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[Spirit Class 6] Sawachika Nao Empty [Spirit Class 6] Sawachika Nao

Sat Sep 03, 2022 4:54 am
[Spirit Class 6] Sawachika Nao Ranma


Basic Information
"To pursue the unbreakable,
one must break a lot of eggs."
» Name: Sawachika Nao 沢近 娜唹
» Alias':
▕ Gilded Hand Nao.
▕ God Spear Nao.
» Age: 70s.
» Birthday: January 8.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Shinigami.

» Affiliation:
Sawachika Family. Seireitei Aristocracy.

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
» Marital Status: Single.
» Nationality: Soul Society.
» Sexual Orientation: Dudes.
» Ideal Type: Tenka Musou.
» Special Skill: Nothing in particular.

» Height: 4'8"
» Build: Athletic.
» Hair Colour: Red.
» Eye Colour: Blue.

[Spirit Class 6] Sawachika Nao Ranma-a

Psychological Analysis
» Big Spirited: A loud and powerful presence, her short stature does not conceal the overwhelming way that she can dominate a room even when she's quiet if she wants to. At the same time she can relatively make herself inconspicuous and easily glossed over by those around her albeit something like that is a lot less frequently done by her.

» Creative: Martial Artist does not work without "artist" and Nao is proud to call herself that. Her hobbies include many different artforms which grow her creativity ranging from architecture, ceramics and of course her martial arts. These creative pursuits are to not only expand her mind but to also develop discipline and hone her mentality. The road to success is not easy but someone like her doesn't surrender to impatience or frustrations if she can help it.

» Sassy: A lively individual that is cheeky to boot. Nao's got a bit of a mouth on her which can either earn her a lot of friends and rivals or make her a pain in the butt to others. It's not an intentionally antagonistic trait about her, she was raised to speak her mind and be honest which leads to her act the way she does. The idea of lying bothers her to entertain and so for better or worse she'll tend to be earnest in her feelings or thoughts.

» Driven: Improve, adapt, overcome. She's not pursuing the path of a universal man here and really, if you asked her she'd probably tell you that she didn't think she was that smart herself. Nao is a person that gets frustrated when people refer to her skills and achievements as the result of talent, sometimes even upset. It upsets her because people assume she's talented rather than the long hours and dedication that she's put into her pursuits. It angers her that they don't see the times she's had her hands and feet bleeding from practice, the amount of ceramics she's broken while doing her pottery or crying from frustration at hitting a wall.


Nao comes from the noble Sawachika family. She was born as one of the elder children from Ken and Ai Sawachika, she inherited her father's bright red hair and some might even say the larger than life spirit that she grew up to have.

Despite the relatively mediocre reputation that they have, Nao came out of the womb with a tough will and go-getter attitude that showed from her youngest years when as soon as she was able to she began to work. Work hard she did. Nao spent much time with her father and siblings learning the ways of architecture and construction, doing her best to help out and be proud of herself.

She might've been a small girl in stature but Nao would always make up for it with her guts. If she fell over and scraped her knee then she'd get back up and smile through the pain to keep going. Though the jobs she got were relatively small in scale for a young child she always attacked them with vigour and tried hard. When she was old enough and able to draft her own building after many attempts she was ecstatic to hear that it was well designed and structurely sound.

The idea of traditionally noblewoman things didn't appeal to her. Looking at other girls arranging flowers just seemed boring and she found a passion in ceramics instead, enough so that she kept up her art to become very proficient in pottery and kintsugi. The act of making things brought her a lot of joy but she always wanted to go further in what she could build. She wanted something that embodied her will in its entirety, something that was like a mountain.

The answer to that she found in her teens. Martial arts was perfectly suited to her and she fondly aimed to reach higher and higher. At first it was simple, it was just the desire to break things so that she could understand them better. After all, if she knew how things broke then she could improve her construction and building techniques. She got better at martial arts and her own spiritual abilities as means to improve her destructive abilities and understand materials to a greater extent.

The two went hand in hand for her.

One could ask why she never decided to enroll into the shin'o academy as she flourished and understood the fundamentals of the zankensoki quite well but the answer was simple. She didn't have any need to do it if it didn't contribute towards her goal. Kido and the acquisition of a zanpakuto weren't important to her nor was the prestige of joining the Gotei itself.

She was happy with who she was and what she pursued. Despite her growth as a person though Nao didn't grow up much in the height department, even now she's pretty small against her siblings being one that's often mistaken for the younger ones (and she'll get pretty indignant about being the eldest).


