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The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Empty The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss)

Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:38 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Knock Knock. Who is it? You’ll find out soon because Elyss just walked in after knocking, no announcement at all. Murasaki should be expecting her anyway. When? Where? How? Well, that’s a lot of technicalities that don’t actually matter. What’s important is that Elyss came to the woman first before the woman had to come to her. That’s a good sign, right? The reason why Elyss’ here is bad, but at least the redhead isn’t running away and losing her mind somewhere. Wouldn’t want a repeat of last time.

“Yo, Murasaki. We need to talk about, ya know, me and your favorite Zanpakuto, also me.”

She didn’t bother trying to say hi or whatever. This isn’t the time for that kind of shit. That’s why Elyss said what she said because, no matter what, she’s not planning on talking about Tenmain like the sword’s a parasite. Elyss is fully aware that her blade is what it is because of her and her failings. The question here that she wants answered is simple: How to fix this?



God of Love
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The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Empty Re: The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss)

Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:44 am
The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Fj7VNHf


"Real bold of you to strut in here like that, especially after the last time that zanpakuto and I had a run in."

Murasaki set her zanpakuto down for now, having been focused on it quite intently until Elyss' entrance. Her focus of late hadn't been to much end, and that had her in a faintly more sour mood than she typically was. She normally wouldn't have let that creep into her tone of voice, or her choice of words, but this particular topic was one that already didn't sit right with her. After all, Elyss' zanpakuto was nothing but trouble.

"Well, go ahead. If you're coming in that confidently, I'll assume you've got things you wanna say first."


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The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Empty Re: The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss)

Mon Jan 10, 2022 11:39 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Well, you’re the only one who’s dealt with it, so…”

Murasaki sounds a bit peeved. Guess barging in wasn’t the best course of action, but you can’t take back your mistakes. You can only make the best of them. Though, making the best of what’s been going on isn’t easy. One might just say it’s impossible.

“Anyway, going straight into the heart of things, you’ve heard about the passing of the Fourth Division’s Captain, right? I also assume you know I was involved, and I know you also know that Tenmarin probably had a lot to do with everything going wrong there.”

It’s a lot of assuming and whatnot, but with it being public news, there’s no way Murasaki doesn’t know about it. With her Captain knowing about Tenmarin, there’s no way Murasaki isn’t already pointing fingers at the swords hanging from Elyss’ hip. That’s just logical reasoning there.

“I’ve come to finally deal with this damn thing, and you’re probably the only person here in Soul Society who can help me.”



God of Love
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The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Empty Re: The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss)

Mon Jan 10, 2022 10:33 pm
The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Fj7VNHf


"Yeah, I figured as much. Captain Commander wouldn't actually let me into the investigation at all even though I'm your captain, but I'm not stupid. You're right, I have dealt with it before, so it seemed pretty obvious to me that caused it."

Murasaki didn't bother to mention that she probably would have been able to help expedite the investigation pretty significantly if Abalia had actually listened to her and let her participate. After all, even if she was annoyed by it, that particular problem wasn't Elyss' fault. Pouring a cup of plum sake for herself, Murasaki thought for a moment as she sipped from it.

"I don't think I'm the best person for it, actually. I know more'n almost anyone down here about zanpakuto, that's true, and I've got no doubt I can help. But I'll be honest, I've got a good relationship with mine. This kinda thing..."

Sighting as she rubbed her forehead briefly, Murasaki slammed back the rest of the sake before looking to Elyss with a fairly serious, almost grave expression.

"I know probably the best person alive to help you out with this, and I can send you her way if you want. Up to you."

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The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Empty Re: The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss)

Tue Jan 11, 2022 5:30 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Well, I guess I wouldn’t want people close to me involved in something like this. Things aren’t hard to get a bit manipulated by personal feelings. I guess me being here, talking with you, is sort of the result of personal feelings getting in the way of things.”

Ignoring the fact that Murasaki probably would have just gotten straight to the fact that Elyss’ Zanpakuto played a role in it, Elyss is kind of glad that this stuff was kept as privately as possible. Of course, everyone knows now, but at least she didn’t have to worry about all her friends being involved in trying to figure out how she murdered a guy. Though, it feels weird to label everyone as a friend, and she can’t help but wonder which of them still consider themselves such now. That’s not important right now, but it’s hard not to let it simmer a bit. Elyss is more focused on the fact that Murasaki said she can’t help. Who else would be qualified for this then?

“Who? You know someone more qualified for Zanpakuto stuff than you?”

Elyss sure did look a bit peeved, and felt like she’s being brushed off a bit, but if Murasaki knows someone better for the job, then that’s good, right? It just means she has a greater chance of getting fixed. Right? Ugh. With a sigh, she shook her head and gave Murasaki a look that spoke of levels of incredulous tiredness. Who could she be on about? Who could her Captain know that she could go to for help?



