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Joined : 2016-01-20
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[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty [Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto

Thu 23 Sep 2021, 1:46 pm
[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto IORZ1Qs


Basic Information

○ Name: Kaede Akimoto [楓秋元]
○ Aliases/Titles:
▕ The Wild Child
○ Age: 20
○ Birthday: September 19
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Human (Unrealized Fullbringer)

○ Affiliation: City of Lights - Citizen

○ Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
○ Marital Status: Single
○ Ideal Mate: Kind, strong, tall
○ Special Skill: Firearm disassembly
○ Nationality: Japanese
○ Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, male leaning

○ Height: 5'5
○ Weight: Underweight, dangerously so
○ Hair Color: Black
○ Eye Color: Blue

[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto ZGAABHf

Psychological Analysis

Adrenaline Junkie: The most common thing to be seen when it comes to Kaede is that she has a very addictive personality, particularly when it comes to achieving dopamine highs. Whether it be through death-defying stunts, risky thievery, or more illicit methods, she is incredibly obsessive and compulsive, especially when there is added danger or risk to her safety. While the consequences of these things are considerably less desirable, it isn't something that she considers in the short term.

Repressed Memories: Trauma often forces the brain to adapt and change in order to protect itself, and for Kaede, those memories were repressed and locked away. While she doesn't really talk about her personal life much, even if she were, she would be avoidant of the subject of her family, trying not to remember what drove her to run away in the first place. Perhaps, one day, she'll be forced to confront them, though it would certainly be to her dismay.

Creative & Tech Nerd: Kaede has long since had a fascination with technology, learning how things work, taking them apart, putting them back together again. Despite her bratty front, Kaede has an almost child-like creative spirit when introduced to new technology. It immediately makes her want to know how it works, if she can disassemble and reassemble it, as well as the ins and outs of every little piece that composes it, driving and spurring a desire to create, herself.

Unrestricted: Kaede isn't someone who cares much for filters or beating around the bush. If she has a problem with something, more likely than not, she'll say something about it, however vulgar or crude it may seem. Even if she ends up being wrong in the end, this is one trait of hers that she is wholly unapologetic of. She isn't always the best at keeping that bravado, though it varies greatly.


Akane Ishiguro (Akimoto): The sister that abandoned her. At a young age, Akane left their house, leaving her alone, something that Kaede never understood, nor forgave her for. With all of the abuse that she took at the hands of her family as a result, she began to resent her sister--however, in truth, she misses Akane dearly. She wonders why she left her alone, why she felt she had to leave, and why she never came back for her. Maybe, one day, she'll finally get the answers that eat away at her.

Isamu Hagane: A friend from her time on the streets, someone who often gave her shelter during worse times, and he eventually became someone she could confide in. While the two of them are quite the pair, a unique set of friends with benefits, Isamu is one of the few people that she feels she can go to if anything were to happen, whether it be safety or carnal release.

Ehefra Kleinmund: Someone that Kaede met by complete happenstance. Since she was someone who had little in regard to power or talent, seeing someone decimate a Hollow as if it were nothing made Kaede gawk in awe. However, despite her thinking that Ehefra is pretty cool, there's also a sense of fear in her -- a fear placed from the woman's sudden outburst and reprimands against becoming a Quincy. For that, she hasn't brought up the subject again.


One could say that Kaede's life was doomed from the start. Before she was born, a Hollow attack befell her parents and older sister and resulted in a car crash, leaving residual Hollow energy inside her. Born to a strained, stressed, and struggling family, even while young, Kaede was seen as a regret on her parent's part, unable to properly support her and give her a good childhood.

Despite her older sister, Akane, constantly reassuring Kaede that she was wanted and loved, she would feel little other than doubt. Even as a child, she felt a sense of unease and fear with the amount of arguments she would hear between her parents and sister, shouting matches between the three that always caused her to hide away. No matter how much she wanted to believe that Akane loved her, she would rarely see her.

