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Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Left_bar_bleue24000/10000Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 1:03 am
Asahina Tomoe | Ever Observing, Eternally Curious

Today was the day. Tomoe was practically vibrating curiosity from her pores as she walked casually through the Seireitei for the first time in almost a century. Nothing had seemed to change much, but her memory of this place was also fleeting. She hoped to correct that in due time though. As she walked and her boots clicked along the ground, her eyes were cast from building to building in wonder. Nostalgic feelings rushed through her body, and she knew Mugen was getting a kick out of this wherever it was. If only Miko, her zanpakutou, had joined her. Alas, she was somewhere on Earth at the moment. As always, the playful fox spirit was hard to tie down. But of course now that she was in the Gotei, that was a problem. A very obvious one that a randomly passing officer just happened to notice.

"Where is your Zanpakutô?"

The question snapped Tomoe abruptly out of her thoughts. It was so sudden that she couldn't help but simply stare at the man in shock.

"Where is your Zanpakutô? Do not make me ask again."

His voice was rising in volume as he was clearly becoming agitated. In that case, Tomoe couldn't help but make things worse. Literally could not help it, that is.

"She's away on Earth, more than likely frolicking in a meadow, sir." Tomoe stated with enough firmness to make the man taken aback. And that was the truth, too. Raikitsune no Miko was a spirit who lived outside of Tomoe's inner realm. As long as she had the blade she belonged to at her side, Miko was able to go anywhere without Tomoe. However, as Tomoe opened her mouth to explain that to the officer, he was already shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Are you mocking me?! Do you think this is some kind joke?! How dare you talk to your superior like that! I should report you straight to your Commander you little-"

The officer kept going and Tomoe just stood there with a wry smile on her face. It was frustrating, like most things in her life, but there was genuinely not much she could do when she wasn't allowed so much as a word. Perhaps she should have just explained better right off the bat, but she was already knees deep in shit now. Oh well. She'd just have to endure it.

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty Re: Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:26 am


"Igarashi-san, your voice can be heard from the training grounds."

Liana rounded the corner to admonish the seated officer. Though she had her own fair share of scolding performed, she was never the type to favour raising your voice to do so. She actively discouraged it in her division as well, though that didn't mean everyone would obey at every moment. Emotions were a bit fickle of a thing, after all.

"Captain! Forgive me."

Igarashi gave a bow and began explaining the circumstances.

"I see. Well? Asahina-san, correct?"

This was a new recruit to the division. Well, perhaps not a recruit, but a returning member. It wasn't necessarily uncommon to find people returning to the Gotei; Liana had done it herself. A whole plenty of shinigami, or part-shinigami at least. To her knowledge, as she did her best to keep up with information for the Gotei and even--within her appropriate means and jurisdiction--other divisions, the amount of shinigami rejoining the Gotei after World War Four slowed dramatically. It was a curious trend, but it also made it easier to recognise these individuals.

"Is there a purpose to your zanpakuto not being at your side?"

Liana's face was inquisitive, not quite interrogative. But, her eyes certainly gave a perspicacious feeling. Like they would see through anything said. Perhaps that was just by matter of her position of authority and experience in this circumstance.


Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] 8Bvy1N8


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The Cat
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Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Left_bar_bleue24000/10000Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty Re: Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:54 am
Asahina Tomoe | Ever Observing, Eternally Curious

Tomoe turned her head when she heard a woman's voice, and upon laying her eyes upon the 2nd Division Captain, she felt something in the corners of her mindscape twist in amusement. A surprise third party had shown up out of the blue just in time to scold her scolder. The irony was not lost on the foreign entity watching from elsewhere in spacetime.

"Ah, yes. My Zanpakuto..." Tomoe muttered, this surprise reminding her why she was being scolded in the first place. "She's... around. Somewhere. I think she's... on Earth? Somewhere in the Human Realm, most likely." She hummed her thoughts like her Zanpakuto being in another realm wasn't inherently a problem. In fact, her inflections implied this was fairly normal.

"Miko is completely autonomous. She doesn't need me, she just needs her blade in her general vicinity. Otherwise she can walk anywhere that you or I could, even if that's outside of my inner realm or wherever spirits like her reside." The woman shrugged casually and continued nonchalantly even as she gave excuses to her own Captain Commander as to why her most important tool and companion wasn't by her side.

