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God of Love
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Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss]

Fri Sep 02, 2022 1:23 am
Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 X6IxLqX


"One shot? So be it. Then I won't waste either of our time testing the water with weaker techniques."

Shishiyuki, too, took a single deep breath, her focus becoming all the more refined. As Elyss' reiatsu flared, so too did the Koizumi family head's, a steely grey energy that made the very air around her look as if it were rotating in on itself like a whirlpool. She took up her stance, and with a single flash step shot toward Elyss, readying her hand as she moved to perform one of the techniques she knew all too well had never been properly witnessed by anyone; Onsoku Tensou.

As her fist shot toward Elyss, eyes cold and focused only on this fight, Shishiyuki's spiritual energy quickly began to rotate through her hand, and then out from it, a vortex of energy that was ultimately focused around the end of her fist. Most might have thought that the snap of the sound barrier breaking was from her speed, but no. It was simply from the energy winding around her blow, and the impact of her punch was made colossally more deadly by the energy used, her own refinement of technique.

Of course, that all assumed she did indeed strike the Captain. She was fully prepared for the likelihood that Elyss was able to avoid this blow, and was prepared with several defensive techniques and wide counterstrikes should that happen. But such a thing was entirely instinctive. Any of her thoughts were only on this blow for the moment.


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Sat Sep 03, 2022 3:02 am
Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

The ground roared. The winds screeched. The world as people knew it shattered. They clashed; energies intermingled in a wild duet, a dance between deranged demented forces. As one created a whirlwind that bent reality, the other held it together, a frottage of eerie crimson bleeding into refined steel. Amidst the raw display, people clamored for safety. Others watched from a safe distance, feeling the intense mixture of Reiatsu with unblemished fear and amazement. However, one attack could only cause so much destruction, and that sudden flare of power had dwindled from its eldritch height, revealing but two measly women.

"You've failed."

Despite the miserable state of the world around them, upturned cement and soil tossed around as spiderlike cracks lined the remaining tiles with a sudden bruised foliage of plant life and housing, both women had moved not even an inch. A fist in her chest, Elyss had stood her ground, her clothing whipped by Shishiyuki's fury. As the dust settled about them, her eyes, a dark crimson, revealed nothing of her status, nothing but a cold fury bearing down on the taller woman.

"Try again."

The next moment, Elyss is reaching for Shishiyuki's wrist, using that momentum and commitment to take hold. Run from it, dodge it, block or take it, as Elyss moved one arm, the other followed suit, a raised palm warning of what's to come. Still, one could never be prepared enough for the slap that came, a hook aimed solely for the Noble's head, a sting comparable to falling headfirst into the sea promised, and one should not expect to remain stable afterwards, for even the shockwave would leave the tents set up in the distance wane and moan in desperate resistance.


God of Love
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Sat Sep 03, 2022 4:18 am
Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 X6IxLqX


Impressive. Very impressive. Shishiyuki supposed that she should have expected this from someone at the level of a captain, and in truth she had doubted tremendously that something as fundamental in her own style as the Onsoku Tensou would have been enough to pierce the defenses of any captain, let alone one who was renowned for her unyielding body. Now it was her turn to defend, it seemed, and she was certainly thankful that her own years of training had given her an understanding of this sort of close quarters combat. She certainly noted Elyss' hand coming to grab her wrist, and it was only by the slimmest of margins that she was able to avoid that. But she certainly could not do the same to the open palm that was about to collide with her, and so instead she could only meet the blow head on with her own.

Her elbow struck out to meet Elyss' palm, eyes only briefly darting toward that angle of offense, that same extreme rotational energy which defined Shishiyuki and her style manifesting around the joint. Before her elbow actually met with Elyss' hand, however, the energy quickly began to rotate outward rather than inward, creating a near-perfect redirectional spin. The Shousei Rekkou was a strike designed fundamentally to meet another blow directly, which redirected all external force toward the opposition. Of course, she did not expect Elyss to simply throw this palm and leave it at that.

At the very same time as her elbow struck out, her knee did much the same, moving at speeds so blinding that few could have hoped to see it. Her energy rotated like a saw out from that joint, prepared to slice through all but the greatest defenses, not only using her own energy to cut, but spinning at such a rapid pace that it would attempt to rip Elyss' own energy from her body at speeds well beyond what most ever trained their energy to move. That was the true nature of Shishiyuki's Kyokushuretsu Kongou Ken, a style which not only exploited the enemy's weaknesses, but the fundamental flow and motion of their own energy.

She had no time for words, no reason to retort or to give some banter in return. All that mattered to Shishiyuki in this moment was proving her resolve. Demonstrating her strength. That was what she had sought for a thousand years, and that need only became stronger with each passing moment.

