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A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) Empty A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida )

Sat Oct 09, 2021 5:05 pm
A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) HEADER_0590-014

The Albedochiffren.
If nothing else she held an admiration for just how thorough things had become in the Vandenreich. As such, she couldn't help but ber a bit more earnest than usual in the smaile painted across her face as she began to near the destination that had been laid out in the summons. She had seen this coming to say the least: A meeting with the woman who, at least as far as she could tell, would be overseeing the little .....chaperone program that would be taking place to ensure her good behavior. She felt some small deranged sense of pride in her chest that such precautions were being put in place on her account. And so, in fact, she could not help but be a little excited to meet this woman!

As she walked she had a gleeful bounce to her step, those slim dark antennae-like wafts of hair above her head bouncing in unison as Giselle reached the door that seemed for all intents and purposes to be where she was supposed to be. Reaching up, she promptly knocked firmly on the door before turning to look over her shoulder and see the mixture of stern and suspicious faces behind her.

Oh right~

She had totally almost forgotten that she was already on escort! Smiling brightly she promptly popped a thumbs-up in the pair's direction. "I think I'm good guys! Good job, you really should get a pay raise yaknow? Hazard pay and all that? Do you guys get like...shift differential? Should totes bring that up with HR." She chimed to them, that incessant warm playfulness doing nothing for their stern watchfulness. Seemed they had been sure not to put anyone inexperienced on her .... flattering! But also much less fun.

Her smile softened and she closed her mouth, leaving her tongue to stick out in a cutesy little blep before she turned her attention back to the door and the meeting that lay ahead of her. She already had a fairly good idea of what to expect. A general recap of what Cyrus had laid out for her, as well as probably some details that he hadn't come up with on the spot.

She didn't care about any of that.

She was FAR more interested in everything ELSE that would be said. The vibe. The garnish around the conversational meal itself. The Vandenreich, for all of the professionalism it posed, seemed MUCH less strict than the one she remembered. Even if she as a sternritter had enjoyed a level of authority above standard rules, she had still had her days as a Soldat, and she could not help the bubbling curiosity that welled up inside of her. One part of her wanted to make a good impression: after all this individual would likely be responsible for micromanaging just how tight her metaphorical leash was. And another part of her, REALLY wanted to see how far she could push them. But sadly, the third portion, her reason, leaned toward the former. She didn't know this vandenreich, she had no idea what they would tolerate, and the last thing she needed was to be locked up when she wasn't on a mission.

A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) HEADER_EYSmWvQUwAEy5hw-22

And so good behavior was the name of the game.

After all. Even the original Vandenreich had PLENTY of rules placed on her. So long as the Vandenreich had enemies, she was sure to get her opportunities to cut loose. And the better she got along with these people, the more frequent those moments were liable to be, right? RIGHT!
God of Love
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A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) Empty Re: A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida )

Sun Oct 10, 2021 5:27 am
A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) UE9X4Dv


Reida was certainly a dutiful member of the Vandenreich. She cared about her job, cared about the mission they stood for, and she was perfectly willing to do whatever they told her needed doing. So when she got told she was going to be on babysitting duty, she didn't think much of it other than that she was obviously one of the best for the job.

The full briefing didn't actually make her particularly confident in her charge here. It did, however, make it really clear why they'd chosen Reida for this over anyone else. Honestly, she was probably one of the best equipped in the Vandenreich to handle this girl if she turned into an issue. Ah well.

If it came to that, it came to that.

"Afternoon. I'm Reida, looks like you n' me're gonna be workin' together fer a while."

Reida cut right to the chase as Giselle entered the room, whiskey in hand as her single eye stayed trained on the newest part of her work life. The paperwork hadn't said anything explicitly heinous, but when even the Grandmaster said someone needed a close eye on them, that probably meant something was real wrong.


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Sun Oct 10, 2021 5:55 am
A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) HEDAA_56814324_p1

Oh! She raised both brows for just an instant. As a quincy, she had at the very least a sharp spiritual sense, even if it perhaps wasn't something she honed. But instinctively, she sensed the woman infront of her had something she usually only ever felt out in the world of the living when she'd dealt with hollows: Danger. Who would have thought that Cyrus would hire someone so dangerous to so many of his own?~

She let her smile suddenly blare from a calm smile into a joyous grin! "Pleased to meet you! I didn't expect you to be so pretty!Your hair looks great, does it naturally have that color?" Her speech was sudden and rapid, though she paused and straightened after just a moment, that expression turning suddenly coy. "Whoops, sorry. Caught me a little off guard! My name is Giselle Gewelle, pleased to meet you Ma'am. Former Sternritter, back when that was totes a rank rather than a division!" She chimed, pausing for a moment before her attention shifted.

Was that alcohol? Was she a drunk? Why did she just have booze on her right now when on duty? Especially in a situation like this? She also spoke in a relaxed tone. She seemed a lot more lax than Gigi actually expected. There was even a sortof.....difference in how she spoke. An accent? It was hard to tell off one sentence.

