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The Cat
The Cat
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[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Left_bar_bleue24000/10000[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty [Spirit Class 4] The Dragon

Tue Jan 25, 2022 3:29 am

Enter The Hollow

I. Basic Information

» Name: ?????
» Age: A few thousand
» Gender: Technically Female
» Race: Adjuchas

» Association: She doesn’t know anyone to affiliate with, nor does she want to alliance herself with another person or group.

» Appearance Written: The Dragon is by all means a literal dragon first and foremost, but her figure is a little more extreme than the traditional kind. From her old Adjuchas form is rotted flesh still hanging off of her now fully scaled figure. There are holes in her old skin and visible muscle sinew still clinging to her body, revealing dark gray scales beneath. This new traditional dragon figure is still fairly new to her, but the remnants of her old fleshy, monstrous form are still connected to her. The Dragon could tear it all off, but she has no reason to. In fact, she sees it as a reminder of her evolution and progress in the afterlife, for every time she has gone into hibernation she has awoken with an even stronger body than before.

Her actual body itself is two and a half stories tall, adorned with scales tougher than any natural metal and a variety of manmade and spiritual ones. A normal Zanpakutou wouldn’t stand a chance against any part of her body. It might cut through the old skin and muscle hanging off of her, but The Dragon’s scales are hiding the real flesh beneath them and they aren’t going to be cut apart so easily.

The Dragon’s eyes are a golden and adorn a face that has more or less been fused with its Hollow mask. Two jaws, one inside of the other, open up whenever she speaks or needs to feed. Each jaw has its own row of violently sharp teeth, capable of rending even metal asunder. And the gaping maw that is hidden away by an often closed mouth and held tongue can swallow several humans at once with ease, as well.

While the rest of her body is rather impressive, The Dragon’s wings are not so much. They used to be able to lift and raise her into the air, even allowing her to fly with enough effort, but the webbing that spread across her wings is no longer there. It simply hangs off in the form shredded, hole-filled nerves that aren’t connected to her actual nervous system anymore, though they definitely once were. Instead for compensation, The Dragon has several claw-like hooks, one protruding off of each spine on her wings. There are also literal rows of said claws on her tail, as well as a few more on her chest and legs. These claws are made of separate, special bones that are no stronger or weaker than her actual ones. They are capable of ripping open even the most hardened of flesh so that The Dragon can feast on the rarer, more exotic bodies of her Hollow brethren when she so desires. The Dragon has yet to find a single soul that can withstand her claws, to the point that she has lost all hope that there is anything that she cannot gore with them.

» Appearance Image:

II. Personality

» Personality: The Dragon is emotionally detached from societal norms, partially because she’s a Hollow, partially because she sleeps for hundreds of years at a time. Anything that might be considered normal or moral will often come off as weird to her. Why do humans feel the need to socialize so often? Why can’t they be alone for hundreds of years like she can? Why do they cry when one of their own has died? The list goes on and on.

The Dragon’s manner of speech is a bit outdated and she doesn’t understand slang very well, if at all. She holds herself to high standards of living and doesn’t like to resort to such manners of speech unless she does not know how else to convey her words. The only time this would happen is if she fumbled over herself on accident, didn’t know what something was at all, or the person she’s talking to doesn’t get what her words mean when she’s speaking in her usual cadence.

The Dragon also has no major attachment to other forms of life, just her own. Eating human, hollow, shinigami, whoever’s souls, she doesn’t show much care or emotion even when there’s clear distraught amongst anyone else who sees. To her, she’s simply filling her belly. And speaking of filling her belly, The Dragon has an extreme mental resistance that she developed specifically towards the endless hunger that a Hollow feels. While she can’t fill her belly, she can fill it just enough that, for quite some time, she can fully ignore the innate hungering that would otherwise drive her insane.

The only thing that The Dragon really does at all is eat and hibernate for long periods of time. For months, she will feast on large abundances of whatever soul she can get her claws on until her body starts to grow tired and weary. At that point she will find a secluded place in Hueco Mundo and fall asleep where almost no one will find her. When she wakes up, those souls she devoured change her form in some significant way. The only catch is that at that point, she’d have been asleep for centuries.

