems or a see-through fabric that hides her face.

» Appearance Image:


I. Personality


Criella is cold. She is the definition of it. None have ever entered her presence without sensing the distant world that she lives in. Feeling above the world, she makes sure those beneath her understand their place at the bottom. With that said, she does seem to purposely push away anyone who dares tries to get close, as if actively wishing to be alone. It is like their lies some fear of someone melting the icy cage around her heat.


Get in Criella's way and she will waste all resources available to crush you. She is a woman that shows little mercy to anyone who proves an enemy, and she will not hesitate to wage war over her ideals. Torture, bargaining, blackmail: Criella is not above any form of tactic to have her way.


For those who understand their place, Criella proves a somewhat caring woman. She will not needlessly harm civilians unless pushed into an unsavory place and shows her citizens a side of her not normally shared. For those who listen, she gives them everything they could dream of. As long as one stays truthful to her regime, none have to worry about their life, unless Criella deems their life a fitting bargaining tool.


It is safe to say that Criella is not entirely sane. She simply understands that power is everything. She simply desires to have everything that she wants. To get to that end, she does everything in her power. Destruction is but a consequence of her dreams, and sometimes it's a bonus to her.


With her dreams drawing near, Criella develops plans after plans to get there. Always thinking of new ways of achieving her goals, destroying her enemies, reaching that apex of her life, she will always have a backup to any situation.

I. History

>>Hello, New World<<

The only thing worth remembering was the day my eyes opened for the first time. The first thing to greet my blessing of sight was the full moon, hanging in the sky. There were no stars. Night and day did not coexist. All I felt was the cold light of reality berating me under its beautiful soft glow. As my sense of self grew, so did a realization. My fingers touched only sand, grazing against the rough molecules until they laid witness to something far different. Without even realizing it, I had risen, my body swiveling to bear witness of the large skull of some deceased creature. Although, immediately, I understood what it was: a Hollow.

Understanding, finally, what had happened, memories flooded my mind: the day I felt true joy, and the day I felt true anger, the mindless wandering, the killing, the betraying and backstabbing and devouring. Then, came the day the white mask adorning my face cracked. My fingers found themselves atop my head, feeling the remains of my savagery, a crown dipped in black and blue. The noise of animalistic screaming soon tore me from my thoughts however.

Like rats forced free from the cracks and corners of their homes, they came. Hollows of all shapes and sizes emerged until they surrounded me in a cage of black. They’ve come for me. I recognize each and every one of them. Revenge colored their white masks as they came to engulf me in their madness, but my life was not extinguished. Suddenly, they fell, a new whirlwind of chaos ensuing as their cries brought joy and anguish to my soul. Their numbers dwindled as one being slew them all, up until only he remained. I knew at that moment that this being could only be my loyal knight.

>>Frozen Catacomb<<

How long have we walked, aimless? Days? Months? Years? Each stop, each moment of respite, was never enough. The endless onslaught of our kind proved always welcoming. How much blood stained our hands? How much longer must we devour our kin? The being clad in dark armor that had saved me so long ago does not speak, nor does he even seem to care for my presence. Yet, I always feel safe around him. Strange, to not know his name, but to feel only familiarity and safety from him? I am left to wonder why. His protection is much needed, for I prove but a lame child in battle, incapable of doing anything to assist him. If only I knew the dangers that he alone could not defeat.

It was but another endless night walking these sands when we both fell into a pit that dropped us into another world. Down here, we were met with an expanse of darkness, lit up by only the hole we fell from, surrounded by the white structures that formed trees in this domain. That is when we were attacked. Hollow that towered over us came in droves, seemingly hungry for a nuanced meal that had fallen into their home. Quickly, my knight found himself unable to keep up with the onslaught. I watched as he was torn to bits, reduced to a whimsy excuse of a fighter.

I can’t exactly recall when it came, how, or why, but I understood it. Deep inside me, I felt a frozen claw grip my soul, squeezing the remaining warmth from my body. I could feel my skin splinter and crack like porcelain. Then I only remember screaming, and that hand around my soul broke my soul, my life exploding from my body. The next thing I know, I am holding my knight, his body slowly healing as we both laid in a world frozen by ice.

>>A Kingdom of Sand and Ice<<

Twenty years had passed since then; twenty long years of torturous turmoil, growth, and understanding. This power of mine, the ability to manipulate ice, had grown as I became used to it and made use of it. My knight continued to grow alongside me as if it was only natural he grew stronger as I did. Hollow still came, testing our might, but we continued forward, slaying everything in our path. Soon, killing for survival became a sport of sorts. Soon, nothing could stand up to us as we laid claim to land and made our new home. No longer would we wander like hermits.