She could figure that out later. This woman seemed to be fairly to the point, no reason to beat around the bush then.

"Sooooooooooooo, from what I gather, you're gonna be the one keeping an eye on me. Or like, your division." Eyes darted to the side, briefly glancing in the direction of the ones that had escorted her here. "Do I gotta wear handcuffs? Ask about bathroom breaks? " She asked, voice just as gay and joyous as ever. Ridiculous questions, but still conveying what it was she wanted to know: Just how much freedom would she have?
God of Love
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A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) Empty Re: A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida )

Sun Oct 10, 2021 8:35 am
A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) UE9X4Dv


God, give Reida strength. She could tell this was gonna be anything but an easy time. The reports were one thing, but actually talking to this girl was something else entirely. Ech. Taking a sip of her liquor, she stoof and simply continued to study her new charge.

"Yeah, I'll be one of 'em. Ain't gonna make you wear handcuffs or nothin', but let's get one thing all cleared up, 'kay missy? You slip up, I ain't gonna thing twice about puttin' a bullet right in the back of that pretty little head."

Reida knew there was no pretending the situation was anything other than that, no reason why she ought to act like the threat of violence was somehow absent or lessened. That'd only make the job harder.

"You do your job well, stay in line, we ain't gonna have any problems. Hell, I'll letcha do whatever ya want long as you stay close enough that I can keep an eye on ya. But the second ya start bein' a nuisance, causin' a ruckus that we've gotta clean up, then I ain't gonna be so generous."


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A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) Empty Re: A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida )

Sun Oct 10, 2021 8:54 am
A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) HEDAA_56814324_p1

Giselle’s smile did not waver in the slightest as the tone of the woman before her seemed to harden. Oh my, direct indeed. Giselle’s mind raced for just an instant as she could already imagine the woman casually pulling out a forearm. Oh yes, that definitely seemed like her vibe. But there was something else familiar. Something she couldn’t quite put together.

This woman seemed familiar. Or at least similar. She pushed the thought down, no reason to go spacing out. ”Oh I understand miss! This isn’t the first conversation I’ve had like this. I know the drill, I only use my schrift on the bad guys or absolute self defense of myself or Vandenreich personnel! I’m super happy getting to work in a group again. You wouldn’t believe how boring it gets out there.” she sighed, entire body slumping slightly in exaggerated fatigue.

And then just as quickly those eyes ipened back up to a half lidded state and locked onto Reida’s own. ”But I like you already! Even if you do have that ‘shoot me now’ look on your face. Buuuuut do you have any questions? I know you probably have records from old vandenreich but those are super incomplete. Is there anything you’d like explained about me or my schrift?” She asked. Eyes briefly shifting to the whiskey in the midst of her first comment.

She had her own questions of course, but she would wait her turn on that front.
God of Love
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A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) Empty Re: A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida )

Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:42 pm
A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) UE9X4Dv


Every word this girl spoke just annoyed Reida more, and it didn't take much for her to take another drink, a longer one this time. Christ almighty, she hadn't been ready for this at all.

"Yeah, let's not go callin' it 'workin' in a group.' I think you n' I both know that ain't what this is. I've read through the file enough to know you're a walkin' liability, but that ain't a big problem. Hell, so'm I 'round these parts. I don't care what ya do to the people we're dealin' with but I do wanna know somethin. How bad can ya make 'em suffer?"

Reida bent down slightly to bring her single eye nearer to Giselle, studying the woman's gaze with thinly-veiled disgust. She didn't have to like the girl to know she was a useful asset.

"How're you at stayin' low profile? Hope you're not high maintenance, 'cause we definitely ain't spendin' much time anywhere nice n' cushy like it is around here."


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Mon Oct 11, 2021 7:17 pm
A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) HEADER_0596-009

Giselle's expression shifted, her smile still very much there, and yet she could not help but feel a slow, steady, knife-like mirth crawling across her own throat like something chilling. Ah. Theeeere it was~ She knew it was there. That was the beauty of it all. Giselle didn't HAVE to be insulting to provoke people, and she could FEEL just every bit of her personality grating against this woman's. And yet, that mirth was so much deeper than that.

What she relished was getting underneath the professionalism. She wasn't looking for anger. She was simply waiting to see WHAT kind of woman that Reida was. And she was pleased with what she saw~ Hate. Pain. She could ooooonly wonder the sort of face this woman showed other people. But even more, she noticed something else. The cadence with which this woman spoke to her was......threatening. Sure she had MENTIONED it before, but this sounded....Sincere! She seemed to think that she had something over Giselle.

My my my, the files on her ability WERE incomplete~

But she didn't even bother reacting to that. She wasn't here for a measuring contest.

