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Thicc Boi
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Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Empty Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei]

Sat Mar 05, 2022 1:33 am
Word Count: 296 -- S_E
Note: This thread takes place a week ahead of whenever it was started.

The plans were set in motion. The rebuilding of the Sicilian underground was going... well it was going. Imelda has been out of the country for some time so she's forgotten how the Italians hold grudges. Especially in Sicily, if she stole candy from someone when she was like 4, you best believe that they have yet to forget about it. Now, multiply the levels of wrongdoings by the amount of people in the Vanetti family and then you could realize why things were bumpy. There really was only so much that Imelda and Isabella can do about making amends and networking around the Duvalier group. They were going to need some outside help, and Imelda had an idea of who to ask.

Word on the street was that there was an old Vandenreich celebrity who was fresh out of a job, and apparently this kid had potential, the kind that Imelda wanted to nurture. Through the rumors she was able to piece that he was in Uruguay, and through a trade of promise for information, was able to reach out to him herself to set up a meeting. If everything went well, then she'd have another cub to add to her pride.

The meeting place was outside of Sicily, as Imelda planned to do some scouting and outreach while out for business. So settling for Venice, she gave him some random address for a random church and sat by herself in the back corner while waiting for him to arrive. Instinctively, she wanted to smoke but didn't want to deal with the Sisters hounding her ass about it and ultimately decided against it.

Impatiently checking her watch, Imelda waited for the person of interest to show up. "Where the fuck is he?"
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Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Sumera-character-list
The Hybrid King
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Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Empty Re: Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei]

Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:10 am
Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Man's Dream

Saisei wasn't the type to find himself like this. Naturally, a majority of his time was spent wasting away in Uruguay, helping those that ask and doing what he could for the country. After leaving the Vandenreich, he failed to keep contact with a majority of those that worked with the Organization. Given his departure, the choice to cut contact was for the best. Unfortunately, it seemed that most people would rather keep tabs on the young man. Whether he remained with the Quincy order didn't matter it seemed. After all, if that wasn't the case he wouldn't be stranded in an alleyway in Venice.

"Ah man, what a pain..."

He glanced towards his phone once again, flipping through its contents before pulling up a previous text from a number he could barely recognize. Not only did someone give his information out without much regard for his own safety, whoever they gave it to seemed far more interested in him than most did. Was he really as well known within the ranks of the Vandenreich as this entire situation made him out to be? Didn't matter in the end, he was here and that was the end of it.

Stumbling his way through the streets of Venice, Saisei finally found his destination. Without hesitation, he barged through the Church's open doors and began browsing the venue. From the start it couldn't have been more obvious who requested his company. With a lack of folks sitting around and a taller than average woman secluded to herself, Saisei found it amusing that a place like a church would be used for some type of business. Wasn't exactly a cardinal sin to ask others to meet in such a holy temple but, it was what it was.

With a hop and a step, he approached the pew she sat in and sat across from her on the opposite end. He crossed his legs, resting one hand along the back of the pew while the other tightened around the foot resting along his opposite knee.

"This seat occupied? Figure you'd be waiting for someone given how far off you're sitting from the sisters. Maybe better off if they weren't in ear shot?"

A soft chuckle followed his question. She was obvious enough, wasn't necessarily needed for him to ask. Of course, it was in his nature to be inquisitive no matter the circumstance. Whoever the woman was she'd learn that soon enough.

END POST | A Single Chrysanthemum Stands By The Wayside

Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] FXpoQxJ
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Thicc Boi
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Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Empty Re: Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei]

Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:25 am
Word Count: 296 -- S_E
Damn, was she that obvious?

Yes. Yes she was. Who else goes to church on a Saturday besides the Adventists? The thing that annoyed her the most was that he voiced that particular opinion, like he could just keep it to himself and let her be cool. Oh, and another thing, he was painstakingly obvious. If it wasn't for the face markings than the bright pink hair would be a dead give away.

In a smooth movement, Imelda would wave him down into the seat. After the glance she gave him, her eyes moved back to the statue of Jesus they kept in the front of the church. She wondered what it would be like to have a statue of herself like that somewhere? Perhaps in a family home, whenever she settles down and gets the money for it. Anyways, enough dilly dallying. It was time for business.

