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Sat May 28, 2022 10:12 pm
Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa] Y7SRzeT

W. A. R. Curry | WRFS President

The small private jet had touched down at a small strip in the foothills north of Thessaloniki, hardly a prime tourist destination - if any of Greece could be considered that these days. It was a rundown little airbase, formerly military but the days when the country was a hotbed of military activity were thankfully in the rear-view mirror, with a single runway and little in the way of customs inspectors. That suited Curry just fine, as he was not here to collect a stamp on his passport.

Walking out of the plane and into the Mediterranean heat, he was pleased to see a half dozen WFRS men waiting for him that had come from the advance party. That meant that they had been able to make contact without stirring the hornet's nest. He removed his coat, folding it over one arm whilst he headed down the stairs, and straightened the suspenders on the shirt that he had been wearing underneath. He was used to the warmer climate, and preferred it to the chill of the north sea, but not enough to consider moving his operation southward. Logistics aside, this temperature was not conducive to a productive working environment.

The trail that BLCKSPDR had left was threadbare, so now he had to quietly turn over an entire country looking for a single type of bullet. The advantage he had was the possibility of fruitful business relations turning up what he wanted without even knowing it themselves, so several meetings had been arranged with assorted arms dealers and paramilitary groups. Even down here, people knew about the Whiterose Foundation enough to consider such meetings. They were no Duvalier Group, certainly, but all of mainland Europe had not yet completely fallen to their vast influence and reach.

First on the list was Astra Istoria, and what few records he had indicated that the company's director - one Astafosa Xylo - was at least a capable individual. She had managed to avoid mismanaging her organisation into disrepair following the collapse of her country and its eventual resurgence after a prolonged period of tumultuous political exchanges that ultimately ended in independence. That had been enough to put them at the top of his list, along with being first alphabetically. The exact nature of the meeting was left to their discretion though, so he hoped Ms Fosa would provide further instruction now that he had touched down.

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Sun May 29, 2022 12:23 am
It was always an interesting day when she received a notice like she had today. There was no shortage of slow, creeping growths throughout the world, from her very own place of employment to the fattening companies that had begun to spread across the world. It was .... almost inspiring that these bastions of human progress and competitiveness had somehow managed to maintain their integrity and voracity even with the world in the state that it was. And so the visit from this ....interesting company man, certainly while unexpected… was no surprise.

As Curry emerged from the plane itself, he would notice that his men were not alone. A couple sharply dressed individuals stood waiting, including a woman stnadinf almost front and center amongst the group. An umbrella in hand, she had pale white hair and a sort of firm strength to her features. They waited, patiently, as Curry was received by his own staff, and then when directed, the woman stepped forward. Towering a solid 6'4" tall, a decent ammount taller than most around her, the woman gave a gentle nod of her head to the man before bowing at the waist and gently resting her forearm along her navel, her own well-mannered air practically bleeding out as the seemingly gentle giant of a woman greeted him.

"Welcome to Greece, Mr.Curry. Miss Xylo regrets that she is unable to see your arrival in person, but she finds herself a bit busy this evening. If you would kindly follow me, we have arranged transportation to take you to the meeting place." She explained calmly, gesturing towards a limousine a short distance away. One that would, ultimately, take Curry to the meeting place: a nearby lodge that Fosa was staying in for the encounter. Busy indeed, for the woman had all the calm and compusre one might expect from an upper official in a paramilitary. And yet... there was not that edge. The woman's voice was gentle, but not professionally pandering. If nothing else, the woman had an academic sort of fluidity to her voice. Possibly no surprise, given the nature of Asta Istoria, if Curry had done his reading. But all the same, it seemed things were all laid out for the encounter.
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Tue May 31, 2022 6:03 pm
Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa] Y7SRzeT

W. A. R. Curry | WRFS President

The sight of the trio, a towering woman at their head, did at first give Curry the illusion that Miss Xylo had come to meet him in person but that was quickly cleared up before any confusion came to head. Hushed words were exchanged between the WRFS group, but nothing much came from it beyond the shaking of a few hands before they dispersed. Flanked by two men from his own security detail, the president approached and engaged in the formal exchanging of gestures before extending his gaze beyond her to the vehicle that she had indicated.

"Thank you for the warm welcome. I understand that we are all busy people in this line of work, think nothing of it."

He offered a polite nod but did not deign to match her in such a deep and reverent bow. Best that was left for the director herself, not her aide or the like. Her grasp of English was certainly exceptional, but it would have been irritating for the company to send someone that didn't have a firm grasp of the language. His Greek was much less functional but that was why he had taken the time to handpick his team to make up for this deficiency.

Using the provided umbrella as shade, he walked next to the white-haired woman as they headed for the waiting limousine before clambering inside and making himself comfortable. The journey was an uneventful one, with Curry spending most of his time working away at various documents on his phone. It would be time wasted if he was not working, and so the president was not content to simply sit back and take in the sights. But, as they began to draw near the lodge at which he assumed he was expected, he finished up his work and once more checked that he was presentable. Once more, he waited to see what Astra Istoria had in store for him next.

