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God of Love
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Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:50 pm
You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] QBAyyTL


Given their last dates, Shishiyuki had become decidedly more prone to visiting Makoto after her classes were finished for the day. It was well and good to return home, handle whatever family matters needed her attention, but she knew rather well that there were exceptionally few matters that could be called truly pressing to the nobility anymore.

So, instead, she was here, knocking on her girlfriend's door before entering with a small smile. She would have expected it to be empty, or for Makoto to already be there. Either one was, of course, perfectly pleasant an outcome. There would certainly not be any third outcome, right?


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Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:12 pm
You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] Saki1


Saki admittedly had toned back but she fondly remembered the last time she had done this. Wistfully napping away in her pjs on Makoto's bed and then also poked and prodded until she got all the juicy details of hearing that Makoto's lovelife had picked up. Well it was a little surprising for her in this turn of events.

"Eh, oh heyyyy Mako...nooo."

She trailed off through sleepy eyes, who was this lady? Ah! Don't be like that, she was just being an airhead again. Saki could only imagine one other woman who would have free reign to come here as she pleased. This was her.

"No way.. You're Makoto's girlfriend! Hehee, I'm Misaki but you can call me Saki. Eternal Twentieth Seat. Sound good, big sis?"

Saki had already thrown formality to the wind.


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God of Love
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Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:24 pm
You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] QBAyyTL


Blinking at the sight before her, Shishiyuki took a moment to actually analyze the situation. Had she not already been aware of Makoto's singular friend, she perhaps would have reacted with remarkably quick violence. As it was, she simply maintained a cordial demeanor that did an exceptional job hiding her surprise.

"I am, yes. Koizumi Shishiyuki. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Saki. Makoto's spoken highly of you."

That was accurate, wasn't it? Even if Makoto did not tend to speak 'highly' of others in perhaps a traditional way, to be her friend was something that Shishiyuki knew was quite exceptional in its own right. Perhaps that alone was more impressive than nearly anything else might have been.

"I had not expected to see anyone other than Makoto here, I admit. I'd simply come by to visit her after finishing with classes for the day."

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Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:34 pm
You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] Saki1


"For real? No way, big sis. Makoto never says praises about me haha, she just sighs and shakes her head. Sometimes rubbin' her temple like I'm givin' her a headache."

The whole idea of Makoto gushing over Saki and complimenting her just made her look a little bashful. It was incredulous to think about. Saki did however adjust her spot and yawn again, this was a nice spot to sleep since she never got bothered. She could just sleep here all day when she wasn't working, watch her bestie fret and wittle away at work silently nearby.

Kinda fun like back in the Academy days.

"I think she's still busy, I was also waiting for her but I fell asleep."

It was important to note that she had either shown up in her pajamas or intentionally changed into them to be more comfortable before falling asleep.

"Uh, well since she's not here. Whatcha wanna do huh, big sis? I bet you're way more talkative than Makoto, she's really tightlipped about you. Wouldn't even give me a name so you're kinda an enigma like that, whatcha like? Is she wayyy cuter when she's around you too? Ooo, what kind of animal do you think she reminds you of? I think she's a bit like a rabbit."


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God of Love
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Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:27 am
You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] QBAyyTL


"That does sound like her."

Shishiyuki allowed herself a small, ladylike laugh at the thought of Makoto being so exasperated at this girl's behavior. It hardly seemed surprising, she would be the first to admit that much.

"I would not call myself especially talkative, to be quite honest with you. I think Makoto would be quite cross with me if I were to simply go around speaking about our relationship so openly... But, if I may speak frankly for a brief moment, she is very precious when it is only she and I."

A faint sly smile crossed Shishiyuki's lips at that, an expression she tended not to wear often, if ever. She had certainly been more expressive of late, hadn't she?

"As for an animal... That is rather difficult, but I think she reminds me more of a cat than a rabbit."

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Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:42 am
You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] Saki2


"No way, really? Awww, I wish she'd be more expressive all the time. She's so cute but it's all locked behind her tough exterior."

She complained, no amount of work that she tried to do seemed to make it budge but hearing Shishiyuki affirm that she was more expressive to her made her give a content smile. The kind of satisfaction at hearing your little sibling was doing alright. For all her acting like a little sibling, Saki did do her best to make the wellbeing of other's work out.

