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[Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck Empty [Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck

Mon Jun 21, 2021 12:20 am
[Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck 0375-008-LilyHeader2


"Everyone is born with someone else, nobody comes into existence alone. That comes later. That's why it hurts."

⚋ Name: Lilynette Gingerbuck
⚋ Alias': Primera Espada
⚋ Age: Unknown
⚋ Birthday: January 19th
⚋ Gender: Female
⚋ Race: Arrancar

⚋ Affiliation: None except Starrk

⚋ Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
⚋ Marital Status: -
⚋Nationality: -
⚋ Religious Standing: -
⚋ Sexual Orientation: -

⚋ Height: 5’2”
⚋ Weight: 78 lbs
⚋ Hair Colour: Light Blonde
⚋ Eye Colour: Pink

[Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck LilynetteSIDE_2d81a12b5e76b36b44f65a314573badc-cutout

Psychological Analysis

Lilynette is a bold, confident individual. Counterpart to Coyote Starrk, she aggressively goes out of her way to force the more lethargic of the two to engage not only with their environment but with potential allies as well. Even with the avenue of newfound solitude, she maintains this attitude and forces herself to seek out new allies and opportunities. Opposition to this extroversion are often met with aggression and sometimes even physical altercations as she is far from shy about engaging with others.

When it comes to combat and other more intensive situations, Lilynette is stern and stalwart often taking it upon herself to engage opponents far stronger than her as she considers herself equal to her counterpart, whether this is the case or not. After her separation from Starrk, Lilynette also began to express her previously-exclusive bossy nature to those around her, often ordering others around even if she doesn’t particularly know them.


Lilynette is a thin woman with pale, fair skin. She has light blondeish-green hair cut short right to the base of her neck that she usually keeps in an lazy bangs. Her one eye is a brilliant pink color and often is animate and darting about, when excited, but can usually be seen placidly staring at the closest thing that has her attention, even to the point of neglecting someone talking to her. Because of this, she can still, despite having grown, seem a bit immature and prone to seemingly ignoring people. Her mask fragment has diminished after the battle at Karakura, having originally covered her head like a helmet, it now solely covers her left eye like an eye patch reminiscent of her ressurected form with Starrk.

Since beginning to grow, Lilynette has still not developed quite as much as the other Espada from Aizen’s army, but she has begun to develop some shapeliness and grown a decently sized chest, though her physique has taken on something much more tomboyish and similar to the Tres Bestias, somewhere between Emilou and Francheska. She has alas still not grown out of her old manner of dressing, having worn very exposing clothing in an attempt to dissuade others from calling her a child, now that she has properly developed she has considerable pride in her new form. That said, she has begun wearing fur-trimmed clothing and even has adopted a fur-lined half-skirt over her usual shorts. She insists that this is not an attempt to cover up, but rather her adopting a more refined and mature sense of style. Her Hollow hole is in her lower navel just below her rib-cage.


Prior to being divided from Starrk, Lilynette remembers very little, and in fact it is often discussed between the two of them whether or not one of them was the original or if the original was obliterated and split cleanly with no resemblance to either product. All she remembered was an incredible all-consuming loneliness.

Born in the sand, with her Companion and other half: Starrk.
In those empty dunes she finally found company in that endless desert. She was born with a feeling that she had been alone forever, and that this companion of hers was the company she had longed for. A sentiment that was immediately mutual. Splitting a ragged cloak between them, the two began to wander Hueco Mundo, trying to piece together what they had once been, and what they would do now. Some small part of her was worried, wondering why they had been born into such a place, when all other creatures were such vicious beasts: did that mean they too had been monsters? But she didn’t have the heart to bring it up to Starrk. And some small part of her felt it was probably on his mind as well.

After what seemed like Decades, they stopped wandering. Weaker hollows had begun to follow them, in hopes of banding together. Something that, at first, pleased both of them greatly. But Lily watched as they had to slow down, their companions sluggishly beginning to lag, to crack, their masks beginning to splinter. And one by one, they simply died. As soon as the first one did, Starrk insisted that they stay put until the rest of the group got better. She knew that he was just trying to make her feel better. Like they had a chance to live. She didn’t know why, but for some reason, Starrk always seemed to have a desire to look after her, and she let him. Even though she knew in her gut that none of them were going to make it.

What had been a small group soon grew into a larger herd, hollows drawn in regardless of the danger. They saw the pair as hope. Powerful beings that could rival the great king of hueco mundo and reign with their odd quiet benevolence. Most for selfish reasons of safety. Others plotted behind their backs. Others genuinely seemed to enjoy the company, rare as they were. And no matter their motivations, they all died one by one. The corpses started to pile so much that they stopped trying to bury them. The realization of what was happening struck them, and some left, but so many more chose to die there. Until the bodies formed small dunes in and of themselves around the pair.