III. History

» History: In short, the Dragon is as ancient as early human civilization. She is a few millenia old, though at this point she doesn’t remember specifically how many. She remembers things that date back to some of the earliest records of humanity, but even then those memories are hazy at best. At this point, she was still a Gillian. Every memory that The Dragon might have once had has been more or less muddied to a point of blending together at times into an unreliable cacophony of blurry images and mismatched sounds. The Dragon doesn’t remember anything outside of very specific and important things that she has personally experienced, and the more recent they were the fresher they are in her mind. Her Gillian days lasted a few centuries until she feasted enough to become an Adjuchas, and that's when her mind started to develop enough to maintain memories that were more than just a blurry sideshow of colors.

She has fought countless battles against practically anything you can think of, but The Dragon’s memories of those are some of the only things that she remembers. While she rarely remembers any specific individuals she has fought, she remembers the ferocity and desperation of Hollows wanting to feed on her body, of shinigami hunting her down, and of humans and their constantly evolving species.

As for what The Dragon has accomplished, she isn’t particularly special. For thousands of years, The Dragon has devoured soul after soul, eventually learning how to do so en masse. The Dragon’s increasing hunger drove her nearly insane, but in a desperate attempt to keep living, she found a way to get as close to sating her hunger as she will ever get. By pulling on the souls of weaker beings over the course of miles around her, The Dragon became capable of feasting on thousands upon thousands of souls all at once. It was through this ability that she started to grow in power.

Of course she was a rather weak Adjuchas at first, but as she started to feast on large quantities of early humans, The Dragon grew powerful enough to start contesting the other Hollows she met. It was here that she fed on her own kind for the first time. For every so many Hollows she ate, she felt her body growing slower and more sluggish, so she would feed on more and more humans to try and regain some of her lost energy. But even that would only accomplish so much. The lethargy that set into her being permeated her to the very core until she couldn’t take it anymore. The Dragon resigned herself to an isolated dune in Hueco Mundo where she knew that she wouldn’t be found for a while, dug beneath the sands, drew in her latent energies to hide herself, and laid down to rest. The next time she woke up, her body was smaller and more compact, but her muscles were stronger and her claws and teeth sharper. She was stronger in every respect, but there was something that was… off.

When she entered the human world, many things had changed. The humans were starting to form more complicated societies, and their technology had advanced to the point of using metal. She still feasted upon their souls by the thousands, but she would take note of the new potential danger they posed. Not only this, but stronger souls started to show up, and so learning how to fight became more and more of a necessity with each new skirmish. Almost every day, for her entire life, she fought. For food or just to protect herself, she would fight and become stronger every single day. The threats that kept becoming more potent forced her to create techniques to match her foes' unique powers. Through trial and error she learned, but honing one's technique in the midst of a life or death situation wasn't the most optimal, and when she wasn't fighting she was resting up for her next inevitable encounter.

This became a cycle. Eating thousands of human souls, fighting stronger beings and feasting upon their souls should she win, or fleeing for her life should she lose, and then growing so tired that sleep became completely unavoidable. The Dragon would awake every time to find not only her body was different, but her powers grew significantly. On top of that, there would be some new change in human society, some new technological and cultural advances that started to indicate the innate potential of humans to grow to previously unforeseeable levels.

One day, however, Shinigami started to show up much more often in an attempt to hunt her down. At first it was just lesser ones, or at least that’s what The Dragon felt like. They were inconsequential to her, and she ate them like she did with every other adversary she would have ever had. Except they kept coming, and they kept getting stronger. Fight after fight, The Dragon started to notice a consistent climb in power and number of Shinigami that hunted her. It started as just easy stomps and grew to genuine challenges, until finally a Captain came after her. As it turns out, turning entire towns into lifeless ghost towns wasn’t something very appreciated, and so she gained some mild notoriety. Yet The Dragon still had to fill her belly.

