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[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Empty [Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega

Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:35 am
[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega ZqvtFRi


Basic Information

○ Name: Ignacio Gamma Vega
○ Alias: The Black Flame Against the White Sand, Master of the Flaming Rings, Bearer of the Eleventh
○ Age: Around 600
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: Arrancar

○ Affiliation: The Powder Hunters

○ Alignment: Lawful Neutral
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

○ Height: 5’10"
○ Weight: 150lb
○ Hair Colour: Gold with Red Tips
○ Eye Colour: Gold with Red Flecks

○ Aspect of Death: Incineration
○ Estigma: Red lines running down one side of his face from his eye socket
○ Former Hollow Type: Menos Class (Vasto Lorde)
○ Hollow Hole: In the middle of his right shoulder
○ Mask Fragment: Encasing the underside of his jaw

[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega LSo3tyR

Psychological Analysis

Live by the sword and die by the sword, that is the motto that best describes Ignacio's personality. He is a spirited individual, not afraid to fight for his convictions, and reluctant to back down from a challenge unless the odds are vastly against him. This fiery tenacity is what drives him to continue to persist in the harsh environment of Hueco Mundo, and to strive to bring his own form of justice to the vast wasteland that many Hollows and Arrancar call home. There is an honourable nature to his actions, and he has is more than happy to meet his foes on even terms rather than seek an unfair advantage.

Though there is an innate essence of violence to life as an Arrancar, as conflict defines much of their day-to-day livelihood, Ignacio is rarely the first one to draw his blade. Rather unconventionally, he is a fan of conversation and would rather talk to those who find him. To that end, one of his main hobbies is the cultivation of knowledge on other schools of swordsmanship. Having created his own style from absorbing this knowledge and integrating it with his own abilities.

When it comes to battle, though, Ignacio is overcome with an intensity that matches his willpower. He throws his weight into every strike and would pour his heart into every moment if he had one, for there is nothing more exhilarating than the thrill of a good duel. His attitude is reckless, happy to take damage in order to do the same to his opponent and simply persevere until he has done enough to claim victory. There is no price too great when lives are at stake, even his own.


None at present.


There was a time before breaking his own mask when Ignacio Vega roamed Hueco Mundo as a Vasto Lorde. Even he does not remember what came before that state anymore, his days as a Gillian or an Adjuchas lost to the sands of time, though this was likely due to a lack of any real intellect in those more primitive stages of Hollow evolution. What mattered was that he had walked these endless dunes for longer than he cared to remember. There were never many Vasto Lorde, and they were all largely solitary creatures that kept to themselves within their own little domains. Ignacio was no exception, occupying a vast series of caverns with nothing for companionship beyond his own thoughts.

Other Hollows did occasionally either stumble across his lair or come seeking him out, but it was always the same outcome. They started something, he finished. No one ever stuck around, not that he ever minded. Ignacio was happy keeping to himself until a strange creature found its way to his doorstep. This strange creature was neither Hollow nor Arrancar but something different entirely, wielding a sword wreathed in black flames and wearing a mismatched outfit of tattered robes. They fought, just as others had fought him before, and for the first time in his memory, Ignacio was truly pushed to his limit. The swordsmanship of the stranger was more than a match for the great Hollow, so - possessed by a fit of desperation - Ignacio did the nigh impossible and shattered his own mask. He could not now explain what caused him to do so, nor exactly how, but he had somehow succeeded.

Awakening after having lost consciousness during the transformation into an Arrancar, Ignacio first spotted his assailant standing over him ready to deliver a death blow. Reaching for whatever was nearby to defend himself, he drew his zanpakuto for the first time and staved off his own execution. The tide of the battle turned after that, the new Arrancar overpowering his foe and forcing them into flight but not before Ignacio cleaved the stranger’s hand from their body. Burning the disconnected limb to a crisp with his Reiatsu, he was surprised to find that a ring that lingered amidst the ashes and claimed it as a trophy of his victory. To his surprise, as he picked up the ring to put it on his finger it embedded itself into his flesh. Burrowing down until it was wrapped around the bone itself, he removed the finger before it claimed the rest of his soul. Though he could have cast the cursed ring aside, Ignacio instead vowed to gain a greater understanding for what the ring did, who exactly his strange attacker was, and why they had sought him out for such an intense battle.

