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[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Empty [Spirit Class 4] Hisana

Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:37 am
[Spirit Class 4] Hisana BANNER_sample-5e035e426dccb4da7a5ad685a7a3e872


"ぼくは ただ きみに
I am merely practicing
saying goodbye to you."

⚋ Name: Hisana
⚋ Alias': Hisana Kuchiki (Plus life), Sanahime Okurimono (Reincarnated life)
⚋ Age: Unknown
⚋ Birthday: December 25th
⚋ Gender: Female
⚋ Race: Arrancar

⚋ Affiliation: None

⚋ Marital Status: -
⚋Nationality: Japanese
⚋ Religious Standing: -
⚋ Sexual Orientation: -

⚋ Height: 4’9”
⚋ Weight: 78 lbs
⚋ Hair Colour: Black/Dark-Purple
⚋ Eye Colour: Purple

[Spirit Class 4] Hisana SIDE_179Hisana_profile

Psychological Analysis

Hisana is at most times a calm and gentle woman. Warm, almost motherly in her demeanor she often goes out of her way to care for other hollows, a behavior fueled by the vast amount of pain and guilt built up inside of her as if to drown the sorrows in her kindness towards others. But hers it a twisted and thorny kindness, as can only be permitted in a place like Hueco Mundo. While she will greet another with open arms, those gentle hands can soon turn to thorns when she is attacked or provoked, sparking violence and savagery that seems contradictory to the gentleness with which she normally conducts herself.

This dark side of her only becomes more vicious and malignant when confronted with anything that rouses the memories of guilt within her countless souls, making her prone to bouts of murderous rampage in such events, though murder is typically served to anything obstructing her true goal: When confronting the source of these internal pains, Hisana has a tendency to use her hollow powers to reshape the face of those that pain her, usually a process that, when dealing with hollows, means ripping their mask from their faces first before shaping them into a random vestige among her memories. If the target takes to this new face and the memories that she implants into them in the process, she will promptly shift from violence to warmth once again and promptly adopt her victim to her side.

Thankfully as of late, it is more and more rare for this behavior to be triggered.


Hisana is a small, fair-skinned arrancar. Her hair is a dark jet-black outside of her resureccion in which it shifts to a lighter lavender. Her eyes are a deep purple with slitted vertical pupils which give her an unnaturally piercing stare. She has a small, light frame and a general pear shape. The remains of Hisana’s hollow mask: once a thorny helmet, now reduced to a choker of thorns around her neck. Her hollow hole is positioned at the very center of her throat and is about five centimeters wide, generally concealed by her mask fragment, making it rather difficult to discern her as an arrancar outside of her spiritual energy.


My Darling, do you dare to see me?
Eyes daring you to blink,
Smile daring you to frown,
Lips daring the words 'goodbye'
Tongue singing 'Forever' to the Dark.
Daring to risk a lie.
Original Life
Prior to her reincarnation, Hisana was a Plus in Soul Society that had been killed alongside her younger sister Rukia. As Peasants in the outter sections of the Rukongai, life was incredibly hard to such a degree that Hisana, much to her later shame: Could not care for her younger sister and so abandoned her.
It was in this fashion that she came to somewhat thrive, making her way to the Inner Rukongai districts. It was there that she came across Byakuya Kuchiki. After a few years, Byakuya came to grow fond of her and Hisana even found herself married to the Nobleman. However, almost immediately she was stricken with a terrible grief and regret. This comfortable, happy Noble life felt cruel and twisted compared to the fate she’d left her Sister to and she soon became obsessed with searching the Rukongai for her sister Rukia. It was this search that came to be her undoing: catching a terrible illness from the outer reaches of the Ruknogai, Hisana soon became deathly ill.

All the same, she refused to give up her search, and when she finally became too sick to continue, she asked her husband to take on her search, on the condition that he not tell her that Hisana was her sister as she felt that she had done nothing to deserve calling Hisana her sister. And in addition to that, that he would adopt her into the Kuchiki family and call him Brother, in hopes of making up for abandoning her own sister. It was then that she died before her sister could be found, and like all souls: she was reincarnated.