And even though she had Starrk with her, Lily couldn’t help but feel that gulping loneliness in her heart where those hollows had been. Brief as they had been, she enjoyed the feeling of their group. Their Pack. And she felt, as one of the Alphas, she’d failed them.

And then he came.

He was as vile as any of the hollows they had run into. Something about the man struck Lilynette as hollow-like. Not necessarily in sheer evil or horridness, but in sheer determination. The man smelled like he was desperate for something. After they told him that the bodies around them were from simple proximity, he seemed to have a deeper interest. He offered them a new life. Allies strong enough to stand their presence and survive.

She wasn’t sure whether to believe him. But Starrk agreed almost immediately, and she went along. She was curious after all. A curiosity that would be rewarded.

They were everything Aizen had promised and more. Evolved beings that had broken free of their masks just like they had, and then Soon Aizen began to break them himself. IN no time at all they were suddenly in a pack again. A few arrancar that were weaker did seem to suffer a bit in their presence, and the Primera quarters were a place few usually went to. But all the same, there were plenty who frequented it, they were happy. Or at least Lilynette was.

She didn’t quite realize what it was at first. Starrk began to grow lazy, spending all of his time sleeping. She herself found that she had more energy than ever before, why was it that he didn’t feel the same? She had trouble getting him to leave the tower, but she did ti in his stead. Meeting and interacting with the other arrancar, only to go back to the tower and rouse Starrk.

And then the invaders arrived. She thought almost nothing of it until Aroniero’s death. It was at this point that she began to pick up on vibes she wasn’t so sure about from Aizen. They were ordered to stay put, and even though more and more of the espada fell, it wasn’t until the captains arrived that they were mobilized: But not to defend, but attack.

Lilynette found herself along with Starrk on the front lines of the Winter War. She watched Starrk clash with Shunsui before ultimately engaging with Ukitake, much to her own chagrin when she realized that the man was holding back and refusing to fight despite her informing him that she was not actually a child. AS she tried to fight him, she began to realize just how weak she was. She’d always picked up on how much of their reiatsu was housed in Starrk over herself. But this was the first time it had become so blatantly obvious. She was weak, at least when she was alone.

After being pushed by Shunsui, Starrk finally summoned Lilynette to his side and the two performed their resureccion. With this sudden spike in power, the two backed Shunsui and Ukitake into a corner, more so after Wonderweiss arrived and took Ukitake out of the fight. Even when the Vizards Rose and Love arrived, they managed to take on the lot of them. It wasn’t until Shunsui ’s Zanpaku’to began to awaken that the tides suddenly turned.

A blade found it’s way into their chest, and before they knew it, Starrk and Lilly were fighting the Captain and his strange game-themed abilities. At the very zenith of the battle, Starrk and Lilynette were gravely injured and lost consciousness. She didn’t know exactly what it was that happened, but they must have reverted to their base forms after passing out, because when Lilynette finally came to, Starrk was nowhere to be found. And she was being healed by the Princessa that they had held captive. They hadn’t been able to find him amongst the wreckage. They had only been able to find pieces of his mask. And from that, the Princessa had managed to reconstruct Lilynette.

Even all alone, she refused to believe Starrk was dead. After all, hollow remains returned to hueco mundo when they were killed, surely since she was found in the world of the living, that meant Starrk was alive! And so, as the others recovered from the battle, she made her way to the ruins of Las Noches, intent on finding Starrk again.

400 Years

The first fifty years went by painfully. Scouring Las Noches for a few years, waiting around, she hoped that Starrk would show up in order to reunite with her. Without him around she found that the other hollows and arrancar were much less tolerant of her behaviors, some even attempted to start fights, but she always managed to get away. She didn’t care about her pride as the Primera anymore. She wanted to find Starrk. And as the years ticked on, she realized that he wasn’t going back to Las Noches. So she decided to start looking for him.

In those endless sands, she heard rumors here and there about how the worlds outside of Hueco Mundo were changing. Always with excitement and sometimes awe from the hollows she managed to hang around now and then. She didn’t spare the rumors a second though, only ever listening in hopes of hearing about her lost other half.

