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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:34 am

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 0Oz4Wzn

Furukawa Asami

"I would like that very much, for I am sure that few know the beauties of the Seireitei as well as you, Kyo."

There was the intended meaning to her words that related them to his previous mention of destinations, but if he was going to have a little fun stretching the implications then perhaps she would reply in turn. The most casual suggestion of one, and yet it had still been cast out there into the world. She was no less confidant than he was, no less self-assured certainly.

At the mention of her dress, though, Asami did slide backwards in her seat and straighten out her form. The change of posture certainly exaggerated the shapeliness of the body that it clung to, and yet she blushed ever so slightly. Enough to make it clear that she appreciated the flattery without it reaching a point of embarrassment.

"My mother is a most gifted seamstress, the finest I know though that may be a personal bias speaking. Do you feel it lives up to such praise?"

Now that was a loaded question, putting him on the spot like that. Perhaps she wasn't as coy as she thought.

Lunch with a Bite | END POST
God of Love
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sun Feb 20, 2022 3:45 pm
Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Py9bbqq


"I certainly like to think that I do. I wouldn't be here, otherwise."

A small smirk crossed his features, the sense of the ice having been broken more than enough to justify him being more forward. It wasn't as if he ought to simply avoid forwardness, after all. That wasn't a man's way, and he was a real man. Her question was one that he understood had put him into quite the position, and despite the sight on display as she slid back, Kyo kept his gaze from wandering.

Iron will and all that.

"I think it's certainly a dress that any woman would probably kill to have. But I doubt they could wear it well enough to make it look quite so eye-catching."

Even if Asami was not necessarily fishing for compliments, Kyo had absolutely no issue with giving them. After all, he was an honest man. She looked stunning.

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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Sun Feb 20, 2022 7:54 pm

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 0Oz4Wzn

Furukawa Asami

His gaze did not falter, not even for a moment, and that certainly was admirable but Asami hated to admit that it displeased her ever so slightly. She had gone to all that trouble, made all that effort to draw his gaze, and he refused to even blink. It certainly spoke well of his character, and she knew that it should have been pleased with that result, but even the woman herself was not truly perfect.

Still, his words were not without subtle compliments and she should be thankful for that much.

"It was made especially for myself. The Lady of Boundless Threads does not create a piece for anything less."

She rarely spoke about her family at work, it was hardly the place for such sentimental chatter, but they were now beyond such restrictions so her lips could be a little looser. Besides, if his sister was interested in the art of tailoring then perhaps it would mean something more. A point of future conversation perhaps. The matter settled, she leant forwards once more to spare him the trouble of having to avert his gaze somewhat.

"If your sister is interested in the matter then I can put in a good word on her behalf, her clientele are usually rather select."

Lunch with a Bite | END POST
God of Love
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:18 am
Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Py9bbqq


"That's quite a title, but given her work, I'd say it's more than well-earned. Not that it's my place to be the judge of something like that either way."

Kyo wasn't the type to single idle praises, or simply compliment something if he didn't mean it. He was a craftsman, and he appreciated exceptional work. It was simply in his nature to speak well of anything that was well-made, and he could certainly say that Asami's mother had made quite a beauty.

"If you would make such an offer, I'm sure that my sister would be honored. She's been seeing suitors recently, and I have no doubt she would want to look even half as fetching as you do."

Now that was certainly bold of him, but it wasn't outright uncouth. It was a compliment, after all, and not one that could be called outright crass. Kyo was, even at his most forward, still a man who understood propriety.

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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Tue Feb 22, 2022 4:11 am

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 0Oz4Wzn

Furukawa Asami

"It was once presumed that I might follow her in such a vocation, but I found that my talents lay elsewhere. Nimble fingers have more than one use, I suppose."

And at that moment, Asami was quite thoroughly flustered. Their casual exchanging of compliments had progressed a little further than perhaps could be expected of a first engagement, edging just beyond the point where it could be considered a friendly exchange and into something a little more. Of course, that was the whole reason that both of them were here. Why Asami had accepted his offer, and likely why Kyo had invited her here in the first place, because they had some spark.

"Then perhaps we should arrange a second engagement to discuss the matter in more appropriate detail? I might suggest somewhere a little more private, this is a business matter, of course."

He was not the only one to be forward when the situation called for it, that was what she intended with her demand. It was delivered as an offer but not one that she had any intentions of letting him refuse. That was her saying that he had met her every criterion and thus warranted something a little more than a teahouse luncheon.