Human Life
A solid 3 months following her death, Hisana managed to make her way through the cycle and finds herself a new body. Born into Southern Nara, Japan Hisana was reborn as a set of twins, however her Parents died shortly after: Her father from an illness, and her mother shortly after in a work accident at her job in a factory. While she did manage to make it, her Twin sister also began to grow ill, doctors believing that she had caught the sickness from their father. Hisana was then taken in by a couple whom had been close friends with her Mother. Thus Hisana, despite her poor early luck, was raised relatively happily. Her adoptive father was a lawyer and thus she received a good education growing up. However, it wasn’t long after she grew close to adulthood that she learned about her real parents and lost twin when looking through an old photo album.

Though her parents attempted to console her, Hisana found herself stricken with incredible guilt, feeling responsible that her mother had worked herself to the bone and died in an accident in order to take care of her and her twin. After some adjustment time, Hisana threw herself into her schoolwork, insisting to take higher level classes and intent on becoming a lawyer like her adoptive father. The guilt she felt lingered within her, a guilt that not only strengthened, but spread as she soon began to blame herself for the death of her twin as well, feeling that she might have been healthier if her mother had only had a single child to care for instead of two. She felt determined to try and make something of herself and live a successful life in honor of the sacrifices her mother had made and in honor of her twin sister’s memory.

However, that fate was not meant to be. Driving herself into the ground with her studies, she soon found her own health beginning to diminish substantially as she was weakened by both the work load she had taken on as well as that guilt festering just beneath the surface. During the winter, a case of pneumonia proved too much for her weakened body to handle and she died halfway through her semester, even in her sickly state she still insisted on trying to study and her Father had to hide all of her books to try and get her to rest.

Reaching the end of her new life, Hisana failed to pass on to the soul society, tethered to the world of the living by the guilt that plagued her in life. Distraught by the death of her adopted daughter, her Mother soon passed from Pneumonia she caught from Hisana, and her Father wound up drinking himself to death after the fact. While her Adoptive father passed on, feeling nothing left attaching him to the world, Hisana found herself joined by the spirit of her mother. But by then, she had changed. A hole had been rapidly boring through her soul and by the time her Mother passed and attempted to greet the spirit of her adopted daughter: Hisana didn’t even recognize the woman in the slightest. Seeing her Adoptive Mother brought her only pain, and tormented by this growing guilt and suffering she rapidly turned into a demihollow.

Hollow Life

Seeing her Adopted Daughter turn into such a beast, her Mother felt no fear: Only sadness as Hisana slowly turned on her, arms outstretched as she relinquished herself to her fate, unable to even scream as the guilt of failing her daughter led her to embrace this dark end. Once her mother was Consumed, Hisana could find nothing else to console the emptiness inside of her, nor stave off the realization of what she'd become. From that moment Hisana threw herself into her new destructive and murderous tendencies, haunting the world of the living and fixating on the source of her pain: Guilt.

Haunting the recesses of the world of the living, she came to learn to disguise herself, growing vines from her body which could blossom into facsimiles of her former self which those with high spiritual awareness could see and interact with. She would approach them, acting cold and helpless, seeking shelter and help however they could spare it. For every human that scourned her, she would slaughter and devour them mercilessly, finding a dulling of her own oppressive guilt in judging others. Yet for those who offered her food and shelter, she would simply retreat from, as the pain of her own sins burned more unbearably in the light of such virtue. Soon she began to specifically hunt those she knew would hold no sympathy, avoiding anyone who seemed kind enough to help a woman in need, finding a sense of twisted justice in culling the guilty, and soon she even found ways to twist her fake forms or the situations to force even those of higher virtue to turn her away so that she could kill them.