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Wed Jun 01, 2022 5:49 pm
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The woman made note of Curry's.... business. Well, not that she could quite blame him. Getting him into the car, it wasn't a terribly long ride. She made note of his fixment onto his phone, and she sighed a bit internally as the ....tourish explanations she'd intended to give in the midst of the ride seemed to be a bit unnecessary. She pulled her own phone out and tapped a short message.

[txt]: He's on his way. Bit of a Phone bug, doesn't seem too talkative either.
[Xylo]: Nani? You spent like an hour on that didn't you? Also what's he look like? Fifty euros says he has nonprescription glasses and an uptight suit.
[txt]: Pretty sure they're prescription. Also you're lucky he isn't paying attention.
[Xylo]: How far out are you guys? I'm not dressed yet.
[txt]:Eleven minues.
[Xylo]: FUUUUCK. Have Ricardo do a few loops to buy me a few more minutes.
[txt]: I'm not doing that.

She shut off her screen and ignored the response before offering Curry a calm smile. "Miss Xylo has just informed me that she has finished up. She'll be with you as soon as we arrive." She assured the man. All the while, if he looked out the window he would see that they were heading up into a hilly area, and juuuust in the distance, the lodge could be spotted on the top of a hill. It did indeed take a good thirteen minutes for them to wind their way through the area and head through security gate. But before long, the car came to a stop outside the lodge, ignoring the buzzing in her pocket that was no doubt an appeal for more time. Holding the door open for the man, she gestured to the front door. "Welcome to Irfordt Lodge, Sir."

And it was at that moment that she arrived.

Stepping out through the front doors, the woman was.... well dressed finely and her hair in it's natural state rather than the pontyail she preferred to tie it up into. She had no makeup on so she really just had to rely on her looks and kinda risk looking a little less than fantastic as she approached the group and smiled calmly.

Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa] HEADER_sample-8b6665f862a665a4ecd6c16175d2a914

"Ah, you must be Mister Curry. A pleasure to finally meet you in person."

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Mon Jun 06, 2022 8:51 pm
Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa] Y7SRzeT

W. A. R. Curry | WRFS President

"Wonderful, I would have hated to interrupt her work."

Curry's lips curled ever so slightly upward at that comment, an innocent joke perhaps. Little did he know that his host was doing anything but working as they ascended the last hill and through the security checkpoint. The Irfordt Lodge was no less impressive than he had expected though, a wonderful little estate tucked far away from prying eyes. Stepping out from the car, his oxfords clicking as he crossed the short distance from the vehicle to the entrance, a gloved hand swept a few wayward strands of hair from his face before those gloves were deposited in a pocket and forgotten about.

Astafosa's appearance, bursting out from the front door, was met with a courteous smile. She still had a fair few inches on him, but her face told the tale of one that had not had the time to properly gather herself for a business meeting. It was sloppy but perhaps an innocent mistake, and he could hardly claim to be in his Sunday best after having travelled all day prior to this.

"Ms Xylo, I assure you the pleasure is as much mine as yours."

A hand was offered out for a firm shake, the other lingering not far behind so that it might clasp on top of the first to drive home his sincerity, but his shaded gaze did not leave her own. Interesting people did not come by every day, and she was certainly fitting of a place in that category. All that remained was to see how they progressed.

"I am glad that my reputation precedes me, and I hope my interest in your company is not misplaced. There is opportunity aplenty ahead of us."

Off The Clock | END POST
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Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:13 pm
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Asta couldn't help but smile a little when she shook his hand and found the other one following close behind it to grasp her. Her brow raising ever so slightly before she glanced over her shoulder at the other woman. They seemed to exchange a glance before Asta offered a pleased look to the man. "Is that so? I have to admit, I've been more than curious about just what it is that you have in mind. And well, when you went so far as to wish to speak about it in person my curiosity has only grown." She noted calmly, that voice would be flat if it weren't slightly smoothed with charisma. Seeming almost an antirely different person as any shred of unpreparedness or disheveled waver in her voice smoothed to a calm and ...thoughtful tone interlaced with a serious floor that added weight to her words. He had certainly put quite a lot into of faith into whatever deal he intended to offer her.

And then that smile came back, in softly, subtler form. "Let's go inside. I'm sorry the weather wasn't nicer or I'd offer to have this little meeting out on the villa." She noted, releasing the man's hand before turning and promptly leading the entourage inside. The place was large, but hardly showy. It's architecture seemed quite old. Restored, but not the sort of shining splendor most modern buildings had. But somehow still it had a grandness that could only be found in older places. The incredibly high ceiling of the atrium that went all the way to a stained glass window at the very ceiling certainly gave such an impression. It almost felt sacred.

All the same, it wasn't a particularly long walk to the Study. Fosa had considered taking him to some sort of meeting room. But there was no need to be overly formal, the more.....homely and casual setting was something that suited her far better, and once they arrived, the massive room dimly lit by the warm orange breath of a fireplace, the gestured for curry to find himself a seat.