» Architect and Builder: At first glance a ruffian that is more at home on the battlefield than anywhere else. Nao is proficient in architecture and building, citing it as the reason that she became a martial artist in the first place. Nao's views on construction is quite philosophical, the creation of a building is an expression of oneself and even an extension of oneself at times. For Nao she takes pride and pursues the creation of something that will not surrender to the elements, something that is unmoveable and unbreakable like a mountain. The perception bled into how she views herself and created her pursuit into honing her own body to be like her ideal creation as an artist, if she aspires to destroy mountains then she will be learn to create something even better.

» God Spear Nao: The epithet attached to Nao for her usage of a spear, she is highly proficient with various different polearms but is most prominently seen utilising a naginata. Her precision is that she's comfortable referring to using a spear as natural to her as being an extension of her own arm. While she can utilise other weapons, the proficiency is lacking in comparison to this hyper-specialisation towards her collection of polearms.

» Hoho Expert: She is well versed in the use of shunpo and possesses a few variants of it. She prefers to refer to all of her unique techniques by shukuchi rather than shunpo. Nao is proficient enough to utilise speed clones and showcase some skills such as utsusemi-adjacent techniques. Her favourite is a hoho technique which makes use of her yin-aligned reiryoku to make it nigh-impossible to detect her while she is stepping which makes people compare it to the arrancar's sonido when they encounter it.

» Exercising the Flow of Yin and Yang: Her noble blood and honed fighting prowess is enough that Nao boasts a relatively impressive pool of reiryoku however the pool itself is not the most impressive part about Nao but the control that she has over her reiryoku in the release of it. Her finesse and trained control over the flow and motion of her energy is what makes her truly revered amongst her peers as a martial artist. She explains her foundation as the taiji, where she aligns her spiritual energy between either yin or yang and the flawless transition allows for some truly devastating applications of Hakuda and Hoho.

    Kotōryū [Tiger Culling Style]: The "yang" of her style that opposes "yin". Kotōryū is the alignment of her reiryoku in an active and often external manner. It's frequently involved in the empowering of her attacks which can cause shockwaves to occur or move the energy around in such a way that it gains characteristics which give advantages such as energy redirection into counterattacks or greater piercing power.

    Ryūjōryū [Dragon Branding Style]: The "yin" of her style that opposes "yang". Ryūjōryū is the alignment of her reiryoku towards stillness and usually has internal applications of her spiritual power. An few examples are the usage of her reiatsu in a defensive manners such as hardening her skin or neutralising a target's attack with something of equal force. It is also the basis of her concealment where she is able to align her spiritual energy into a more gentle and subtle form to make it more difficult to reliably sense her.

» Touki: What she calls her fighting spirit and is a trait of her reiatsu, the conviction of her overwhelming desire to win that seeps into her reiatsu. Just the release of her reiatsu is an immediate and constant attack on a person's mental fortitude if she's going all out which can make the act of fighting her seem imposing to those with weaker willpower and focus even if they otherwise have a good chance of beating her.

» Sanzan Koken: The fighting style of Nao which she has coined as the Sanzan Koken. It is the culmination of her idealogy of dominating an opponent on all three fronts. These three fronts in her philosophy is the body, mind and spirit. Strike not just their body but mind and spirit in the same instance and see thrice the effectiveness. At the same time as she attacks a target's body, her touki is attacking their mind to make it harder to react or focus their reiatsu while her spiritual pressure is completely focused to break past whatever defence the target's reiatsu is offerring.

The ougi of her Sanzan Koken is called Sanzan Koken: Mōko Kō Hazan which is the culmination of her power and the greatest expression of attacking an individual on all three fronts. Her own usage of it combines hakuda and hoho to the point where it can be called a hybrid. Upon taking a stance and aligning her reiryoku, she creates two additional speed clones with her flash step before attacking the target from three sides. The attack overall is thrice as effective due to the target feeling like they have been attacked from three different points on their body, mind and spirit which makes her proud to call it her greatest achievement to date.


General Attributes
  • Durability: C.
  • Speed: C.
  • Strength: C.
  • Soul: D.

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced.
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced.
  • Focus: Advanced.

Shinigami Skills
  • Hakuda: Advanced.
  • Hoho: Advanced.
  • Kido: Untrained.
  • Zanjutsu: Untrained.


Spookyburst 2022
General Speed: Adept -> Advanced. [30 points]
Strength: Adept -> Advanced. [30 points]

Attribute Update.

Last edited by Gamma on Fri Aug 23, 2024 12:49 pm; edited 6 times in total

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[Spirit Class 6] Sawachika Nao Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Sawachika Nao

Thu Sep 08, 2022 4:15 am
[adm]Hazard Ranks
Power: D
Influence: D
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: I like her conviction.

Tier: 3-5
Hazard Rating: D

Application Approved
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