Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The First Trial  Empty The First Trial

Tue Jul 06, 2021 5:23 pm

The First Trial  6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

The City Port where exports large and small came and went. Activity bustled in this place with no signs of slowing, despite the number of famous or infamous people leaving the area. An apparent decrease in the population was noticeable to even the lame man. The cause could be speculated up and down by the refugees without end. His part in this was small, a mission given by his mother. The thought of her made his skin crawl, and his body tremble. Inhaling, his mind went to the two friends in the Academy. He couldn't let her cause them trouble; he had to accomplish this.

They'd come to him not seeking the Kuchiki fame or fortune. The first people who only saw Koyo, he was protective of them. In his own way, so when a task came down. He was very anxious to see it completed and get back there. So it went, the Port City streets he walked down them all. Going door by door, looking for the former Captain of the Stealth Force. Henrex Astillion. Inside him, he knew that the odds of finding him here were slim.

The man held no known connection to this place that he was aware of. He'd heard and learned of the man since the duty of the Kuchiki was record keeping. He had a keen memory and could recall most of the Captains. His desperation was to appease her. So he could be with his friends and protect them.
On the one hand, he wished to keep them away from him. Because he knew his mother could make things hard. His mother had pushed friends away from him before.

Just a clue, something to give him an inkling of where this man was. He'd take anything at this point. He needed a hint to find this man. The duty he was tasked with could begin then. To seek training from the Former Captain. His mother had her own goals and desires. So long as he remained behaved, he could pursue his personal goal.

His inner desperation calmed as he continued walking through the crowds to thinner populated places. Coming by a home that had been ruined by some attack. His frame stopped cold in this spot, the heat involved to do this. Something ferocious must have been here. He noticed it more that fewer people were in this area. What had happened in this Harbor.

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The First Trial  Empty Re: The First Trial

Tue Jul 06, 2021 9:55 pm

The First Trial  JCRrxmK


Artist: Skyward Sword - Song: Follow Fi

The world had changed since he was gone -- something that, even now, he was still trying to adapt to and swallow. His sister and Arianda had moved to a hotel room after their home had melted from some accident that Arianda's daughter, Calypso, didn't want to talk about. Ulv was dead, the city now drained of life and light as a result, and that was only the beginning, he felt.

As he flew over the city, jet black wings unfurled and gently taking him through the sky, Henrex let out a soft sigh. He had to get in touch with Abalia -- he couldn't get in contact with Desmond, so it was a lot more difficult for him to find someone of the proper rank to permit reactivation in Vastime for him. But, as the thought came to him, another possible idea came to mind, but, it would be saved for when he was able to get in contact with the White-Gold Queen.

For now, he simply had come back to Minatumi in order to get his things, to begin the process of moving to wherever the Vael's new home was to be. He didn't have too many things, so it wasn't exactly a difficult moving process. He landed at the doorstep of what would soon be his former home, coiling his wings to his sides to get through the door as he pulled out the Container -- an item that allowed him to bring just about anything with him. So, he wasted no time in starting the packing process. The door had been left open -- after all, he wasn't going to be there for too much longer.

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The First Trial  Empty Re: The First Trial

Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:33 pm

The First Trial  6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

It didn't take long for him to notice the figure flying through the sky. Koyo couldn't tell for sure, but it was the closest thing to a lead thus far. He began running through the streets. Keepi9ng up wasn't possible. He was on the ground, and even if he executed flash steps. It would still not keep up with this person and trajectory. His feet came to a sliding halt. He had to be three or four minutes behind at least. Koyo's focus had switched to this figure. He began walking towards the door casually, but something told him to stop. His eyes looked inside the building. Did he bow towards this former Captain? Was that proper behavior for a Kuchiki, no but wouldn't it accomplish the best results? His hands closed as he stood in the doorway for a minute.

Finding his voice, it didn't come out sounding strong. The Five-foot, three-inch male spoke calmly into the building. "Begging your pardon, I believe you are the one I have been seeking. My name is Koyo Kuchiki; I wish to have a word." He said, the words coming out more confident than he felt inside. The odds were good; if this was him, he couldn't convince him. So what was he supposed to do in this situation? How could he convince the man to teach him? This was an imposition upon the Former Captain.

Logically he couldn't find a single reason, but his friendships were threatened by this. He couldn't afford to lose; his mother would call them distractions. He had to play within the lines of the rules he knew. He couldn't dishonor the Kuchiki, couldn't speak to the Head or his Sister. The rules his mother set were critical. If the broke them and she found out, he felt a trembling and drip of cold sweat down his spine. He had to succeed in convincing Henrex Astillion.

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The First Trial  Empty Re: The First Trial

Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:49 pm

The First Trial  JCRrxmK


Artist: Skyward Sword - Song: Follow Fi

It felt strange to be clearing out his home, not too terribly long after his unfair dismissal from the Gotei. Nevertheless, it was a necessity. With Ulv gone, many were already moving out. The city's status as a neutral ground for any and all would likely fade away as he knew that it would fall back into the hands of whoever was in charge of Japan nowadays, whether it be Shadin or one of the other Yuudeshis that were present in Japan.

He quietly went down the stairs, pointing the Container at a bonsai tree that he kept in the windowsill, hoping that he would be able to find a place for some of the more...perishable items like this. But, as he sensed someone coming close, he began to grow more wary and cautious, keeping his free hand near his sword, having materialized it by his side. Hearing someone enter, his hand wrapped around the scabbard, pressing his thumb against the handguard and pushing the blade out slightly of the sheath as he turned around.

Whoever it was, they didn't seem hostile. Letting go of his sword, he turned around to continue storing his belongings as he spoke. A Kuchiki -- likely with the Gotei. Sighing, he turned around, setting the Container on the table next to him.

