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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:40 pm
That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 TeC6OwL

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto would squeeze her nose bridge and let out an irritated sigh. Course the kid has a bill of some kind on her shoulders... Well, that wasn't a horrible amount for her to cough up right now, but she wasn't particularly appreciative of his attitude, even if his anger was justified. Her brow would twitch watching the girl downing a container of sugar, before looking back to the man,

"While she isn't my kid, I will make it up to you at the very least," She'd flinch her hand away from the cat's rather eager munching of that snack, honestly better he liked it than she didn't, "Kid, get your ass over here right now. I get you're hungry, but that's no excuse to go about like a fucking animal. Act with some dignity and apologize."

Her tone wasn't angry, but it definitely was strict, her expression giving that 'I mean it' look as she motioned for her to come.

END| Raccoon
Lord of the Understream
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Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:49 pm

Not sure how, but Ania just knew the lady at the front was talking to her. They were a good few paces away from each other, and her focus was on the sugar she was guzzling down, but she just knew. Truth be told, once the sweetness permeated her mouth, for whatever reason Ania felt less on edge. From the distance, she did hear mention of money and the lady's willingness to take care of it, so maybe that had something to do with it. Call it a bit of good faith; maybe this lady really was going to feed her.

If that was the case, Ania was willing to do what she needed to. Ania put the sugar down, grabbed a napkin, and hopped off the stool, and ran over to the lady's side. She looked up to the owner. If it wasn't for the appeasements, he would've been fuming. Still, it was easier--and better--for him to take the opportunity to gain reparations, rather than just sit on a $1200 hole and be grumpy.

At least, that would've been the case if it weren't for Ania's interpretation of apology. As if it were righting some wrongs, Ania lifted the napkin up to her face and spit the sugar in her mouth out. She presented it to the owner to give it back.

The owner was frozen stiffly in shock, maybe awe, but definitely horror.


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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 5:08 pm
That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 TeC6OwL

Liltotto Lamperd

Never had she expected an apology to go so sour. More and more, Liltotto was piecing that maybe this girl was a lot less tended to than anticipated if this was what she understood as an apology. She'd swiftly raise her hand to force Ania's to lower, getting the wet bag of spit-sugar away from the owner as she gave the owner a weary look, "Sorry about that. Give us a sec."

She'd lead Ania a few paces away from the owner and to the nearest trash can, swiftly taking the bag from her and throwing it away,

"Alright just... Listen for a sec," She'd exhale with a sense of shortness, "That is not what I mean. An apology is... You realize you did something bad, you go to the person who you did something bad to, and you say, 'I'm sorry for...' Whatever you did wrong."

She would nod her head towards the man, "Now, if you want this man to let you eat here, this is what I want you to do: Go back up to him, hands at your side, and say, 'I am sorry for breaking your stuff'. You get to worry about costs later, but right now that is what I want you to do. Understood?"

She spoke slowly and calmly, hoping it'd be enough to get the girl to understand.

END| Raccoon
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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 5:24 pm

? What'd she put Ania's hand down for? What'd she lead them to the trashcan for? Hey! What was she doing throwing away perfectly good sugar?! Ania expected a damn good explanation for this.

And what she got? Some damn hokey pokey. What, did she think Ania was stupid or something? The girl knew what an apology was. The kids at school taught her what it was. This one time, she hid her lunch and lunch money away so that the kids couldn't take it; instead, they just beat her up and told her to apologise for it. Apologising was something you told bullies to get them to stop bullying you for the time being.

Oh, you know what? That actually makes sense; the diner owner was kind of a bully, always getting mad for no reason.

Ania nodded her head towards the lady and walked back to the owner as instructed. Hands at her side and all.

"Sorry for breakin' ya crap."

She turned her head back to look over at the lady to see if that was sufficient.


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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 5:50 pm
That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 TeC6OwL

Liltotto Lamperd

"Good enough." Liltotto was already writing a check for the damages, soon tearing the paper off her booklet and presenting it to the owner, "Sorry for the trouble. Hope that makes it up to you."

After doing so, she immediately turned to look at the girl. That look was one of a 'well why did I have to do that?!' and she felt plenty obliged to answer it, especially since this girl's understanding of things didn't seem up to par,

"If you're wondering why I made you apologize, it's simple: Would you like it if someone came in and broke your stuff? Don't think so. You'd be awfully upset at who did that, especially if it cost a lot to replace. Well, that's how this guy feels, and by the sounds of it you broke something pretty expensive for him,"

She'd cross her arms and nod, "He's got a business to run, so he can make money, so he can feed himself and whoever he's got at home. He's not angry at you just to be mean, kid."

She then would look back to the owner, "We good now?"

END| Raccoon
Lord of the Understream
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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Fri Feb 11, 2022 10:31 am

The owner received the check, at first with a bit of reluctance. He still felt spiteful towards the girl. Nevertheless, this was the money necessary for repairs--an extra $200 on it thanks to his embellishments--and enough to clear the air of its grievances. With a grumble, he hobbled off back into the kitchen.

Perhaps the owner and Ania were more alike then either of them would like to admit, because she too was feeling grumpy. That's how it was when you get lectured, something she felt was happening for more often off the islands than on it. That said, the lady was kind of right. If someone came onto her boat and started thrashing it around, Ania would let them have it!