"That's what you want? Talk about boring. Making someone suffer is the easy part. I mean, I could go into a lot of detail about how I can melt someone down, break them to pieces and only let their nerves heal. Zombies don't die, so it's pretty easy to leave them in a pile of much, and then let their nerves regrow so that all they know is pain. But that's just unproductive. At most, gratuitous." She noted, before that smile became more pronounced again.

"If all you're looking for is suffering, then I guess my answer depends on how many of the subject's loved ones can be located, dead or alive~ Alive is prefferable, but I can still work with corpses." She explained, sounding almost bored as she did. "Parents. Lovers. Children I don't really prefer to work with, but well. Orders, I'm sure you know how that is." She waved a hand. The question about Lying low making her chuckle just a little.

"And yes, I'm pretty capable of lying low. My power doesn't just turn everything around me into a hellhole if I get a papercut. I could bleed all over you and so long as I don't want it to, it wouldn't do a thing~" she chimed. Could she have gone into detail? Most certainly~ But Reida had already side-stepped explanation.
God of Love
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A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) Empty Re: A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida )

Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:43 am
A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) UE9X4Dv


The overconfidence with which Giselle carried herself sickened Reida, and she made no attempt to hide it. As far as she was concerned, this wasn't someone she needed to care about. This was just someone to gun down if they got out of control, and to use as a way of getting the job done. A dog on a leash, nothing more.

"Don't remember askin' your opinion on it. I ain't the type to just torture people for no reason. I want info outta people, you follow? Long as I can make 'em squirm, then that's the game plan."

Reida certainly wasn't making any defense of her moral standing. In fact, she couldn't possibly have cared less about it. She had a job to do that made any interest in ethics seem, really, just plain stupid.

"Looks like the reports on ya were right on the money though, huh? More touched in the head than most of the people around here, and they've been through a whole lot. Works for me, though. I'd rather get things done than have someone normal around. If ya know how to lay low, we won't have any problems. Reckon you'll be exactly what I'm lookin' for, really."

Standing back up, Reida took another long drink of her liquor, though at this point her opinion on the woman had shifted from outright disgust to a simple dull dislike. It was hard to think ill of someone you barely considered a person to begin with, and she couldn't think of Giselle as much more than a potential nuisance.


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A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) Empty Re: A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida )

Tue Oct 12, 2021 6:41 am
A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) HEADER_0592-0172

Wow. Well that Cemented that.

In much the very same way that Reida felt she had a handle on Giselle's overconfidence, Gigi herself felt herself digging more and more into the woman. It was actually a little suspicious. This was like....TOO obvious right? People's disgust and assumptions about here were SO easy to exploit. People saw her as her powers, as a monster. And she was fine with that, it was even nice sometimes. But there were things you told, revealed, around a monster that you didn't say to other people. Little things you just......were more careful with. Like talking around your dog. Of course this could also be some sort of bizarre fake out or test. But she really wasn't getting that vibe. The woman was still in some sort of denial after all.

'Make people hurt'. At first she thought that Reida was being more ....upfront. But the moment that the woman started talking about getting info out of people. That was just it. There was absolutely no way that Reida actually wanted that. Knowing what Giselle could do? Knowing what her power was? That was a straight up lie. Giselle didn't NEED to torture people. She could just MAKE them tell her what they knew. And the rare sort of people that her powers DIDN'T let her do that? Usuallly were the type whose willpower or other qualities were too strong or bizarre for torture to work on anyway.

Her torturing someone was a literal waste of time. Unless info wasn't what you were really after. Oh boy, and here she thought that she was just going to have this woman keeping an eye on her as she performed her duties in the Sternritter. But it seemed as if even the holy Vandenreich was still rotten in some parts, but now she was wondering WHICH parts. How interesting. She hadn't even reacted to the woman's words about a game plan, but as Reida began speaking about Giselle being touched in the head, she perked up.

"I suppose so~ Happy to know I'm your dreamboat monster~" She chimed, fluttering her eyelashes at the rotting corpse standing behind the desk. So VERY curious what had fucked the woman up so bad to get to this point~ Oh she couldn't wait to find out.
God of Love
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A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) Empty Re: A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida )

Tue Oct 12, 2021 7:09 am
A Glass Ceiling or a Dirt One (Giselle / Reida ) UE9X4Dv


"Ain't even close. I woulda liked someone a little taller."

It wasn't even a statement worth addressing, really. It said so little that Reida may as well have said nothing at all. But, frankly, she would just rather talk down to this woman than leave anything she said unaddressed. It was just instinctive.

"Besides, monster? I think that's awful generous. You ain't a monster. Monsters are worth bein' afraid of."

Sitting back down in her chair, Reida set aside her bottle of whiskey and simply watched Giselle with the same expression of borderline disinterest that she had slowly come to develop. The girl was definitely a lot worse than she'd expected in a few areas, but honestly, not nearly as bad as she could've been in others. The main problem would've just been how feasible it was to deal with her if she got to be a problem.

Reida wasn't really afraid of that one, though.


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