With her family strained from the sudden tragedy, her sister was forced to work to become the new breadwinner of the family. She'd leave early in the day, and Kaede would go to school. Even when coming home, she wouldn't see Akane for hours, and even when she did, her coming home also gave way to even more arguments and shouting matches about her grades and work. She never saw the altercations, but what she heard was more than enough.

But, even with how tired she was from all the things she was juggling, she still managed to make time for Kaede, playing, talking, and generally spending time with her. As she grew older, though, she found herself under a similar weight and strain to her sister. The little innocence and carefreeness she had was quickly blotted out as she felt the pressure to do well in school, to get a good job, to support them. Any time she tried to voice dissent, she was left sore and sobbing.

Despite how absent she was, Akane still was her source of comfort. The sisters often talked and confided in one another, and Kaede looked up to her. She thought that her sister was strong and awesome for being able to smile and laugh with her, despite everything that they were going through.

But, then, she left.

She didn't take Kaede with her, she didn't tell her anything about it.

Not even a note saying goodbye.

A missing person's report was filed, but Akane never came back home. At first, she was hurt, but more than anything else, she was angry. How could she just leave her like that? Leave her with the expectations that were placed on her, for her to buckle under the pressure and abuse. She didn't have much time to think about it, as her parents were quick to shift the weight of expectations onto her.

This was hardly helped by the growing escalation. Now, not only did she have even greater weight than Akane had, but the escalation and anger from her parents as a result of losing their firstborn and the one who was bringing in money. More weight, more demands, more expectations, more shouting matches, more bruises.

Yet, it was different now. She didn't have anyone to comfort her, to help her, to give her encouragement and tell her that everything would be okay. She was alone, and she missed her sister deeply. Eventually, Kaede had enough of it. She had already been rebelling against them in secret, and it was one of the few things that kept her sane, as well as gave her a feeling of freedom and bliss she never knew before. It was also what gave her the courage to join her sister.

She ran away, and never looked back.

Without anywhere to go, Kaede spent most of her time on the streets. Occasionally, she would slip something from someone's pocket, but as time went on, she developed a penchant for thievery and pickpocketing. It wasn't exactly the most glamorous life, but living without that suffocating pressure and fear was liberating.

One day, however, she happened across Ehefra Kleinmund, a Quincy that saved her from becoming Hollow food. For some reason, the woman took pity on her, and let Kaede stay with her, before taking her back to the City of Lights to try and aid in getting her back on her feet. But, old habits die hard, and Kaede has had a hard time breaking those bad habits formed.

However, the idea of a becoming a Quincy was planted in her head, inadvertently, by Ehefra. Whether she'll pursue it, learn of and awaken her nature as a Fullbringer, or another avenue, has yet to be seen.


Master Pickpocket & Thief: From her years on the street, Kaede has gained a penchant for thievery. She was quick to learn how to use a lockpick, and is now able to get through any kind of lock in little time with minimal difficulty. With swift, dexterous hands and a nimble touch, she could steal someone blind and they would never know she was there.

Martial Skill: Without question, one of Kaede’s main skills is with weapons. While she isn’t formalized in any sort of martial art with weapons, Kaede’s main draw with weapons is her knowledge of the internal workings. She’s capable of disassembling and repairing firearms with surgical levels of precision and care, as if nothing had ever happened to them. However, while she generally prefers to fight with a weapon in hand, Kaede is capable of fighting with her bare hands. She has no formalized training, so she’ll mostly fight dirty, using any underhanded tactic she can in order to get the best of an opponent, or until she can get a weapon.


Camouflage: An ability created to help her stay out of trouble during her more illicit affairs, this simply allows Kaede to change her appearance, energy signature, and voice to disguise herself and keep hidden. The disguise is removed if she takes a hit, and those with particularly precise and refined Reikaku may be able to sense the tiny traces of her own original energy signature deep underneath.