"Why do you think she's a cat hmm? Tell you what big sis, you tell me and I'll tell you and then we decide who's got it more right."

Saki proposed while sitting up in the bed and leaning in eager to hear what Shishiyuki had to say to explain her thoughts.


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God of Love
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Thu Feb 24, 2022 1:55 am
You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] QBAyyTL


"She certainly is."

Shishiyuki was quite positive that Makoto would not have cared much for being called 'cute' quite so openly, but she knew that the two of them both did their best to help the other be a bit more open, more honest. It was hardly as if she would have even been holding this conversation without Makoto's input on things, after all.

"She is distant, yet appreciative of affection. Typically quiet, but all too eager to show herself when she feels that it is safe for her to do so. Filled with self-assuredness that means she requires none of that outside validation, yet wholly willing to accept it if it is given to her."

Was she speaking too frankly? No, she didn't believe so. It was simply complimenting her significant other, after all. There was no reason to be ashamed of it.

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Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:06 am
You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] Saki2


"Hehe, I guess that's pretty accurate. My turn, my turn big sis."

Saki jubilantly said while suddenly becoming deep in thought, how did she explain why she thought that Makoto was a bit like a rabbit moreso than a cat. After a minute of deep thought - figuring out how to convey it properly Saki excitedly bounced and sat up.

"She's fleeting, shy and kinda vulnerable though she doesn't wanna admit it. Hmm, also prone to running away from her issues rather than confronting them like she looks for excuses but it's kinda like a bunny trying to hop away from a cat on its heels. Even though she's a bit hostile though, I don't think she wants to be. I think she doesn't wanna hurt people but ends up doing it by accident... so I think she's not really got claws if that makes sense? Also she really likes veggies."

Despite the fact that she had delivered it in an awfully cheerful manner, Saki did sit back and look a little solemn. For someone that just wanted to help people, support them and raise them all up. Be the big sister and carry on her big sister's legacy. She was like that, always doting on people and doing her best for them...

"Anyway, so what do you think big sis? Do you think I'm more right or are you?"


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God of Love
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Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:25 am
You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] QBAyyTL


The longer that Saki spoke, the more it occurred to Shishiyuki what it was that was making her uncomfortable with the conversation. It had nothing to do with the perceived privacy of the matter, or her unfamiliarity with the subject. No, it was in fact something else entirely, something so completely incidental that she herself had only now realized what exactly it was.

"Do forgive me, but I would ask that you not call me that. Simply Shishiyuki is quite alright."

She did not much care to be reminded of her own role as an elder sister.

"I think that your comparison is perfectly apt in its own right. Had you not asked my own stance on the matter, I would certainly have found your choice of a rabbit perfectly agreeable. However, I do not believe that my view has changed. I stand by my original assessment."

All of that was said with the faintest smile, if only at the thought of Makoto herself and what her opinion of all this would presumably be. Well, this was enjoyable in itself. That was part of growing a bit more, wasn't it?

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You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] Empty Re: You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki]

Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:34 am
You Aren't Me [Shishiyuki, Saki] Saki2


"Eh? Call you... O-oh."

She was suddenly embarrassed by the fact that it had been pointed out, a little late though. Saki was used to people asking her to refer to them as something else but usually it was after the first time that they said it. It felt a bit sudden for it to come up so late, well that was fine. Part of caring about people meant respecting them you know? Saki wasn't too attached, it was just habit to refer to anyone with a perceived senority whether by age or rank that she refer to them as such.

"No worries, Shishiyuki. Hehe."

After hearing that the position had not changed though Saki grinned, guess that was two of them.

"I think Makoto would prefer your's except maybe if you had said a tiger or something, or maybe you could get away with calling her a cat. Girlfriend privilege hehe."

Saki teased just a bit while thinking about what now, she did have a "gift" but did she want to give that to Shishiyuki? It was like for them plural but hmm. Maybe she hold off a bit. Scope her out right? See how well Makoto picked 'em.

"So how'd you guys meet? Was it super duper romantic or something?"


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