"I can summon her if that eases the concern. In her Shikai state, that is. If I call her without the release then she'll listen, but she won't show up. She never does." And that frustrated Tomoe, Liana wouldn't even have to hear the slight dismay in her voice to know that. Her subordinate's eyebrow twitched slightly just as a sigh escaped her lips.

"It's usually fine, but it's a work in progress. Miko tends not to listen to me unless I have an important enough reason to disrupt her duties." Tomoe couldn't help but click her tongue in annoyance, but ultimately shook her head and shrugged it off. "You'll meet her soon enough."

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty Re: Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 8:16 am


Liana had some thoughts from the get-go on what the girl was saying, but she reserved her judgement and response for once she was finished. It was important to hear the whole thing from someone first, after all. While Tomoe kept talking, another person rounded the corner, though they had no disruptions to make. They looked at the involved parties, inferred what was happening, and beckoned the seated officer over so as to not interrupt. Igarashi bowed to the captain to be excused, and left the rest up to Liana. He had his own work to do, after all.

"I see. Well, try not to be discouraged, Asahina-san. To achieve shikai is very impressive. I suppose, in your journeys away from the Gotei, you found your own path and managed communicate with your zanpakuto, which is a milestone all shinigami wish to achieve. Be proud of yourself in that."

It was her honest thoughts, and Liana spoke them warmly, comfortingly. Liana herself could relate rather fundamentally; she struggled with her own zanpakuto spirits for a good while, and only during her pilgrimage on Earth was she able to overcome her bankai.

"However, being frustrated on your lack of control over your zanpakuto spirit is one thing."

Her tone grew colder. She didn't raise her voice, but the clarity and impact of her words had weight to them.

"The zanpakuto is an important part of a shinigami, as a weapon and as a companion. It is not her blade, it is your blade; a zanpakuto is a part of you. To allow it to leave your side, on your duties, is grossly inappropriate. The uniform of the shinigami is important; though the attire may have grown relaxed, keeping your weapon at your side has been a mainstay."


Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] 8Bvy1N8


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The Cat
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Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Left_bar_bleue24000/10000Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty Re: Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:27 am
Asahina Tomoe | Ever Observing, Eternally Curious

Tomoe winced as Miko was called her Zanpakutou spirit. "Well... yes, but no. I mean no, but yes? Sort of." She didn't even seem to know how to describe it herself. "I know a rebellious or stubborn Zanpakutou spirits are actually fairly common, especially with more inexperienced Shinigami, but... That's not how that works."

Miko was half her spirit, half the creation of Mugen. When Tomoe was busy, Mugen relied on Miko to feed it the stimulation it so desperately craved. Tomoe was still a little wary of an eldritch being living partially through her mind to feel the interactions of a foreign race amongst themselves, but she had to remember it had been totally benign thus far, so there was likely nothing wrong. But explaining that to someone else was obviously a no no. There was no way to tell how they'd react. Even if this was her Captain, she couldn't exactly explain why she couldn't just make Miko act like a normal Zanpakutou spirit. But she also didn't have it in her to lie openly. It was both too much work to keep up an ever expanding web of lies, and because she'd just feel guilty.

"I don't mean to be difficult, I just ask politely that you understand there are forces outside of my control here. And I don't think I could change those even if I were as strong or disciplined as you."

As for what those forces were, she would not say. Just imply heavily that it was Miko being stubborn, which wasn't explicitly untrue, just not the whole truth. Tomoe really didn't want to fight her Captain on this, but she wasn't quite sure if she could get away with simply saying 'I'll fix it' and leaving it at that.

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty Re: Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe]

Fri Feb 11, 2022 9:42 am


The roundabout manner in which Tomoe approached her explanation was, lightly said, irksome. She may be a patient woman, but moreso than that Liana was direct. She didn't need the Eyes of Truth to understand there was something underlying here.

Liana had responsibilities as a leader--and therefore caretaker of those in her division that were troubled, not to mention a curiosity towards what might lead one of those division members to maintain a sort of mystique with her zanpakuto. More than that, a genuine suspiciousness to it, especially on that last part. Something that might merit considerable concern, even.

"If they are forces beyond your command and control, then it's in your duty to relay these difficulties to your superiors. It is then your superior's duties to aid you.

