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Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) Empty Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia)

Fri Feb 18, 2022 5:23 pm
Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) HyfhdW1


What’s this? Letters? For him? Well, of course he got some letters. It’s Valentine's Day. If anything, his mailbox should be full of them. Even if he’s not living that playboy life anymore, there are bound to be those that have yet to get the message or are just trying to get him to do something he’ll regret. A shame it is. All the gals wasting their time on him like this. Whelp. Only one thing left to do. In the trash they go. Knowing Rukia, she’s probably too shy to send a sappy letter. He hopes she’s free though. They have to go out. He even brought something nice for her. Really, what a shame. He couldn’t help but look at the letters piled in his trash can. Why, the top one even has a name on it.

“Rukia, huh? Hah. What a- What the- Huh?!”

He never grabbed something out of the trash with such urgency before. She sent him a letter?! He couldn’t believe it. Well, guess it made sense, but he didn’t think. He should open it. He just tore it in half, ruining the letter a bit, but that’s when the photo fell out. Curiosity killed him as he picked it up and looked at it. If he was in an anime, he’d probably have bled all over the picture. With big eyes, he looked at the torn paper and read it expediently. Wha- She loves him? Him?! He definitely likes the picture.

At the speed of sound, he ran to his coffee table with a pen and paper and started scribbling down a response letter.

Dear Rukia,

I don’t know what else to put in this letter besides you better cancel everything planned for tomorrow and maybe the day after that.


Damn. He even added the i to the end of his name. Anyway, he quickly got it all wrapped up in a letter, grabbed the bottle of wine he got from Arkin, and picked the one-eyed bunny before racing out his door. Is he even dressed properly? Whatever. He just knows he has to deliver this letter.

Knock. Knock.

He’s at Rukia’s yurt, hoping she’s here, for one of two reasons. He’ll be pissed, and he sort of forgot to put on actual pants, his blue pajama pants not the right play for something like this. He at least has the top part of his uniform wrapped around his person, somewhat. He’s down bad. She’s going to laugh. Or cry… Probably both.


God of Love
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Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) Empty Re: Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia)

Fri Feb 18, 2022 5:36 pm
Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) 2Uq2AX8


It was almost nice having a day off, though Rukia wasn't exactly the sort to spend all of her days off doing much of anything. She was hardly in the good graces with her family, and she didn't have any particular business to attend to...yet, anyway. She still had a few things on her mind, but any thoughts on that were promptly cut short by the knocking at her door. Well, there was only one person she felt like she should be expecting, so she slid off her bed, not bothering to change out of her own pajamas as she opened the door.

"Hey there...Shiro..."

She trailed off a bit as she looked at him, her expression rather quickly transforming into a bemused smirk. She couldn't quite help but chuckle at him, though it didn't stop her from blushing a faint bit. He'd gotten her letter, huh?

" want to come in?"


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Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) Empty Re: Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia)

Fri Feb 18, 2022 5:46 pm

Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) HyfhdW1


“You little- Mmm… Listen.”

He took a breath, inhaling hard through his nose as he brought up a hand, forming a fist and shaking it in frustration. What is he even supposed to say? God! He wants to just… What does he want to do?! He ran over here with nothing but degeneracy in his head, but now that he’s here, he suddenly feels like he can’t just take her by the ass and nail her against the wall.

“Here…” He grumbled as he handed her his letter with a bottle of wine and that one-eyed bunny he picked up from a little nice shop. He may be making way more than he was in the past, but money doesn’t fall from trees for him, so he did his best to try and be a little thoughtful. He wished she didn’t laugh at him though. Now he’s self conscious about his actions and by what he’s wearing. He really did just run over here like a lovestruck dog. Now he’s blushing, and he really hates everything now.

He didn’t even bother answering her as he just stepped in past her, ignoring everything as he flopped face first onto her couch, taking up the whole thing with ease.


God of Love
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Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) Empty Re: Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia)

Fri Feb 18, 2022 6:02 pm
Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) 2Uq2AX8


She definitely would have teased him more, under any other circumstances, but it wasn't like Rukia was stupid. She understood exactly what the situation was, and she blushed even more as he handed her both the wine and the bunny. She would have gushed over it, and indeed her eyes lit up as she took it, but her attention then turned to the letter that had accompanied the gifts. Setting everything down, with the bunny taking a spot on the bed with all the other stuffed animals, she opened the letter and read it.

...Oh. Well, how was she supposed to respond to that, exactly? She couldn't really just say "oh, thanks Shiro" now. That had been pretty clear. What did she even think of that? It was...ah, it was complicated. Really complicated. Right?

No, not really. It was kind of simple, actually. She just didn't quite know how to admit it. Setting the letter down, she walked over to the couch, and with quite a red face she just sat atop Shiro.

"I don't have any plans."

She probably could have said that any number of other ways. You know, maybe a way that sounded more romantic? But she was almost on autopilot now, if only to avoid doing something remarkably stupid. That was still a way of responding to his letter, right?

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Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) Empty Re: Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia)

Fri Feb 18, 2022 6:09 pm
Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) HyfhdW1


Great. She doesn’t have any plans. That’s good. She’s also sitting on his back. That’s not good. If he was actually facing her, he probably would have done something completely left field. Though, considering everything, doing something completely left field should be what he’s doing. Her response is probably as green light as a green light can get, knowing her of course. She was never good at saying she wants this or that. It was always a sort of guessing game where he’d have to watch her reactions to certain things. That’s why he got so uppity when she sent him an actual picture that was meant to stir him up.

With a huff, he moved, rising up from the couch, knowing she’s probably going to flop over onto her side or something, but that’s why he’s even moving. He wanted to be the one over her, looking down at her. He couldn’t help that his face is red, his cheeks undeniable evidence that he’s feeling a certain way. It’s not like him to act bashful, but with heavy eyelids, his gaze was focused more on the floor next to them than on her.

