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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 10:31 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice flustered a little at Giselle's retort, after all, who was she to call her out for helping people? It stung a little, to be called out by someone she was just starting to warm up to.

"Look, alright, I'll offer to help whoever I want. Just like you. You're here helping me and I am just a stranger too."

She pouted now, it was a rather childish outburst all things considered, but it was either that or get violent and she had already gone over that route in her head. She might have continued to angrily moan for a while longer had Giselle not so abruptly rained on her parade. It began to set in that the girl had no idea who she was or what she even did for a living, which probably explained why she had been so disinterested in her offer of beauty products. At least that made the previous exchange more tolerable.

"You really don't know who I am, do you? Mystery? Ugh, no. Stay right here."

Taking charge of the operation, Candice charged into the shop at a thunderous pace. She had thought about going to drag Giselle along with her by the collar but that might have caused a little too much of a scene, so, instead, she simply hoped the other woman would not leave.

Minutes later she reemerged with a bag of shopping over one arm, pulling one item from within she offered it out for Giselle to inspect. The label did depict a woman's face with a focus on her lips that were puckered up with lipstick, and Candice struck a pose to match in the background. The model was, in fact, her but the lighting didn't exactly make it obvious.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:44 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADER_0591-015

Gigi smiled just a bit wider when she made not of the woman's sudden transition into defensiveness the moment that it was pointed out that they were going out of their way to help her. My, she really WAS so much fun to mess with. "Oh? Helping strangers is my job though. Are you admitting that you are simply helping me of the kindness of your own heart? That would super have to be the case right? Otherwise I could only imagine what other reasons you would be being nice to me." That smile widened briefly.

The woman's sudden transition caused her to cant her head to the side. Oh? And just like that the woman spun around and strode into the store, Giselle's attention brifly straying as the woman vanished into the store. And well, of course she remained right where she was, keeping an ear out for any.....distressed noises. Ugh, actually maybe she SHOULD go in with her. She had to make sure the woman was behaving, right? She could feel a bit of ....apprehension building. It wasn't going to look good for her if the girl she was carting around caused a scene more or less a few meters away from her. She turned, about ready to head inside when Candice suddenly strode back out.

"Hey there girly, done alre-" She paused, interrupted when that product was suddenly shoved before her face. Wasn't that... She furrowed her brows, and then watched as Candice emulated the pose. It was almost instantly apparent that the woman was the model. Simply by the context alone. However, she found herself staring a little at the woman. She wasn't even slightly surprised to find out that this woman was the face behind that sort of thing. She was pretty enough for it, and definitely had the attitude that would wind her up on a product. Not only that, but the woman had seemed amazed that she didn't know them.

Was she an upper employee at this company? An executive? However, instinctively, she ALSO found herself blurting out. "So you're like a professional model? Sounds nice! Very uncomplicated. I hear its tough for people starting out, you must have gotten real lucky landing a gig like that!" She chimed, being intentionally obtuse, pretending to assume that Candice was, simply put, just a model they brought in for the shoot.

Ironically, this was, potentially, more flattering than the reality. If Candice was just some employee with an in, it was more likely that her status had gotten her the shoot over her looks. Not necessarily concrete, but it did imply a level of professionalism that, at least what GISELLE thought the girl did, didn't quite necessarily entail. No no no, Assuming that nepotism or privledge had landed the girl the gig was definitely just mean.

All the same, she reached out and took the product to inspect it more closely, looking back and forth for a moment and furrowing her brows. The picture was a VERY close up shot, not really showing much else of the face aside from the lips. "Huh now that I think of it.... are you SURE that this is you?" She asked incredulously, being a good few paces away from Candice, it wasn't like she had the same frame of reference as the shot. She squinted in Candice's direction. As if trying to see the resemblance.

Was she bullying her? Maybe the tiniest bit. Fully intending to just give in and ask the woman her name, as they had neglected to provide it.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 12, 2021 11:06 am

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"I... You..."

Candice had to physically stop her jaw from hanging agape as Giselle continued to remain ignorant of who exactly she was. It didn't make any sense to her, how anyone could be so dense and yet continue to pick away at her so consistently. Almost like the girl was just toying with her for the sake of it. Not the way around she had expected things to be, anyway. She stopped her imitation, the playful annoyance beginning to quickly fade towards genuine frustration.

"It doesn't mean anything to you, right? I'm just another silly foreigner passing you by, so why not have a little fun at my expense?"

