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God of Love
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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue16000/1If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty Re: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair]

Tue Sep 28, 2021 10:08 pm
If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 XfszaH3


"I told ya, just Reida's fine. 'Specially after last night. Don't think ya need to be all that polite with me."

Practically dragging herself from the couch, Reida was certainly not what one would call pleased to be awake. She didn't get hungover, just by merit of her regenerative abilities, but she still woke up immensely dehydrated, and in turn, with a headache so splitting it made Moses at the Red Sea look mighty underwhelming.

"I'll be alright with my own clothes, but thank ya. Figure if I leave in yours, that might send some sorta message ya probably don't want gettin' around, huh? A shower don't sound so bad, though."

Look at him, what a charmer. The girls must've been wild for him, even if he didn't realize it.

"Over easy's perfect for me, thank ya kindly. Don't wait up if ya finish before I get out, alrighty? Just point me in the right direction, ain't trying to invade your privacy."

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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty Re: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair]

Tue Sep 28, 2021 10:34 pm
If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 PspzbSu


"Sorry, it just comes naturally sometimes."

He scratched at the back of his head and averted his gaze for a moment, eyes sheepishly hitting the floor. Even after all they had been through last night, it felt improper to refer to her in such an informal tone. But he did not want to offend her by refusing such a request.

"The bathroom is the first door on the left, but you will probably want to grab a towel from the room opposite. Should be in the top drawer on the right once you step inside."

There was a laziness to his description, that was accompanied by a spatula wielding hand going through the motions like he was guiding her. What he had neglected to mention was that the second room was his bedroom, in which his clothes from last night were still strewn across the otherwise undisturbed bed, though the thought had not particularly crossed his mind when he was just dealing with the Reida in front of him.

"If you want to take your time, that is fine. Regardless, I will be waiting out here when you are ready."

His tone suddenly grew assertive once more, though really all he wanted to do was to show her that he had been serious last night. That he was here for her if she wanted him to be.

Over easy, huh? That was probably some funny way of referring to fried ones.

Morning After Artisan | END POST

God of Love
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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty Re: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair]

Wed Sep 29, 2021 11:28 am
If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 XfszaH3


"S'fine, not the end of the world or nothin'. Just givin' ya a reminder."

Reida rubbed her eye exhaustedly as she nodded at Alastair's instructions, pretty good at taking in instructions even when she was in the worst possible state. Call it something she'd practiced a lot. Giving him a wave as she went to go grab a towel, it honestly took her a moment before she even realized that this was his bedroom.

"Well, guess that privacy thing's out the window, huh?"

Laughing quietly to herself, she simply took the towel from the drawer and made her way right to the bathroom, not trying to linger on that for too long. Honestly, it didn't matter much to her. Not like it looked any worse in there than it did at her place.

She was used to taking care of herself away from home, of course, but there was something about it being a place she was actually some semblance of comfortable. Even completely alone in the bathroom, there was the faintest hesitation as she removed her eyepatch and she stared at the mutilated, scorched hole that stood in stark contrast to what she knew were not especially intimidating features.

It'd been a while since she really looked at it, and she got into the shower with a bit more anger than she'd exactly intended to.

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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty Re: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair]

Wed Sep 29, 2021 2:32 pm
If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 PspzbSu


He watched Reida leave, a gentle sigh escaping his lips, before Alastair turned his mind back to the food and his thoughts.

What exactly had happened last night? Well, he knew that rather well all things considered, but it was still not the direction he had expected things to go. Sophie would understand, right? It had just been a series of nice gestures to help a woman who was in pain. Why had she been in pain last night? Well, perhaps because he had dredged up those feelings in some selfish effort to help himself cope. And how had she ended up back here? He had invited her of course, as any proper gentleman would.

Yet why did he feel like he had to justify his actions? Was it because, on more than one occasion, he had felt something that he knew he should not have and the worst feeling was not knowing if it was something or nothing. That cut deeper than it should have, far deeper than he was comfortable processing, so he buried it in the depths of his mind along with all the other problems he did not wish to deal with.

The food came along better than his thoughts, though. As, soon enough, a full American breakfast came together. Some homemade potato hash, bacon rashers, sausages, toast, and -as requested- eggs done over easy. It had taken him a few minutes of research to understand the concept, but it was a small price to pay for a proper meal. Dividing it all up between a pair of plates, he stuck them both in the oven to keep warm until Reida was ready and set the kettle brewing for a morning coffee. Lord knew he needed one, now more than ever.

Morning After Artisan | END POST

God of Love
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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty Re: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair]

Thu Sep 30, 2021 11:41 am
If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 W5FTP7c


Reida wasn't especially drawn to long showers, and it took only a short while for her to wash up. Her head idly ran over her lost eye for a short moment, but ultimately she let those memories wash over her with the water itself. Reminiscing wouldn't get her anywhere. Stepping out and drying herself with little care, Reida simply ran the towel over her hair until it was dry enough. She knew how to make sure it was handled right, but she really didn't care.