Life as an Arrancar was little different from that as a Vasto Lorde, truth be told. The years quickly turned into decades, and eventually even centuries, as he scoured Hueco Mundo for any information about the stranger to little avail. Ignacio even spent some time in the court of Baraggan Louisenbairn, but found the pomp and arrogance of the King of Hueco Mundo to be dull and fled shortly before the arrival of Aizen Sosuke. Equally dissatisfied with Aizen’s plan, after he claimed dominion overall all of the land after defeating Baraggan, Ignacio did not interfere with the invasion of Fake Karakura Town and kept himself away from Aizen’s forces altogether.

The years that followed brought more and more visitors to the white sands of Hueco Mundo. The Espada had been defeated and many viewed the Arrancar as weak because of the loss, so other races eventually came to stick around. Rogue or adventurous Shinigami were among the most interesting to Ignacio, who went to the trouble of searching them out from time to time on his hunt for knowledge of the stranger from his past. Some fought him, others talked, but there was little information to be gleaned about the creature or the ring. What he did focus on improving was his swordsmanship, some would teach him willingly, others he would learn he observation, but eventually he came to master a particularly bastardised version of what one might have called Zanjutsu.

Karinzanjutsu, as Ignacio would go on to brand it, was the combination of traditional Shinigami Zanjutsu and his own Hollow techniques including both Cero and Hierro with that of his elemental Reiatsu to create flaming rings that would amplify his abilities to a point beyond his fellow Arrancar. This strength eventually drew lesser Arrancar to his side, and he taught them in turn some of what he had learned whilst also imprinting upon them his will and desire. They began to call themselves The Flaming Rings and referred to their leader as the Black Flame, in reference to the dark colouration of Ignacio’s own flaming attacks and his status as the Master of Karinzanjutsu.

In time, Ignacio began to focus more upon his own people than on that hunt for the one-handed stranger or the truth of the ring he now bore. They were justiciars of their small corner of Hueco Mundo, keeping the peace as best they could and slowly spreading the tale of The Black Flame Against the White Sand - The story of Ignacio’s hunt for revenge, and the harsh justice he wrought.

The years rolled by and once again the sands stir with the wind of change. Having spent more than a century looking inwards, perhaps there are new clues out there now that the world did not have before. The answer to who attacked him and what exactly they had left behind.


○ Tremendous Spiritual Energy: Even before his transformation into an Arrancar, Ignacio possessed enough Spiritual Energy to become a Vasto Lorde and was thus counted among the most powerful of Hollows. His eventual ascension to Arrancar amplified this latent energy beyond those of other spiritual beings of his power level. Hundreds of years spent roaming Hueco Mundo have only given him time to accumulate more.

○ Flaming Spirit: As far back as Ignacio can remember, he has had an affinity with the element of fire. So powerful was this connection that his Reiatsu was able to burn his foes and could even be used to superheat his Zanpakuto until it glowed like a blade of molten lava. In a similar sense, Ignacio is also incredibly resistant to heat and able to absorb other flaming attacks with a resilience far greater than his natural durability.

○ Infernal Hierro: Beyond his already impressive natural resistance and regenerative capabilities, Ignacio is capable of compressing his reiryoku into protective layers that encase his skin and shield him from weaker blows. Furthermore, as he has such skill at manipulating the element of fire, he is capable of storing vents of his heat within his Hierro that can be discharged when an area is broken by an attack. This burning mist will quickly cover shoot out from the broken Hierro and envelop his attacker in a haze of blistering heat should they choose to remain within close proximity. This can only occur once every two posts, as his Hierro still takes some time to restore itself after being broken.