And thus even as she soothed the pain in her heart with this spiteful slaughter, the emptiness only grew within her. Soon she began to prey on other hollows, finding new ways to disguise her deceptive flowers and bring out the absolute worst of behaviors even among her hollow brethren before devouring them. But even as she lied to herself that she was improving herself, all she did was add more guilty souls to her own, until the weight of guilt darkened her completely, and she found those voices within slowly growing too many to ignore. Suddenly suffocating in a pit of grief-stricken victims, Hisana found herself evolving into a menos. Facing not only the pain of her own memories, but the bleeding screaming masses of the sins of others draining into her own mind. In time as she fought for control, she lost the ability to discern between memories that were hers and memories that were theirs, and power budded in the depths of this horrible darkness.

As she railed against the screaming abyss around her, barely clinging to control, she wished in the depths of her heart: To Rid herself of this Guilt.

And something within her answered. Whether it was something that she had eaten, or something that had been inside her from long ago, something answered that wish, causing her to pry herself out from that Gillian flesh that towered even higher than the canopy of the menos forest, the carcass folding away like the bulb of a flower. And in the black inky depths that lie inside, a single white flower bloomed into existence. Her Adjuchas form, one that peeled away into something more humanoid, an ability she had retained from her existence as a demihollow. But her form was....imperfect. As she wandered through Hueco Mundo, in the dull senselessness of rebirth, she couldn't help but struggle: Who was she?

Rather than sim,ply hunting to avoid degrading back into a Gillian, she ruthlessly hunted other Adjuchas, not for their meat: But for their faces. Hunting down other adjuchas and latching onto them, surrounding them with thorny vines until she could rip their masks from their faces. Each and every one that she killed, she would transform herself: Stealing their likeness only for it to feel....wrong. And for her rage to cause her to snuff them out, killing them and consuming them through her vines. Then, to hide this new...WRONG visage, she would put on the hollow's mask to hide her mistake and begin the cycle over and over again. Stealing faces but never the RIGHT one, and so hiding herself with their stolen masks again and again.

As she wandered the desert, twisting and shaping herself again and again, she could not help but wonder if she would ever find her real face. Would the endless line of masks never end? She found herself beginning to sulk around the edges of Las Noches. Clashes o f spiritual energy having drawn her to it's borders. The sensation of humans, shinigami, and arrancar fighting lured her like a fly to bare fruit. But of course, she wasn't the only one, and soon she was roving the border of Las Noches, enacting her brutal ritual on the hollows that were similarly drawn to the conflict inside.

And then she felt it.

A Spiritual Pressure so clean and pure echoing through the walls of Las Noches. A familiar feeling that pierced deep inside of her. One that called out to something long forgotten, and for the first time, a gentle voice crawled from the screams that usually tore their way from her lips:


The spiritual pressure released during Rukia's fight with Aroniero woke the sleeping spirit energy of Hisana deep within her, and she formed a face that felt....perfect. More than even the face she'd worn as a reincarnated human. This was perfection, and for the first time in a hundred years: she felt right, and the mask on her face peeled away, breaking away to show the face she'd finally found inside.

And then that Spiritual pressure vanished. And a rage bubbled up from her chest like nothing before. Even having broken her mask, shifting into an arrancar, she was hurt only all the more when she felt that energy that had been her saving grace suddenly vanish. And like that, the other hollows were upon her. Her hands found purchase on the remains of her mask: The fragments that had once been her shame and her guilt, and as she tightened her grip, that Guilt became a weapon that she turned on the hollows around her, even as the canopy of the menos forest broke beneath her feet and she fell into the darkness below Las Noches amidst the menos that swarmed her and the building itself. The sudden stench of Captain Level Reiatsu sending them into a frenzy.

But Hisana was above that baser drive, and instead she found herself slaying and consuming hollows with her vines and Zanpaku'to as they clamored to trampleb her on their way to Las Noches. It was then that another spiritual pressure eased her rage: A calm, tranquil sensation that felt like home. The Captain of the Sixth Division and his fight within the walls. What had initially been rage and pain from losing that first spiritual signature soon turned to calm when she felt the second. Less and less did those vines rip and tear about her in fury, but soon she began to abandon them almost entirely. Broken memories bubbling to the surface.