"How was your flight? I trust everything went well?" A pause to let the pleasantries pass. She was nothing if not respectful, and respect goes a long way in the industry. "That aside though, you're probably wondering who I am and why I called you here. Trust that answers will be given but I have questions for you. The first and most important: how well can you keep a secret?" There was little to no emotion on her face as she spoke, every word picked carefully and cherry picked. He might even assume she practiced this in a mirror but no, Imelda was off the dome at the moment.

This wouldn't be her first time trying to get someone to follow her, but it would be the first for an organization this big. Something like this had to be handled with care. Hence why she was here and not Isabella.
Coding done by S_E

Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Sumera-character-list
The Hybrid King
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Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Empty Re: Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei]

Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:47 am
Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Man's Dream

Though she may be obvious, the mysterious woman was good enough at making her presence hidden. For someone sitting off all on their own the Sisters held very little interest, even his arrival seemed to go without notice by those practicing faith during their Saturday morning activities. It was interesting enough to keep him focused on her pleasantries and words. Turning his gaze towards her direction before speaking, his eyes caught a sense of life in them when her words tiptoed around the comment of a secret.

"I imagine well enough. Given the right circumstances I'd be more than willing to keep something quiet from others. Would really all depend on what that thing was, wouldn't it?"

He turned away, his gaze fixated on the statue standing tall before them. Saisei was never the religious type, as someone plagued with a past life he wasn't exactly in the graces of any god, let alone one pretended was benevolent. The young man understood why people held such high hopes for things such as religion, however. It was a fair request when your life holds very little value in the grand scheme of things.

"The flight went fine. I didn't expect myself to set up shop in such a place but I can't say I'm surprised. You'd be astonished to hear of the places I've visited."

Africa, Antartica and America. It seemed wherever he went, Saisei found himself in some kind of trouble.

"I'm Saisei, Saisei Sato. I'm sure you know that, however. I'd love to hear more about this secret but if I'm frank with you miss, I'd rather hear your name before we continue this little charade. No need to withhold personal information if you have what I can only assume is a ridiculous file somewhere with a majority of my life ticked away in little boxes."

Turning towards her once more, he met the woman with a genuine, heartfelt smile. He had interest in whatever it was she had to say, but her name came first. Couldn't have a conversation with a stranger if you know their name. Then, they aren't a stranger anymore.

END POST | A Single Chrysanthemum Stands By The Wayside

Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Thicc Boi
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Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Empty Re: Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei]

Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:58 am
Word Count: 321
Does she tell him her name or does she just lie to him? Already hitting her with the tough questions, though she was also pleasantly surprised by how much he assumes she knew. Imelda didn't even know his age, but would probably bet that he was significantly older than she was. Or, on the flipside, the same age. She really didn't know anything about him besides his name and his former occupation. Though, back to the subject of her name, if she were to lie to him that would make a certain distrust between them down the line though once she opens up it would have more meaning. On the other hand, if she told him her name now and things didn't work out that could prove to bite her in the ass later down the line. Oh well, fuck it.

"Imelda. Imelda Vanetti." She broke character and looked at him as a sort of courtesy, going as far as to extend a hand, the jingle of her jewelry echoing throughout the church as she does it. "The thing is, Mr. Sato. Is that we have a need for a person of your particular skillset and your particular strengths to help out my family. See, we run a business of sorts that isn't exactly legal but, in the eyes of God, morally acceptable. Our biggest problem at the moment is jus a lack of capable people, which is why I reached out to you." Again, she turned her head forward, her eyes glued to the Sisters and their busywork. Man, the more she spoke the more out of her element she felt. God, she wished she could just go back to sitting at a table and moving things around again.

"The pay is exponential to the growth of the company. As we grow, the more your salary grows, and depending on the tasks you'd do, you would gain commission as well."
Coding done by S_E

Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Sumera-character-list
The Hybrid King
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Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Empty Re: Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei]

Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:43 pm
Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Man's Dream

Well, wasn't that quite a surprise? After his time in the Vandenreich it seemed he had grown a reputation. A reputation he didn't exactly understand himself but it didn't matter at the end of the day. If it weren't for his work with the Organization, folks like this would be far and few between. Rubbing at the tip of his nose, Saisei turned back toward the woman and have her a gentle shake of the hand before looking to the entrance.

"Imelda? Interesting name. I'm all for helpin' with any kind of business as long as it's the morally acceptable kind. Don't know what you do or don't know when it comes to in's and out's of my business but I'm more of a good guy myself. Keep me in the loop and I'll gladly help."

Though he knew nothing of her proposition it didn't truly matter, Saisei was without work and was told he'd be doing something for the greater good. That's two birds with one stone in his eyes. Turning away from the entrance, he leaned forward against his knees and shook his head solemnly.

