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[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty [Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin

Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:56 pm
[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin B49zco2g52y


⚋ Name: Samantha Robin
⚋ Alias': Sam
⚋ Age: 25
⚋ Birthday: June 19th
⚋ Gender: Female
⚋ Race: Human

⚋ Affiliation: None

⚋ Marital Status: Single, bucko.
⚋Nationality: American
⚋ Religious Standing: She believes in the Soul Cycle.
⚋ Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

⚋ Height: 5'
⚋ Weight: 125 lbs
⚋ Hair Colour: Pale White
⚋ Eye Colour: Light Blue

[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin D7ogcxqbq3y

I. Personality Traits

» Personality:

Samantha, or Sam as she usually goes by, is a fairly calm woman in most situations, but with a bit of an odd sense of humor. Having worked as a Police Officer under a special task force geared towards dealing with hollows and other spiritual threats, she is much more used to the more unusual spiritual shenanigans than your average person. Especially thanks to her Partner/Sidearm's rather eccentric personality.

In most situations, Sam would prefer to investigate and survey a situation before making a move, however her tenure as an Officer has instilled a sense of urgency and action that sometimes finds her involving herself in a situation before fully grasping the situation. Colt often refers to this as her Hero Complex.

She is fond of natura settings, especially near the ocean or a lake. She enjoys sweets and dislikes soy sauce. Her favorite word is fiancé, as it sounds very fancy. She dislikes hollows, but has gotten along with Arrancar in the past, particularly after one joined the SDRF when she was a Corporal.

I. Character History

» History

Sam grew up in a small transient community. Born while the group was moving through Vermont, she never knew a stable home environment. They would find a place, settle for a while, live off of the land and generally try to stay safe from hollows and demons by keeping a low profile. But inevitably, the community would be on the move again after a year or so. Sam grew up to an ever-changing landscape of people and places. Winding throughout North America. Soon, when she was old enough, she began learning how to hunt and forage for food, as well as helping some of the adults earn money by taking odd jobs and putting on shows for local towns and even venturing into cities that were still intact.

Once she hit the age of fourteen, her Father, the only parent she ever really knew, suddenly vanished. It wasn't uncommon. Among those in the community, they were often seen as pests or parasites by the communities that they settled near. Sometimes people would just go missing, and later be found dead. Tensions had been rather high around one city in partocular around the time he'd gone missing, and the Community was ready to move on. But Sam wasn't satisfied with that. She stayed behind and attempted to investigate the disappearance. But she was met with nothing but scorn and resistance. The locals had long since grown tired of the transients and loathed that one of their lot had decided to stay behind.

But Sam wasn't deterred, she continued to look for her father, sure that she would find the answers if she looked hard enough. But she was a little too nosy for her own good. She caught the attention of a local gang and was cornered in an alleyway in the dead of night. During her searching, she'd witnessed the murder of the local law enforcement by a member of the gang. She was given the option to work for the Gang and falsify her testimony, or she would be killed then and there.

With nobody to look after her, and certainly nobody that would look for her if she went missing, Sam had no choice but to cooperate. She testified to the innocence of the gang member and was interrogated by the local police. However, the detective working the case was easily able to see through the girl's lies. He gave her a choice, she could either stick to her story and likely face jail time for giving false testimony, or she could collaborate with the police and help them take down the gang. Sam initially refused, sticking to her original testimony out of fear. But after a day or so of intermittent interrogation and time in police custody, the Investigator learned about why she was here in the first place. About the disappearance of her father and her involvement with the gang as a result.

Sympathizing with her, the Detective offered to help her try to find out what had happened to her father, insisting that she could do better than to throw her life away for some random gang. With this, she was won over. She testified against the gang, and with her cooperation the majority of the members were either imprisoned or driven to fleeing.

As promised, the Detective, Harold Robin, helped Sam by opening up an investigation into the disappearance of her father. An investigation that would span an entire year before the man was presumed dead, probably due to a number of hollows that had passed through the area round the time he had gone missing. Sam was distraught, given only an approximate likely demise, but no real concrete answers. Harold wound up growing fond of the girl during her stay, and by the end of her second year with him, he'd adopted her, officially becoming her legal guardian. Sam, then around Fifteen, decided she wanted to become a Detective like her adoptive father.