“No plans, huh? Good. Everyone would have been wondering why Miss Kuchiki’s limping.”


God of Love
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Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) Empty Re: Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia)

Fri Feb 18, 2022 6:41 pm
Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) 2Uq2AX8


Yep, there he went. Rukia had expected this kind of reaction from him, and as he loomed over her, she found her heart beating a lot faster than she'd expected. She knew it would have to go fast, obviously, but something like this had her more out of sorts than she even knew was possible. She...she wanted this. That was a thought that was almost hard for her to fully wrap her head around, but she didn't want to get tripped up now.

"Nothing a little kaido can't fix, right?"

Hey. That actually came out pretty alright. You go girl, that's the kind of thing that'll get him going. Er, well, is that actually a good thing? He's not an animal, though. Rukia knew even if she did tease him a bit, he wasn't the kind of guy to actually hurt her. If he was, well, they wouldn't be here right now.


Last edited by Rawk on Fri Feb 18, 2022 9:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) Empty Re: Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia)

Fri Feb 18, 2022 9:09 pm

Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) HyfhdW1


He yelled, but Rukia wouldn’t hear it because it was inside of his head. She'll do what? He was shocked by her answer and just had to take a second to properly understand the situation. If he heard her correctly, then that means they’re about to do that, and if they’re about to do that, he should up his game a bit. It’s alright to be a little nervous about, you know, taking her first, but they can’t both be nervous wrecks. One of them needs to step up and make sure the other one is being taken care of accurately, and since Rukia could barely give hand jobs, it’s probably for the best if Shiro played the lead role.

“Phew. What did you just cast, Rukia. Got me feeling a little hot around the collar.”

Suddenly, he couldn’t help but make light of the situation. It’s kind of funny to think that something he’s done before could still leave him a bit of a mess. Guess that goes to show that experiences do change when you have someone special to do it with. Anyway, he should focus. His eyes were avoiding her at first, but they soon fell on her. Whelp, he really wants to kiss her. He should kiss her. He’s going to kiss her. Hand on her cheek, he didn’t waste time, his whole body on hers as he stole her lips. Why not, yeah? He’s kinda in the mood for peaches.


God of Love
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Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) Empty Re: Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia)

Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:24 pm
Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) 2Uq2AX8


Right, well, it had definitely worked, maybe even a little bit better than Rukia had expected. That was a good thing though, right? She wanted him to, you know...enjoy himself. Then again, she also wanted to enjoy herself, too. That honestly felt strange, and even if what he'd said had been fairly lighthearted, it made her feel a way she definitely wasn't used to.

She might have even replied, if it weren't for his lips on hers. But then again, she didn't mind that either. It wasn't good at this at all, she knew that much pretty confidently, but he was leading the way here. That helped more than Rukia would have liked to admit, and in turn, the fact that it helped only reinforced her overall feelings on all of this.

That she really did love him. And she really did want him like this.

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Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) Empty Re: Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia)

Sun Feb 20, 2022 8:11 am

Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) HyfhdW1


It’s his job to help her whenever he’s able. He cares about her too much to leave her out at sea without a lifeline. Though, he preferred being in the water with her, making sure she knows exactly how to kick her feet, swing her arms, and how to float perfectly. But, he knows that he can’t hold her hand through everything. She’s going to have to learn the more complex stuff on her own, and he’s fine with her first time being something sloppy. He’ll do his best, and he’ll laugh at her mistakes, but he hopes she realizes it’s all done because that’s just how much he cares. It’s funny. He couldn’t help but feel a chuckle vibrate his lips as they retracted slowly from hers. His mind is full of everything he wants to do, might do, should do. His mind is full of so much, so many thoughts worth a second glance, but, for right now, he’s fine with having only her in his head. At least, for now.

“Let’s head to bed.” He grumbled, knowing that the day had just started. A couch is no place for this kind of thing anyway, and as he swept her from the couch, his thoughts continued to imagine this and that while reality took its natural course. The scene that came after was something filled with a unique passion, an endearing performance, and a not too shabby handjob.

What time is it now? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? He doesn’t know how long it took before the both of them were left satisfied, drenched in the sweat of each other, and left on their backs, staring at the ceiling. Is Rukia even awake right now? He’s not even sure if he is. He had surely let his consciousness fade at some point because, despite the detailed memory of everything, he has no idea how he got here. He’s definitely not drunk or suffering from a hangover, unless you count the Peach that had a taste of earlier. Speaking of Peaches, his eyes couldn’t help but gaze down, the lithe beauty beside him a sight enough to feed a poor man for months. Too bad he’s too greedy to share.

“Oi, Rukia. You alive?”

Maybe she died. Guess that’s fair.


God of Love
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Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) Empty Re: Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia)

Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:18 am
Kinda In the Mood for Peaches (Shiroi/Rukia) 2Uq2AX8


That was...that was something Rukia actually hadn't been ready for at all, as it turned out. She thought she had been, but imagining things wasn't even close to actually experiencing them. She'd probably need to really think about the whole situation later, when she had a clearer head, but for now...

"Think so, yep. You tried your best to kill me though, huh?"

The sly, almost smug grin that crossed her face was one that likely hadn't been seen by much of anyone in years, perhaps even decades. She felt younger, more fulfilled, happier. Not just because of all this, obviously. It was a big step, sure, but it wasn't just about the physical side of things. Slowly moving herself upward, until her lips were only a hair's breadth from his, she spoke again in a low, confident voice.

"Love you."

She was firing on all cylinders, honestly. She hadn't felt quite so alive in centuries.

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