Getting Married on a bridge in London. Proposing in the rain under a German sky. Touching her beloved's hand for the first time at the court of his Majesty the King. That spiritual energy didn't wake up a single memory: There was no such thing left. All of the memories buried inside of her had twisted and meshed together, and she felt a thousand different moments of bliss in her heart. A calmness, and stillness that gave grace to her scythe as she carved her way through the swarming hollows who by now weren't even attacking her, but just about anything in sight, soon drawing the Gillians from the forest to join into the feeding frenzy.

And just as suddenly as the frenzy had begun it was over. As the Shinigami took their leave of Las Noches, and the fighting died down to nothing: Hisana found the droves of menos around her dispersing, and she found herself remaining in the dark pit of the Menos Forest below.

400 Years

Hisana eventually emerged from the Forest of the Menos as the Winter war reached it's conclusion. It was at this point that she began to wander into the Ruins that were Las Noches. She never approached the arrancar that remained there, but rather she was there for the residual spirit energies that she had felt during the war. Her vines soaked it all in, and she felt her form solidifying as the memories they stirred became less nebulous. It was an incredibly painful process, slowly weeding out through the memories and finally finding some warped sense of what she felt from those battles.

But as soon as she found them, they caused her only pain. Before she could even put faces to the shadowy forms in those memories she could feel her hollowed heart twisting in agony. Family lost to the wind. Love left behind because of her own fragility. Even as she soaked up this residual spiritual pressure she foudn herself unwilling to continue exploring the memories inside of her, and so she shut them back out, even intentionally corrupting the form that she'd taken on as a result of resonating with that familiar spiritual energy. Changing it just so much that she could dissociate with that old life. Abandoning it, and taking only the Name that she tasted on her lips.

Over the next Several hundred years she strayed away from Las Noches, and soon began to spread her influence throughout the forest of the Menos, keeping to the shadows beneath the pale desert itself. As Menos were naturally drawn to her power, she began to collect those around her, falling into old habits. She would collect them and guide them, assisting them in feeding, and one they began to slow their evolution,. she would use her vines to rip their masks away from their faces but rather than let it reform, she used her power to transform their faces, giving them visages from the bottomless pit of abandoned memories in her soul. Shaping their faces into those she remembered fondly: Children. Mentors. Lovers, countless people from countless lives, all so that they could keep their broken masks off, and so that she could awaken OTHER memories inside of her. Memories to bury the ones that had awoken in Las Noches. These hollows that she reshaped became loyal subjects and they burrowed deep into the depths of the Menos forest, below even the floor into the darkness below. And in that abyss Hisana shone as the pale light of these hollows given purpose. And amongst the hollows she'd gathered like flowers, they all came to call her the same thing: Madre.

And so for about three hundred years she resided as such. Venturing up into the menos forest with her family in order to hunt and find more to add to the fold, only to drag them down to the abyss in which they dwelled, a third layer beneath toe forest of the Menos which she came to call Abisma among the roots of the menos trees. But they did not remain undisturbed forever. Soon enough many kings and groups up above began to establish their reigns, and throughout the years Hueco Mundo came to be used and abused by those that claimed some feeble command over it. And for this time, Hisana forbade her children from going up above. But as it were, even as they listened to her word: The Darkness was not so kind. Over time, without their usual hunts, her children began to break. One by one, as they had so much spare time to look inward, they found their souls did not match the faces they had been given. Memories contradicting the roles that Hisana had so painstakingly crafted them into.

And one by one, her children turned back into monsters. Unable to coexist with the persona she had tried to craft for them, and so they began to fight amongst themselves, and Hisana felt the guilt in her heart deepen. For she saw not the random hollows that she had found them as: But the faces of so many loved and cherished pasts all murdering one another, torn limb from limb.

And so she decided to put a stop to it herself: Slaughtering each and every one of them, and consuming them with her vines as she wallowed in the failures she'd created all on her own to join those she'd inherited. And so Hisana returned to the surface of Hueco Mundo, gilded in sorrow and garbed in her guilt, she once again began wandering not only Hueco Mundo, but the world of the living, drawn by the scent of the spiritually aware as she buried the memories of guilt and suffering, looking for anything to distract her from the thorns in her head.