But, as you've said, you believe this is a circumstance in which I, as a captain, am unable to overcome. That's quite a level of severity, Asahina-san. Is this, then, a difficulty insurmountable for the greater Gotei?"


Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] 8Bvy1N8


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The Cat
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Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Left_bar_bleue24000/10000Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty Re: Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe]

Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:11 pm
Asahina Tomoe | Ever Observing, Eternally Curious

"It is indeed too much for the Gotei to handle." Her words were firm and gentle, as she was being honest after all.

Tomoe didn't seem fazed as Liana pressed further. She had hoped her Captain would have just let it sit, but that didn't seem likely to happen here. She just hoped this didn't result in some sort of disciplinary action. Or worse, getting dropped from the Gotei entirely. Such a measure seemed extreme to her, but the last time she was here the Gotei was rather strict. Or, well, that was around a century ago, so perhaps her memory was just failing her.

"I know this is out of place to ask, but I would politely ask that you let it go for the time being. It is a heavily guarded secret that I must not let anyone know. The consequences..." Tomoe paused for a moment to mull over her choice of words. "...well, not consequences from a higher power. It's more like... I don't want to be questioned about it to begin with. Or rather, I don't want rumors spreading about me. As for Miko, you genuinely cannot change the fact that I cannot stop her from roaming, and neither can I. In fact, I don't think that will change. There are forces out of everyone's control here.

This wasn't the best way to go about this, Tomoe knew that for sure, but Liana was clearly intent on pressuring her for information. Not only that, but given Liana was a Captain, it was likely she was a lot more perceptive than the usual person. Or so Tomoe would hope. All she could do was try and help her Captain settle on what little information she already had.

"If it makes you feel any better, I can call Miko here right now. However, that would require me activating my Shikai, and I don't think Miko would be happy to be interrupted with, uh, whatever it is she's doing. It's not quite as good as having her at my side, I know, but I assure you that my ability with Kido is plenty sufficient to make up for my lack of a sealed Zanpakuto at the ready." Tomoe was really pushing it with how little information she was giving, but that wasn't her fault. What was she supposed to do? Tell Liana that there was an eldritch deity watching everyone's every move always? And that Tomoe herself was a vessel for it to fulfill its desires? Already she could feel in the back of her mind the begging pulses in her brain that were dying for her to do something other than this. Priorities first, she tried to remind herself, then the pangs of boredom could be sated.

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty Re: Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe]

Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:37 pm


Liana squinted and held her tongue for a moment. Perhaps Tomoe was exaggerating, but on some level, she genuinely felt that way. That there was something she knew and was burdened with that felt beyond the reach and strength of the Gotei. There were a few things that could pose such a threat, but Liana's mind only went to one idea.

Abruptly, Liana's energy spread out to envelope her division member. It was frigid, a terribly biting cold, invasive even. Like a thousand eyes were looking at Tomoe, like her whole being was placed on the scales of judgement that read her every word and move.

"Forgive me, Asahina-san. I had to make sure."

She didn't offer much more explanation beyond that, but Liana's energy receded. From personal experience, she knew very well what demonic energy could feel like. Tomoe was not afflicted with any.

The captain continued listening to her subordinates explanation, the coldness of their surroundings replaced with a gentle warmth. Liana remained cautious of the circumstance, worried even, but she felt more at ease knowing that Shadow Fall--or whatever remnants of it existed in this day and age, were probably not involved.

That said, Tomoe's explanation gave no additional confidence in the situation. Whatever she was dealing with, none of it became much clearer. At the very least, Liana could understand a very genuine effort being put in to try and explain it, to the best of her ability. Whether this came down to Tomoe's inability to articulate herself, or there was some other variable preventing her from doing so, the captain understood well that this prying was going nowhere.

Perhaps it was better to move on from this, or at least find some other approach. First thing came first, however; Tomoe was out of uniform. If having her zanpakuto on her truly was without possibility, they needed to find some other way to take care of this absence.

"Alright. I understand. At least, I will try to understand. In the meantime, follow me, Asahina-san."

Liana began walking off towards the division's supply building.