It was this fight with a Captain that made The Dragon understand that it had plenty of room to grow still. Yet the fight, much to her surprise, was not fully lost. One of her techniques was effective, not in wounding the Captain, but in keeping them at bay and giving her space to avoid the flurry she was assaulted with. Millenia of feasting on the souls of stronger and stronger opponents, down to lieutenants and vasto lorde in her more recent days, grew her power to levels that she had not seen before. And yet she lacked the ability to see this prior to this particular encounter. Her power was great, but her technique lacked significantly, leaving her only notable advantage to be speed. In a last ditch effort, The Dragon pulled open a rift in space and escaped to Hueco Mundo while the Captain was too far away to catch up, but even that wasn’t as simple as it came. The Dragon didn’t see what it was, but something had hit her and nearly severed her front left leg completely just as the portal was closing completely.

Needless to say, The Dragon was pissed. She was too tired to do anything, but she was still livid. Her body’s limits had been hit, yet it still wasn’t enough, and so The Dragon simply tugged off her almost severed leg and went to sleep. There was nothing for her to do, and she was tired once more from

The last time that The Dragon went to sleep was in the mid 1800s, and now she awakes, her body fully healed and the strongest she's ever been. And at the same time, the new warriors of the world are even stronger than the old guard from hundreds of years ago. The Dragon still has yet to realize that.

IV. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills

» Racial Abilities:

Garganta: The dragon used to use her Garganta to perform hit and run tactics when the need to avoid conflict occasionally arose. As such, she has become adept at opening and closing Garganta on a whim. It takes a fraction of a second for her to open one, another for her to step through, and another for her to close it, leaving no trace behind asides from any residual effluvia that she might have used. If not, then there is nothing left.

However, honing her Garganta opening skills left her completely specialized in that regard. She can open one big enough for her to step through, but never needed anything bigger. She could open a Garganta much bigger given time, but the moment it exceeds her usual size that fraction of a moment needed to open on turns into several seconds, or even minutes. The Dragon can open, step through, and close a Garganta for herself in a single post, but it takes the whole post. She won't have time for anything else. Anything thats double or triple size takes two or three posts respectively, scaling one extra post per 1x more. She has learned to use Garganta specifically for herself, not anyone else. Of course others can use it, especially those smaller than her, but transporting large groups was never her specialty. She was, and still is, always living for herself and no one else.

Scales of Decay: The Dragon's body is, of course, covered in scales. She wouldn't be a dragon without them. What's special about them is both the sheer durability, and the effluvia stored beneath. Her scales are particularly effective against sharp and blunt objects, but anything meant to pierce through toughened armor will have a much higher chance to break through. Anything that strikes her scales will unleash a sudden outward burst of the effluvia that's stored beneath, and sometimes on said scales. Of course after a few hits to the same point the stored effluvia will have dispersed, but that still leaves the hardened scales that need to be broken through before The Dragon's fleshy body can even be touched.

These scales have withstood extreme temperatures, Zanpakutou, a variety of spiritual attacks from lieutenants and even an old Captain, but been pierced by precision blows and broken after repeated bashing and crushing. She can be worn down, her body is not invincible, but it takes either immense power, exploitation of her weaknesses, or concentrated effort to do so.

Sonic Speed: Becoming physically powerful when she already has her Acidic Effluvia would be overkill, or so she feels. So instead of becoming physically powerful, she has focused on speed. Despite her much larger size, she can accelerate to the speed of sound and flicker around the battlefield like a bullet in very brief moments. She can do this several times a thread once per post but prolonged attempts at this will wear her down physically and leave her with a tier reduced overall speed for the duration of the thread or until allowed to rest for a day. Atrempts to redirect herself too fast or suddenly are possible but even more strenuous given her raw mass, so if she does it even once or twice it csn leave her incredibly tired. Otherwise for prolonged travel she's about as fast as a speeding land vehicle, but in the air as well. She's fast, but she's not the fastest. That's what she has her scales for. But even those she can't rely on completely, no matter how strong they become.

