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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:34 pm
Coding In Template By:

Ad Esse Caelum

Human Profile

I. Basic Information

⚋ Name: Edelo Nakir
⚋ Alias': Edel
⚋ Age: 28
⚋ Birthday: July 5th
⚋ Gender: Male
⚋ Race: Fullbringer

⚋ Affiliation: None

⚋ Alignment: Neutral
⚋ Marital Status: Single
⚋Nationality: German
⚋ Sexual Orientation: Autist

⚋ Height: 6'2"
⚋ Weight: 215 lbs
⚋ Hair Colour: Red
⚋ Eye Colour: Brown

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir SIDEBAR__lance_and_aerodactyl_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__789166769a4bfdb840d110e24b48438f

» Physical Appearance Description: Edelo stands at a respectable height and with a fairly athletic build. He has short, red hair which he has considered at one point to try growing out into something like a ponytail, but ultimately whenever his hair gets too long he gets irritated and cuts it shorter, and so at times he CAN be seen with longer hair, though generally not for very long.

All the same, he has a very solid build and an alright face, all things considered, though his eyes are plain brown, they are very striking and intense, and Edelo takes great pride in this particular feature of his.

II. Personality Traits

» Personality:

Edelo was always something of an serious type. While hardly having trouble adapting to change, he at times does struggle to sit back and enjoy himself. Much preferring seclusion and the ability to enjoy himself by his lonesome. All the same, he makes efforts to be more social, though he struggles to establish himself as a warm presence, even managing to put up an enthusiastic and friendly facade when around his peers. But ultimately, deep down he feels almost nothing in the company of others.

Very driven and focused on his work, Edelo prospers in a professional environment and has a natural inclination to leadership, at least when it comes to motivating others, though ihs own capability for tactical adaptability can somewhat limit his prospects at actually holding a leadership position. But so far as he's concerned, that's what advisors are for, right?

III. Character History

» History

Raised by a poor Quincy family in Germany. When Edelo was very young he contracted polio and while he survived the initial acute symptoms, he was still constrained to a wheelchair for much of his young life and had stunted growth, made only worse with malnutrition. It was not expected that he would live for much longer. His parents could do nothing but pray. And their prayers were answered in the form of a roaming Doctor that happened to pass through his town. His Mother was convinced the man was an angel sent from his god His father insisted the doctor had to have been an Iramasha or Danava. Whatever the case, after having been visited by the mysterious Doctor, Edelo’s condition began to improve tremendously. Within a year he was able to walk and well enough to attend school with the other children.

Unfortunately, having a somewhat late puberty even after his recovery, Edelo was bullied often in school, having very little will to defend himself and even being coerced into any number of embarassing situations as he was quite gullible. His father decided that to toughen him up, it would be prompt that he follow the family tradition of becoming a quincy. A path initially unavailable due to his illness, Edelo’s father was sure that the regiment and determination needed to become a quincy would serve Edelo well, even if…ultimately, it was a complete failure. Despite his Father’s best efforts, and a considerable effort on Edelo’s part, he proved incompatable with Quincy abilities, entirely unable even to draw in reishi.

If nothing else, though he failed to become a quincy, the training at the very least gave Edelo's life some much-needed structure though he still struggled to socialize with his peers. Though as fate would have it, he wouldn't have to worry about such a thing for very long. His hometown would begin to suffer from a hollow infestation, one that would claim the life of his Father. All the same, Edelo continued to fight with the other able-bodied adults in their small village for the next four years. It was during this time that Edelo began to realize something about himself. He began to manifest powers of his own. While he wasn't able to manipulate reishi, he found he WAS capable of manipulating something else: The World around him. Of course he would never truly understand what this meant, nor the fact that this power put to question wether or not his parents had truly been his real mother and father. Ignorance, for the time being, was bliss.

All the same, he and the other villagers refused to budge, stubbornly clinging to the quiet, secluded life they had lived as hollows began to grow in number and ferocity. Each time some were slain, the village would earn a reprieve, and the villagers celebrated the peace they had earned. But within a few weeks, more hollows would show up. One by one, the other defenders fell under the threat of hollows, and soon Edelo and his mother decided that they would need to abandon their hometown, to hope that they would find a home elsewhere.

It was then that the news broke out that the Vandenreich had re-emerged in America. Purging Shadowfall and establishing a shining city of safety. The City of Lights. Having already fled their home, Edelo and his mother did whatever they could to scrounge up some money to afford a ticket to the states. Until at long last, they found themselves on a flight to the City of Lights.

Safe at long last.

IV. Equipment

» Equipment:

V. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills:

Martial Prodigy:
Edelo isn't a smart fella, but when it comes to combat he is quite adept, and a fast learner. Years fighting off hollows without significant spiritual powers has led him to have to rely purely on his own physical body. Whether it be with his own bare hands, or with a weapon, he excels at mastering every avenue available to him in order to stay alive and take down a threat.

