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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] Empty That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 12:19 am
That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] TeC6OwL

Liltotto Lamperd

It was her typical off day from Sternritter work; just going about the city and maybe engaging with a place or person or two. It had been several weeks since she first landed here, and she had this odd sense of... Nostalgia. She was reluctant to acknowledge it at first, but... She missed being amongst the familiar presence of the Quincy. Even if there were others added to this melting pot, she hadn't felt this sense of casual ease in a long time.

The winter sun was glaring through the clouds, the streets weren't too busy, could even smell the sea's breeze without even thinking about it. It overall was a pretty normal day...

At least, until she heard a strange noise emanating from behind one of the food places she contemplated on stopping by, the distinct sound of bags shuffling and things being tossed on solid pavement. The presence definitely was human, a weak one at that, so she had no need to be super high alert, reasonable amount of alert needed in case it was some freaky creature that could change how it's detected, or something. She definitely ran into at least three of those fucking things in her lifetime..

Thus, the rather youthful looking woman would slip into the alleyway, before quietly approaching the clearly rather occupied trash, watching the occasional item be thrown or fall out. It wouldn't take long for her to make her way over to the container and pull herself up to look inside to see who was doing the digging. The trash obviously stunk far worse to her than most people alive, but she put that aside to address the girl,

"Well you're a funny looking raccoon." She spoke in her typical rather flat, neutral tone, "Dude, if you're hungry I can just get you some food, or something. Probably would regret eating trash food later."

END| Raccoon
Lord of the Understream
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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:54 am

!!!! Intruder Alert!

"Hobbes! Defensive Formation!"

Ania leaped from the bin in one fell swoop, but her toes clipped the edge. She performed a near full flip in the air, stopped short by her face establishing an acquaintance with the side of the trash can. She fell straight onto her back that was fortunately lined with a bit of cardboard, breaking her fall.

The girl quickly regained her wits, hopped onto her feet, and took a defensive stance with her sword unsheathed. Ania hadn't the slightest clue how to wield it properly, but there was no way the intruder would know that. In fact, if she had to say so herself, her form looked pretty darn good! Only thing needed to really sell the charade? A mean, stern face ready to gobble up any aggressors.

Her face scowled, clearly in intimidating fashion, though maybe the redness of her recently trashcan-slammed face, and the tears she held back with great effort, took away from how menacing she clearly was.

Somehow, if one could believe it, the large musky tiger that reared its head from behind the trashcan and behind Ania looked even less threatening than the girl. It too wore a daunting face, growling with a deep bass that reverberated around the alleyway; but, frankly, the cat looked far too famished to really be scaring anyone. Even though a starved animal should probably just be way more frightening than a satiated animal.

"Come ta take my spoils, hah!? If de folk dun tru awey dey food, no wan can complain if I tek it!"


That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] 8Bvy1N8


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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Sat Feb 05, 2022 11:36 am
That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] TeC6OwL

Liltotto Lamperd

It hardly took much witnessing for Liltotto to get a good grasp of who she was dealing with - A child, a pretty unskilled one at that. That flip had all the grace and measuring of a clumsy panda, hardly needing to flinch when the side of her face struck the rim of the container - looks alone told her she wasn't going to clear it. She was almost about to go check up on her before she leapt to her feet; Her concerns were more to if she broke her jaw than that horrid sword stance, girl looked far better placed in front of a pinata than up for a fight.

Damn, everything about this girl cried for help. It reminded her of the times she had to deal with troublesome students or just any kid horribly down on their luck and lashing out in their desperate state.

Really, the only actual surprises were the strange big cat and the manner of her speech - Was that some sort of pidgin? Either way, Liltotto would sigh, dig through her backpack briefly, and throw a bag of chips to the girl,

"Just if that didn't make my intent clear with the first sentence. You want actual, hot food kid? I can figure something out for the kitty."

END| Raccoon
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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 8:32 am

Ania let the bag of chips fall to the floor, even taking a small leap backwards in preparation. She knew better than to trust the words of a stranger; good will comes in many forms, they just don't come to Ania. Only a dummy would be burned twice.

"You tek a bite fuhst. I ain't gona e--WEH!"

Ania's words were one thing, Hobbes's actions were another. The tiger bulldozed straight through Ania, lifting her whole body with its snout to get her out of the way. The girl fell atop the back of the beast with a horrified expression of the most profound betrayal on her face.

Meanwhile, Hobbes ravished the bag, tearing it apart and licking the chips up straight off the cardboard.


Ania climbed from its back over to its front, desperately trying to wrestle its maws open and reach inside to remove the chips. Alas, she was no match for the bite force of an apex predator. The only thing this served to do was drench Ania's arm in pungent tiger drool.

She paid it no mind, though. There were much greater priorities. Her face turned to the stranger with a scowl of visceral hatred. If it were possible, Ania's stare would've burned straight through the woman.

"If Hobbes gets sick cuz of dis, I'll keel you."


That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] 8Bvy1N8


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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:42 am
That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] TeC6OwL

Liltotto Lamperd

"Don't think he'd get sick from a bag of chips, but he definitely will get sick from how skinny he is."