"You have pretty bad timing, and you haven't even told me who you're looking for. You're just assuming that I am the person you're seeking. Besides, what would the Gotei, much less the Kuchiki, want with a former half-breed Captain?"

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The First Trial  Hm7QDbg
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The First Trial  Empty Re: The First Trial

Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:55 pm

The First Trial  6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

The man did match the description given to him, and the wings were a giveaway. A half-breed, it wasn't a Vizard since those were in that organization. Ziamichi was also unlikely since they could still apply. A few in the academy were members of the species though they were rare. He shook his head, dismissing the thought for now. Failure would have consequences he couldn't afford. The rules of this game felt tight around his throat. How could he convince this man to take him on as his student? Deceit and telling him falsehoods would only cause problems. He got the sense the former Captain could sniff a liar out a mile away.

"My mother has requested that I locate the former Captain Henrex Astillion. " He said, making his purpose clear as to who he was looking for. His clothing, while not his academy clothing, didn't yet represent the Gotei outside of those halls.

"The reason for this was to seek out training. At this time, I am a student of Shino Academy. "
He said the words calmly even though under it his nerves were piling. His brain was working double-time on trying and finding a way to convince him. This was the part he was dreading so much more. How do you convince someone dismissed from a job to take a student from an academy of that place? It wasn't like this was covered in tests. And if it turned out this was highly illegal, his mother would burn Koyo. She didn't care as far as she was concerned; another child wasn't an issue. In his heart, he knew that and was frightened of how expendable he was.

"I..don't know what words to choose, I don't feel like I am charismatic enough to say you. I don't feel good enough to lie to you, and I can't promise you anything. " He didn't sulk so much as think about hanging his head in defeat. But he couldn't find the correct words to sway this man. His mother would punish him in the way that was most dependable and effective. His friends would be what she choose to slightly influence.

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The First Trial  Empty Re: The First Trial

Tue Jul 20, 2021 6:34 pm

The First Trial  JCRrxmK


Artist: Skyward Sword - Song: Follow Fi

Henrex found himself blinking in surprise at the man's explanation. By orders of their mother, they were here to find him. But...why him, of all people? Someone who wasn't even a member of the Gotei? It didn't make any sense to him. Making sure that he was still listening to the young man as he took a cursory glance around the room, making a mental note of the things that he still needed to gather up and store away. The kid was honest if nothing else, that much was obvious with how much they just blurted out information they thought was relevant.

"Not sure why your mother would want to be looking for a former Captain for some kind of training, especially when you're still in Shin'o Academy."

Sighing softly and pulling out a chair, Henrex sat down, propping his head on an open palm.

"If you're a Kuchiki and a student at the Academy, then why are you coming to me for this? You probably have no shortage of people who are willing, wanting, or able to teach you."

He paused, his gaze turning to the floor. It wasn't exactly that he didn't want to teach him, he just wanted to know why him of all people. A dismissed Captain that had been gone for over a year, unsure if he even could enter Soul Society again, much less Vastime. Part of him was scared that he would lose what standing he had left in the world.

"I still have to talk to Abalia about matters relating to Vastime, and Shunsui for matters relating to the Gotei. I don't know what changes have happened in the world since my dismissal and my...absence. I need to get caught up. One of my close friends is dead, I don't know why, and I'm trying to get my things gathered so I can move out and be with my family."

He sighed softly, the word "family" leaving his lips bringing his thoughts to Yoriko, his adoptive daughter that he hadn't seen in over a year, and his heart ached to see her again but refrained due to uncertainties with his connection to the Gotei.

"I don't even know if I'm allowed to be in contact with members of the Gotei at this time. You can probably find a better teacher than someone who might just be trying to string you into something illegal."

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The First Trial  Hm7QDbg
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The First Trial  Empty Re: The First Trial

Tue Jul 20, 2021 6:49 pm

The First Trial  6EdIfMt


Artist: Tokyo Ghoul - Song: Glassy Sky

Koyo was polite, if nothing else, remaining silent and letting the man speak. He wasn't sure why his mother chose Henrex either. There were plenty of fine trainers at the academy, even Rukia. But the rules he followed did remain about Rukia and Byakuya. Bothering them was simply out of the question in all regards his mother made that clear.

"I don't know; I am forbidden from causing trouble to Rukia or Byakuya Kuchiki. I believe she sought someone of the Captain level. I cannot conclude my mother's reasons; I only obey them. " He said, offering what little he could on the situation as it stood. He'd trained with Asami-sensei for a while. But she wasn't at the level of a Captain if Henrex wasn't possible. There were only two other choices available to him.

While Captain Kobayashi expressed more interest in him, Captain Sukia had Asami-sensei in her Squad. Making it a bit easier to connect with those in that place. Convincing Henrex was still his only choice, but the problem lay in several areas. Did the Head Captain decide any form of contact as illegal? These were questions on his mind.

Koyo swallowed; a trembling went through him as he closed his eyes. "My... mother's goal is for me to land somewhere high ranking in the Gotei..or a position of power. At...least...that's what I think." He looked down, feeling a small pulse of fear in his body. His conditioning had made him so frightened to speak on his mother. So it was hard for him to put together sentences.

Anxiety was a sensation he felt coursing through him. Slowly a hand touched his shoulder. Invisible to the eyes of the former Captain. Asashio reassured his wielder and smiled. "I..think...she choose you over present Captains due to reputation with the sword." He wasn't sure on that part, though, but most Kuchiki were skilled in Swordsmanship. Excellent fighters using the blade and showcasing those traditional Kuchiki fundamentals.

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