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Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss]

Sat Sep 03, 2022 9:38 pm
Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"So, that's it."

In but two examples, Elyss now understood what she's up against. Her gaze only lingered on her own hand for a second, taking in the intense rotation keeping it at bay. A knee to her gut, the third example, aggressively made her realize the situation she finds herself in. What's the saying again? Three strikes and you're out? That's it. Why ponder on the how and why of a fight? All that matters is winning, and one must understand that trying to understand what's going on and formulating a plan around it only proves a waste of time. The only thing that matters is one's resolve and ability to move with the flow, whether that flow be ragged or perfect.

Elyss' body felt itself being torn asunder, her stomach churning to the violent vibration encircling it. Even her own energy subsided to the spinning flow eating away at her. However, not even a second had passed before action was taken. Pain: a wonderful adrenaline for someone as manic as her. When prey feels threatened, it does not think, it simply acts, and a predator unprepared shall soon understand, whether they're prepared or not.


Through gritted teeth, Elyss hugged Shishiyuki, her free hand gripping the inside of that knee in her gut. Elyss could feel her hand being ripped through shreds as she forced her fingers to close around that rotating energy pushing it away until she grabbed hold of Shishiyuki's elbow. A smile, blood gushing from between her lips, Elyss lunged, her forehead aiming right for her opponent's nose. To make matters worse, Shishiyuki would feel her foot taken from behind as Elyss slid her own behind that ankle. As forward momentum and a lack of foothold worked hand in hand, both women should hit the ground, red on top of black, and Elyss wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon.


God of Love
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Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss]

Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:01 pm
Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 X6IxLqX


The moment Shishiyuki was grabbed, she understood exactly the gulf between them. It wasn't in skill, or in strength. Those things were secondary, simple facets of a person that could easily be trained. No, the difference between herself and the captain she was now facing was quite abundantly clear to her. Elyss' resolve was simply greater. Her experience in the world was more vast, for all of the years of life that Shishiyuki held over her.

As the captain's skull slammed into her face, the crack of her nose echoing through her skull and blood gushing outward, Shishiyuki simply grinned. Her free fingers still moved, performing the necessary minute gestures to achieve one particular mukyoku ougi meant decidedly for moments such as this, those secret kido developed by the Koizumi which required no words, only gestures.

"I'm hardly finished."

Shimetsukai. One of the kido she herself had developed, one which enveloped the caster's body in heat so searing that even the practitioner was not protected. A devastating spell in close combat, to be certain, but Shishiyuki was not especially certain whether or not it would faze the captain. Her own energy was certainly greater, but she knew that Kishimoto was a more resilient woman that to simply fall from one spell, no matter how well-crafted or who had cast it.

That, however, was irrelevant. Shishiyuki had already resolved that she would not hold back. She would not simply accept defeat by being knocked down, and even as Elyss had knocked her down, she already had begun preparing a second mukyoku ougi, all the while still giving her best to simply throw Elyss off of her.

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Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss]

Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:33 pm
Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

It's hot. Is she burning again? Ah, wait. No. That's Shishiyuki. The woman underneath her is burning, hot to the touch. Elyss could feel her body groan, the surface of her body sizzling, the skin melting from her muscles, the muscles drooling from her bones. Elyss can feel her opponent preparing another attack, hoping that this sudden spell affords her the space and time.

Why are you so predictable? Why can I see your next move, understand why point A and point B connect?

Elyss had those thoughts and more run through her head as they cooked, as they wrestled. Shishiyuki thought herself intelligent, huh? Thought herself strong? Capable of putting up a fight? Winning? If her next move works, then that's it, right? Elyss' face grew ugly as she sneered. Despite her body burning, small fires birthed all over, she rose her right hand, the torn fingers and palm closing into a fist.

Down it came, interrupting their tussle most likely. Who cares if it landed or not? The left's already following suit, crashing down on whatever's underneath it. Then, the right again. Then, the left once more. Again, that right spoke its mind, followed by the left's screaming argument.

"You're just a phony, Shishiyuki!" Elyss' voice rang out, one fist after another. "You're no predator. You're just a fake hunter, pretending! Planning! Mimicking!"

Elyss can see it as her expression grew wild, her eyes wide, glowing with untethered rage. She can see all of them: Arkin, Ulv, Arianda, Kitarune, Shadin, Hannah, V; and, worst of all, Tenmarin. Each punch she threw shattered those visages, one by one until only Shishiyuki remained.

"You don't have it yet. You don't have that savagery that separates warriors from monsters, men from beasts. You'll never amount to anything! Shishiyuki!"


