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The Hybrid King
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Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] Empty Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei]

Mon Mar 28, 2022 12:36 am

Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"Seems like I can finally catch a break, huh?"

A warm swig of tea left Saisei particularly satiated, a gentle hint of lemon filling his throat as he watched the kids charge from left to right in the streets of Enna. It was mid afternoon, around 3 o'clock. The sun was relatively high in the sky, covering the township in its warm rays. It was a bit of a drag that Saisei found himself relatively free on a day like today with the recent business that was required of him. First Isabella next a rival family, it seemed like the Vanetti left Saisei worse for wear when it came to what short time he's spent in Italy.

He looked down at his cellphone, quietly passing the time as he waited along the side of the road. Occupying a chair provided by a nearby tavern, the young man flipped through pages and pages of information, keeping himself distracted long enough to drown out the sounds of the nearby children. Given what great amounts of time he had this fine afternoon, Saisei's intent was to have a nice little visit with a previous acquaintance for a bit of tea, maybe a walk around his new little town.

Ira and Saisei shared a mutual friend between Yugiri and, despite what little time they noticed one another, had met on a few occasions before. Though he didn't have much information on them, he was fond enough of their prescene to find interest in rekindling their potential friendship. Of course, he would likely find himself meeting with quite a few of his past friends. With his whole disappearing act and showing up in a random township in the middle of Italy was a bit out of the blue for him. Nevertheless, he enjoyed where he was for a change. The Vanetti were interesting to say the least.

"Any second now."

Another swig, another daze towards the kids playing amongst themselves in the streets. Ira would be arriving shortly to a seat directly across from Saisei at the table he occupied. With both a menu and a complimentary cookie, the table simply awaited its guest.

"I should find the time to actually reach out to Yugiri again. What a fine woman..."

Saisei sure did grow into his own a bit, huh?

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] Empty Re: Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei]

Mon Mar 28, 2022 5:18 pm
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] SgHGbAG


As much as Ira earnestly enjoyed traveling with Yugiri, he was aware that there was more he needed to do if he was going to grow as a person. He couldn't lean on her forever, and besides, he'd physically matured enough that he didn't need to rely on having an adult around all the time. On one hand, that was pretty nice, but on the other hand, he'd kind of gotten used to everyone just assuming he was a child.

Ah, hm, that'd include that Saisei kid, wouldn't it? Last time they'd met Ira hadn't even come up to Yugiri's shoulder, and now he had to look down just to chat with her. Well, that wasn't too big a deal, Ira didn't think he was completely unrecognizable or anything like that.

"Afternoon, sport."

Ira gave a wave of greeting as he took a seat at the table, taking the complimentary cookie and biting into it without much hesitation.

"You sure get around, eh? This is pretty out of the way."

The Hybrid King
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Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] Empty Re: Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei]

Tue Mar 29, 2022 6:23 pm
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"My god did you get tall."

Saisei couldn't help but blurt out what he was thinking as Ira stepped up and spoke to him in the usual tone of 'I'm infinitely older than you despite my looks' he had. The young man had grown quite a bit himself, Saisei still looked relatively the same aside from the extra height and a bit of muscle on his bones. To Ira, he'd likely come off as the same old Saisei.

"I guess thats my thing now, huh? Wouldn't believe the stuff I saw in South America."

He took another swig of his tea before sitting up in his seat, fixing his posture. The Vanetti made it very clear that he was an extension of the family's image, it would be disrespectful to slouch during even the most simple of meetings.

"How've you been? I see you've clearly grown up a bit. Yugiri still doin' alright?"

Saisei looked towards Ira, matching him gaze for gaze to show proper respect. If anything, Saisei at the very least understood how to treat others. Respect was a given until said otherwise.

"Can't imagine the two of you have been staying still too much."

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

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Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] Empty Re: Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei]

Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:17 pm
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] SgHGbAG


"Heh, you're not wrong, I shot up a bit."