Regeneration: This is not one of The Dragon's strengths. What she has in raw durability and even speed, she lacks in regeneration and strength. Her effluvia is her main form of offense and her scales are her powerful defense, but outside of that most damage is permanent. The only exception have been her centuries long naps where she's regrow wings, limbs, even whole organs. But that was over centuries of napping where she's come out the other end a completely changed being. In the moment to moment, day to day, even month to month basis, her regeneration is more or less regular.

Willpower: Thousands of years of dealing with a Hollow's unending hunger for souls has been a mixture of devastatingly unbearable and yet frustratingly motivating. In her weakest moments, she became a beast. In her strongest, she learned to have pride in herself for learning and coming up with ways to stifle it for periods of time. And while it never went away, it has been centuries since she last succumbed to her own hunger. Instead, even when it reaches intensities that would previously drive her wild with the need to feed, she finds herself hardly troubled by it. Now it takes a lot to get her to crack, and she has yet to find anyone who would break her mind or her will.

Mental Deduction: In terms of smarts, The Dragon has moments of fair brilliance. She is no scientific genius or scholar with infinite wisdom, but one does not simply live for this long without some solid problem solving skills and a fair amount of wisdom to prevent life ending mistakes.

Yet at the same time, when it comes to technology, human emotion, even some of the most basic of sciences, she is clueless. All of her problem solving skills are purely for self preservation, she has no idea how humans even forge metal into swords, let alone knows the function of guns. Even her understanding of spiritual powers is somewhat limited, as all of her understanding of her own and other people's powers is purely instinctual. She has combat experience to back up any wisdom she may spout, but when it comes to specifics she is not very comprehensive.

VI. Powers

» Hollow Power:

Acid Effluvia: The Dragon's most deadly trait is the acidic effluvia that her scales store at all times. By channeling her spiritual energies, she is able to accelerate the production of said effluvia significantly, though she always has enough stored in her scales to cover the widest radius she can manage, which is 2 miles, but that requires time to spread (maybe fifteen to twenty minutes depending on the wind (half a mile per post in threads where she hasn't yet started it up)) and she has to remain within a two mile radius of any effluvia or else it will dissipate completely instantly. It cannot exist at all outside of two miles from her. With a flap of her fleshy, albeit torn wings, she can send a thick miasma of effluvia a few miles in any given direction in just a matter of minutes (half a mile per post still, the minutes are there for passing time or if its pre established she's already started spreading acid), but it will dissipate immediately the moment she leaves or stops producing and spreading effluvia. In specific directions, around her all at once, all it takes is a single wing flap and it flies from her scales and out in any direction she desires.

Her effluvia is more like stomach acid in its composition, breaking things it touches down at a molecular level in a way similar to digestion, except it affects more or less anything and everything that's physical or spiritual matter. Anything that gets digested breaks down into smaller particles that the spiritual parts of the dragon's effluvia carries back to her body for her to absorb. She can eat like this from a distance without ever having to interact with it physically, but not just anything gets carried back to her body. Only spiritual particulates, the kind that comes from living souls and not just any spirit matter, is what gets brought back to fill her belly. As much as she would like to sink her teeth into every meal, sometimes she has to settle for this method of feeding in times of need.

Something would have to have a durability level equal to or higher than The Dragon's Hollow Power skill to withstand this effluvial digestion. Otherwise simply touching it is enough for it to start gradually digesting you. Small plants for instance, take maybe 3 seconds before they get broken down into piles of digested mush. A normal, unprotected human takes maybe 20 seconds in real time to be almost completely digested as they are immediately affected. In post time, anything on equal durability to her hollow power takes 3 posts to start truly decomposing. It'll hurt right away, but it has some work to do before that really starts affecting something truly durable. Anything more durable than her Hollow Power has two more posts (per level higher) of leeway before they start getting digested. Anything less durable starts digesting one post sooner per level lower than her Hollow Power.

