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[Spirit Class 2] Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 2] Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 2] Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Empty [Spirit Class 2] Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck

Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:57 am
[Spirit Class 2] Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Resized


Basic Information
» Name: Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck.
» Alias':
▕ Nel Tu.
▕ Tercera Espada.
» Age: Appears Adult.
» Birthday: April 24.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Arrancar.

» Affiliation:
Her Husband. Wanderering Arrancar.

» Alignment: True Neutral.
» Marital Status: Married.
» Nationality: Hueco Mundo.
» Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Type: Red Apples & Oranges.
» Special Skill: Taking a punch or seven.

» Height: 5'10".
» Build: Curvy.
» Hair Colour: Green-Blue.
» Eye Colour: Hazel.

[Spirit Class 2] Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Appearance-nel

Psychological Analysis
» Pacifistic: An outlier among hollows, Nelliel does not seek or relish combat. Quite the opposite, she is loathe to ever flaunt her power or hurt others for no reason. This should not be misunderstood though as her being unwilling to fight but should she be required to draw her sword and exercise some form of reprisal there is no question as to whether or not she would do it.

» Jubilant: Always an upbeat and positive attitude that Nelliel tries to bring to the people around her. She's quick to liven the situation and behaves almost childishly at some points in time but means well. It is a mixed bag with Nelliel as she is more than capable of displaying her maturity when she feels inclined to and gets doting at times towards those she's close to.

» Honourable: Ever the honourable one, Nelliel has rigid morals and values that make her akin to a knight. Protect the weak, fight only as required and do not indulge in senseless bloodlust. This code of conduct that she has runs opposite to her kind where she views conflict over personal matters like vengeance or glory.


---For Events Prior to PH refer to Bleach Canon---

Upon the conclusion of the Winter War, Nelliel escaped Las Noches at the risk of Mayuri Kurotsuchi's interest in experimenting on her and fled with her siblings. After which she and her fraccion resumed their carefree lifestyle though with a couple of hiccups where she would suffer from blanks in her memory and struggle to control her own transformation between child and adult. It was a troublesome time for her where she felt like she was growing less in control of herself and try as she might the Espada found no success in dispelling the problem of her own efforts.

The situation would only grow more dire for her when Shadow Fall rose, essentially pushing the group of arrancar out of the world of Hueco Mundo and planned to flee to the Human World in favour of avoiding the conflict as the fighting became more heated and Nel's powers grew far more unstable without any confidence in being able to protect the people dear to her.

Stuck as her child form she was the only one that saw the human world though as her brothers were caught up in the strife to get her out safely. Alone in Karakura Town she was stumbled upon by the exiled Urahara who bargained with her to correct the issue of her transformation in exchange for a favour for him to call in and from there she regained her adult self.

For years she stumbled through the wastelands of Hueco Mundo with no success for her lost family, she could neither find her friends either who had met her in Hueco Mundo all those years ago. For the first time in a long time she truly had nothing and she loathed it with all her being but she couldn't find what was missing but she would not stop looking for it.

Not until she found it.


» Reiryoku: As a Vasto-Lorde class Menos and former 3rd Espada in Aizen's Army, Nel's spiritual power is quite immense. The reiatsu she emits alone can be felt across vast stretches of Hueco Mundo if she releases it in full however this is quite rare, Nel will only ever utilise as much of her power as required at any time. This is for the sake of effeciency and out of disinterest about obliterating her opponent.

» Flow of Power: A trait that bled into her child form, as an adult she has a greater control of it but there is still a detrimental side effect to it. Nel's body fluids contain her reiryoku which allow her saliva to function as a conduit of transfer where she is able to have another ingest or be splashed with it and begin to heal in a similar manner to a shinigami using kaido where it replenishes the target's reiryoku and then encourages healing of the body.

» Sonido: Speed is one of her greatest advantages which has her known by some as a "Creature of the Wind". Nel's sonido is proficient enough that she can utilise flash steps in quick succession, which makes it difficult to track her and keep up with the green blur that she can become to others. There are a range of techniques at her disposal such as Amortiguar which allows for her to silence the crackling sound made by her steps, Vendaval which causes a large burst of wind to occur after she takes a step away and Estela which takes advantage of chasing an opponent to exploit using them to shield herself from air resistance and not work as hard.

» Cero: As a former Espada, Nel's capable of utilising the revered Gran Rey Cero though she is rare to ever employ it. Her preferred usage of cero is in her own creation which she attributes to aikido where she utilises a target's own attack to her own advantage called the Cero Doble. By opening her mouth and absorbing the oncoming energy attack from an opponent she fuses it with her own reiryoku before launching it as a cero of her own which is a combined cero of both potencies. It is a delicate process which leaves little room for error lest the cero fail to be absorbed and instead hit her.

» Hierro: By condensing their reiryoku within their skin, an arrancar is capable of hardenining it to be like steel which allows them to reduce oncoming damage and even prevent situations such as being cut from being struck by blades. A general rule of thumb is that the hierro can be in proportion to a user's reiryoku, and so a powerful arrancar with a great deal of spiritual power is likely to have a very powerful hierro although this is not absolute for individuals that pursue greater levels of this ability can be outliers. Additionally, while it is powerful it is possible for an opponent to adapt against a hierro with exposure and factors to back it up.


» Name: Gamuza.

» Sealed Appearance: The sealed form of Gamuza is an average length katana, green in colour and with a tsuba which is shaped as two crescent moons facing away from one another.


» Release Command: Declare, Gamuza.

» Appearance: Nelliel's Resurreccion.

» Ability: Upon the release of Gamuza, Nel gains access to a couple of unique techniques that she can take advantage. The most immediate being obviously that she possesses

Arado Verde: A technique which involves the act of preparing and rushing through the area, the hooves of her lower body dragging along the earth to stir and upheave it which excites it and disrupts the flow of reishi around her. This manifests as a green haze around the area whereever she goes and can make it difficult for those with poor sensory skills to follow her

Carga Verde: Building up speed, Nel's able to create the effect of Lanzador Verde around herself where she turns herself into a charging bullet which can continue to become faster and faster. The requirement is that she must build up the momentum before turning herself into the charging drill that pierces the target and strikes them down.

Lanzador Verde: The most common technique of her's seen in this state where she takes aim and launches her spear as a projectile. The lance is thrown and begins to spin towards its target until it becomes equivalent to a drill and gains a large amount of penetrating power which can bore through most defences to obliterate the target it is thrown at.

Línea Verde: A sonido technique taking advantage of her centauress form. Nel is able to dash forward with extremely great speed in a linear direction as a charge. This varies from Carga Verde where she will continue to move around as a speeding drill that decimates everything in front of it, instead Linea Verde is about getting as close as possible as fast as possible.


General Attributes
  • Durability: B.
  • General Speed: A.
  • Strength: A.
  • Soul: B.

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced.
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced.
  • Focus: Advanced.

Arrancar Skills
  • Cero: Advanced.
  • Nucleus: Elite.
  • Regeneration: Untrained.
  • Sonido: Advanced.


SpookyBurst 2022

Strength: Adept -> Advanced. [30 points].

Attribute Update.

Last edited by Gamma on Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:51 pm; edited 5 times in total

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[Spirit Class 2] Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck

Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:38 am
Hazard Ranks
Power: B
Influence: B
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Is that the GOAT?

Tier: 1-5
Hazard Rating: B
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