But, to do that, she needed the power to assert herself. Which brought everything full circle. Power ran the world, it ran everything, and if you didn't have it, you were shit out of luck.

The grumpiness in her compounded. Grumpy at being lectured, and grumpy at the world. It truly was unfair.

"No. We not good."

Ania held a pout and some of her tears back. Not that she'd let that be seen. The girl ran back out of the diner, tugging on Hobbes's tail as on the way, and sat down on the stairs leading up to the restaurant. She tooked her head inbetween her knees. Hobbes followed her and lied down, leaning on her back. If a tiger could emote, he'd wear a confused expression on his face, but comforted her with his body heat nonetheless.


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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Fri Feb 11, 2022 10:53 am
That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 TeC6OwL

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto noticed the girl's grumpiness just fine, that was expected. What certainly proved to be out of the ordinary is how much it stuck, and how much worse it got in mere moments, before the girl stormed off with her cat. The short woman had dealt with many kids in her life, and this definitely wasn't just brattiness - there definitely was something else she was upset about that related to this, and she felt a level of responsibility to figure that out.

After a few minutes, she'd emerge from the restaurant, a bag of fries and onion rings each in her clutches as she'd look down the steps to see the girl moping with her odd kitty lying atop her back. She'd step down to her side, gently shaking each bag,

"Hey. Didn't know if you liked fries or onion rings so I got one of each," She at least wanted to get her something to eat to start off, "Feel like you aren't just upset about apologizing. Wanna talk about it?"

END| Raccoon
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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Fri Feb 11, 2022 11:08 am

Ania did nothing but stew in her sadness. It was something to stew about, after all. It always felt like it was her who got the short end of the stick--no one else. Okay, sure, that happens, so now it was up to her to do something about it. And she did! Or, she tried. Ania went all out into the big world by herself, for two whole years now! What did she have to show for it: nothing. Her quest for power, wholly unquenched. She roamed around and got nothing done.

Her rumination was interrupted by the approach of the lady from before. Well, first it was interrupted by the intense smell of fried foods approaching her; Hobbes knew it too, and he got up to try and prop Ania up, nudging her until she'd lift her head.

Initially, she resisted, even shoving Hobbes away at first. But, eventually, the furry bastard chomped down on her hair and pulled it back, forcing her head up.

"OW! Hobbes!"

Her anger was covered up by the snot dripping from her nose, and the wetness of her cheeks underneath her reddened eyes. Ania gave a big 'ol "SNOOOOOORT" and breathed haphazardly, her eyes trained on the food. She looked at it, then at the lady, then the food again, and then at the lady one more time before grabbing the fries, handing it to Hobbes to munch on. She took the onion rings for herself.

"No tek baks."

Cautiously, Ania started ravenously consuming the onion rings. The saltiness filled her mouth, the oils coating cheek to cheek and the juicy burst of flavour from biting into it with supreme savouriness. It was the kind of experience that transcended spacetime. It was hard to stay mad.

Once finished, she looked at the lady. She was nice. It was weird. Ania didn't really know how to express that impression, not in words at least. At most, she could only scoot towards her and hug her rather than talk about it. Ania wanted to stay like that, if only for a little while. Maybe she could talk after that.


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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Fri Feb 11, 2022 11:39 am
That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 TeC6OwL

Liltotto Lamperd

Wuff. That definitely is not the face of a tantrum, she definitely was hurting over something. Her face remained calm and neutral - even though her demeanor was normally quite flat, she was putting additional intent on remaining so as not to escalate the girl's own emotions. She let her snatch the food away, already accepting that the girl probably wouldn't behave with much trust towards her in mind, watching her and the curiously appetited cat munch rather contentedly away on the fried food. Sure, wasn't the healthiest thing, but it was better than the possible near nothing they'd been having for however long.

Though the girl seemed like she felt at least a little better, rather than go on to answer her, she unexpectedly inched in for a hug. Liltotto stiffened for a moment, but with a slow breath she would relax, reaching an arm over to give the girl a gentle, reassuring pat on the back. She put her own thoughts and feelings aside; The girl clearly was down in the dumps and in need of a hug, she'd just plain be an asshole for rejecting the reach for comfort.

END| Raccoon
Lord of the Understream
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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:32 pm

The hug was almost liberating in a sense. It was a warmth she had long gone without from anyone besides Hobbes, and Ania convinced herself that was enough. The truth of the matter was, this was a yearning buried deep within her. Not just to hug someone, but for them to hug back.

No doubt about it, the lady would feel moisture on her shoulders, probably running down her back. There was no audible reaction, no sobbing. Just a free flow, a release of the aggravations Ania held. She even let out, in a hushed whisper, "Mama..."

Minutes later, Ania felt more gathered. She rubbed her face on the clothes of the lady's shoulder--snot, tears, and all--and distanced herself. She looked around to find Hobbes. The big bugger was asleep. That was okay, though. Ania leaned back and put her weight on the oaf's belly, his fur encapsulating her. The sky seemed brighter, bluer, but that was most definitely because of the water in her eyes refracting the light.

"Lady, are you strong? Powerful?"


That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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