-Natural Affinity-

Hidden Spiritual Power: Hisana’s Spiritual pressure is considerable as a result of the sheer number of hollows and arrancar that she has cultivated before consuming, having continued to devour the failures she creates even after evolving into an Arrancar. However, this power is bound up by Máscara Espinosa, her ability to use buried memories to create a new shape for herself or others. As such it is almost impossible for her spiritual energy to be sensed let alone recognized in origin. However, whenever she is injured, this causes an explosive release of the spiritual pressure, not only removing this stealth ability but also often damaging anything near her in the process.

The Graceful Scythe Hisana's proficiency with her weapon is considerably high, such that her strikes and attacks occur in a flowing chain that is difficult to break even when her Zanpakuto leaves her hands amidst combat, this is because an invisible vine of spares spirit energy connects her to her scythe, allowing her to manipulate it well beyond the bounds of what she would be able to do with her hands alone. This length of spirit energy is so thin and ethereal that it simply mold around things it passes through, such that it cannot be felt or even interacted with outside of allowing Hisana to manipulate the blade.

-Hollow Affinity-

Cortar la Culpa(Severing Guilt)(Story Ability): Hisana's power manifested from her desire to separate herself from the pains of memory. This ability allows her to erase specific sections of memory in both herself and those that she slashes with her scythes. For Player Characters this process is entirely voluntary and operates as a story tool. Memories erased by this ability are buried within Hisana's soul and can be used as a basis for Máscara Espinosa.

Máscara Espinosa (Thorny Mask)
This Ability allows Hisana to pull the likeness of those within her memories to reshape herself or those she gets her claws on. In addition to reshaping the person's face and physiology, this ability also almost completely eliminates any spiritual pressure that the person can let out by the protective film just beneath the subject's skin. However, once this membrane is ruptured, the target unleashes an eruption of spiritual energy. In the case of herself, Hisana's film can be remade once the wound is healed, though in others this film deteriorates entirely until Hisana can reform it. Targets outside of herself must be accepted voluntarily, or must be dead/dying. Player Characters can resist this ability even then. Targets reshaped by this ability are also usually given memories of this false persona.

Enredaderas Rastreras (Creeping Vines):
Spiritual vines which grow from Hisana's body to act as extensions of her form. These vines can attack and manipulate objects as well as serve as a means of eating by sprouting sharp thorns and sucking the blood and spirit energy of targets that are tangled within them. This leeching effect is, however, fairly weak and as such is only usable on dead or dying targets, meaning that in combat their energvy leeching qualities can be ignored.

Cero Bostezo (Yawning Cero): This technique utilizes a combination of Cero and Descorrer. By charging a cero and then pushing it into a garganta, disrupting the energy occupying the parallel space around her. Hisana can then slash the air, opening up a descorrer in which the corrupted Cero is then unleashed in a crescent slash of black energy. By utilizing the energy in the Valley of Screams, this technique can greatly surpass the energy expended to use it similar to a Gran Rey Cero. Additionally, the miasma pulled from the Valley of screams corrupts the area, leaving a dark smog in it's wake that is high in energy, disrupting those trying to sense spiritual pressure while within it.

La Tragano Saliva (Sound: The Gulping Dark) : A combination of Sonido and Descorrer, this ability causes a sudden burst of speed which peels open the valley of screams, shortening the distance and drastically speeding up Hisana's ability to move rapidly from place to place. Not only does this move vastly outpace Sonido, but also completely conceals any spiritual signature and dampens the static noise of a sonido considerably by hiding in the valley of screams during travel. This transition is so seamless that Hisana simply appears to vanish and reappear in bursts of dark mist and the sheer speed with which this occurs can make it easily mistaken for teleportation.