Lunch with a Bite | END POST
God of Love
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:35 am
Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Py9bbqq


Now that was the sort of forwardness that Kyo lived for, that he found far more attractive in a woman than any aristocratic demeanor. If they weren't still in a proper establishment, and he weren't still wearing the finery of the Sawachika, he might have simply taken that as his cue to speak more naturally. But, of course, he would never do something like that.

"I think a second arrangement would be perfect. Away from prying eyes, of course, given business is hardly anyone else's concern. Where did you have in mind?"

Kyo was aware that this had moved a bit beyond the typical banter of a first date, that Asami had met all of his expectations and then surpassed quite a few of them. Now was the time to be bold, ambitious. That was who he was, after all, and mere first impressions weren't his concern anymore.

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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Wed Feb 23, 2022 9:08 am

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 0Oz4Wzn

Furukawa Asami

"It stands to reason that most deals are best done behind closed doors. So."

One of her hands had made their way back to the table now, tracing little patterns softly in the surface. Far too delicately to risk damaging her nails, much less the wood itself, but she was happy enough to let her lips twist ever so slowly into a smile that bordered on being mischievous in nature. Her other hand still framed her features, her gaze focusing on his own for a moment as she tried to peer behind his composed demeanour and into the man that she knew lingered within.

"It might be prudent then for me to visit your estate and conduct matters there, as neutral ground seems like a poor choice. I trust you will be happy to accommodate such?"

And there was his opportunity to speak freely, waiting just beyond the horizon if he was to accept. And of course, he had to accept. It would be unbecoming to refuse such a suggestion from one's companion, and superior. The red ribbons that ran through her hair certainly seemed to agree, a gentle breeze seemingly lifting her raven-black hair for the briefest of moments. But, whilst her hair was animated, the rest of Asami hung on Kyo's response as she held her breath in.

Lunch with a Bite | END POST
God of Love
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:30 pm
Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Py9bbqq


Perhaps Kyo had let his composure slip just a touch, or perhaps he'd understood the nature of this moment between the two of them and lowered his guard willingly. Regardless of the reason, his perfectly composed demeanor did not hide what lay in his eyes-- the very same fiery passion with which he carried himself in his life, which was only ever restrained by Kyo's own desire. He wouldn't embarrass himself, certainly, but the light behind his gaze made it quite clear that he would prefer something more than this formality in their next meeting.

"Naturally. I'll speak with the household and inform them I'm not to be disturbed, then. That it's quite important business. Simply tell me when you are free, and that is all I will need to know."

He maintained his polite, courteous wording of course, but the meaning of his words was rather plain, his gaze finally moving just a touch to take her in more completely. He'd certainly restrained himself before, when things had not been so straightforward, but now there was no possible room for doubt that the two of them were beyond basic courtesy. And Kyo was, after all, an honest man.

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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:10 pm

Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 0Oz4Wzn

Furukawa Asami

And with that, Asami exhaled slowly and considered for a moment her calendar. It would certainly be prudent to arrange this meeting promptly, she had made the poor man wait so long for this but then again perhaps it had been her own loss too that this had taken so long to come to fruition. Then she caught the fire in his eyes, that same burning desire that she had come to know rather well just from watching Kyo operate, and there was little that she could do but reflect it. Where Kyo spent his days wearing his heart on his sleeve, Asami kept hers buried a little deeper. That did not mean that it did not burn just as bright when the moment caught her.

"I did take care of today's bookkeeping this morning, with meetings such as these I tend to think that it is easier to orchestrate when they are fresh in the mind. Or is that too much trouble?"

She was more than content to let herself be taken in, for it would be a lie to say that she was not doing the same in turn to him. Of course, there was still the matter of tea and Dango but that was hardly something to get hung up on.

Lunch with a Bite | END POST
God of Love
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Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo]

Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:30 pm
Beauty and the Bowl [Asami, Kyo] - Page 2 Py9bbqq


There was plenty to be said about Asami that Kyo would call decidedly attractive. Enough that he would probably just call it a waste of his time to list it all. However, at the moment, none of it was half as appealing as the look in her eyes at the moment. It was one thing to see a woman like her so driven in a professional environment, but in something like this? That was on an entirely different level.

"Not in the slightest. I can have a messenger let my family know right away, then, and we can make our way there when we're finished here. I'm naturally ready to host at any time, and my schedule for the day is remarkably empty."

Was Kyo the sort of man who would completely change his plans for the day just based on a woman? Yes, absolutely. Not for just any woman, of course, but when he'd made it to this point, that was something else. Some might have called it going through a lot of trouble, but to him, it was just one more thing to commit fully to. It was worth the outcome, after all.

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