Backpack: A large backpack with many pockets and sections, filled with various sentimental and personal items, including items that she used to live as comfortable of a life as she could while homeless and on the streets. Additionally, it serves as a storage for various things that she's stolen, only part of why she doesn't want anyone touching it.

Makeup: Aside from liking to pretty herself up, Kaede also uses it as a way of hiding still-healing or older injuries.

Lockpicks: An extensive collection of various types of picks and tension wrenches, suited for just about every kind of lock there is to pick.

Skull Cracker: A metal baseball bat, silver in color with black wrappings around the hilt, with the name written in bright blue spray paint along the side. A Hollow attack in the Living World has left it broken in half, yet Kaede still keeps it.

Reishi Bat: A bat made for her by Ehefra Kleinmund after Skull Cracker was destroyed. Considerably more durable, and more easily repaired given enough time. Has no supernatural qualities beyond this.


Upgrade List:


General Attributes
  • Durability: D
  • Speed: D
  • Strength: D
  • Soul: D

Fullbring Skills
  • Bringer Light: Untrained
  • Fullbring Affinity: Untrained
  • Full Manifestation: Untrained
  • Hollow Factor: Untrained

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept


Last edited by Henrex on Fri 23 Aug 2024, 2:02 pm; edited 33 times in total
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Joined : 2016-02-15
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[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto

Thu 30 Sep 2021, 2:15 pm
If you have any concerns reach out to me and they can be discussed in more depth.

Don't forget to claim your FCs and positions.

Initial Check:
Second Check:
Final Check:

Last edited by Gamma on Thu 30 Sep 2021, 3:03 pm; edited 4 times in total

[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Gamma_Signature
[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto CHARACTER_LIST[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto GRAPHICS_THREAD[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto TIMELINE_THREAD
Joined : 2016-01-20
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[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto

Thu 30 Sep 2021, 2:26 pm
Thrill of the Hunt

Clarified. This wasn't meant to be an indefinite boost, I messed up with the wording. It now says the following:

"...increasing her strength and speed by a single level when four posts pass, lasting for five posts, going on a three post cooldown afterward. This ability also bars itself at Elite (as in, should she have Elite in either skill, it cannot go to Master or Grand Master), and cannot go any higher than that."


Skull Cracker

Edited. Now says the following:

"...and as such, is tremendously durable, requiring around Advanced Strength to break it."

Unsure of how to really approach this, since, it's just supposed to be a really durable baseball bat. I didn't think it was too out of question for a regular baseball bat to be made with materials that can achieve this, especially when we're 400 years in the future. Skills don't give me much to work with because of the limited number of skills and the rather vast jumps between Adept and Advanced, especially compared to Strength skills of that caliber, and going with flat numbers seemed antithetical to the shift that PH has been making. So, I hope Advanced is alright for this.
Joined : 2016-01-20
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[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto

Thu 30 Sep 2021, 2:56 pm
Thrill of the Hunt

Edited, now says the following:

"...increasing her strength and speed, allowing her to reach higher echelons of her current Strength level. This ability starts when four posts pass, lasting for four posts, going on a three post cooldown afterward. This ability also bars itself at Elite and cannot affect any higher skill than that."


Skull Cracker

Edited. Now says this:

"While having no unique gimmick, the tool was designed to withstand spiritual beings, and as such, is meant to be durable, requiring around Adept Strength to break it."
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[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto

Wed 03 Nov 2021, 9:08 pm
Kaede's first upgrade!

Spookyburst Claim
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[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Left_bar_bleue42100/16000[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto

Mon 25 Sep 2023, 1:27 am

Hazard Ranks
Power: E
Influence: F
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Caught you!

Spirit Class: 9
Hazard Rating: E
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4843
Age : 24

Member Info
Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto

Sun 18 Aug 2024, 12:22 am

General Attributes altered due to skill system updates.
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[Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Kaede Akimoto

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