» Hierro: By passively flowing her reiatsu into her skin, she is able to compress it into her skin and harden it, due to her high-level of reiatsu the hierro that she can materialize is incredibly dense. She is able to block significant damage from attacks and can even block sword attacks from shinigami. However, against an individual of greater or equal tier she finds that her hierro is not as potent, though this defense will still reduce damage against most attacks.


In its sealed state, Hisana’s Zanpaku’to seems to take the form of a long, incredibly ornate double-edged Scythe. The handle is a twisted length of pale white and the Blade itself is Red and Black. This, however, is a misdirection, and in fact her actual Zanpaku'to is a long, thin vine which remains coiled around her body beneath her clothing. The thorns from this vine sprout into these scythes.
Garras Espinas (Clawing Thorns):
Her Zanpaku'to's ability to sprout thorns and turn them into these ornate Scythes. While generally only one will be active at any given time, Hisana is not incapable of producing more, often surprising targets by springing them out of odd locations, sealing one scythe only to sprout a new one in a new location, making the weapon appear to teleport. Each and every scythe produced is connected to Hisana by a thin sliver of Spiritual energy which allows her to remotely manipulate it, though this thread is very hard to detect and phases through anything that is not Hisana or the Scythe as though it did not exist. That said, barriers which block spirit energy from being transmitted can disrupt this connection, or if the scythe moves further than 20 meters from Hisana.

Gran Rey Cero Espinas (Grand King Thorn Cero): Using her scythes, Hisana is capable of consuming her own drawn blood into the scythes themselves, enveloping these scythes in massive auras of black and violet reiatsu which take on their shape, greatly enhancing the range and cutting power of the Scythes. This Aura can also be launched in a crescent burst of reiatsu.

Gran Rey Planta De Espinas(Grand King Thorn Bush): By extending her vines throughout an area and scattering her thorns among them while having the vines pass over a wounded part of her body, this causes a distribution of bloody thorns throughout a large area. Then, in an instant, these thorns promptly turn into Scythes shrouded in Gran Rey Cero Espinas, creating an enormous area saturated in violet reiatsu blades. The vines then contract together and the scythes all converge onto a target causing a vertical explosion of reiatsu. While using her blood significantly reduces the spirit energy drain of this ability, it is physically exhausting thanks to the amount of blood that is used for the attack.


Resurrección Name: La Llorona (The Crybaby/ Maiden of Regret)

Resurrección Release Phrase: Embrace

Release Actions: When releasing her Zanpakutō, the weapon itself glows a brilliant dark aura while flying up into the air, as her Zanpaku'to must be separated from her body in order to release, creating distance from the piece of her heart that it represents.
Release Appearance: In her Ressurected form, Hisana's reiatsu takes the form of a tattered white kimono and a white-and-red cape that hangs about her shoulders, all torn in such a way that the outfit looks like the petals of a flower opening up around her as vines covered in thorns grow all around her as well as from her body at times. She has a light golden sash that wraps around her waist.
Release Abilities:

Culpa de la Llorona (Guilt of the Regretful Maiden:

In her resurrected form, her blood turns to a black liquid reishi which is produced in massive quantities and begins to seethe from her body and every portion of her resureccion. This potent liquid spirit energy infects anything that it comes into contact with, causing thorny vines to grow from the surface and causing living things to be afflicted with a deep and terrible sensation of Dread and Guilt as memories connected to these emotions bleed to the surface. The vines that grow from these surfacing memories will sprout the faces of people connected to this sense of guilt and targets can use this as a means of conversing with those from their past in manifested memory form. Hisana can additionally steal the face of a conjured memory and take on that person's likeness temporarily (Ends once the thread does, or if Hisana releases the ability early).
Targets with superior Willpower to Hisana's will be able to resist these implanted feelings and ignore the faces conjured by this effect so long as they have at least 2 levels of superiority in their Willpower skill.
Players can opt into reducing their willpower skill against this ability and give Hisana greater control over these conjured memories.