Dressing back up, and throwing her eyepatch back on almost lazily, Reida stepped once more out into the kitchen, only a touch incomfortable at the feeling of her hair flying around loosely instead of neat in its typical braid.

"Now ain't this a good lookin' breakfast? You're real good at all this home life stuff."

Sitting down at the table, she gave him a reassuring little grin, which certainly gave away none of the haunting thoughts still sitting in the back of her mind from the shower. Then again, they were always there, so that was nothing new.


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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty Re: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair]

Thu Sep 30, 2021 3:46 pm
If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 PspzbSu


Serving the breakfast up to her at the table, Alastair matched her smile and took a seat opposite. He had poured them both cups of coffee and left out the milk and sugar for her should Reida have any use for them. Alastair, for his part, took his coffee black and kept it rather weak. A carryover from his experiences in the war that he had never shaken, when that was the best cup of coffee a soldier could get.

"You reckon? I just think a good breakfast is the best way to recover from a rough night, so I thought we could do with it."

She was putting on a smile, he wagered because that was what he would be doing in her situation, but it would do him no good to call it out again. They had made a start on something last night, but was it a suitable breakfast conversation? Instead, he found himself admiring her different hairstyle. Having it all down rather than keeping it in a braid was a statement, but that was definitely not something he should be thinking about. Eager to avoid that, he quickly reverted to the original topic without much thought.

"I meant what I said back then, though. About you being able to call me and the rest."

Whilst it was true, what was he doing? At least give the woman a moment's respite to enjoy her meal.

Morning After Artisan | END POST

God of Love
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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty Re: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair]

Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:41 am
If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 W5FTP7c


"Well, I'd say ya thought right. Big breakfast'll go a real long way for ya. Most important meal."

Reida had carried a smile at the start of that little spiel, but as it had left her lips, it had rather quickly reminded her of better times. Then again, everything did. Laying everything out, getting the kids up, kissing them on the forehead and sending them off to school--

No. None of that.

At the very least, Reida could take a bit of reassurance in the knowledge that she hadn't shattered the coffee cup in her hand. It'd hardly have been the first time when she got caught up in all those memories. Staring into the coffee as she replied, her words were accompanied by a small, sad smile.

"I'll take ya up on that. Reckon I'll probably need it more'n I'd care to admit."


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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty Re: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair]

Fri Oct 01, 2021 9:06 am
If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 PspzbSu


Watching as she stared into the coffee with enough intensity it might have frozen solid, he felt guilty for dredging up those feelings even if she had done as much to herself. He really was not good at this, but he still wanted to help. He forced a smile back to his lips, even as he felt his gut wrench, and reached a hand across the table to place it on top of Reida's own. If nothing else, at least he would have a grip on the coffee cup as well.

"Good, do not ever worry that you are bothering me. I can always make time for a friend in need. Even if you just want another breakfast."

He squeezed just a little before releasing the hand and returning to his food, picking at it almost lazily. It was an unusual meal for him, often a fan of something more continental, but there was a heartiness to it that he did not mind.

Though he had tried to end on a softer note, his words were no less serious than before. It did feel peculiar to label someone a friend after knowing them for less than a day, but he felt like he already knew Reida better than most of his actual friends. It was a strange sensation, having someone place that much trust in you that they would bare their heart, but it was now on him to prove worthy of that faith.

Morning After Artisan | END POST

God of Love
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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty Re: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair]

Sun Oct 03, 2021 2:15 pm
If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 W5FTP7c


"Oh yeah? That so?"

Reida's expression lightened a bit, rather appreciating his honest and straightforward nature. A lot of people around here were a little too guarded, and it wasn't like she blamed 'em after what they'd all been through. But she liked things a little more open, a little more clear. Always had.

"May as well make this a regular lil' thing then, huh? Maybe not all the drinkin' n' grief, but breakfast like this is real nice. I'll see if I can't try n' get back into the swinga things. Used to make some mighty good shrimp n' grits."

It'd been a while since Reida made much in the way of plans with anyone. She did everything alone, not to too much surprise. But that didn't seem right after last night, did it?


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If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 Empty Re: If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair]

Sun Oct 03, 2021 6:57 pm
If Drinkin' Don't Kill Me [Reida, Alastair] - Page 5 PspzbSu


Alastair chuckled lightly at Reida's last remark. He did not know exactly what a meal of 'shrimp n' grits' entailed but the shrimp part at least made it sound somewhat appetising. It took the edge off all the heavy matters they had discussed too, which was a welcome reprieve.

"That would be a refreshing change of pace. A proper breakfast once in a while goes a long way, I suppose. To fine food and finer company."

He raised his mug of coffee in a toast of sorts, a fitting parallel to the first drinks they had shared, and took a much more reserved sip. It would probably be good for both of them, a few moments of peace and quiet amidst the pandemonium that was often the norm for Vandenreich field operatives. The start of a strange friendship found in the depths of a bottle.

Morning After Artisan | END POST

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