"Without much explanation, it'll be hard to justify assigning an additional asauchi to you. So, for now you're going to be assigned a basic weapon so that you might at least be equipped with something." As she walked, Liana turned her head back towards Tomoe behind her with a chiding smile. "Also, a shinigami should never rely on simply one means of combat. Even I, as the captain of the Kido Division, I cannot say my ability with kido is sufficient to cover all bases. Battle is unforgiving. It isn't uncommon for someone to regret their lack of preparedness when it's already too late."


Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] 8Bvy1N8


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The Cat
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Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:18 pm
Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] UeUFFwi

Asahina Tomoe | Ever Observing, Eternally Curious

Tomoe didn't so much as flinch as Liana's energy engulfed her. It was cold, and she might have shivered, but ultimately the sensation was nothing too foreign for her. After all, what was a thousand eyes to infinity? Mugen would definitely have a chuckle with this experience, amused at the way it caused Tomoe to develop tolerances to something like this. The purple shinigami could feel its excitement in the back of her mind already.

"Ah, don't worry about that. It's nothing I'm not used to." Tomoe chatted casually, though what she meant by that after something so specific had been done to her, Liana could only grasp at straws.

She understood the need to be cautious and didn't blame her Captain for being so cautious. When a strange new person showed up in your squad and, when questioned, mentioned a force greater than the Gotei itself, then it was beyond normal to feel suspicious or even unnerved about such a thing. But Tomoe knew that if she explained what Mugen was, she'd be even more suspicious. A foreign entity that she did not understand that saw everything through her eyes sure did sound like it could be a spy that she was actively helping to infiltrate the Gotei. And then there was the discussion of what Mugen actually was, and Tomoe just didn't want to deal with either of those headaches.

"I understand, Captain. I am sincerely apologetic for the inconvenience." She offered at least some genuine sorriness to Liana as they walked. "It is a problem that I shall do my best to rectify as soon as possible."

Not just one form of combat... Well, if her Captain really insisted. If her Kido wasn't enough, she would summon Miko, but if a situation didn't warrant going all out then she would just end up expending too much energy. It made sense to at least have a separate weapon for such a situation. However, in terms of actual practice and skill, a katana was all she could use.

"Just a standard Katana then. I wouldn't dare ask for another asauchi even if one day I might somehow qualify. Miko is more than enough for me."

Even though Miko wasn't here, and wouldn't be until she absolutely had to be, Tomoe still felt an attachment to her zanpakuto. Something she felt on more than just a personal level, but couldn't explain just yet. At least, not until she trusted Liana to truly trust her.

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] Empty Re: Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe]

Sun Feb 27, 2022 2:24 am


The supply building wasn't far off from where they were. Only a few buildings down. As usual, the grounds of the Second Division were pleasantly calm. The shouts of kido practitioners casting in unison resounded from a distance, alongside it the noises of animals rustling, chirping, and squeaking in the orderly flora. Perhaps to a person of Tomoe's disposition, the tranquility of the division might've even been boring.

"Hello, Tanaka-san. Paperwork for a katana, please."

The divisional supply manager bowed and greeted Liana in turn from behind the desk of the supply office. A few moments later, they put some papers out for Tomoe to fill out. Once done, one of the assisting supply clerks handed the shinigami a sheathed, basic katana. Alongside it, some amenities, branded "Clean and Care Kit". The product was produced by a small business in a relatively far rukongai district.

"Make sure that weapon is a proper fit for you; these are the sorts of things to be certain of."

Liana once more beckoned Tomoe to follow along, leading her to an adjacent room to the supply. This room was recently installed after a request for an immediate practice room beside the armoury for the very sake of testing equipment. A series of dummies were lined up along a far wall, clearly steeped in several orders of defensive kido. They had enough density to withstand the powerful strikes and spells of even the tenth seated member of the division.

"Go ahead and use the dummy to practice your swings; if you want something more dynamic, there are mobile dummies that can offer basic movements, attacking, defending, and even counterning.

That aside, since you spoke of great confidence in your kido ability, if you don't Asahina-san I would love to see what you were capable of."

Tomoe would've been tested upon application and entrance into the kido division in several areas, a part of the quality guarantee rather than just going off a Shino Academy diploma. However, Liana wasn't the one to directly monitor each test and qualifying applicant, simply approve based on the reviews of the member assigned to proctor.


Where in the World is Raikutsune no Miko? [Liana/Tomoe] 8Bvy1N8


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