Full-Taekwondo Specialist:
A special modified version of Taekwondo developed by accident by Edelo as he was developing his powers. By feeling the souls of the objects around him and connecting himself to their energy, he is able to push himself beyond the mere physical limitations of his body.This scales off of Martial Skill.

Full Taekwondo: Cutting the Cliffside:
By using fullbring on the air around himself and executing a kick, Edelo can generate a powerful cutting blade of compressed air. This cutting edge has a range of 10 meters and is capable of shearing clean through concrete when applied at full force.

Schizophrenia :
A move intended to cause a target to question themselves. By applying fullbring to the ground or some other object in contact with the target, Edelo is able to reduce the friction of it's surface where they make contact to almost zero by influencing the object to reject the contact. Using this ability, Edelo can completely eliminate a target's footing or grip on an item. Objects and surfaces infused with another person's spirit energy cannot be influenced unless Edelo superior Full Manifestation to their relevant spiritual skill.
Object affected by this ability need to be made physical contact with until Master F-Manifestation.
Objects effected by this ability must fit within a space with a diameter of 2 meters (5 meters at Adept, 10 meters at Advanced, 20 meters at Elite)

I. Other Supernatural Abilities

» Powers:

Sight The Horizon:
Edelo's fullbring reflecting his attachment to his own eyes. This ability allows him to see "The Truth Before Him." This allows him to see through any objects or obstructions within 50 meters within his field of vision. This additionally allows him to see Spirit energy moving through the air, allowing him to instantly see through illusions.


In addition to his attachment to his eyes, Edelo is also capable of manipulating the world around him using his basic fullbring abilities to use abilities such as Bringer Light.

» Pure Abilities:

Sight The Horizon: Wipe Away the Blood:
Edelo has a very limited ability to regenerate: specifically in his fulbring. With this ability, he is capable of regenerating his eyes. Minor damage will heal instantly, severe injuries such as cuts or puncture will heal after one post of recovery. Severe injury such as burning or being partially destroyed can be recovered from after three posts of recovery. This extends to his eyelids and sockets but not to the rest of his body. This ability scales with Edelo's Hollow Factor.

Sight The Horizon: Layer by Layer: By focusing and expending reiryoku, Edelo is capable of more finely controlling his ability to see through objects, allowing him to see through layers of clothing, flesh, and even layers of tissue. He generally uses this on himself in order to identify the extent of his injuries, but can extend to others in order to assess an individual's condition or even spot concealed items.

Fullbring: Cleave:
By manipulating the soul of an object before him, he can beseech the object to move out of his way, prying it open and splitting the object. Objects can only be manipulated within a 10 meter range with this ability and occurs after a 1 post delay during which a green flame flickers from bis body along the surface of the object. This ability scales off of his Manifestation skill and cannot effect objects being affected by anothers abilities unless his Manifestation skill is superior to their relevant spiritual skill.

VIII. Human Skill Sheet

General Attributes
  • Strength: D
  • Speed: C
  • Durability: D
  • Soul: D

High-Spec Human Sheet
  • Fullbringer Affinity: Adept
  • Full Manifestation: Beginner
  • Bringer Light: Adept
  • Hollow Factor: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner

IX. Roleplay Sample

» Roleplay Sample:


Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:40 pm; edited 12 times in total
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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:44 pm
-1000 credits for basic slot
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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:47 pm
Snipped the History after resuscitation.
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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:25 pm
Moving back to WIP for a rewrite
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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:19 pm
[mod]Full Taekwondo: Schizophrenia :
A move intended to cause a target to question themselves. By applying fullbring to the ground or some other object in contact with the target, Edelo is able to reduce the friction of it's surface where they make contact to almost zero by influencing the object to reject the contact. Using this ability, Edelo can completely eliminate a target's footing or grip on an item. Objects and surfaces infused with another person's spirit energy cannot be influenced unless Edelo has equal or greater Mediumship to their relevant spiritual skill.

State a range limit for this ability. You may have it scale up as he grows in Mediumship though.

Sight The Horizon: Wipe Away the Blood:
Edelo has a very limited ability to regenerate: specifically in his fulbring. With this ability, he is capable of regenerating his eyes. Minor damage will heal instantly, severe injuries such as cuts or puncture will heal after one post of recovery. Severe injury such as burning or complete destruction can be recovered from after three posts of recovery. This extends to his eyelids and sockets but not to the rest of his body.

Everything here is fine outside of being able to heal from complete destruction. Please remove that. It'd be hard to heal your eyes after they don't exist anymore.

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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:29 pm
Done and Done
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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:49 pm
« Application Checklist »
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
    []RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Hazard Rankings
  • Power: E
  • Influence: E
  • Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Round 2 Victory
Tier: 4-5
Hazard Rating: E[/mod]
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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

Fri May 26, 2023 8:44 pm
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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

Sat May 27, 2023 10:54 pm
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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:40 pm

Shift of Skills and his fullbring abilities to the new skillset for fullbringers.
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[Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Edelo Nakir

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