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[Spirit Class 9] Verdada Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Verdada Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Verdada Empty [Spirit Class 9] Verdada

Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:44 pm

[Spirit Class 9] Verdada TOP_be8b3e9ea548b915cb160c04fdfb131f
Enter The Arrancar

I. Basic Information

Basic Information
» Name: Verdada
» Alias: Truth
» Age: 1 year
» Gender: Female
» Race: Arrancar

» Affiliations:None

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
» Marital Status: Single
» Sexual Orientation: -

» Hollow Hole: Left Palm
» Aspect of Death: Desperation
» Estigma: A thin red line from her hollow hole going up the length of her arm to her shoulder.

» Height: 5’4”
» Hair Color: Brown
» Eye Color: Blue

[Spirit Class 9] Verdada PROFILE_08dlhejkbh881

» Appearance Written:

Verdada is a fairly short woman with something of a ruffled appearance. Since gaining her independence, she’s grown more disheveled and worn-looking. At a glance, one might describe Verdada as tired or washed up. All the same, she has fair skin and her hair is actually quite soft despite her lack of care for it. She even began to wear glasses in hopes of looking more mature and respectable, but in fact they simply add to her disheveled look in most cases.

II. Personality

» Personality:

Verdada was created for a Doomed Purpose, and so she has something of a cynical and dreary outlook on her life. While she has struggled to find meaning and worth in her existence, she often fails leading her to somewhat depressive tendencies as a result.

Even so, she has a vicious tenacity when something does garner her interest, inherited from her original: Santa. Additionally, even having found out that her original purpose was somewhat pointless, out of sheer lack of anything else she continues to dedicate herself, to her own chagrin, to what she was made for. In this way, she is ….independent, but stubborn and even her own attempts at seeming more mature show a slight childishness to her nature. Refusing to abandon her in-born purpose even as she strives to find her own more independent goals alongside it.

III. History

» History:

A being created as an extension of Santa Estallar’s soul, the evolution and permutation of Santa Ajora. She was created in order to keep the truth behind Algos’ suicide away from Santa as a means of preserving the woman’s happiness. As such, she was named Verdada by Ajora. For months she watched over the corpse of Algos, and the power that was radiating from it. Waiting for her to awaken and return.

When that finally happened, Aina is what emerged, and much to Verdada’s displeasure: with the fully-intact memories of what she had been before. IT wasn’t long before Aina was set loose on the world, and Santa came to be aware of Ajora and Verdada. Ajora was promptly punished and severed from The Garden: The collective mass of Santa’s exported soul turned to flesh, and the main manner in which Verdada herself had been created.

Although she had done nothing wrong, Verdada requested to be separated from the Garden as well, expressing a desire to pursue her purpose of her own free will rather than simply because she was an extension of Santa. Her wish was granted, but her reason had been a lie. She had no illussions of autonomy, or that she would simply be manipulated by a being so simple as Santa.

Her reasoning had been simple: She would never get anywhere tethered to a being stuck in her own past as Santa. Verdada was not content with the flowery insipid dreams of peace and coexistence that Santa was so attached to, and so she gladly embraced the idea of being severed from the woman.

She could be free.

Or so she’d have liked to think. She asked for one last favor from Santa before they went through with it: An Audience with Mana. And it was …..awful.

Seeing what sort of monster Aina had been born from. The horrible things that Mana had done to her. And knowing what sort of twisted memories Aina was still holding inside of her. Verdada felt sick. The being she was made to protect was not even a person. But a pure ideal of suffering made living. That was what she’d been tasked to protect.

She broke down, almost being killed during the meeting itself. While she had discussed being severed with Santa before, once the meeting was over, she demanded that Santa go through with it.

And so she was.

IV. Equipment

» Equipment:

V. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills

»  Racial Abilities:

VI. Sealed Powers

» Zanpakutô Name: Arpía Rosa

» Zanpakutô Appearance:

In its sealed state, Verdada's zanpaku'to takes the form of a plain folding fan that looks to be made of paper. Despite this, it is every bit as durable and capable of slicing through flesh as a blade, and the bands of the fan narrow slightly toward the joint, leaving slits in the weapon where it would be held.

»  Sealed Power:

Plumas Voladoras (Flying Feathers):
In it's sealed state, Verdada's fan is capable of producing razorsharp feathers which can be wielded or thrown like bladed weapons. At times these can sometimes be mistaken for her zanpaku'to.

VII. Resurrección

» Resereccion Name: Arpía Rosa (Rose Harpy)

» Resereccion Release Phrase: Arrebatar (Snatch)

» Release Actions: Speaking the release phrase.

» Resereccion Appearance:

In her ressurected form, Verdada gains large red wings which hang about her shoulders like a cape. Feathers grow out from the back of her scalp, forming a fan behind her head like a crest, and her feet and calves become scaly talons.

» Resereccion Abilities:

Grito de Caza (Cry of the Hunt):

By unleashing a shriek infused with her Reiryoku, Verdada can unleash bursts of sound infused with her spiritual energy. These bursts cause considerable damage not only by roughly jarring materials, but also by causing them to rapidly heat up as energy builds up, causing not only concussive damage, but also rapidly heating and burning targets caught up in her cries.
Directional shrieks operate similar to Cero in their speed and trajectory, though unleashing a radial scream has a limited range of a 10 meter radius.

Canción de las Arpías (Song of the Harpies):

A short range, concentrated version of Grito de Caza. But rather than doing damage, this sound is tuned to the resonant frequency of her Feathers. Plumas Voladoras exposed to Verdada's singing resonate with the energy and vibrate, heating up in the process. This vibration and heat expulsion causes a doubling in the cutting power of feathers under the effects of Verdada's song. Three posts after a feather becomes charge, the combination of vibration and heat overcomes the feather's own structural integrity, causing it to explode violently. Verdada can increase the intensity of her song to have this occur prematurely.

I. Skill Sheet

General Attributes
  • Strength: D
  • Speed: D
  • Durability: D
  • Soul: D

Arrancar Skills
  • Hollow Nucleus: Adept
  • Regeneration: Elite
  • Cero: Beginner
  • Sonido: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Avanced
  • Focus: Adept


Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:45 pm; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 9] Verdada Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Verdada

Thu Oct 06, 2022 1:42 am
[adm]Hazard Ranks
Power: F
Influence: C
Resources: F

Comments/Notes: At least there's not four yet, right?
Tier: 5-3
Hazard Rating: E

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[Spirit Class 9] Verdada Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Verdada

Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:10 pm

Spookyburst 2022
Hollow Nucleus from Beginner to Adept
General speed from adept to advanced
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[Spirit Class 9] Verdada Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Verdada

Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:34 pm
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[Spirit Class 9] Verdada Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Verdada

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