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[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty [Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara

Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:44 am
[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara MKua247


Basic Information

» Name: Moe Machihara (街原 萌)________________
» Alias:
The Princess of the Streets,
The Bubblegum Oni,
» Age: 19
» Birthday: July 14
» Gender: Female
» Race: Shinigami

» Association:
Gotei United - 4th Division

» Alignment: Chaotic Good
» Marital Status: Single
» Nationality: Japanese - Soul Society
» Sexuality: Boys

» Height: 4'8"
» Weight: Petite.
» Hair Colour: Bubblegum Pink
» Eye Colour: Pink

[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara 0tXCG8V

Psychological Analysis

» Competitive: More than anything else, Moe loves to be challenged and to challenge others. She's confrontational, especially when it comes to dealing with people that look down on her, but there's an honour to her that will strive to keep things fair regardless. There isn't a point in playing when one side has an unfair advantage, but if there's an honest strength to one side - even if it favours her opponent - then Moe will take that fight head-on and give it her all.

» Sassy: Fueled by her competitive steak, Moe is often quick to make a snappy remark when the opportunity presents itself. She enjoys being smug, especially if it goads those around her into exerting themselves more regardless of whether that works to her benefit. Her cutting honesty is not intended to actually harm though, and she tries to use her snarky powers for good as best she can. Holding her tongue is not a skill she has mastered though so if something needs to be said then she will say it, even if it cuts a little close to home. "Better to get it out there than wait for it to come around to bite ya" is often how she justifies such comments.

» Immature: Though she's definitely a few years older than she looks, Moe is still childish in many of her pursuits. There is a blissful ignorance to the way that she carries herself both in conversation and in life that is yet to be dampened and some things can soar well over her head. She knows enough to get by, and definitely pretends to know more, but a youth spent behind closed doors has done its part in stunting her emotional growth.


Born in the suburbs of Soul Society, Moe Machihara comes from an unassuming minor noble family filled with unassuming people. Her dad had a stable job, her mom stayed at home to raise the children, and her siblings were perfectly normal. She lived a quiet, sheltered life, far removed from the common hardships and strife of the masses but not without struggles of her own. Her family were content with their lot, they always had been. It was a Machihara tradition to be proud of where they had come from, and ensure that they did not damage this legacy for the next generation.

This did not sit well with young Moe, who wanted to make something of herself beyond these humble beginnings. She was problematic at times, outright difficult at others, and altogether set apart from the rest of her siblings. Her parents were kind and loving, but this quickly grew to feel suffocating even though Moe knew they only meant well. Every part of her life was overseen by them or her older, more trustworthy, siblings. Perhaps they thought this would eventually bend her into submission to their system, but Moe simply became more creative in her attempts to escape this prison.

It had started as an idea of what she could do that would be the most disruptive to her parents. That was what had first drawn her to the idea of being a Shinigami. Of course, to achieve such a goal, Moe needed to be able to actually channel her spiritual energy and protect herself. It wasn't like she could just go out in the street and start fighting people, that would raise too much attention, so she did what she thought any angsty teenager would do. She locked herself in her room and genuinely tried.

That the basics came to her so quickly was a surprise to Moe most of all. She had expected this to be a struggle and yet there was a natural ability there that was undeniable. Had she shared this with her parents then perhaps the next few years would have been different, instead, she tried to hone her techniques in private. She studied martial arts, even what she could about Hakuda, and soon enough she was trying out those fancy moves on her stuffed animals with her head now firmly in the clouds. It was an interesting time in the Machihara household, as they all tried to work out what was going on with Moe to little avail. None had yet considered that she would be looking to pursue a life as a Shinigami.

Eventually, when she was satisfied with her own training, Moe snuck out one night with a big bag filled with her belongings and headed to the Shin'o Academy. She made it through the entrance exam, which was already something of an achievement, and then suddenly she was accelerating through classes. What she had thought was impractical training with barely any resources to her name had somehow been far more successful than it had any right being and, with a little polishing from the teachers, she was suddenly at the forefront of her class. That certainly drove her to find new challenges, push herself harder, and thus her strengths were compounded.

She thrived when it came to combat practice, though even her teachers struggled to put a finger on exactly why. Her raw swordsmanship was not exactly outstanding, she was far from the most agile even with her tiny frame, and she was easily distracted. But when the fighting started, it was like something just snapped in the back of her mind and suddenly she was undefeatable. That was an exaggeration, of course she did lose from time to time, but her record was still far above the average.

It was little surprise when she elected to join the 4th Division after graduating, and then she headed home to her family to show them what she had done. To her surprise, they were happy for her. Moe didn't even know how to process this betrayal, how dare they actually try to support her and claim that this is what they had wanted? There was only one thing for it. She would have to climb to the top of the ladder and show them that this was more than a phase.


» Tiny but Mighty: Moe does not exactly cast an imposing figure, standing comfortably under five feet tall and wielding a Zanpakutô that definitely looks like it was made for someone twice her size, but she is by no means a weakling. Sheer willpower and hard training have pushed her body well beyond any traditional limitations. Sure, that hasn't made her taller, but for someone so small she packs a surprising punch and the energy contained within her little frame is more than enough to make up for her stature.