○ Karinzanjutsu: A unique style of sword-fighting based on traditional Zanjutsu, created by Ignacio after he became an Arrancar and studied the fighting style of various Shinigami that found their way to Hueco Mundo. Combining sword attacks with his manipulation of the element of fire, Ignacio has mastered the Fire Ring Cutting Technique to channel his fire into flaming rings that can both incinerate his foes at range and reinforce his own attacks by encasing them in those same rings. This can be further enhanced by combining Karinzanjutsu with a cero to create flaming beams of energy that can be used both offensively or as a defensive shield against other attacks due to the intensity of the heat.


○ Zanpakuto Name: Tigre Garra (裂寅 Retsuin, "Rending Tiger Sign")

○ Zanpakuto Appearance: Tigre Garra takes the form of a standard sized and shaped katana that is a deep shade of reddish-orange in colour. There is also a noticeable flame pattern running up the length of the blade on each side. The katana's cross-guard is shaped like a flame with a red core and orange border, and it has a white grip long enough to be wielded comfortably with both hands.

○ Zanpakuto Sealed Power: The only power that Tigre Garra has in its sealed state is that each of Ignacio's swings is mimicked by a spectral blade so that each strike is akin to that of two separate blows. It is a simple power but brutally effective in carving injuries into his foes and rending through anything that gets in his way. These spectral blades strike with the same force as his original strikes, though only the actual blade itself is affected by any elemental infusion from his innate powers and Karinzanjutsu.


○ Resurreccion Name: Ardiente Tigre el Espíritu (寅恵獠 Inkeitou, "Torchlight Hunt Blessed Under Tiger Sign")

○ Resurreccion Appearance:
[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega VxpkVta

○ Release: Taking a martial stance, Ignacio raises his Zanpakuto before him and calls the release phrase: "Answer the Call, Ardiente Tigre el Espíritu". In response, the front half of a monstrous spiritual tiger made of living fire emerges from the weapon and illuminates the nearby area in a blazing inferno. Once the release is complete, the flaming tiger engulfs his back and hovers above Ignacio. However, the Arrancar himself and his Zanpakuto appear to hardly change from their base state during this release.

○ Resurreccion Abilities: In addition to the traditional enhancements to durability, speed, and strength. Ardiente Tigre el Espíritu also reinforces all of Ignacio's sword strikes with claw attacks from the flaming tiger that engulfs his form. Where the sealed state of his Zanpakuto gave one spectral blade to each of his attacks, the number of blades are tripled whilst in Resurreccion to make each blow akin to the claw of an actual tiger. Furthermore, given the raging fire that now covers his body and his spirit, all of these blades can be considered aflame and benefit from the enhancements of Karinzanjutsu to increase the potential damage.

Desintegrarse: The final technique of Karinzanjutsu, only available to Ignacio whilst in his Resurreccion state due to the immense toll it takes upon his own body. Gathering up all of the flaming rings he can inside of himself, Ignacio releases an explosive torrent of black fire in all directions as the concentrated heat bursts out of him. As dangerous to himself as this is to those around him, its destructive power is far greater than anything else in his arsenal and will drain his own energy reserves substantially. To the point that he can only perform this move once before needing to rest, or risking incinerating parts of himself should it be performed again.


General Attributes
  • Durability: B
  • Speed: C
  • Strength: B
  • Soul: A

Arrancar Skills
  • Cero: Advanced
  • Núcleo: Elite
  • Aumentar: Adept
  • Sonido: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

Hazard Ratings
  • Power: B
  • Influence: D
  • Resources: F
  • Overall: D

Last edited by Locke on Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:23 am; edited 7 times in total
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[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Left_bar_bleue59000/99999[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega

Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:34 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
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  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in[X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

Hazard Rankings
  • [b]Power: B
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F

Comments/Notes: N/A
Tier: 2-1+
Hazard Rating: D [/mod]

[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega LzZCuy7
[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega BtXe12b
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[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega

Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:55 pm

-Speed: Adept -> Advanced
-Sonido: Adept -> Advanced
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[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega

Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:20 pm
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[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3+] Ignacio Vega

Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:23 am
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