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Queen Of The Sands
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[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Left_bar_bleue60/100[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Empty_bar_bleue  (60/100)

[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Empty [Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family

Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:58 am

Ashlei Clixx

[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Sad-emo-anime-girl-1-1-2

~ I've lost all form and unity where has my life gone, I'll bring you doom that you can see, and bring you down to see you bleed ~

Ashlei stood perfectly still throughout the next few events to come. All around here was falling apart even faster than she had guessed. The sky was jet black, monsters now smashing buildings apart from the ground and whats this? Surrounding both Ashlei and Claire was now a giant bone cage? Ashlei looked around the giant structure and let out a sigh. Being sealed off from the rest of London must mean something was about to happen on a large scale. Of course it was! Watching Claire just a moment earlier, She had released to her Bankai state to counter Ashlei's Resserecion. Both were now in their better form and just by standing near each other their reitsu was breaking up the world around them. Claire was most certainly here to kill Ashlei and remove her from existence which any person wouldn't see as much of a surprise. However, Ashlei never saw her own mother that way. Where had her kindness gone? Wheres the mother she loved? This was not Claire. It couldnt be. She would never draw her blade to this level against Ashlei.

The Espada let out a sigh while she looked towards the ground. This was going to scar her forever more than it already has. No one should have to see their own family in this state for both sides. Ashlei looked up at Claire with a straight face but it was obvious she had been previously crying as she looked around. Four lines from each eye was smearing some of her red make up down her cheeks. The mere stinging in her eyes was barely anything for what she was planning to fight. But then something caught her eye just next to her. He... was back again.

"Ashlei" Crouching beside Ashlei was Tetsuka once more. The man in all black that looked like a living shadow. He was perched as though he was standing on a tip and staring at a city below. This wasn't the case as he was on ground level though. However his appearance hadn't scared Ashlei this time. the way he said her name before even moving. This wasn't like him either. "What... What is it?"
"This battle. it's likely that you will not survive alone. For the well being of both of us this day... Im gonna have to help you out..." Tetsuka spat at the ground after saying that sentence. he wasn't really in the mood to even aid anyone in this state but knowing fully well that Claire was a total lunatic at the moment, He had to at least try to keep his host alive for his own personal reasons. Ashlei looked at him almost stunned but she accepted his methods. For the first time, Ashlei said "Thank you" to Tetsuka.

Today was a day for Lifetime Firsts as well. Ashlei in resserecion and Claire in bankai plus london in flames? Those three have not occurred in so long if ever. But now was a time to start using those forms. Ashlei looked back up to her mother and Tetsuka walked around her to stand behind the Espada. He had to be wary of he triple tails as those sickled ends were as sharp as her four floating crusafix blades. Nevertheless, tetsuka could only be seen by Ashlei unless the opponent had access to Ashlei's inner world which Arrancar shouldn't even have. now, its just a spot for Tetsuka to hide within her.

Ashlei held her arm to her right once more and began to channel her reitsu around her body. Pink flames spat out of her body at a rate that shattered parts of the floor. The girl within the flames showed a face with such desperation and resolve it could shatter a mans soul. SHe was no longer goping to be the little girl that always needed her mothers protection. The tables had turned around this time. Ashlei was going to rescue her mother and not even blood queen can stop this bond from becoming strong once more.

"Get ready Blood Bitch... Im going to kill you... for being anywhere near my mother"
"Haha... thats it my girl... Lets blow this bitch out of existence!"


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Queen Of The Sands
Joined : 2010-06-03
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[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Left_bar_bleue60/100[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Empty_bar_bleue  (60/100)

[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Empty Re: [Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family

Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:20 pm

Ashlei Clixx

[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Sad-emo-anime-girl-1-1-2

~ I've lost all form and unity where has my life gone, I'll bring you doom that you can see, and bring you down to see you bleed ~
Ashlei did not make any notion that she was going to move from where she was standing. Tetsuka stood beside her and looked around with a grin on his face bigger than any face would actually allow. The sight of seeing people just die over and over around him got his adrenaline pumping. After all, he was here to cause pain and suffering to those he deemed worthy of his methods. Seeing as he has already possessed Ashlei, he can torture her from within however he pleases. Very similar to how Blood Queen works with Claire but they have their differences. For instance, Tetsuka would aid Ashlei in clearing out her enemy as best he can whereas most parasitic creatures would be more than happy of them to die. Tetsuka finished his rounds of watching the fighting before looking back at Ashlei. However before he laid hi9s eyes on her he looked back thinking 'She's gonna be in a rage, better not stare'. However, when he anticipated a large crash of her kicking off and dashing right through Claire, he was greeted by the sound of nothing at all.

tetsuka turned to look at his host with a confused expression which was a change from his usual grin. "Hey? Are you alright?" Tetsuka for once in his life showed worry for his victim. Why would such a person do this if he was planning to kill her off anyway? Ashlei was just looking forwards. Her entire body was still shaped like the pride and power of the Espada and still appeared more threatening than ever. But something had caught her attention that made her lose all aspect of the scene at hand. Every Ashlei that fell and Every violent Claire that attacked made Ashlei open her eyes even more. She said nothing except watched as her reitsu that was just a moment ago flaming with her emotions dropped to a point where only the pink flares of her eyes were lit up.