With my powers I froze the sands about me, creating a new oasis of my own. It was only a matter of time before others came, curious of this so-called Witch of Ice. They soon came to bow before me, seeing me as a being worth serving. My ego soared, my reign proving as icy as my power. I became content with what I now owned, slowly encroaching my rule further day by day. This is what brought my attention to the current happenings in other parts of Hueco Mundo. I became knowledgeable of Earth, Soul Society, and of other rulers in Hueco Mundo. Arrogance moved me to stake claim to more power as I learned of my own insignificance, sending out my own troops to seize far off lands in secret. None came to know of my advancing network of followers. Though, that network is what brought me to discover something great.

A ring of untold power? Now mine thanks to the sacrifices of those who brought it to me. Secrest slowly revealed themselves then. Learning of other rings and the need to bring them all together fueled new desires. I needed these rings to fulfill my main goal, a world of ice that only I ruled. Earth will bow. Hueco Mundo will bow. Soul Society will bow. In time, I will no longer be a witch, but I will become the Queen of the Ice Age.

END POST | Frozen in Ice

Last edited by Siegharty on Mon Aug 07, 2023 5:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
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[Spirit Class 3] Criella Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3] Criella

Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:54 pm
[Spirit Class 3] Criella 9eSYTXV

The White Witch | Queen of the World

I. Equipment


Having her own kingdom, Criella has use of Hollows and Arrancar for her scheming. Sending them out in her stead allows her to stay safely out of harm's way and to accomplish all of her goals at the same time.

Ring of the Dead:

It is what it is, a ring of the dead.

I. Natural Abilities

The Will to Do:

This is not an ability of Criella's as it is her way of life. She will do anything to get what she wants, and that drive can be seen as a power itself. Anyone willing to do anything is someone to be feared despite how powerful they are individually. This kind of person is willing to steal, kill, and destroy. Criella is ready to use anybody, make any deal, and to set fire to the whole world if it means she has what she wants. She is a woman driven by her own will, her own way of life, and that alone is all that matters in the end. Nothing will break her. She would rather die than to admit defeat. Everything she owns and knows must be reduced to nothing but ash to get her to that breaking point. That is simply her will to do.

The Ability to Do:

For someone who's willing to do anything, one must also be able to do anything. Criella has nurtured herself to be able to scheme and plot as she pleases. Creating simulations in her own mind of how events may playout, bashing herself for misplaying, and training her mind until she's capable of correcting her own shortsightedness: that is how Criella has helped create a mental scape in her head capable of dictating the future through her own predictions.

I. Arrancar Abilities


As with most Arrancar, Criella possesses the ability to harden her energy around herself that makes her skin harder. Forsaking being a particular strong individual, Criella relies heavily on her own powers to keep her safe, meaning that her Hierro is of adequate use to her.


A bala, being a faster, but weaker version, of cero gives it a lot of use to Criella. She has adopted some particular individualistic balas. Her bala takes a clue color.


Criella's cero share the same color as her bala, but they have the unique feature of having a black outline. Criella usually takes a pose that requires her to point her finger at a target, but she is also able to fire cero's from her Zanpakuto.

I. Zanpakuto

» Zanpakuto Name: Hielo

» Zanpakuto Appearance: Hielo takes the shape of the staff that Criella always has on her. It is black and is formed similarly to a trident/axe adorned with blue crystals.

» Zanpakuto Abilities:


Reino Cayendo: By holding up her staff, Criella is able to gather a mass of energy into a ball above its tip. One would think this technique to feel more like a cero, but Criella then fires a mass of bala from the ball of energy, splashing down the small blotches of energy all around her.

Todavía Reino: An extension of Reino Cayendo, as Criella is launching bala all around her, she is also able to freeze their motion, forcing them to float in the area around her, forming a large area of mines that one must traverse to get to the center where she is normally found. However, the scary part of this ability is that she can force the frozen bala to move at any time, meaning that traversing them could mean putting yourself right in the middle of them.

I. Resurreccion

» Resureccion Release Phrase: Conquer, Hielo

» Release Actions: Criella brings her staff up as she releases Hielo, slamming it into the ground before her body is incased in a sudden shell of ice. The next second, the ice cracks and explodes, leaving feint crystals falling around her changed body.

» Resereccion Appearance: In Ress, Criella takes the shape of a woman incased in ice. Her skin becomes blue as her arms seem to lengthen and her hands become claw like. Her lower body is surrounded by spiked ice structures with a long dark blue bone-like dress adorning her body. Her head is covered by a large helmet that takes the place of her mask's fragments.

» Resereccion Abilities:

Ice Manipulation: Criella's Resurreccion gives her the basic ability of generating and manipulating ice in her surrounding environment. By pouring Reiryoku through her body, she is able to build and shape ice from herself and manipulate it in fashioned ways. However, she is also able to quickly pour her energy outside of her body into the surrounding area, saturating it, so that she can create ice from anywhere affected by her presence. It also allows her to control ice that has already formed with ease.