There was no lightning this time, nor any thunder, instead Candice just huffed and rolled her shoulders. This was the thanks she got for being so generous and benevolent, Giselle spitting thinly veiled insults in her face and trying to get her twisted again. Well, she had gotten what she wanted. Or at least what Candi thought she wanted. There was a moment where it seemed like she might just turn and storm off, but she hung there for a moment as if she was willing to hear her response before she fled.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 12, 2021 11:36 am
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADRR_0590-007

Dawww~ Well she'd seen what the woman's limit was and it was a little adorable to see her so flabbergasted. That sudden turn and the pout was JUST cute enough to actually make her care just a tiny bit that this woman seemed ready to bolt. "Awwww, Don't be like that I was just playing around a little. I can totes see that it's you. Who could mistake a pretty set of lips like that?" She chimed, holding up the item as if to show and assure the woman. At this point just shamelessly buttering the woman up. Because the girl definitely was showing that she could behave. Giselle was actually quite impressed the girl didn't just start roaring up a storm.

Making her way around to move into Candice's field of view, she paused and thought it over. "How about I make it up to you hm? There's a food court not far from here. You can get some food on my tab and I'll let you fill me in. I'm sorry but I really don't know who you are, but if you're showing up on stuff like this I'd certainly be interested to know. This kinda thing has just never been my jam. Not exactly the kinda girl racking up suitors so this stuff isn't really gonna be helping much anyway. Though I'm sure YOU probably have to beat the fans away with a stick with looks like those." She reasoned, still shmoozing but also sprinkling in some genuine in there.

She was a small cutesy kinda girl, and also the kinda girl who grew up before all these new fancy makeups. And well, surviving a genocide and seeing the world slowly turn into mad max hadn't exactly given her much inclination to go trying to change that. No matter how much makeup she wore what was the point if she was just gonna wind up caked in blood anyway? Buuuuuut it was clear that that kinda thing was important to this girl. Hmmmm. "If it really means that much to ya I'll even ....consider some of these makeup tips." She added on, as if to sweeten the deal.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 12, 2021 3:47 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Her mouth flew open like she was going to gob off again, but instead, Candice just stopped there and wagged a finger in Giselle's direction. She was mad, certainly, but she always appreciated being pandered to. It had taken the threat of her leaving to actually elicit this response, which was probably a sign that she was just putting it on to save face, but frankly, Candice didn't much care why she was doing it just that she kept going. That was a weakness to be sure, but she could only be so perfect.

"Fine. Just because you asked so nicely. But if I get even the slightest whiff of you stringing me along... I'm gone."

She pointed back over her shoulder with her thumb to emphasise the point but began to loosen back up after that. It did her posture no good to be coiled up so tightly for any period of time. Standing there for a moment more, Candice waited until they set off again to pull up closer behind Giselle than she had walked before. Her tone was softer than before, a shade more vulnerable she supposed, but it was surprisingly genuine. A hand neatly tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear as she spoke, the innocent little princess returned once more.

"It's Candice, by the way. Candice Catnipp if you'd rather."

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 12, 2021 4:01 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 HEADER_0590-014

Huh, well at least she was predictable. The girl seemed to take the compliments like a river in the desert. Giselle couldn't help but smirk just a bit as the girl attempted to reestablish control of the situation. She really WAS strangely cute. "I honestly don't really know why I would need to string you along with anything. True, initially I was following you around because I felt like keeping an eye on you after that little shock show you put on earlier. Buuuuuut like you said-" She took a few steps closer and canted her head to the side. "You're WAAAAY cuter than I expected. And I also get the feeling you probably won't go blowing anything up. Sooooo at this point I'm just enjoying your company." She chimed, being quite upfront about the situation since she'd brought it up.

As they started heading to the food court, which fyi, really short trip, they were basically right next to it. She WAS a bit intrigued when the girl's tone changed as they introduced themselves. Aaaaaaah right, she HAD been super surprised that Gigi didn't know who she was. She must REALLY not be used to introducing herself. Well she sure as sin wasn't going to waste such a rare opportunity~
"Candice huh? A cute last name and a Pretty first one. Pleased to meet you Candice. Mind if I call you Candy?~" She inquired as they stopped in the very center and Giselle smiled to the girl. She had meant it when she said that she'd buy for Candice, which meant that the blonde had the choice of where it was they chose to dine.
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:49 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

That was more like it, see you can be cute too if you want.

Behind Giselle's back, Candice smiled slyly. It amazed even her how quickly her own mood turned around sometimes, though perhaps the flattery was the key ingredient in that mix. She couldn't help herself from just lapping it up really, and yet she didn't even really care.