But amidst the great wars, the talk of the Rise and Fall of Shadowfall, and even the frantic tales of World Wars in the other realms. Ultimately, Lily ignored it in favor of the emptiness she felt inside of her. She found herself grouping up with some of the other remaining arrancar. But even they began to move on, getting involved with the affairs of the world at large. It wasn’t until after this second major spiritual war that Lilynette began to doubt if Starrk was alive. What if she was all that was left behind? This concern was only exacerbated when she realized that she had started to grow. She’d heard about the old Privaron Tercera other than Dordonni. Nelliel. An arrancar that had become fractured and lost her powers, becoming childlike in appearance. She had wondered if that had something to do with her younger appearance than Starrk and whether he had simply taken the stability between them.

Either her form had simply begun to stabilize, or perhaps, it was the lack of Starrk’s presence that was causing her to become stable. And even though she hoped for the former, it became harder and harder to not imagine the latter might be the case. And it was in this slow absolution of her fears that she started to emerge from her seclusion in Hueco Mundo. She returned to the world of the Living, and to her surprise, she had a hard time finding areas without spiritually aware humans! She was seen by most if not everyone in some areas. The world had changed in those lonely, desperate years. But it was time to let go of searching aimlessly for Starrk.

She refused to write him off as dead, so instead she started preparing for when he finally returned. She began to search for a new pack. Allies who would be able to stand their presence once they were reunited.


-Natural Affinity-

Immense Spiritual Power: Between herself and Starrk, their spiritual pressure was unrivaled and unprecedented, having such a ferocity and potency that after splitting from one another hollows would die simply from being too close to them, even those of Gillian and Adjuchas strength. After the loss of Starrk, what was left with Lilynette was laughably unstable and as such though she had a tremendous amount of energy within her, she was not able to properly utilize it, resulting in a very low spiritual pressure. However, her extended separation from Starrk resulted in her having to grow, and without Starrk to protect her, she came to fend for herself and that unstable soul began to solidify. As a result, though it isn’t comparable to Starrk’s, her spiritual power is still incredibly high.

Cunning: Although Lilynette is somewhat immature and even reckless, she works in perfect tandem when she is fighting when combined with Starrk, showing that her specialty lies within pack hunting rather than fighting by herself. While Ressurected she even showed to have a clearer head and a firmer grasp of the opponent’s intentions, going out of her way to point out to Starrk when they were being taunted. Post-separation, this cunning has only grown and sharpened as she has been forced to transition from pack fighting to solitary combat.

-Hollow Affinity-

Aullar Solo(Howl Alone): The Natural tendency of Lilynette’s soul. This is a resonance that her soul and Starrk’s give off, allowing a deep connection with alliws by vibrating their soul at a matching frequency. This process adjusts, allowing them to match their soul’s internal vibration with the frequency of others. Under proper circumstances, this allows Lilynette to perfectly connect with an ally, sharing sensory information and even allowing a sort of telepathy with them. However this is an incredibly dangerous process, and individuals whose souls are significantly weaker then her own have their souls shaken to pieces, resulting in their death. While Lilynette has explored this ability and gained control over it, attempting to resonate with a target more than 2 Levels below her own will result in them starting to take damage as their soul is broken apart. While this can be deployed offensively against weaker targets, anything close to her above her own strength will instead be boosted by the connection, and the ability will work as originally intended.

Cero: Lilynette has a fairly potent cero, though certainly not one that would reflect her prior rank as the Primera. While she has improved since the Winter war, her Cero is still below the par of other surviving espada.

Gran Rey Cero: As an Ex Espada, she is perfectly versed in the technique itself, and though she had no opportunity to use it she is more than capable of producing one. Though due to the general lack of occasion to bring it out, it is average at best.

Sonido : Of all of her skills, this is probably what has seen the most work since the Winter War. Having to cross massive expanses of Hueco mundo in her frantic search for her counterpart, Lilynette while not having an exceptionally fast Sonido compared to other Ex-espada, has been using it almost constantly these last 400 years in her hunting for Starrk. As a result, her Sonido are fluid, practiced, precise, and expend virtually no energy in the slightest. She is capable of using long-distance, repeated sonido without tiring or even significantly tapping into her spirit energy reserves thanks to the level of efficiency she’s developed.

Descorrer: This is an ability that allows Lilynette to open gargantas between the living world and Hueco Mundo.

Loneliness: A Manifestation of her aspect of death, Lilynette works best in a group. Whenever she is participating in a cooperative action with another individual, she is able to resonate her soul with them and as such, these actions allow them to synch and have their abilities match the highest between the participants (eg. When executing a co-operative cero, the strength, speed, and pressure of the cero will match up with the highest potential between those participating). Though similar to Aullar Solo, this process can be detrimental to those who are made to perform above their usual capabilities when cooperating with Lilynette, damaging the soul.