Ira was surprised to see Saisei present himself so politely, and in a way that bordered on formality. It seemed pretty different from what he would have expected, but hey, maybe South America really was that bad. He'd heard it was pretty rough down there, but it'd be almost depressing to think that this young buck had gotten whipped into shape by the wild.

"Yugiri's doing real well, probably better'n I've seen her in a while. Got herself a boyfriend, they travel together a good bit now. Not that I mind, gives me a reason to slip off on my own."

He grinned a touch at the thought, not especially bothered at the thought of his big sis going off on her own or anything. He was happy for her, honestly. Always seemed like she was a little caught up with herself.

The Hybrid King
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Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] Empty Re: Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei]

Thu Mar 31, 2022 11:29 am
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

Saisei looked Ira up and down, thinking about his time apart from the world in Uruguay and now Italy. It was a bit nostalgic for him to consider the fact that just a year ago he'd be what you'd call a fresh little kid in the big bad world. Of course, that didn't mean much, you grow pretty fast when the world throws everything and the kitchen sink at you.

The note of a boyfriend made Saisei's ears perk up, Yugiri found a man? That's a bit hard to believe but everyone had their one and only, Saisei truly believed that.

"No kidding, huh? Can't say I'm not surprised, glad to see y'all have been well enough."

He took another swig, looking at the home-screen of his phone before sliding it back to his pocket. The young man wasn't exactly what you'd call great at conversation as of late, his interactions with a majority of the Vanetti left him a bit worse for wear. Because of that, Saisei has felt for awhile he should watch the way he phrased himself here and there, 'ought to show respect to those you'd call your boss.

"I'm glad you found the time to come out for a chat. Definitely didn't think I'd be here in Italy but here we are. Uruguay was a bit of a mess but I found a bit of myself in the heat of it all you know? Now I'm what you'd call a lapdog for a few folks that made me a promise or two. Its been somethin', I'll tell you that at the very least."

His words may have been a bit somber in nature but truly Saisei hadn't found himself interested in life as much as he was now. It was a joy, really, discovering yourself and growing into your own. He smiled, looking from Ira to the street.

"Its a bit peaceful, you know? Kinda feel like I'm myself all of a sudden, its nice. Refreshing I guess."

Back to Ira with his gaze, Saisei called for a nearby waiter and requested a refill of his lemon tea.

"Grab whatever you'd like if you're up for a bit of a lunch date. My treat."

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] Empty Re: Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei]

Thu Mar 31, 2022 11:33 pm
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] SgHGbAG


"Uruguay? What the hell'd bring you down to that part of the world? South America's a mess and a half, at least other than that vacation spot down where Brazil used to be."

Ira still found that entire situation more than a touch baffling, admittedly, but he'd long since gotten used to the thought that Brazil simply didn't exist anymore. He'd known some good fishermen from around there, but it was what it was.

"Lapdog, huh? Not a title I'd normally go around wearing with pride myself. Surprised to hear you use it so cheerfully."

He looked through the menu, familiar enough with most world cuisines at least on some level that it wasn't too much of a difficulty to read through a menu and figure out what'd be there. Thankfully he had a pretty good trade understanding of pretty much all the languages by now, and menus weren't exactly high literature. What'd he even want?

"Hey, miss, I'll have a pasta alla norma and a caponata. A cup of coffee, too, thanks."

He actually hadn't had much coffee in a long time. Weird thought, but the Italians did it well.

The Hybrid King
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Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] Empty Re: Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:08 am
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"I spent quite a bit of time in America. Heard the stories of what you'd call the shit show that was South America as a whole and decided it wouldn't hurt to take a looksie. I'll have you know I actually had quite the time. A weird time, but a time I at least enjoyed."

Saisei was honest about his time at the very least. Uruguay wasn't a perfect world, far from it, the people were far more kind than one could imagine however. It was a sight to see, something he'd be more than willing to show those he grows close to. He actually felt, if anything, Ira would actually enjoy his time in Uruguay if accompanied by someone who knew the lay of the land a bit better than himself. Nonetheless, Saisei leaned forward in his chair and listened with strong intent.