"I'll need to be moved from Uruguay if that can be arranged. I'll need to know the goto when it comes to who I'm workin' with. Otherwise, if the pay is good I've got very little questions on my end."

Abrupt and straight to the point, Saisei was clear on his intentions. If Imelda felt like she'd require his services then he'd be more than happy to help.

"That alright to ask?"

END POST | A Single Chrysanthemum Stands By The Wayside

Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Thicc Boi
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Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Empty Re: Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei]

Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:27 am
Word Count: 321
She's never really considered her name to be that interesting. In anything it was a pain in the ass for Koreans to pronounce and often most people would get it wrong. "Oh, you think so? If I remember correctly it just means woman of Italy or something like that. It's not anything incredibly interesting, just not that common of a name." She shrugged at the end of the statement, her neutrality on the matter pretty clear. That having happened, Imelda was frankly surprised by his willingness to join but was slightly concerned with the fact that he thought they were doing something good. It was acceptable yeah, but if you tried to nitpick whether or not it was good then you'd get lost in the minutiae.

"That depends on how much stuff you have to move. Hell, I'll come down there myself and help you out assuming you're not trying to move a mountains worth of junk. Though, I guess a note fore the future would be to start travelling light." She spoke jokingly but with a frank attitude. Imelda didn't want to lead Saisei down a road that was totally unknown. The least she could do was give him pointers on what to expect and what's to come. "But if it is a lot, then getting it arranged should be no problem. I think I got a cousin or two who could help you out."

Abruptly, Imelda stood up and turned to face him. "I, Imelda Vanetti, officially welcome you into the family. Name is currently pending. If anybody gives you shit, tell em you work for me. Any questions?" A part of her was proud that she was able to actually pull of her first recruitment, this being a foreign thing to her, while another part was excited to see what kind of moves this team she was putting together could do.
Coding done by S_E

Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Sumera-character-list
The Hybrid King
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Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Empty Re: Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei]

Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:51 pm
Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] HE8qhvL

Saisei Satō | A Man's Dream

Frankly, Imelda was a bit of a weirdo. Of course, Saisei shared the same sort of fate it seemed. Life was genuinely obscure in most cases and in this case in particular. To go from The Vandenreich to completely alone and then back into the fold is quite a 180 degree turn. It could be fun, could be a disaster. With practically nothing to live for, Saisei sought a future in those who wished it for him. Nothin' wrong with that in his eyes.

"I tend to pack light already. If it means anything I just have a few mementos I'd like to keep with me if I can. Otherwise I'm free to be wherever you please."

Watching as she stood, the young man brought his hands together and firmly tightened them, a small smile lighting his face as he did so. In a sign of good faith, he nodded towards Imelda and spoke with a conviction you'd rarely expect from a stranger.

"As long as we're on the same team I'm sure you'll enjoy my presence. I'll do as you ask as long as you aren't asking me to commit some grand act of evil. And, if I may say, I'd like to be frank. I seek to help humankind. If we fight against that, I can't guarantee I'll stay by your side. Earth needs help, I ask you recognize that for me."

Though he didn't intend to come off as threatening, Saisei's natural spiritual pressure began to seep within the bounds of the church's walls. The air became thick and unnatural, some of the sisters working having to take a moment to themselves to catch their own breath.

"Promise me you see that and I'll gladly be by your side til the day that I die."

END POST | A Single Chrysanthemum Stands By The Wayside

Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Thicc Boi
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Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Empty Re: Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei]

Fri Mar 18, 2022 1:07 am
Word Count: 166
Ughhhhhh, he wanted a promise? Imelda was a woman of her word because something like that was just required for the life she's lived, but man did she hate making promises. Just in general, giving out her word like that on a whim was something that didn't sit right with her. However, she didn't particularly have a problem with Saisei so...

"Watch it with the promise shit...But yeah, you're right. I just got back from Korea and let me tell you, it's rough over there. Which is why I'm doing this now, hoping that one day I can go back home and make things better." She paused for a moment. "If you tell anyone else that, I'll hurt you." There was a hint of joking in her voice but the look on her face conveyed that she was serious.

"Anyways, I'll see you around. Keep your phone on and check your mail regularly." And with that, Imelda would leave Saisei to get his shit sorted out.
Coding done by S_E

Pride's Invitation [Imelda x Saisei] Sumera-character-list
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