The Dragon's acidic effluvia also creates something called Effluvial Grime. Effluvia is a harmful odor or secretion, in this case being a digestive gas that secretes from The Dragon's scales and takes the form of a pale white gas filled with small particulates that digest physical or spiritual matter on contact. Effluvial Grime is something that gets left behind when something is in contact with her Acidic Effluvia for too long, more specifically five posts. The Effluvia builds up until the particulates gather enough to stick to something, leaving a thin layer of Grime that clings to something lightly and digests it. It can last outside of the normal two mile radius for about two posts. It can be brushed off easily with a simple breeze, making it easy to deal with, but after prolonged contact, specifically the five post buildup anything, including whole environments, can become completely covered in Effluvial Grime, making any exposure with covered objects, persons, or anything to be rather hazardous. Again, a light breeze can brush more or less all of it away, or a bath will do the trick, etc.

In times of dire need, she can manually manipulate her effluvia, reducing the range to at most 1 mile instead of roughly 2. This immediately dissipates any effluvia outside of a 1 mile radius and none of that lost effluvia can be recalled. While doing this, her effluvia can flow through the air at speeds as fast as sound, making her attacks able to surprise opponents unaware of her presence. Her level of control is also rather high, allowing her to manipulate multiple separate channels of effluvia at once with extreme precision. She can have about five channels at once.

In overly simplistic terms it's like Byakuya at that point, except digestive particulates/vapors.

Cero: Something The Dragon has become proficient in using frequently is her cero. It is her main form of offensive attack against anything unaffected by her Effluvia. It wasn't originally something she needed to use, but as her opposition became stronger and the need to feast on more powerful souls grew more and more, she started to use her cero more and more frequently to fight. It got to a point where she learned to fire multiple off at once. From the gaps in her decayed wing flesh, she can channel her spiritual energies to charge and fire off roughly 10 at once. The way she charges this up is by flaring her wings to gather her energy, causing small balls of pale white light to form inbetween the old unused flesh of her wings, and after a full post of uninterrupted charging, she can fire them off at will. Any interruptions will need her to start over.

Effluvial Cero: Something she can use and replace with her normal cero, though she uses this against those who *are* affected by her effluvia. It takes more energy, and she can only fire off five at once as opposed to ten, but she can create Effluvia on a whim and mix it with her spiritual energy to conjure beams of destruction that crash into their target, demolishing entire chunks of cities with the right aim and then leaving a thick trail of effluvia in its wake. In terms of direct hits, the effluvia can help with breaking through barriers, breaking them down and allowing the energy an easier time breaking through. If the barrier is even one step of durability above The Dragon's Hollow Power it would take too long to digest in a single hit, so it will not break unless repeated attempts are made to break through, requiring multiple cero, and therefore a lot more energy.

Effluvial Bala: The Dragon uses Bala infrequently, but because it's similar to cero, she has no trouble in using it. And just like her cero, she can combine it with effluvia. In this case, a single Bala has enough impact to topple single sky scrapers. The force then sends effluvia flying in a hundred foot radius, making each Bala a compact gas grenade. She's gotten used to firing them in rapid succession, as well as a dozen at once, but it's not something she has used very frequently. It exterminated small prey easily as well as small villages or towns with just a few Bala, but she has no use for such a thing. This actually functions better to make smoke screens rather than do damage, unless a target has little protection or durability in which case her Bala are still deadly just by merit of The Dragon's power. Several Individual Bala can be charged and fired within the same post with concentration, or a dozen can be charged and fired off in the same post all at once like a shotgun.
Realistically this takes concentration though and is prone to interruptions should there be a reason the dragon cannot focus.
I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Elite
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Martial Skill: Untrained

Hollow Skills
  • Evolution Skill: Elite
  • Hollow Power : Elite
  • Cero: Advanced
  • Mask Protection: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept


Last edited by The Cat on Mon Aug 07, 2023 7:46 am; edited 15 times in total
The Cat
The Cat
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[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Left_bar_bleue24000/10000[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] The Dragon

Tue Jan 25, 2022 3:32 am
Another year another coming here to make an ass out of myself, but I get these aggressive desires to write and this is the only place I enjoy writing so fuck me I guess.