"See, I'm not that hard to handle really. Just stay on my good side and you won't ever see that static again."

Her smile was genuine this time, with no trace of subtlety or deception. She certainly believed that she was an easy person to get along with, and her conditions were ever so simple. Perhaps that was just another layer of her own delusions, or she was genuinely that arrogant.

"Already calling me Candy, huh? Look at you getting all familiar. Alright, Z, let's make this cute little date a reality then."

She scanned the courtyard looking for what might be a nice place to eat and recognised exactly zero places. Which might have been a surprise if she had ever been to a 'food court' before. But she was not the type to be wracked with indecision, that was never her style, so instead, she simply picked one building out of the masses and began to lead Giselle towards it. She understood the concept of 'fast food' of course, but perhaps it would be fun to witness it in person. It would certainly be something different.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:10 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 HEDAA_56814324_p1

Giselle quirked a brow and turned when she heard the sheer mirth in the other woman's voice. Oh wow, that easy huh?~ She chuckled a bit to herself and canted her head a bit to the side. Oh was that the secret? It was almost silly that she had gone through a bit of footsie just to find out that this girl had the simplest motivations you could get. The notion that she was probably still being watched wasn't even in her head beyond a background thought. It was entertaining to be around the woman. Not that that was especially rare, but this strange....tantrum-prone level of brattery was something on the rarer side of things.

She couldn't help but smirk as the woman led her quickly and decisively about, even seeming to key in on a fast food joint pretty wquickly. "A date huh? Well then I better be on my best behavior, Candy-chan.~ " She chuckled, pausing when they at long last made it to the front counter. And thus they were right htere, the worker at the register asking politely what it was that they wanted, and Giselle promptly leaned over, bumping her shoulder with Candice's.

"Go ahead hon, what would you like?" Promptly putting Candice on the spot as she waited to see if they could decipher and work out how to order. Of course she'd help the girl if she needed it, but she felt like mentioning that would just rile up the woman's ego again, so she stood dutifully by Candice's side and waited for her to order~
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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Oct 13, 2021 12:05 pm

Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 6uGSmy0

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Well you always should be when I'm around, you're much prettier that way."

Candi continued to beam as they waited in the queue, clearly pleased with herself and her companion. It was nice to have someone around who didn't know who she was, actually. Thinking about it more, this would be an easy way to understand how the common people lived without even needing to be undercover or anything.

She had been a little too distracted to spend any time studying the menu, if this place even had a menu, and so when Giselle put her on the spot she turned almost dumbfounded by the question of 'What would she like?'. They had not even been seated yet, and there seemed to be a severe lack of waiting-on staff. This was all so irregular. How were they expected to provide a faster service if they did not even have enough employees to tend to every table?

"Oh.. Oh my. I will have.." Her eyes desperately scanned the surroundings, landing eventually upon the great boards that floated above the cashier's head. "I will have one cheese-burger 'happy' meal, cooked medium-rare please, accompanied by a large soda beverage in whatever flavour your chef recommends."

Looking to Giselle as if that was a perfectly normal order that a normal person would make, Candy invited her to do the rest and then waited patiently to be escorted to their table.

Lightning in a bottle | END POST

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Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 Empty Re: Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Oct 13, 2021 12:28 pm
Business or Pleasure [Candice, Giselle] - Page 2 HEDAA_56814324_p1

This was precious. She smiled as the girl just blatantly made it clear that Giselle was ‘prettier’ when she behaved. Wow talk about a peek into some deepseated issues. All the same, seeing her flounder was just too damn good, that hasty order had the cashier raising an eyebrow. Giselle took a step in and gently took Candice’s hand, smiling to the Cashier. ”She’ll have a double cheeseburger with Fries and a Sprite, I’ll have the same but with two doubles.” she ammended to which the cashier nodded and charged Giselles card, after which she turned to the girl and smiled as she ushered them off to the side to wait.

”The happy meal is for kids. I ordered you a double cheeseburger since the patties here are probably thinner than youre used to. They don’t puck your drinks for you so I just got you a sprite. Once our food is done they’ll put it on the counter and call out the number on our receipt and we pick it up and choose our own table.” She elaborated, still smiling and refraining from a chuckle.

Oh this was absolutely worth stroking the woman’s ego. If THIS was how unused to things Candice was then she had a feeling hanging out with her was gonna be a blast.

”You did really good though! I remember when these places first came out I was even worse off than you! You’ll get the hang of it. It was SUPER cute watching you though~ Youre pretty quick on the draw though~ she praised, as she DID notice the woman wasn’t one to flounder. A good trait to have.
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