After a short period of home schooling, she enrolled in a public school and began the process of aiming for a career in law enforcement. With the help of her father, after turning Eighteen and graduating from High School in New Hampshire that she enrolled in the local Police Academy. And it was during this time that it was discovered that she had potential for spiritual abilities. Because of this, she was enlisted as a part of the Spiritual Disturbance Response Force. A section of the Police that had spiritual capabilities and would handle spiritual threats and crimes.

Ultimately, the SDRF was a Glorified hollow culling force, sometimes dipping into investigating the misuse of spiritual abilities in the community. Arrancar, Retired Shinigami, ect. It was in the service of the SDRF that Samantha learned to utilize her own internal spiritual energy as a means of fighting and even healing. A skill she was particularly gifted in. She received medical training and exemplary marks in hand to hand combat courses as well as Spiritcasting, a rudimentary set of spellcraft inspired by shinigami kido. By the time she was Twenty-Four, she'd risen to the rank of Sergeant. It would be at this point that she found her 'Partner'.

During a raid on a shipment of contraband from the Soul Society, Sergeant Robin discovered a mod soul. While the Mod Soul in question didn't seem to have any memories about where it had come from, or why it had been in the shipment, it was discovered to be somewhat defective. Having been damaged sometime in the past, the mod soul had severe difficulties maintaining it's frame of mind and had very little spirit energy, making it difficult to function, resulting in it's memory loss.

However, while Sam was using her spirit energy to heal the Mod Soul, it's ability to stay focused seemed to improve, and as Sam gave it more of her spirit energy it seemed to regain more and more of it's memories. As a sentient being, the Mod Soul was allowed to leave and start up a life of it's own, but it soon became apparent that it had grown attached to Sam, relying on her spiritual energy to continue slowly recovering from it's damage. It would be a full year before finally the Mod Soul regained the ability to remember properly. It had been smuggled around the rukongai for some time, but had been damaged when some members of the rukongai had attempted to dissect it in order to learn more about how it was made.

The mod soul insisted that it wanted to work with Sam, insisting that he be her partner on the force. Terrified of reverting back to a state where he would no longer remember anything, he insisted that she allow him to stay with her, and in exchange he would give her access to his innate abilities. Sympathizing for him, she agreed, and the Mod Soul took up the name Colt, the name of a sidearm for a sidekick. He even abandoned his gigai and instead chose to house himself in a Colt 1911 so that he could more conveniently always be at Sam's side, and make it easier for her to constantly supply him with spirit energy.

However, Colt's somewhat eccentric personality soon got in the way of her duties in the SRDF, but she found herself unwilling to abandon him. So instead, she put in her resignation and instead started her own business as a Private Investigator.

I. Natural Abilities & Skills

» Skills:

Spiritually Gifted/Trained:
Very capable in manipulating her own spirit energy. Sam received training in the Spiritual Disturbance Response Force, a division specializing in utilization of spiritual abilities to perform police work. With the training from this task force, Sam learned to control and utilize her spiritual energy to fight, maneuver, and even heal herself and others. Additionally, because of Colt's reliance on her spiritual energy, her spiritual reserves are much higher than normal.

Reikaku Expertise:
As part of SDRF training, officers would need to learn how to hone their ability to sense spiritual energy extensively. This training included the use of blindfolds during training in order to teach officers to rely on this special spiritual sense rather than having to rely on other senses which could be disabled, spearheaded by Officer Drake Garren, an officer who had been blinded by an eye injury in the line of duty. As a result of this, Sam is very apt at sensing her surroundings with her reikaku and even after having retired from the Unit, continues to train with her blindfold to this day.

Considerable Intellect:
Sam has had a deep sense of curiosity ever since she was very young, spawning from the mysterious disappearance of her Father, she struck out on her own to try and investigate his disappearance, and later was trained by her father to become a detective. Lining up the pieces and putting things together has been a hallmark of how she functions as a Police officer for the majority of her career, and this skill sees continued use with her new occupation as a Private Investigator. She is smart, she is perceptive, and she is always on the lookout .

