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The Hybrid King
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All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Empty All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:21 pm
All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

Saisei picked at his fingernails, humming his way through the afternoon. The Vanetti estate was a lot quieter than he was used to, the hustle and bustle of bodies seeming to have died down for the time being. If it weren't for his little run in with the staff earlier he would likely be off doing something or another in town. In this case, he was rooted in place by a request by Imelda Vanetti herself.

His boss had requested the two meet in the estate's grounds squarely placed in the back. He didn't have any clue what she wanted but when the boss asks for something, you listen. Saisei was sporting a pretty basic getup. Black hoodie, shorts for comfort and running shoes. Imelda was adamant, according to the staff, that he should be comfortable and ready to move around a lot. Whatever that meant, he couldn't tell. Do as you're told was his motto.

"Any day now."

Flipping through his cell, Saisei thought to himself about his recent endeavors. The thoughts racing through his mind moved from Yugiri then Ira, finally finding their way stuck to Hayden as he sat. His previous interaction with the man left a newly acquired scar smack dab in the middle of the bridge of nose. It was a bit of an eye sore, happens to the best of us though.

Taking a look around the grounds, he kicked at the grass beneath his feet on the bench he occupied. The sun left his skin warm and tingly as he waited for his boss to arrive. Imelda wasn't punctual it seemed. If anything, she was the opposite.

"Wonder what the plan is."

Felt weird lounging around when he could be doing something elsewhere. Hopefully she'd show up sooner rather than later.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] FXpoQxJ
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Thicc Boi
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All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Empty Re: All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:33 pm
Imelda had a problem.

Well, she normally has problems--it came with the job--but her particular problem this day wasn't about her job. This problem was one with herself, which was rare given her confidence. When it comes to her strength level and the rest of her family, Imelda wasn't exactly weak but she wasn't strong either. There were only a handful that could really beat her one way or the other, though to counteract this most members hired a person stronger than them. For example, Imelda had V. Imelda didn't want to be weak though, or rather she wants to be stronger. Strong enough to kick ass on her own, strong enough to not worry about this whole Frangipani and Sardana problem. But to get stronger she needed to train and to train she would need someone to teach her. Luckily, she had a punching bag that doubled as a choreboy.

"All good things come to those who wait." Imelda was behind Saisei, hands in her pockets. She heard him complain when she entered but didn't have a problem with it one way or the other. "For being such a paragon, you sure are lacking on patience. Maybe you should come to church with me next time, learn a thing or two." It was a joke. Imelda didn't actually go to church, she didn't have the time for that. 4

"Anyways, today I plan to beat your ass. But to do that, I need you to fight back." Imelda then walked past Saisei and turned on her heel as she was roughly 5 meters away from him. "I'm not as strong as I would like to be, and with the amount heat we're starting to get I have to be able to hold my own. Unless we want another situation like the other day." Other day was a reference to when they were held at gunpoint not too long ago while doing collections. Sure, Saisei did end up solving that issue for her, but Imelda wasn't always going to be with Saisei.

All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Sumera-character-list
The Hybrid King
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All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Empty Re: All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:46 am
All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

The young man jumped in place, Imelda's words filtering through his ears unexpectedly. God damn these Vanetti women were all the same, he just couldn't catch a break. Saisei stood up and eyed her as she spoke, he wasn't exactly sure she understood the position between the two of them but fair enough, everyone learns some time or another.

"I'm not really a church kind of guy, to be honest. Might be a higher power outside of what we know but, if there is, I ain't really got any interest in it. Rather live in the here and now."

He was honest, Saisei held relatively little interest religious motives like some on Earth did. If anything, Saisei was what you'd call a planet worshiper. One of them new aged hippies in 2422, not many people gave two shits about the greater good for humankind. That was his job outside of this Vanetti schtick.

Watching her walk away, her words left him a bit... surprised, really. The other day wasn't that serious, the men in the jewelry store were actually far weaker than she could imagine. Guess that was par for the course with him, though. She wasn't wrong, the disparity between the two of them was a lot bigger than she could ever truly imagine. That being the case, Saisei thought to himself that if she wanted a fight he'd unfortunately have to give it to her.

"Sure, you can beat my ass. Couple of rules though, if you don't mind." He put his right hand up, sticking three fingers out as he spoke a bit more. "One, I will not use my full strength. Full stop, not chance in hell you're gonna get anything like that outta me. Two, I expect you to try your absolute hardest, zero questions. Finally, the most important rule, you can't complain when you realize this is a lesson in futility. We good?"

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] FXpoQxJ
All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] 2Y9rqGk

Thicc Boi
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All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Empty Re: All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:00 pm
Imelda couldn't help but smirk.

"No." She was flat and assertive with her proclamation. "I need you to go all out, or that invalidates the training. Do you know how many people out there like you? How many might want to come for me? They wouldn't pull punches, and neither would you. I'm a tough girl, I can take it." Imelda looked at her house and nodded. Someone was most definitely looking at them, Imelda and Saisei together out back would have caused some noise for some reason. Given that they were going to fight, Imelda's nod was more of a signal that what was going to transpire was sanctioned by her. "I don't need you to think right now Saisei. I trust you, I need you to trust me. Give it everything you got."

