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God of Love
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[Spirit Class 2] Rukia Kuchiki  Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 2] Rukia Kuchiki  Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 2] Rukia Kuchiki  Empty [Spirit Class 2] Rukia Kuchiki

Sun Sep 11, 2022 6:32 am
[Spirit Class 2] Rukia Kuchiki  SXQ6cVx


Basic Information

○ Name: Kuchiki Rukia (朽木 瑠愛)
○ Alias: N/A
○ Age: 250ish
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Shinigami

○ Affiliations:
-Gotei United, 2nd Division Captain
-Shino Academy, Kido Instructor
-Kuchiki Family

○ Alignment: Neutral Good
○ Marital Status: Taken
○ Nationality: Soul Society
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
○ Ideal Mate: Someone chill.
○ Special Skill: Drawing.

○ Height: 4’9”
○ Weight: 73lbs
○ Hair Colour: Black
○ Eye Colour: Purple

[Spirit Class 2] Rukia Kuchiki  5gy0FYB

Psychological Analysis

Rukia is, certainly, not the young woman that she was 100 years ago. There are certainly many things about her which remain the same, of course. Her proclivity for sassy remarks, her quick temper when in a casual atmosphere. In a sense, those close to Rukia would likely wonder if she had changed all that much at all. But, naturally, anyone who knew her long ago would find it all too plain to see how much she has changed. Where once there was a woman headstrong and sure, willing to put herself forward for the sake of her morals, there is now a certain exhaustion in everything she does. Rukia still holds all of those things true, of course, and she will still fight for the things she believes in. But she has also seen her efforts end for nothing, and she has seen precious little change even in the wake of everything that she did.

More than anything, it could best be said that Rukia’s just a little bit tired of how everything’s gotten. She doesn’t have any more grand aspirations, no dreams she wants to chase. For her, simply living her life is more than enough. In some ways, she’s become more approachable than she ever was, but perhaps the opposite is true as well. She’s less patient, less willing to put up with things that she thinks aren’t right. Maybe she’s just more independent now.


–Please see canon for events before PH history–

Upon the defeat of Sosuke Aizen, Rukia was allowed to return to her patrols in Karakura and the surrounding areas, as it remained the area overseen by the 13th Division. Much of this time was spent living at the Urahara Shop rather than at the Kurosaki Clinic, as it had become somewhat pointless for her to continue living there, even if she had admittedly grown faintly fond of her little closet. She visited her friends whenever she could, naturally, but it wasn't nearly so easy as simply coming by whenever the fancy struck her. She had a job to do, after all, but it was a pretty nice little life.

This all changed, of course, during the course of the Third World War, when life changed as everyone knew it, when Ender arrived not a few months after Aizen had been defeated.. Countless lives were lost, the balance of souls was completely overturned, and the friends Rukia had come to hold dear were all seemingly pulled from her life. It was a catastrophe, and though she served at her best during that time, there seemed to be so little she could do. Her friends seemed to disappear in battle one by one, until there was hardly anyone left. She fought in their memory, but to fight without them at her side was a bitter experience.

After the war with Ender, and the people of Earth gradually becoming more spiritually aware, the work of the 13th Division was not nearly as easy as it had once been. Patrols were a more difficult affair now that the people of Earth governed their own spiritual matters, and before long, Rukia had little choice but to stay mostly uninvolved. It was a difficult affair, enough so that, eventually, she moved to a different division simply to avoid interfering in something that would get her into any trouble. She was offered a role as the Captain of the 6th Division, to take up the position mostly as a successor to her elder brother Byakuya, but she declined. It would have simply felt like nepotism, and frankly, she just wanted a bit of time to herself.

In the years afterward, Rukia served almost entirely in an auxiliary capacity for the Gotei, and she has grown increasingly distant from the Kuchiki family. Some would consider this to be a quite surprising change, but Rukia thinks it was inevitable, frankly. The Gotei for many years ran fundamentally opposite to her own beliefs, but they have changed enough that she’s willing to put the past behind her for the sake of others. The Kuchiki, by comparison, have demonstrated that they've grown not at all in the last century. Most might have simply accepted that, but she finds it more difficult to do that. If she's grown, and if even the Gotei has grown, there is no reason to say that the Kuchiki could not do the same.

As of now, she simply serves as an everyday member of the Gotei United. She doesn't intend to pursue any glory or prestige, as those things are well past her. Even so, the sense that she should be doing more has weighed heavily on her. Perhaps it’s only right that she do more than just grunt work, when she knows perfectly well that she’s capable of it.


○ Kido Expert: While Rukia’s age and service in the Gotei over the years have naturally left her with an impressive mastery of the shinigami arts, her mastery of kido is unquestionably her peak. Were it not for her own lack of training in the past few centuries, and the malaise that came with removing herself from shinigami duties, it is quite likely that she could have become one of the greatest practitioners of kido to ever live at this point. As it stands, of course, she still should not ever be underestimated. She has a firm grasp on the myriad standardized kido, and while she is not capable of simply inventing new spells at a whim, she certainly has the expertise to modify already-existing kido into new forms.


○ Zanpakuto Name: Sode no Shirayuki (袖白雪, lit. "Sleeved White Snow")

○ Zanpakuto Spirit Appearance: Sode no Shirayuki’s zanpakuto spirit is an elegant, refined-looking woman, who carries herself with an air of dignity and grace well beyond even most noblewomen. Both her hair and her kimono are a light ice blue, bordering on outright white, and her grey eyes match her single notable accessory, a simple hair ornament on the right side of her bangs.

○ Zanpakuto Sealed Power: Sode no Shirayuki possesses no sealed powers.