God of Love
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The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Empty Re: The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss)

Wed Jan 12, 2022 1:11 am
The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Fj7VNHf


"Definitely. I know tons about getting the most out of your zanpakuto, bonding with it, but getting it under control? You're gonna want to talk to my mom about that one."

Murasaki honestly didn't know how she felt about two people she cared about studying under her mother now, but at least in Elyss' case, she understood there really wasn't anyone who would be better for it. Could it go badly? Well, sure, maybe. But it was still a lot more than Murasaki herself could provide.

"She made me, after all, and ya can't say there's many people who've ever made a zanpakuto. I can send you to her, she's been staying down here in the Seireitei for a while now. Don't really know why, but I don't think it's a good idea to ask anyone in Zero Division why they're down here."

Shrugging, she simply poured herself another cup of sake, before she continued to speak.

"It's up to you. You know I'm happy to help if you'd rather it be me, but I know for a fact my mom can do a lot more for you than I ever could."

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The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Empty Re: The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss)

Thu Jan 13, 2022 5:22 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Murasaki’s mom? Who?

Elyss doesn’t know who that is. Why would she? Zero Division? They have a zero division? Elyss really should have stayed in school. Though, it was kind of Tenmarin’s fault why she felt the need to leave the Gotei around that time. Thinking back, Tenmarin really made life harder for her. Well, considering everything, if Murasaki’s mom is a better pick, Elyss doesn’t see a reason why she shouldn’t take up the offer.

“Um… Okay. I’d like to meet your mom first though. I remember your dad. He was… sharp…”

Murasaki is a Zanpakuto. Elyss sometimes forgets that. Her father was a bit of a hassle too. He did just cut her up a bit. Is her mom like that too? The blade is a reflection of the owner, yeah? Though, as with Tenmarin, a Zanpakuto can be that person’s more dangerous personality. It’s a coinflip, honestly.



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The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Empty Re: The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss)

Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:53 pm
The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Fj7VNHf


"Well, you're not wrong about that, he's definitely not what I'd call a sweetheart."

Murasaki smiled as she said that, though there was a certain sense of bitterness to her voice all the same. After all, she'd dealt with the harshness of her father firsthand, and even if she'd never stop seeing him as her dad, she'd be lying if she said that hadn't changed their dynamic a little bit in her eyes.

"Anyway, that's totally fair. She's been staying at one of the nice inns in the Seireitei, it's called...oh, what's it called..."

Tapping her finger on her desk in annoyance that she couldn't remember, Murasaki took a moment or two to think before snapping her fingers.

"The Onyx Fountain Inn, that's it. Odds are she'll be sitting at the bar smoking, you'll probably know her when you see her. Black hair, dresses real fancy. Looks like me. Tell her I sent you, she shouldn't give ya any trouble."

If nothing else, Murasaki felt like she knew her mom pretty well, so she didn't see this going too terribly.

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The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Empty Re: The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss)

Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:20 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Onyx? Like my eyes?”

Well, that’s a weird association, but whatever. Elyss has a location she needs to get over to. Murasaki says her mom is staying there, but that could change without a moment’s notice. Whelp. Best be on her way.

“Alright. Thanks, Captain. Don’t worry either. I won’t try to kill ya mother and end up getting splattered on the sidewalk or something.”

She gave a little wry smirk, obviously nervous about everything, but this is definitely not the time for second guesses. This is, like, her fourth chance to get things right anyway. Everyone’s getting tired of her fuck ups. So, with that said, she turned to exit, opening the door and closing it behind her. Though, a second later, she looked back in, narrowed eyes focused on the green haired woman. Same face, black hair. Got it. Got it.

Anyway, that was a nice quick exchange, and it only took Elyss about ten minutes to find the right place.

“Onyx Fountain Inn?” Elyss would ponder to herself as she entered the place and began her search. First, she went towards the bar because that’s where Murasaki said she’ll find the woman. Now, comes the hard part of actually finding her.



God of Love
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The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) Empty Re: The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss)

Fri Jan 21, 2022 5:40 pm
The Blade and I (Murasaki/Elyss) KGQqHwh


In all actuality, it wasn't particularly difficult to find Midori at all. Much like Murasaki had said, she was simply sitting at the bar, a glass in front of her as she held her kiseru idly in one hand. She'd already finished the reports for the day, and as much as she'd have liked to find something to do, she couldn't exactly go around causing problems.

Well, she could have. But it wouldn't have been especially good for her daughter's reputation, or for the Zero Division's. Despite her lax personality, she wasn't an idiot, and she cared enough about her own career, and Murasaki's, to try and maintain a good reputation.

Nothing to do but hang around, then.


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