"Lapdog sounds weird, yeah. I guess its really just the people of Enna I've kinda grown to love. Like, you'd love this Lorenzo guy I helped fix town hall for. He was a kind man, like actually."

Waiting for him to finish with his order, Saisei pointed to his tea once more before giving the waitress a small smile. She nodded without much thought and moved along with their order.

"Hopefully you'll enjoy it. I was actually wondering..." He leaned further forward, putting his hands together in a pattern that mimicked the thinking man. "Man to man, do you think I scare off women? I'm not like, really invested in findin' a girl or anything but I had this conversation with a... lets say a close friend. We were talkin' and she told me I was uh, a bit of a weirdo."

Leaning back, he rubbed his neck and groaned a bit. It was a weird question but not many people would give him the time of day on this kind of topic.

"That ain't the case, right? No way."

No way, right?

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] Empty Re: Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei]

Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:52 am
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] SgHGbAG


It was admittedly nice to hear someone actually refer to him as a man, considering Ira didn't get too much of that in his day to day. People tended to be polite about it, at least, and Ehefra at least called him a guy. Though that was uh...a different matter.

"Way I see it, you're pretty forward, and a lotta girls don't necessarily like all that. 'Course, there's plenty of girls that'll be head over heels for that same sorta thing, so I wouldn't say it's enough to scare a girl off. If she's tellin' you that sort of thing, might mean she's interested."

Of course, Ira didn't say that with any firm commitment, it was more just an idle observation. He'd been around enough women to think that was the case, and even if it wasn't, it was hardly the end of the world to suggest something like that to him.

"'Course, she could also just actually mean that you're a weirdo. Women are weird like that."

The Hybrid King
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Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] Empty Re: Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei]

Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:34 am
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"Yeah, that's fair."

Saisei was a bit short with his words, being mindful of taking in Ira's own thoughts with clear intent. He wouldn't have asked if he didn't take it seriously, was just a bit awkward to talk to anyone about it. The Vanetti have been a bit clear with their intentions of changing Saisei on a core level, if he didn't come out the other end a bit different they'd be disappointed. He wouldn't be but, y'know, everyone has their moments.

"I know I can be a bit too forward at times. I just don't see no reason to beat around the bush y'know? I ain't tryin' to make things awkward or anything like that. Just don't see why it's important to be all... I don't know, childish about it?"

He was a bit childish in nature, he knew that well enough. That didn't change the fact that when it came to his interactions with others he was a bit forward and clear with his own intentions. No reason to be a child about your feelings and thoughts, without clear communication people tend to lose things in translation. Can't do that with Saise, no siree.

"Women are weird. You know I've had two different girls talk about me like a piece of meat since I've been here? I don't get it."

He shook his head, the waitress returning with Ira's order and Saisei's refill on tea. His hands ushered Ira on as he took a swig of his refreshed tea.

"Only woman I find myself at ease around is Yugiri. To be fair though she ain't much of a lady in my eyes."

If anything, Yugiri was an older sister. Someone there to tear him down when he was being a bit too big for his britches. Everyone needed someone like that in their life.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

God of Love
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Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] Empty Re: Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei]

Mon Apr 04, 2022 12:49 am
Tea In Little Italy [Ira x Saisei] SgHGbAG


"I definitely get that, there's plenty of girls who are just way too childish about all those sorts of situations. Don't pretend to understand it, even if I'm halfway to bein' one of 'em myself now."

Laughing at that little quip, Ira took a sip of his coffee and thought about the situation. Did he consider Yugiri a woman? That was a stupid question, he definitely did. Just because his opinion of her had changed over time didn't mean she wasn't still a lady.

"Don't let her hear you say that. I'm willing to bet she'd probably never let ya live it down."

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