Dm me with any issues and I'll fix them right away. I have a lot of free time at work now.
Thicc Boi
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[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Left_bar_bleue7900/999999[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] The Dragon

Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:34 am

« Application Checklist »
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  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [O]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [O]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« Final Verdict »

  • Comments/Notes: I know I shouldn't put my dick in it, but...

    Alright so some things:
    First, you skipped Gillian phase. Nothing crazy, just namedrop it so it doesn't seem like you just skipped it and when straight to Adjuchas.
    Next, that's a huge range for Acid Effluvia. Doing something crazy like that would be a mile at most, maybe two with drawbacks.
    Next, you need to fill out skils.
    Also, 20 ceros normally is a lot. Even 15 is pushing it. Cut it by half and I'll let you keep it.
  • Tier:

« Final Final Verdict, Hazard »

  • Overall: TBA
  • Power: TBA
  • Influence: TBA
  • Resources: TBA

[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Sumera-character-list
The Cat
The Cat
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[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Left_bar_bleue24000/10000[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] The Dragon

Wed Jan 26, 2022 2:37 am
I updated her Acidic Effluvia to function within 1 mile, and can spread outwards of 2 miles but needs her to be within that 2 miles for it to last or else it dissipates in minutes. If she reduces the range to 1 mile to start controlling it, the rest outside of that 1 mile vanishes quickly and cannot be recalled.

Cero has been reduced to 10 at once, Effluvial Cero reduced to 5.

I clarified Effluvial Grime to need 5 minutes of constant exposure in order to buildup and it can be washed away by a breeze, water, probably just brushing it off of whatever it's on, etc. Probably more but I don't want to go into every possibility. Just, it's like dust. If you can do something to dust an object, it probably works on this.

Didn't know we just added skills to our sheet like some kind of bargaining system or something now but going back and reading the skills sheet I see it now. Added skills that I think are okay, maybe nerfable, not sure. She has no use for things like Weapon Skill and her Untrained regeneration is to balance out durability. Also added paragraphs for mental deduction explaining why it's both advanced and untrained at the same time, as well as willpower to try and justify an elite.

The first paragraph of her history also got added some mentions how she doesn't remember her Gillian days be because it was so long ago and her mind was super fuzzy back then.

Hopefully that should cover any needed changes.
Thicc Boi
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[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Left_bar_bleue7900/999999[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] The Dragon

Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:45 am

« Application Checklist »
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« Final Verdict »

  • Comments/Notes:
  • Tier: 2-2

« Final Final Verdict, Hazard »

  • Overall: D
  • Power: B
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F

[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Sumera-character-list
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[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] The Dragon

Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:10 pm
[adm]Unarchived on request of owner, pending changes[/adm]
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[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] The Dragon

Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:18 pm
Acid Effluvia
Effluvial Cero
Effluvial Bala
Scales of Decay
These should be moved to her Hollow powers section.

Acid Effluvia: Something would have to have a durability level equal to or higher than The Dragon's acid skill to withstand this effluvial digestion.

This should scale off her Hollow Power skill due to acid touch being replaced. This applies to all other mentions of Acid skill in her other abilities.


While some of these timings/durations are fine, usually the ones more immediate such as the few seconds, could you please arrange these into post rounds based off hollow power/durability?

Sonic Speed
Please refer to the skill sheets thread. She may demonstrate this kind of speed in short bursts such as dodging but as for travelling or maintaining this speed she would only be comparable to a high-speed land vehicle at advanced - though with leeway given that she has wings and flies.[/adm]
God of Love
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[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] The Dragon

Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:04 am
Hazard Ranks
Power: A
Influence: F
Resources: F

Comments/Notes: Only white sharpness on your LS, kinda cringe
Spirit Class: 4
Hazard Rating: C

Application Approved
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[Spirit Class 4] The Dragon Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] The Dragon

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