SNAP Step User:
Spiritual Navigation and Propulsion. A discipline used in the SDRF which was a fusion of High Speed Movement and sensing the surroundings to find optimal routes of engagement. Because they often work in urban environments where Hollows can more easily find places to hide, and because officers operated in units rather than as solitary members like shinigami, SNAP was developed as a means of using spirit energy to propel an officer at high speeds similar to shunpo. This was combined with a sort of morse code utilized by flexing spiritual energy. By communicating between officers using this method and synchronizing the use of high speed movement, members of the SDRF would be able to make sudden, high speed maneuvers as a full unit. In this manner, a hollow could be ambushed and taken down instantaneously by a unit without any visual or audible warning, even with units scattered about an area beforehand. While the Technique for propulsion itself had another official label originally, Officers would routinely simply refer to it as the SNAP Step since it was included in the training. Eventually this replaced even the official designation among officers.

While Sam has retired, she still retains the fruits of her training, and is capable of teaching this discipline to others if the need arises. This ability scales with her Physical Augmentation skill and is comparable to Shunpo/Sonido skills of the same rank.

A school of spellcraft developed by the Spiritual Disturbance Response Force. Operating on principles of Reiryoku control and based somewhat around the spells of other races, primarily Shinigami Kido. While not unique to Sam, this does give her access to basic spells which scale off of Power Control and are comparable to Quincy Spellcraft or Shinigami Kido.

Trained Healer
Among other applications, during Sam's SDRF training in spiritcasting, she was found to have particular proficiency with healing others. As such she received medical training and is capable of treating herself and others in the midst of combat using not only her Spiritcasting, but using medical knowledge and access to medical supplies.

I. Other Supernatural Abilities

» Powers:

Colt - Mod Soul:
Sam's partner and companion. A damaged mod soul that relies completely on her to maintain his mental health and wellness. He has essentially become an extension of her as a result of this reliance and offers his powers to her.

Colt himself is a vulgar and somewhat eccentric individual. He identified as male, but has no romantic interests and seems far more inclined towards threatening Sam's enemies and carrying on casual conversations either with Sam or with himself on a whim. At times he does allow his curiosity to get the better of him and can even go silent for long stretches of time, eavesdropping on Samantha and others around her. Only to suddenly remind them of his presence. He is not fond of taking over Samantha's body, as he has grown very fond of living inside of a gun.

His Programmed Ability is called:

This ability allows Colt to apply a special effect to objects or people that come in contact with his pill or whatever he is using as a body. This effect is similar to a hollow's acidic touch, burning things that come into contact with the effected target. Object imbued with this property are not themselves damaged by the ability, and this can even be applied to Sam's body. A maximum of five object or willing people can be afflicted with Stinger at once. Small objects such as bullets can be effected freely by Stinger which lasts a single post. Alternatively an object or person with a mass greater than 1kg and up to 100 kg can be afflicted for up to 3 posts at a time. The ability to apply Stinger to a person or large object can be used five times within a single thread.

Armorsuits - The Performer:

A power discovered when she first began working with Colt. Once separated from her body, she learned that she could manipulate her reiryoku into clothing. In addition to providing protection, performing this feat also results in an explosive increase in power similar to a release. This outfit generally takes the form of a Black Gothic Lolita-style dress similar to the one she wore as a performer when she was young, complete with feather-trim gloves, thigh-high heeled boots, and a black blindfold.

This can be either executed while within her normal human body, or automatically when she is separated from her human body when Colt acts as a soul candy.

The increase in power from this release is around 300%, increasing to 500% with Elite Power Control.

» Pure Abilities:

The Performer: Looking Sharp

This ability allows Sam to harden and sharpen parts of her outfit such as the fingertips of the gloves. her heels, and even the edge of her skirt in order to cut and pierce, scaling off of Sam's Power Control when clashing with defensive abilities. Not only does this sharpen the outfit, but her spirit energy as well. When executing an attack with her arms or legs, this cutting edge of energy can be expelled from the outfit in an outward fan of energy, cleaving targets even beyond her reach. These fans of cutting energy can extend up to 20 meters from the user.