○ Release Phrase: Dance, Sode no Shirayuki.

○ Shikai Appearance: Sode no Shirayuki’s zanpakuto spirit is an elegant, refined-looking woman, who carries herself with an air of dignity and grace well beyond even most noblewomen. Both her hair and her kimono are a light ice blue, bordering on outright white, and her grey eyes match her single notable accessory, a simple hair ornament on the right side of her bangs.

○ Shikai Abilities: To call Sode no Shirayuki a complex zanpakuto would be something of an understatement, though it is this very complexity that only adds to its refinement and elegance. Its chief ability is to “freeze,” but the applications of this are wide and varied. At the simplest level, the shikai is capable of reducing Rukia’s own body temperatures to freezing temperatures, which extends through the blade of the zanpakuto itself. This allows her attacks to carry with them a profound icy edge, and in theory, even attacks made using hakuda, due to her own body being cooled, would carry that same cold. However, Sode no Shirayuki additionally has within its repertoire several more elaborate techniques, referred to as ‘dances.’

○ Some no Mai, Tsukishiro: Holding her blade upside-down, Rukia draws a circle, approximately 4 meters in diameter, with the edge of her blade in one swift motion. Upon completion of the circle, everything within that circle is frozen solid in a flash, extending upward into the sky and, theoretically, below into the ground. This freezing is enough to instantly shatter most objects with no spiritual nature, and creatures which lack any significant spiritual nature or developed soul. Beings whose durability is lower than Rukia’s Zanjutsu skill will find that they have little to no chance of keeping from being frozen if they are caught within that circle, and even if they are at the same level, they should likely attempt some other defense beyond relying on their body's resilience. Even those those whose durability is on a completely other level (i.e. Master or Grand Master) will still note that the freezing potential of this technique is exceptionally deadly, but naturally, something as simple as a preliminary shikai technique may not always be enough to freeze them. However, this shikai's greatest weakness is simply its scope. Regardless of how high this circle’s influence might go, it cannot be widened, or even redirected, and Rukia is quite keenly aware of how pitifully small 4 meters is.

○ Tsugi no Mai, Hakuren: To begin this dance, Rukia first stabs the ground before her four times, in an arc that might give the impression of some sort of defensive measure. Each of these four points of impact then begin to freeze the air around them, giving off a trail of ice crystals and creating something of a wall of freezing temperature. However, this is only the preparation for the brunt of the technique. Taking up a combative stance, Rukia then fires this wall of cold forward, freezing everything in its path. Because of the sheer temperature, this wall leaves a thick trail of ice crystals behind it, which gives the impression of an avalanche of snow. However, the true danger is this nearly invisible "wall," and upon being struck by said wall, a target will be met with every bit the same freezing as they would face from the Some no Mai.

○ San no Mai, Shirafune: Simultaneously the simplest and the most versatile of Sode no Shirayuki’s dances, Shirafune allows Rukia to accumulate ice on her zanpakuto, which not only allows her to lengthen the blade, but also to repair it in the event that it is broken during a fight. This extension does not simply fade into being, but shoots forward from the blade as if extending from it, something akin to a miniaturized version of the Hakuren. This ice carries with it the same ability to freeze as both Tsukishiro and Hakuren, though rather than freezing an opponent all at once, it will freeze only at the point of impact, due to the much smaller area being struck. Due to this, however, Rukia can also freeze terrain and objects, rather than simply opponents, and can cause ice to spread wherever her zanpakuto strikes.


○ Bankai Name: Hakka no Togame (白霞罸, lit. “Penalty of White Haze”)

○ Bankai Appearance:

[Spirit Class 2] Rukia Kuchiki  PPVtsOJ

○ Bankai Ability: A bankai of an almost self-destructive nature, Hakka no Togame’s release is one of the most immediately apparent in Soul Society. As soon as it is released, the area surrounding Rukia, to approximately 30 meters, is immediately dropped to absolute zero by a white mist. Those within the area with durability below Rukia’s zanjutsu are immediately flash-frozen, and the slightest movement, including momentum from any movement prior to the freeze, will cause their body to shatter into countless pieces. Even after this initial flash-freeze, Rukia’s body exudes a constant aura which drops the temperature to that same absolute zero, and the mist she exudes can be controlled to create a more mobile method of freezing opponents, which can move at a speed equal to Rukia’s own zanjutsu, and can move at an effective range of Rukia’s sphere of influence based on her tier. However, she cannot sense through this mist, and so there is a more practical range of her immediate field of vision.

Beyond the external, however, there is the internal effect of this release. Rukia’s own body freezes in the process of this release, and because of this, her body cannot change, cannot be altered. She is in functional stasis, and because of this, any effects which would “spread” through her body, such as poisons or bacteria, are incapable of making any headway.

However, this powerful release is one that Rukia herself must be highly prepared to utilize. Her own body is the source of this freezing, rather than the zanpakuto, and because of this she, too, becomes brittle and frozen. While she will not shatter immediately upon moving, her Speed and Durability skills are both dropped to Untrained as long as this release is active.


General Skills
  • Durability: C
  • General Speed: A
  • Strength: C
  • Soul: S

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Advanced
  • Kido: Elite
  • Hakuda: Adept
  • Zanjutsu: Elite

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced


Great Attribute Update
-Attributes brought to modern system

Last edited by Rawk on Wed Aug 14, 2024 11:12 am; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 2] Rukia Kuchiki  Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Rukia Kuchiki

Thu Sep 15, 2022 12:19 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: B
Influence: A
Resources: A

Comments/Notes: Hope you do better at poker this time.

Tier: 1-5
Hazard Rating: A
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