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Joined : 2016-02-15
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Location : Good Question.

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[Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue Empty [Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue

Mon Oct 03, 2022 7:59 am
[Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue Jamil-header2

Basic Information
» Name: Sola Verrtue.
» Alias':
▕ Sturmdranger.
» Age: Young adult.
» Birthday: Februrary 29.
» Gender: Male.
» Race: Arrancar [Luchador].

» Affiliation: Hueco Mundo.

» Hollow Type: Evolved Hollow.
» Hollow Hole: None.
» Aspect of Death: Competition.
» Mask Fragment: None.
» Estigma: Eyeliner.

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
» Nationality: Hueco Mundo.
» Martial Status: Single.
» Sexuality: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: Big Heart but Bigger YKW.
» Special Skill: Great whistler.

» Height: 5'10"
» Build: Toned.
» Hair Colour: Brown.
» Eye Colour: Blue.
[Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue Jamil-appearance

Psychological Analysis
A driven and competitive individual, the primal drive to be greater than all other individuals and stand at the top. For him it is the greatest vice of human nature, it breeds envy and cultivates motivation. Those that fall behind are consumed by the strong and those that do survive become stronger and more powerful. Something like that anyway, let's just say that he likes being in the midst of trouble. If he ain't already in it then he'll probably start it one way or another.

In order to create his ideal environment he models his personality around it. Taunting and irritating people, speaking freely and vulgar at times. He's a delinquent looking to provoke the people around him to spur them into creating a competitive environment to make them all claw at trying to be the top dog of the habitat. Though despite his inclination to start trouble to improve he's not attached to being the top dog, it's good to have a rival or a teacher since if you were god then there's nothing else to test you and then what?

No more competition and that sounds like the most boring thing he'd ever have to do. If Sola was put in a position where he was so powerful that no one could match him then he would happily find a way to toss aside some of that power in order to give him something fun and amusing to pass the time with.


It all started as a hollow, Sola was a plus turned hollow after succumbing to his own regrets as a human that died achieving nothing. When he had passed away he gazed at his life and could not pass on, he had accomplished nothing in his comfortable life which offered no competition. It was a life devoid of struggle and as he felt his heart disappear with his chain of fate encroaching he became a hollow that pursued growth.

Killing souls offered no challenge though. It wasn't satisfying devouring these pathetic defenceless souls and consuming them and one day in the sands of Hueco Mundo he couldn't take it anymore. In a fit of frustration he clawed at his face, tearing off his mask again and again until it was gone and the humanoid figure lay sweating in the sands.

For months this process continued though. His mask attempting to reform and he would claw it back off to avoid the gluttony and preying on weak souls. His nucleus not taking shape in a zanpakuto and so it would return to convert him back into a hollow. It was only through the machinations of an arrancar that madly pursued research that this was alleviated and the scientist had taken the weakened Sola to stabilise the constant regression and tearing off - dubbing the young man a Luchador after the completion of the experiment due to the fact the type of mask had just changed into what he gave the name of máscaras.

The process had cost him a bit though. His shift into a Luchador from his peer had cost him a lot more than becoming an arrancar might, he'd lost quite a bit of his hollow attributes and he was considered a dead end by the arrancar who had gave him this form. Barely stronger than a regular human and lacking any immediately special attributes. He was discarded and left to his own devices but Sola did not look at it as pessimistically as the arrancar scientist.

This was an opportunity to grow and challenge himself. If he started at the bottom then he could crawl to the top and so he would. He'd prove the guy wrong and struggle to the top one way or another.


» Luchador: What's a Luchador? If you ask someone else they'd just tell you that it was an arrancar. Sola will tell you different though. An arrancar seals their hollow nucleus into an external form whether it be a weapon, tool or another person but Sola has no such thing that he has sealed his mask into. A luchador seals their hollow nucleus as a "mask" but not in the literal sense.
» Máscaras: Rather than a zanpakuto, Sola possesses a "máscaras". It grants him some dynamic control over his physiology and so rather than evoking a weapon to aid him it augments his close quarters fighting style. It's quite rudimentary and undeveloped though and even he struggles to understand what it could become if he honed himself. Unlike an Arrancar with their zanpakuto he must train to acquire Resurreccion with his máscaras.

» Struggle: The core of his aspect of death, struggle is necessary for growth. The greater than an individual must endure the more they will be forced to adapt to become greater than themselves. Sola is remarkably quick to grow in the wake of difficulty. He's not the most durable but his body is pretty persistent and he's got the guts to keep on going. Basically, he gets stronger a lot faster the more his body is pushed to its limits hence why he's constantly testing himself.

» Pugilist: He's a pugilist through and through. Sola has no weapon to speak of so you can be certain that he's the type of guy that fights in close-quarters with his body. His fighting style is primarily a mix of boxing and wrestling. It's not much but he'll make it better in time.


None to speak of.


General Attributes
  • Durability: D
  • Speed: D
  • Strength: D
  • Soul: D

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Advanced
  • Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Arrancar Skills
  • Cero: Beginner.
  • Nucleus: Untrained.
  • Regeneration: Adept.
  • Sonido: Beginner.


Sola Upgrade #1
→ 5-5 to 5-4
→ Speed to Adept.
→ Durability to Adept.

New Year Burst 2023
Strength: Beginner → Adept
Willpower: Adept → Advanced
Regeneration: Beginner → Adept

Attribute Update.

Last edited by Gamma on Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:51 pm; edited 6 times in total

[Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7266
Age : 28
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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Sola Verrtue

Thu Oct 06, 2022 1:26 am
[adm]Hazard Ranks
Power: E
Influence: F
Resources: F

Comments/Notes: Better get to evolving, kiddo.
Tier: 5-5
Hazard Rating: F

Application Approved
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