She had the feeling this girl was simultaneously rather guarded, and not terribly bright. What kind of kid sees a bag of unopened potato chips and thinks anything apart from 'Junk food?! YAY!'? She guessed this girl was probably having a rough time, maybe got offered something that made her trust strangers less? She couldn't know for sure, but given her apparent personality, Lil decided that maybe she had to put things a little more plainly,

"Your kitty is in desperate need of meat," She'd begin, "If he's hungry enough to be drooling at the sight of not-meat, then that isn't a great sign. You on the other hand look pretty skinny and hungry yourself. You're both eventually going to get too sick and weak to do much but roll over and die. Now, I dunno what's got you so riled, and I know i'm a total fuckin' stranger and have no apparent reason to, but i'm trying to help you out. At least put aside your suspicions long enough to get a hot meal and a talk in, sheesh."

Her tone was calm but stern - she was willing to help the girl if she desired it, but if she was going to keep up the tough exterior and suspicions, then she really couldn't do much for her.

END| Raccoon
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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:08 am

The lady was saying a lot of things, and Ania sure as hell wasn't keeping track of it. It felt a bit like ringing in the ears. Good god, this lady sure could talk a lot, and all at once too.

Ania's eyes stayed trained on the lady up until Hobbes started moving. The feral thing had gone through the entire bag in one go, and paced forward to sniff around the backpack, even try and get into it if possible. Hobbes, you damned traitor!

Relcutantly, Ania hopped onto his back and sheathed her sword, but kept it keen and at the ready.

"Dun mek eny funny movements."


That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] 8Bvy1N8


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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:21 pm
That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] TeC6OwL

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto immediately moved to lift the bag away from the overly hungry cat, as futile as it was with her short arms and stature, but just enough to keep the thing from munching on her bag. Then, an idea popped in her mind; If the girl was too suspicious of her...

"Heeree kitty..." She'd wave the bag of snacks she wasn't intent on giving to the cat - half of the crap in there probably would make him awfully sick, "Come come. I have a lot more for you over... This way."

Her feet shuffled for nary a moment to the girl, and she was suddenly at the entrance of the alleyway, shaking the bag like a sack of treats for a dog. If the girl wouldn't come, she'd just get the cat to come, preferably with the girl either atop or running not too far behind... They obviously seemed rather inseparable if the cat didn't even try to have a liitttlee nibble. She just needed to get the two of them inside the diner they were dumpster diving for.

END| Raccoon
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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:58 pm

Hah, you're a fool, lady. Hungry as she was, not even Ania would stoop so low as to eat the blueberry flavoured kelp sticks the lady had in her hand. Dumpster food truly was a far better option. What Ania momentarily lapsed, however, was that Hobbes was an enjoyer of all flavours of kelp sticks. The temptations were without resistance, and the large cat continued to prowl on after the food. All Ania could do was despair for the big dumb idiot underneath her.

This worked all the way up to the entrance of the diner, and this truly was a most hellish method of torture.


The strong smells of freshly cooked food had Ania leap from her unreliable steed, floating after the scents all the way up to the doorstep. In that moment, she forgot every thing. Including the diner owner.

"Hey! Hey, what the hell're you doin'!?! Get out of here, brat!"

The owner, stout and porpoise in build, hobbled over to grab a broom stick and wave it at Ania who was--at the mercy of her senses--motioning towards the food.


That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] 8Bvy1N8


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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:14 pm
That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] TeC6OwL

Liltotto Lamperd

Of course the kid was difficult, but Lil wasn't about to leave her and her weird pet to starve. Even if she didn't seem to be terribly smart, it wasn't like there was no time or hope in turning that around.. She had to have been like, sixteen or seventeen the most... A huge stretch to the latter. Could've been a runaway, could've lost her parents in the war, could've been a lot of things. The short woman had once been in her position, with no true home or country, although she was obviously several decades older than her at that point - going through shit like that as a kid must've been pretty rough regardless of how it occurred.

Either way, the strange cat was coming along to the front, and the girl's stomach seemed to be betraying her stubborn attitude as well, least until a sack of blubber of a man came out and started shouting at Ania and waving a fucking broom at her? Alright, there was the possibility she may have caused the owner some trouble, but that was just treating the kid like an animal.

"Dude, calm the fuck down. They're with me," Liltotto immediately placed herself between the owner and Ania, hands on her hips, "I'm getting these kids some food. As you can see, they're a little worse for wear."

END| Raccoon
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That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] Empty Re: That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania]

Mon Feb 07, 2022 4:25 pm

As Liltotto chastised the owner, Ania's senses still took hold of her, passively wading towards the bar counter lined up with stools. She hopped up on it, grabbed the sugar container on the counter, and started pouring it straight into her mouth. The owner himself changed focuses, from Ania to the other blonde shorty.

"Huh?! So, you're the guardian, huh? Well then, your ward owes me $1200! Caught the bugger sneaking into me kitchen and broke some of my appliances! Until I get my compensation, you'll be getting no food from me!"

He was stern about that as well. In stark contrast, when the woman started talking to the owner, Hobbes seized the moment and chomped down on the bag of kelp sticks, promptly ravishing it.


That Ain't No Trash Panda [Liltotto/Ania] 8Bvy1N8


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