» Butterfly Style: For as long as she cares to recall, Moe has been getting into fights with whoever wanted to cause trouble in her neighbourhood. Or so she likes to think. In reality, she taught herself how to fight by reading books and practising on her own whilst imagining the Shinigami going about their craft. Her style is probably best described as unorthodox, and even a formal education at the academy could not really kick out most of her bad habits. She's flexible and creative but that doesn't always work out in her favour and she certainly lacks the finesse of a seasoned martial artist. You never know what you might get if you are on the receiving end of a Butterfly Style technique, for better or worse.

» Sky's the Limit: One of Moe's most visible strengths is that of her character. She is driven like a woman possessed to achieve her goals, no matter the objects that find themselves in her path. This single-mindedness can certainly be turned to a disadvantage but Moe will simply keep pressing forwards with a dogged tenacity if she sets her sight upon a specific goal.


[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara MhrS2Bo

» Zanpakutô Name: Shinsho (神杵, "God Mallet")

» Zanpakutô Spirit Summary: Shinsho appears as a towering woman, a giant in both build and stature, with long white hair and large red eyes. Her face often rests in a natural smile, though this natural warmth is diluted somewhat by the large red horns that protrude from her head. It is unclear exactly where these horns come from, or if they are attached naturally, but she pays them no heed. She's playful and frivolous, not the type to take things too seriously, which often clashes with Moe's competitive streak.

» Inner World: Taking the form of a little cottage amidst the hilly countryside, her Inner World is a quaint little getaway that is defined by having almost everything painted in a vibrant selection of pastel colours. Shinsho can often be found within the cottage or out wandering the hills.

» Zanpakutô Appearance: In its sealed form, Shinsho takes the form of a Nodachi sword that is hardly best suited for Moe's diminutive stature. The blade is over half her height in length, spanning comfortably over three feet, which forces her to strap it on her back or even carry it in her hand when in a combat situation It has a small circular crossguard and a long handle that is a decorated in a diamond pattern with crimson threads.


» Release Phrase: Bend and Scatter, Shinsho

» Shikai Appearance: Shinsho transforms into a giant kanabō, growing in size to the point where it might appear unwieldy to even an average-sized Shinigami. Crimson threads wrap around the handle of the weapon and slowly spread out to wrap around Moe's hands the longer she spends wielding it, which makes it more irritating to use for prolonged periods of time. The rest of the weapon is made of dull grey metal, with dozens of studs and spikes running along the length of the weapon.

» Shikai Abilities: On the surface, Shinsho is a melee-type Zanpakutô that has no special abilities and this is often how Moe wishes to use it. To her, it is a blunt instrument best used for beating up her enemies, even if it isn't all that blunt. Shinsho is not exactly pleased with this simplification of her powers and is yet to manifest any other abilities at this stage of their relationship.


General Attributes
  • Durability: C
  • Speed: D
  • Strength: B
  • Soul: D

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Beginner
  • Kidō: Adept
  • Zanjutsu: Adept
  • Hakuda: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Last edited by Locke on Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:25 am; edited 9 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Left_bar_bleue42100/16000[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara

Fri Sep 23, 2022 5:23 pm
How big does the kanabo get?

How does she have an Advanced when she’s only ever done independent or academy training?

Martial Skill
I’d think this deserves an Adept rather than a Beginner, even if she’s not formally trained in a particular art she has gone out of her way to develop her own style.[/mod]
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[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara

Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:18 pm
Lillian wrote:Shikai
How big does the kanabo get?

Uh, like five feet long? It's pretty big. Enough to be a problem for her.

Lillian wrote:Strength
How does she have an Advanced when she’s only ever done independent or academy training?

She's kinda built around strength. The reason she succeeded at the academy was that she was freakishly strong compared to her peers, and she certainly trains hard to keep that edge.

But if that doesn't warrant Advanced, I can bump it down to Adept and not lose sleep over it.

Lillian wrote:Martial Skill
I’d think this deserves an Adept rather than a Beginner, even if she’s not formally trained in a particular art she has gone out of her way to develop her own style.


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[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Left_bar_bleue42100/16000[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara

Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:12 am
[mod]Advanced Strength's capabilities don't appear to be reflected in this app, and even if she has had a head start in power she is still someone fresh out of the academy with little else telling to her capabilities, so starting her off at Adept seems more reasonable here. From what I understand she hasn't even seen actual combat yet.[/mod]
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[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Left_bar_bleue42100/16000[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara

Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:25 am
[mod]Hazard Ranks
Power: E
Influence: E
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Onward and upward, spice girl
Tier: 5-2
Hazard Rating: E
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[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara

Thu Nov 03, 2022 5:54 am

-Tier: 5-2 -> 4-5 (14)
-Speed: Beginner -> Adept (10)
-Strength: Adept -> Advanced (30)
-Kido: Beginner -> Adept (10)
-Mental Deduction: Beginner -> Adept (10)
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[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:56 pm
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[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara

Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:03 am
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[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara

Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:25 am
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[Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Moe Machihara

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