The Performer: Troupe Tent

The Skirt of this armorsuits can be extended to envelop and create a protective barrier around the user and others close to her. By detaching from the rest of the outfit, the skirt can protect large groups by expanding to cover targets within a 10 meter radius without any loss of defensive quality, and up to a 20 meter radius with reduced effectiveness. This defensive capability scales with Sam's Power Control (Power control -1 when covering a larger area).

The Performer: Closing Act:

This set of Abilities are powerful Finishers intended to close out a fight. They share a limited pool of uses between each ability. At Sam's current level, she can use Closing Act abilities 2 times per thread.

The Performer, Closing Act: Cut to Black:

The Skirt of this armorsuit detaches and transforms into a sword about 2 meters in length. This condensed blade when activated unleashes a black wave of spiritual energy which cascades into a vertical column 10 meters wide and 60 meters tall, bombarding the target with a constant geyser of spiritual energy and driving them forcefully into the ground.

The Performer, Closing Act: Black Maiden:

A Variation of the Troupe Tent Ability, but rather than a protective tent, the skirt forms a massive spiny cage which shrinks down and aims to crush and skewer the target and anything within it's radius. The Black Maiden is limited to creating a cage with a 30 meter radius. This cage forms over the course of a post, and then can compress the following post. Sam is capable of passing freely through the cage without harming herself by manipulating it around herself, creating an opening.

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Attributes
  • Strength: D
  • Speed: C
  • Durability: D
  • Soul: B

High-Spec Human Sheet
  • Power Control: Advanced
  • Physical Augmentation: Advanced
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Beginner
  • Mediumship: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample: (Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:47 pm; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin

Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:15 pm

Trained Healer:

This is way more potent healing than one would pick up from medical training. Like, this is healing taken to an exceptional degree especially when it can then be applied to others.

SNAP Step User & Spiritcasting:

As a concept, these are fine. But I am wary of the scaling issues that come with having too many things rely on one skill. Currently, as well as being a base factor of her power control and covering all the standard stuff, Sam gains Regeneration and Kido/Spellcraft equal to her Power Control. Not to mention that her Physical Augmentation is also acting as Hoho/Sonido too.

Colt - Mod Soul:

He is not fond of taking over Samantha's body,

What does this mean? He can just take over her body at will? How does that work?

The Performer: Closing Act:

This set of Abilities are powerful Finishers intended to close out a fight. They share a limited pool of uses between each ability. At Sam's current level, she can use Closing Act abilities 5 times per thread.

If it's a finisher, why can she do it 5 times per thread? That implies it isn't acting as a finishing move to me.

The Performer, Closing Act: Black Maiden:

Sam is capable of passing freely through the cage without harming herself.

How does she do this? Does she just phase through it or manipulate this in some way?

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[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin

Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:31 pm
Nerfed the Trained healing by a full grade? owo

I'm not really sure what to do with this. Do you have any suggestions as to alternate skills to have them scale off of that would make sense?
I understand that a lot of these abilities overlap, but thats kinda just because of how Supernatural human skills are laid out, and I don't feel thats particularly fair. IF need be I can just Nix her healing ability and have her develop it later. But the other stuff really do'n't...FIT with other skill scaling.

Colt is a Mod Soul as such, if she were to swallow his pill, he would take over her body and eject her spirit.

Closing Act uses reduced to 2 per thread.

Clarified Black Maiden's means of not harming Sam.
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[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin

Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:49 am
[adm]These changes haven't been made, perhaps you forgot to submit them?

My advice would be to either spread out these skill crossovers to different Human skills rather than stacked on Power Control or remove those abilities until only one other racial ability ties to a certain skill. We can go from there.
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[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin

Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:13 pm
'm a feckin idiot.

OK! So I cranked Healing down a lot. In fact I've dumbed it down to more or less being just her being trained with healing using medical supplies, and using her Spiritcasting (It would essentially just be like Kaido, which falls under the Kido umbrella anyway, rather than having it do some regeneration shit.)

Applied Changes to Closing act (Also removed Black Maiden using multiple uses).

Clarified Black Maiden's means of not harming Sam.

Also with the Healing no longer being it's own ability, this should hopefully solve the Skill scaling issue.
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[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin

Tue Jan 17, 2023 7:26 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: C
Influence: F
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: To Be Seen
Tier: 3-5
Hazard Rating: E
Application Approved

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[Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Samantha Robin

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