God of Love
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Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss]

Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:56 pm
Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 X6IxLqX


Such a savage beating was the sort of thing Shishiyuki had not experienced in her entire life. It was welcome, in that sense, even as she continued preparing her mukyoku ougi. Those words rang hollow in her ears, even if she welcomed the fury behind them all the same. It was certainly for the best that her spiritual energy could defend her, given she doubted her actual body could have withstood this assault on its own.

"Predators? Monsters? Beasts? That was all I might have ever wished to be, not so long ago. It was everything that I could not have."

The full weight of her spiritual pressure roared outward as she completed her spell, the grin she wore quickly growing into a scowl. Just as quickly, the completed spell manifested. Choukyodaifuku, a maelstrom of spiritual energy with only a single purpose; to rip apart everything within. To tear all energy away, pull it into nothing, and coalesce it all in the center.

"To live as I pleased, and die a senseless death. That is what I dreamed of for a thousand years. But now, when I have found something to live for, far greater than that sort of mindless savagery..."

Clenching one fist tightly shut, the whirlpool began to contract. She could certainly survive it, if only because she knew the spell's intricacies, could plan for its speed and its trajectories. Whether or not Elyss could do the same wasn't even a question. She was certainly durable enough to survive it. This was simply one more mark of Shishiyuki's refusal to surrender, and with that same clenched fist, she struck upward, matching Elyss' blow with one of her own. Empowered by her mastery of hakuda, of the heat still coursing through her body, but beyond all that, carrying the full weight of her refusal to accept defeat.

"I will set it aside for nothing. Not for you, not for anyone. After a thousand years, I have found purpose, and I will reach it! No matter what I must crush to achieve it, what I must trample underfoot and tear apart with my bare hands!"

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Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss]

Sat Sep 03, 2022 11:28 pm
Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

In the end, Shishiyuki still doesn't get it, but that's the teacher's fault, isn't it? Elyss was never one for teaching, not even when it's an old dog trying to learn new tricks. She hasn't even learned a thing about preservation herself. She saw it coming. She knew how this would end, but not even the pretense of death deterred her from meeting Shishiyuki's attack head on. She could have dodged. She could have gotten up. She could have even tried to defend herself.

However, as the world around Elyss dissolved into a perfect catastrophe, the only thought in her head screamed for her to greet her demise as the immovable wall she dared claim. Two fists would collide, and Elyss' body felt the weight of everything Shishiyuki wished to share fall onto her back, engorge on her own spiritual energy, and rampage inside of her. The only thing that could escape the redhead's mouth proved a hefty amount of blood before everything went white.

Suddenly, as her consciousness returned, Elyss found herself surrounded by rubble, the path before her nothing but a trench. That line of upturned Earth led all the way back to the Seventh Division's home. Memories flooded in as Elyss recalled how the ground beneath Shishiyuki and her burped, giving way to that clash of power. Yes. That's when the redhead flew, her body exploding from the inside out. Now, she's buried in some wall, smoke and debris billowing all around her. Everything hurts, and her eyes can make out the absolute mess that is her right arm, broken and shredded like paper mâché. She feels heavy, burdened by the cell of her wounded body. Not even her jaw could move. Heh. At least her brain's still working.

'Ya just didn't get it, huh, Shishiyuki? Predators? Monsters? Beasts? No one said anything about setting aside what's important, but you'll see, in the end. Keep destroying everything in your way until then because letting that fury grow stale is simply not an option.'

She could feel her eyes closing again, her head lolling backwards to rest against the rubble. The cries of her comrades nothing but painful ringing in her damaged ears. Yet, she found herself doing the impossible and smiling to herself, a small, beautiful thing amidst all the destruction.

'Well, anyway. Congrats. You moved me. You passed.'


God of Love
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Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 Empty Re: Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss]

Sat Sep 03, 2022 11:40 pm
Decree of the Moon [Shishiyuki, Elyss] - Page 2 X6IxLqX


It was good, that Shishiyuki was so adept at repairing her own body. If she hadn't been, she might well have died from that meeting of blows. As it stood, she still needed a few moments to properly discern if she could in fact survive what had happened.

She could, thankfully, but it was nothing short of agony to do. Further agony still to stand, to continue the efforts in healing the unfathomable wounds she'd just sustained. Her arm was nearly crushed, her whole body strained. It wasn't even a question that she must have been bleeding internally. But she could handle her injuries. Slowly, surely, she began to limp away, her every step seeming gradually more stable. Painful? Yes, absolutely. It would certainly have been better for her to wait and take her time, rather than healing herself with every step.

But she had other things to do, pressing matters to attend to in the aftermath of this bout. She could not afford to wait.

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