"Can I help you with anything before we begin? A drink? Perhaps some food? I know you've come a long way."'
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Fri Sep 09, 2022 2:15 pm
Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa] Y7SRzeT

W. A. R. Curry | WRFS President

Breaking from their handshake, Curry did spare a moment to give a nod to his own men. The other suits in his entourage stood easy, already growing comfortable in the presence of Astafosa's own group but still a little wary. He was pleased to see her quickly find her composure, he was perfectly mannered too and this was only an informal meeting. One should not rush to discuss business so soon after travelling anyway.

"Ah, you should see the weather back home. I might consider these conditions favourable there, but by your lead of course."

Following closely behind, leaving a respectful distance so that he could take in the interior of the villa whilst also remaining well within earshot for any comment that she might make either for his own benefit or hers. He preferred slick, modern aesthetics but there was an admirable beauty in older architecture. It was often so grandiose purely for grandiose's sake, and certainly a demonstration of wealth even in as modest a display as this, which was certainly demonstrated by the artisanal glasswork far above them.

"Just a glass of water and some light refreshment should suffice, to start with. I suppose I should outline my reasons for coming all this way to meet with you and your organisation in person."

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Mon Sep 12, 2022 3:01 pm
Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa] HEADER_sample-8b6665f862a665a4ecd6c16175d2a914

She couldn't help but smile slightly at his comment about the weather. But made no further comment about the subject, leading him to the study. It didn't take her long to find a seat once he had found one for himself. The staff soon arrived with some water for the both of them, and Fosa took a moment to watch him as she took a small sip of her own drink.

"I would appreciate that, certainly. I have to admit that I was a little surprised that someone of your standing would direct their interests to something so mundane as a Historical Society. " She noted casually enough, lightly running the tips of her fingers along a book that lie on the table beside her. There was no dust within the entirety of the room. It certainly seemed like a place that saw a lot of use, and a number of these volumes were here and there, at first glance seemingly strewn, but a very close inspection would note that there was no dust or wear and tear to these volumes in the slightest. They were well loved despite their use. And certainly defied any notions that these volumes were simply for show.
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Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa] Empty Re: Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa]

Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:58 pm
Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa] Y7SRzeT

W. A. R. Curry | WRFS President

Curry waited patiently for the glass of water to arrive, taking a measure of his surroundings even still. He was sharply dressed, showing that despite his comment on the weather preferences he was almost unfazed by the climate here. He certainly carried himself in a manner that suggested he knew what was going on and then a little more than that too. He had spared a moment to sling his jacket over the back of the chair, but the gloves remained for now.

"We both know quite well that this operation is a little more than a historical society. And yet it is your history that I find myself interested in."

Pausing to take a drink, he did try to gauge a little more of Astafosa from her reaction to his bluntness. The truth was, whilst there was a time to be tactful, it often helped to speak your intentions loud and clear.

"During the Fourth World War, your company functioned as a paramilitary group here and in the surrounding area. I am not interested in the clandestine details of such times. No, what I am interested in about this time was the arms that you were being supplied with, and where they originated from. I am willing to offer significant capital in exchange for this information, depending upon the depth and accuracy of what is provided."

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Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa] Empty Re: Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa]

Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:35 pm
Bullets Between Friends [Curry, Fosa] HEADER_sample-8b6665f862a665a4ecd6c16175d2a914

Fosa took a moment to raise a brow at that. Well that was ..... a thing to say for certain. For several moments, she was a little confused, until it occurred to her that Curry seemed to think that Asta Istoria was in some capacity: clandestine about it's military enforcement of it's interests. Further more, was when he ACTUALLY spoke up about what it was that he was inerested in, and she could not help but allow the smallest of wistful smiles spread across her features as she sighed. Well, what did one expect these days. She supposed it wasn't as if 'Military services' were something their company just outright advertised.

"I feel as though perhaps you may have some misunderstanding as to how things function here, Mr. Curry. Asta Istoria has certainly grown and become something of a funded government agency thanks to Political backing and the like. However." She ran her finger along the spine of the cover, until it crept into it's proper form. A thin rapier crackling into existence within her lap. She gently rested the tip against the floor, and allowed the handle to gently lean against her thigh before she turned her attention back to the man.

"I'm afraid that the answer you seek, is not as grand as you would presume it to be. For all of our ....political backing. The restoration of Historical Sites into ...habitable areas. It not something which produced the sort of capital that one could BUY weapons with en masse. Our Security Forces division hinges on a number of powerful Veterans from older times. And militia who...frankly, during the war, purchased their armaments out of pocket just from what few local Greek vendors there were. Or simply salvaged what they could as we conducted our business. More often than not, we warded and slaughtered demons with rubble and sheer grit. I'm sorry to say that what you're likely looking for simply does not exist to the capacity that you think it does. I'm afraid that Greece's history has not lent itself to a standing militia quite like that. The public calls us war heroes. But in reality, we were simply the few with the means to work with what we had." She noted calmly, gesturing to her own fullbring. Certainly, it was not something that they advertised. But well.

That was just the sort of piss state Greece had been in for some time. Sure, the ACTUAL Greece military had JUST the sort of money-bought strength that Curry was thinking about. And what had THAT done to help against the demons? Greece had been maintained with spirit, not money.
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