Dolor de Los Olvidados (Grief of the Forgotten):

With this ability, Hisana creates multiple tears in the space around her and empties reiatsu into the valley of screams, initially greatly depleting her own spiritual energy (Consumes 80% of her current spirit energy). 3 posts (2 posts if Hisana is at least 1-5, 1 post if Hisana is at least 0-5) after this is accomplished, her spirit energy finishes infecting a section of the Valley of Screams and infesting the lost souls within with her power, causing them to begin constantly producing her reiatsu in a surge of black liquid spirit energy which gushes from the gargantas and forms a massive black pool of spirit energy on the floor beneath her. Making contact with this fluid instantly restores her spirit energy and consumes a portion of the fluid itself. Others are similarly able to restore their energy by coming into contact with this fluid but in doing so will infect themselves with Hisana's Guilt, reducing their mental stats by 3 skill levels and allows her to grow vines and thorns from their body at will. There is no resisting this ability as the act of partaking in the available energy is an voluntary decision with consequences and even targets with incredible or even divine abilities find themselves subject when voluntarily fill their soul with Hisana's spirit energy.

General Attributes
  • Strength: C
  • Speed: B
  • Durability: D
  • Soul: A

Racial Skills
  • Cero/Bala: Advanced
  • Hollow Nucleus: Elite
  • Regeneration: Beginner
  • Sonido: Elite

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced


"Are you alright?"

The sound probably confused the tiny thing, a child. A voice that came from nowhere as it's tearstained face swiveled and looked about until at long last it came upon the features of the voice that had spoken to it. She saw that little face twist into a look of fright,, before she remembered her eyes. In an instant she adjusted her spirit energy, making those predatory pupils fade into a soft dark brown that seemed to soothe the youngster. Gently, she crouched down, bringing herself down to the level of the tiny thing that seemed to cease it's wailing.

'Have you seen my mommy?' Came that little voice, trust laced within it that made Hisana smile. Memories flooding her, and she gently felt guilt pang through her core, guilt that drove her to care fot this tiny thing. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I have. Why don't we find her together?" she suggested, to the budding smile of the little one. She could feel the sense of relief and security this tiny thing felt now that it new it was not alone. Standing back up, she held out her hand and smiled when the little thing took her own.

Precious. Something far too valuable to be abandoned.

She began to walk the young man down the alleyway and toward the light of the streets beyond, intent on bringing him to someone who could care for the child. After all, the child's mother was still pinned to the wall in that alleyway by the blade of a tremendous scythe as the last fluid vestiges of her live drained down into the street beneath her. A mother desperate for freedom on her way to give up her child so that she might live her life burden-free. Something that had twisted Hisana into a sudden and.... rash burst of action.

The child would be happier.
Just as soon as she found a new home for it.
If not? Then she would take them in herself.

She stole a glance down to the young human, catching sight of that new, confident smile on their face. She could not help but smile as well, that pain eased in the glee of this tiny thing, even the Guilt in the atrocity she had committed only moments before faded into warmth. There was nothing she would not do to ease the pain and guilt inside of her. She had to make things right.
She HAD to.
Nothing else would sate this drowning sin in her heart.

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:33 pm; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Hisana

Tue Nov 16, 2021 11:28 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in [X]
  • RP Sample Present [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Hazard Ranks
  • Power: B
  • Influence: E
  • Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Interesting.
Tier: 2-3
Hazard Rating: C[/mod]
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[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Hisana

Sat Apr 02, 2022 10:49 am
Arrancar Modernization:

New Stuff:

Racial Skills

  • Cero/Bala: Advanced
  • Hollow Nucleus: Elite
  • Regeneration: Untrained
  • Sonido: Elite

» Hierro: By passively flowing her reiatsu into her skin, she is able to compress it into her skin and harden it, due to her high-level of reiatsu the hierro that she can materialize is incredibly dense. She is able to block significant damage from attacks and can even block sword attacks from shinigami. However, against an individual of greater or equal tier she finds that her hierro is not as potent, though this defense will still reduce damage against most attacks.
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Joined : 2021-06-04
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[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Hisana

Thu May 05, 2022 7:49 pm
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[Spirit Class 4] Hisana Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] Hisana

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