She let out a sigh of relief, from what she had no idea. It just felt nice to sigh there, and with that sigh came out a mist. The temperature around them began to drop as Imelda began to take the thing seriously. All she need was for Saisei to agree with her before she would take any sort of action.. If he wasn't going to give her what she needed then there would be no point to this

All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Sumera-character-list
The Hybrid King
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All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Empty Re: All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda]

Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:40 am
All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"I don't think you understand how bad an idea this is but..."

Saisei wasn't exactly in any right of mind to deny Imelda her request. He wouldn't kill her, he was smart enough to hold himself back in a way that wouldn't leave her tossed on the ground somewhere. That didn't stop him from feeling a bit of sadness knowing that he'd have to at least harm her. It wasn't in his nature to harm others if he didn't have to, especially those that he considered at least a bit close to him. It was what it was, unfortunately. When your boss asks the world of you, you don't really have a choice.

"Jobs a job I guess."

A shift in the weight of his body was almost immediately noticed. He didn't advance on Imelda, no. All he had to do to express the difference between the two of them was to exert himself. The ground beneath him started to crackle with the amount of spiritual pressure his body began to give on, a tangible hue of orange starting to fill the air. Though his eyes were steel-like, a sense of compassion filled within them. Compassion for his boss who was, regrettably, on the short end of the stick between the two of them. It happens.

"We'll do it your way, then. Don't say I didn't warn you though."

Saisei pointed a finger at Imelda and smiled.

"Let's go then."

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] FXpoQxJ
All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] 2Y9rqGk

Thicc Boi
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All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Empty Re: All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda]

Fri Apr 08, 2022 11:43 pm

imelda vanetti| the lioness

"I think you'd be wise to not underestimate me. Had an old boyfriend do that once-" Imelda dashed towards him at top speed, meeting him in the blink of an eye given the little distance between the two. With her right hand, she would bring it up and cock it back. With her left, she would keep it low and try to touch him, the aim to burn the spots she comes in contact with on impact. It was a simple move, one that was trying to capitalize on the fact that she had the jump on him. "Let's just say he'd regretted it."

While doing this, she would raise the temperature of the air around her, it getting stronger and stronger the closer anything would come to her. It wasn't enough to start a fire--that would be bad--but it was enough that trying to touch her would be an uncomfortable idea. In this position, she left herself pretty wide open, but she expected Saisei to capitalize on it. She wanted to see how hard he could hit, and on the flip side, how much she could take.

end post

Last edited by Slayer on Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total

All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Sumera-character-list
The Hybrid King
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All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Empty Re: All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda]

Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:01 am
All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"Not underestimation, on the contrary. I just don't exactly feel comfortable with this."

Saisei's words felt cold in a sense, a trait he only truly ever expresses when he finds himself in serious conflict. There was little reason to not take Imelda serious, even if he felt there was a large disparity. She asked for him to fulfil a request, he'd do as he was told. It was in his nature, after all.

In an unexpected turn of events, Imelda was immediately in front of Saisei with an assault already prepared. He didn't flinch, in actuality he welcomed to the aggressive stance she took. It'd require a lot to take him down at the end of the day, he was built to keep himself upright. That being the case, he allowed Imelda's left hand to make contact with his abdomen, immediately searing a hole through his shirt and making contact with his skin. In turn, he grabbed her already exposed left and held the wrist tight against his skin.

In tandem, Saisei focused entirely on the right fist flying towards him. Gritting his teeth through the burning sensation flowing through his lower half, Saisei moved quietly out of the way of her right fist by moving his head forehead, making an attempt at headbutting her at the same time she attempted hitting him.

"Nothin' a bit of pain can do when it'll get fixed later. Don't worry about hurting me, just keep yourself from getting hurt."

Saisei yelled as he jutted his head forward. If she were to dodge him it'd leave her open to getting grabbed, if not, he'd soon find out how much of a beating his boss could take. Even if he might have a skill advantage over her, Saisei was never one to stray from pain. On the contrary, he was used to getting hurt by now. Came with the territory. A mark of pride, almost.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] FXpoQxJ
All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] 2Y9rqGk

Thicc Boi
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All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Empty Re: All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda]

Mon Apr 18, 2022 1:17 am

imelda vanetti| the lioness

Ah yes, exactly where she wanted to be.

Imelda took this opportunity to make herself hotter and hotter, heat waves emanating from her person outwards. As the temperature started to rise, Imelda started to sweat more and more, reaching past the threshold in which her powers didn't effect her. She felt as her skin started get more and more uncomfortable, but that was the point. The goal was to make herself unbearable to hold, because he would have to let go eventually. Right? If not immediately then at some point, or else this would be an awful fucking training session.

However, on the flipside, while doing this Imelda tried to think of a practical way out of this. Arms bound, legs off the ground, she didn't really have much in the way of responding to a grab. Except...

"Hey Saisei," Imelda leaned her body back before shooting forward and headbutting him as hard as she could. It hurt her, probably more than it hurt him, but she was still relatively functional. "So how long we staying like this for, hm?"

end post

Coded by SE

All Bark, No Bite [Saisei x Imelda] Sumera-character-list
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