"Hey Ashlei?" Tetsuka waved his hand in front of her face. She didn't move or take notice. She just looked straight forwards. "Whats gotten into you?" What had actually occured, was Ashlei striking a thought. She had realised something that made her heart stop. All these people around her wouldn't usually have much of an affect on the girl as she had been there and done that before. Death of herself was nothing compared to the death of those she cherished. No... that wasn't her worry.

The problem was that just seeing this occur before her was making her scared. If this opponent could pull something like this out of the blue, what else could she be capable of? Could Ashlei even stand up to something like this? She didn't even have to ask herself the question as she knew very well her power wasn't going to work this day. The strength of the strongest Arrancar wasn't going to be enough for what she was about to do. But even though she was scared; Even though Ashlei knew she wasn't going to survive this battle... She still stood her ground. Nothing left her lips. No words were spoken. Instead, she grabbed a hold of one of the floating blades around her body and held it backwards like some ninja sneak stance and crouched slightly.

Tetsuka watched. He knew she was becoming more and more serious. This wouldn't require him in the slightest so the dark man faded back into the realm where he belonged. As he took a step backwards and his body fell into shadow, he spoke silently to his host. "Do not die..." Then the man was completely gone leaving the young girl standing in the middle of a massacre of herself. A nightmare that even she was having trouble to stand still in. Tetsuka noticed something as he faded. He looked at Ashlei's face and hands. She was crying.... she was shaking... and she wasn't ready for this.... not in the slightest...

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Queen Of The Sands
Joined : 2010-06-03
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[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Left_bar_bleue60/100[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Empty_bar_bleue  (60/100)

[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Empty Re: [Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family

Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:51 pm

Ashlei Clixx

[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Sad-emo-anime-girl-1-1-2

~ I've lost all form and unity where has my life gone, I'll bring you doom that you can see, and bring you down to see you bleed ~
Ashlei being Ashlei made little attempt to stop anything that her opponent was doing. Things were getting rough and any sane person would have fallen apart by now or at least screamed their head off and fled. Sadly, Ashlei is a very stubborn girl and wasn't just going to run away without some kind of attempt. But when she finally brought the strength to make a move, she was stopped in place. Her right arm still across her face holding one of her blades, Ashlei froze. This was a very big problem as Ashlei desperately needed to fuel her body to keep her resserecion going or she could drop it right there. Her power was built to stay on when she needed it and stopped her from using it would cause it to stop working.

Ashlei could say anything so she merely thought to herself 'Shit this is bad already' and continued to stare forwards without blinking. At any time Blood Queen could just dash in and take her out which wasn't how she envisioned the bout to end. Luckily, she made a different move which made Ashlei want to grin. The copies of Ashlei and her mother around her started to move towards her with a killing intent. Each one called her useless repeatedly as they moved closer and closer bearing weapons. The real Ashlei saw right into this trick. It was to make her feel useless and drop her guard even more. Well that wasn't going to happen.

The copies got right up close and started to swing their weapons and throw fists at the surrounded girl and soon engulfed her within a mass of what looked like zombies hacking away at a lone survivor. However Ashlei did not scream. Nor did she even try to move her body from the standing coma she was in. Instead, she just willed an attack back at the things trying to kill her. They are not Ashlei and they are certainly not Claire. None of them deserve to even breath on this world and will meet an appropriate end. The four blades Ashlei uses hover around her body and if anything, are spiritual and cannot be halted by stunning her main body. All Ashlei needs to is the will to move her blades and they will move. three of the swords were out of her grip and moved themselves to point right upwards and hover in front of Ashlei's chest. The other in her hand had to break free from her nimble hand before it could join in with the attack.

Then within a matter of seconds, Blood shot into the air and and came falling back down onto the group that was attacking the girl. Not all of it was from the things her swords were attacking. Each time one of the people struck Ashlei, a blade would shoot through their face and out the back of their head before circling round and hitting others. This meant Ashlei was still being beaten within.