Enhanced Ice: Of course, through her ability, any ice manipulated by her isn't simply treated as delicate and fragile as normal ice. Criella's ice is full of her energy, allowing anything she creates to be treated with having the same power as herself.

Immovable: By fusing her body to the ground, Criella gains better control at creating ice. Her energy becomes more seeped into the area, as if she has roots coming from her. However, she does lose her ability to move, but she is now able to create ice structures at twice the speed she normally could.

Hielo Deformado: A special technique that gives Criella allows Criella a bit of teleportation. However, she is only able to do this when she has covered an area in ice, and there must be a route made of ice before she is allowed to travel. This technique works by melding her body with the ice around her, allowing her to transfer herself through the ice to another area. This also allows her to somewhat survive strong attacks by breaking herself down into ice and appear elsewhere. Of course, this technique has a cooldown, requiring at least a thread between teleportations before being used again.

Capa Congelada: In her Ress, Criella's body is covered by a layer of ice that acts as a secondary defense if her Hierro is penetrated. It isn't a passive ability, however. Even though her skin is always covered in ice, hardening it to act as a shield requires her to focus her attention to it, meaning she is unable to attack at the same time as protecting herself. In a way, it is a somewhat refined version of Hierro that is boosted by the multitive power one gains in Resureccion. With that said,

Tumba Congelada: This technique is what Criella would refer to as a perfect version of Capa Congelada. No longer is she protecting herself with ice as a secondary means of defense. Tumba Congela seals her whole body in ice, layering multiple sheets, one sheet per level she has in Hollow Nucleus, of the hardened substance to protect herself from any harm from all directions. This is Criella's absolute defense, combining her Hierro and Ress powers in a constant circulation throughout her frozen body. She cannot move nor make any action outside of protecting herself, and if one were to penetrate her tomb, she is unable to stop it at all.

Hielo Bala: Criella applies her ice powers to her bala, allowing her bala to have freezing effects when it hits a person. Of course, depending on how strong that person in changes how this ability interacts with them. Some may experience that certain parts of their body feel chilled while others experience whole limbs being frozen. It all depends on how their durability compare to her power to distinguish the rate at which they are frozen.

For mechanical purposes, a person whose defenses are below Criella's Hollow nucleus by one level will find themselves freezing at a rate of half a limb per post of being hit in a row. This means that a person's arm would begin to feel numb during the first hit before being frozen by the next. That also means that those below Criella's level will have limbs frozen completely if hit by a bala in that area. People stronger than Criella freeze at a much slower rate if tanking her attacks, pretty much tripling the amount of time it'd take to encase them in ice.

Granizo Cero: Criella's own cero, she is able to hold out all of her fingers, orbs of energy crackling at each tip. Large amounts of energy explode from her fingers creating two large cones of Cero that she can fire in any direction that her arms can point in.

Hielo Cero: This technique is simply the application of Criella's ice abilities with her cero. Anything her energy encompasses once fired will become frozen instead of annihilated. Due to the nature of a Cero, defense against being frozen is based solely on one's skill level. Those below Criella's Hollow Nucleus skill will find themselves frozen on the spot. Those at the same level will be able to resist based on how their defenses interact with Criella's attacks, but they will find themselves suffering from sluggish movements from the interaction with something so cold. Beings that are simply stronger than her will find themselves able to shrug off her attempt to freeze them in totality.

Cero Oscuras: Criella can utilize this technique. The Cero Oscuras is far more powerful than an average Cero, with a vast range and massive attack power. Criella's Cero Oscuras is pitch black in coloring with a darkened blue outline. She must point with an open palm to use this technique, however.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Beginner

Arrancar Skills
  • Hollow Nucleus: Elite
  • Aumentar: Advanced
  • Cero/Bala: Elite
  • Sonido: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept


-Deleted Regeneration for Advanced Aumentar

END POST | Frozen in Ice

Last edited by Siegharty on Mon Aug 07, 2023 5:56 pm; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 3] Criella Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3] Criella

Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:54 am
Capa Congelada
How tough is this? Is it basically just a second Hierro?

Tumba Congelada
See above, how many layers are there and how tough are they?

Hielo Bala
What actually is the rate of freezing here?[/adm]
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[Spirit Class 3] Criella Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3] Criella

Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:02 pm
Edited all the above with explanations on interactions and adding clarity to how they work.
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 3] Criella Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3] Criella

Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:11 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: B
Influence: E
Resources: C

Comments/Notes: The ice mom cometh, and so doth I
Tier: 2-2
Hazard Rating: C

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[Spirit Class 3] Criella Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3] Criella

Mon Aug 07, 2023 5:59 pm
-Deleted Adept Regeneration for Advanced Aumentar
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[Spirit Class 3] Criella Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3] Criella

Mon Aug 07, 2023 6:01 pm
Siegharty wrote:-Deleted Adept Regeneration for Advanced Augmentar

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[Spirit Class 3] Criella Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3] Criella

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