After the crowd had been dealt with, Ashlei alone was standing but in a different status. Her clothes were torn in nearly every direction and blood was trickling from her forehead down her face. Her arms was drenched in blood and so were her clothes. However barely any of it was that of those she attacked. Each blade moving struck their owner at least twice upon killing a single target meaning Ashlei effectively stabbed herself twice for every killed copy.

Ashlei still didnt speak. She just thought to herself 'This isnt going well' and stared at her target still waiting for something to occur. Even if it meant killing herself she would stop Blood Queen this day...

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Head Admin
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[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Empty Re: [Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family

Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:33 pm
I will also be joining this thread with Mana after Chaoz makes his post as I have finished up things in London.

[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family WVMWLOu
Queen Of The Sands
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[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Left_bar_bleue60/100[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Empty_bar_bleue  (60/100)

[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Empty Re: [Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family

Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:20 am

Ashlei Clixx

[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Sad-emo-anime-girl-1-1-2

~ I've lost all form and unity where has my life gone, I'll bring you doom that you can see, and bring you down to see you bleed ~
Ashlei was well aware of what was suddenly happening around here as even gravity itself seemed to move. The girl had been playing herself for too long and desperately needed to tip the scales in her favour at least once before anything catastrophic happened. So as soon as her reitsu was tampered with and the world started to shift gravity, Ashlei pushed her entire soul into bringing this into an advantage. Within an instant, Ashlei was smashed into the wall of the cage but the pressure that was created upon impact masked the entire wall of the cage in dust and dirt from the floor obscuring any vision of the girl. What Ashlei has actually done here, was manipulate herself into moving regardless of being frozen still. how did she do it? She's the fucking Cero Espada! get used to it!

As soon as she left the floor, reitsu blasted out of her body at a rate that made it almost impossible to be grabbed a hold of. So even though she was being thrown, she had given herself the means to move by destroying the spell she was under with her own reitsu. This was very similar to a kenpachi vs Byakuya situation where his yellow energy withstood senbonzakura when they collided and managed to force it back. the principles are the same here. So when the dust and dirt fell from the air it had been thrown into, Ashlei could be seen up against the wall. However, she was not laying down with massive injuries, but was instead crouching with one leg bent all the way normally and the other outstretched (see spoiler for a better look)


Ashlei had hit the wall stupidly hard though and any other person would have shattered upon impact, broke their legs or had plain died from the speed. But this was Ashlei and she wasn't an average girl nor a simple Espada. She was the strongest of them all and all the while this occurred she kept her eyes closed and her swords hovering around her. She was lucky to be an arrancar as her hierro absorbed a lot of the impact meaning she didn't get as injured as expected but her legs were definitely in shock. They were shaking with her even wanting them to and one spasmed so she dropped a bit. However she was stuck to the cage wall so it barely looked like a slight drop. Then she opened her eyes to look at Blood Queen who was pleased with her damage and started walking closer. This did not frighten Ashlei as much as before as now the girl was going to start to fight back her own way.

This kind of opponent though was a bad omen as her blades and blood techniques would be useless. Having to use 'that' would be stupid as it would kill both of them in such a confined space but she had to try. Not leaping straight to her ultimate attack, Ashlei began to charge energy in her hand but kept it completely out of sight. The red aura was masked by her own clothes and pulsating reitsu making it look like she wasn't even charging a thing. However instead of just launching a counter attack, Ashlei started to speak.

"Blood queen... please" Ashlei still looked as distraught as the battle had began but the left side of her dress was pretty destroyed revealing a lot of her left hip and body. She certainly looked much worse than she usually did and that bloody hair was leaking all down her face with streams narrowly missing her eyes and tears. "please... give my mother... BACK TO ME!" Ashlei's voice exploded with a soundwave of air as it rushed from her mouth ordering blood queen to get away and return her mother. But before even letting the woman answer her plead, Ashlei threw her hand forward with the finished charging energy. Her entire arm had been enveloped in lightning of red colour and was now blasted forwards right in the queens direction. Seeing as she was walking towards Ashlei she was pretty damn close to a blast of this power was gonna leave a mark if she just stood there. After all, Ashlei's infamous gran rey cero was known to devastate her every opponent. But she did not stop there either.

Her other hand followed up with a rapid succession of bala to accompany the cero. Even though the blood red balls were useless here they would prove distracting and the explosion of the cero into the ground if she dodged would create some huge crater at least. Right after firing, Ashlei held her arms across her face in a cross and braced herself for the inevitable collision with either her mother or the earth beneath them. Either witch it was gonna hurt them both at this range.

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[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Empty Re: [Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family

Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:48 pm
[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Image203

[Ashlei Vs Claire] BATTLE OF LONDON: The Fading Family Image199

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