» Hierro: By passively flowing her reiatsu into her skin, she is able to compress it into her skin and harden it, due to her high-level of reiatsu the hierro that she can materialize is incredibly dense. She is able to endure incredible damage and powerful detonations without nearly as much damage as one might usually expect. However, against an individual of greater or equal power she finds that her hierro is not as potent, though this defense will still dampen most attacks.


In its sealed state, Lilynette’s Zanpaku’to originally took the form of a long, curved sort of cutlass, though over time after her separation from Starrk, it has straightened slightly, though still retains a slight curve to it’s length. Additionally, tufts of fur decorate the guard and hilt of the weapon.
La Manada (the Pack): The primary power of Starrk and Lilynette, this ability allows them to shed bits of their soul off to form weapons, objects, and incredibly powerful spiritual attacks by splitting their soul. This however is not a complete separation as these scraps can be reabsorbed into their body just as they can split and then recombine in their ressureccion. This ability can be used for form Reishi wolves, weapons, and to execute sudden rapid Cero/Bala without performing any gestures or motions since this is an expenditure of the soul rather than drawing in ambient spirit energy and mixing it with their own. Even outside of Ressureccion, Lily is capable of using this ability to create weapons and power her ceros, and is in fact the main manner in which she creates her ‘zanpoaku’to’. Unlike normal Ceros and weapons, while it does take more spirit energy to use than normal, the post after they are dispersed or fired the energy is refunded as the fragment of her soul returns to her.

Pesquisa de Mandana (Inquiry of the Pack): A technique that uses La Mandala and Aullar Solo in order to unleash shreds of Lilynette’s soul into her surroundings and then resonate with them using Aullar Solo. This process allows her to keep up a constant, wide-range scan that gives her intimate information on targets beyond what is capable by normal pesquisa, giving her the relative strength, race, and even the surface emotions of the target. This is a technique she designed for trying to hunt down Starrk.

Loba Mandana Cero(Wolf Pack Cero): A type of Cero usable when Pesquisa de Mandana is active. This technique either fires the shreds of her soul that are dispersed into the air to create an omnidirectional attack, or simply detonates them to carpet-bomb her surroundings. She herself is completely immune to these blasts as they are shreds of her own soul, and the post after using the technique, she regains the energy expended as the soul fragments reform.

Capa de Piel Lloba(wolf Pelt Cloak): Rather than shedding bits of her soul, Lilynette is also capable of cloaking herself in it. Ripping off a bit of her soul, Lilynette molds this portion of her soul into a reishi armorsuit which covers her body, protecting her as well as transforming as needed, capable of forming claws, teeth, tails, and even multiple wolf heads. This armorsuit usually features ears and at least one tail made from Reishi. Similar to her other abilities based on La Mandana, the energy is refunded once the portion of her soul returns to her, though because this armorsuit takes up so much energy, it takes 3 posts to fully reabsorb the energy used to make it.


Resurrección Name: Los Llobos Lloba Blanca (White Wolf Empress)

Resurrección Release Phrase: Kick About

Release Actions: When releasing her Zanpakutō, she bites the fur-lined guard of her Zanpaku’to before it burns up into Reishi and reforms with her own body.
In her ‘Ressurected’ form, she takes on a similar outfit to her true Resureccion when she was able to combine with Starrk, though rather than twin pistols, she forms a single Rifle, and rather than vanishing, her hollow hole splits into in a two with one directly on top of the other. Her hair grows out slightly, going from shoulder length to waist length.
Soul Manipulation: Pseudo Resureccion: Lilynette’s ‘ressureccion’ is not actually a true resureccion. She is not actually re-donning a true hollow form, but rather uses La Mandana to create a zanpaku’to out of her own soul and drags in ambient reishi over time. Because of this, the false Zanpaku’to has actually grown and matured similar to a Shinigami’s asauchi. Initially, this limited her increase in power within her released state. But having used it more often, it now functions as well as any normal Resureccion.

Cero Oscuras: All Espada can utilize this type of Cero meaning Tier has access to it as well despite never utilizing such. The Cero Oscuras is far more powerful than an average Cero, with a vast range and massive attack power. Lily’s Cero Oscuras is pitch black in coloring with a darkened blue outline. She is also capable of unleashing it in combination with her La Mandala, not only resulting in an incredibly powerful Cero, but one which refunds it’s energy after being fired.

Mandana de Lloba Blanca (White Wolf Pack): In their Ressurected form, Lillynette was able to take over the wolf bodies that were produced by her and Starrk. In this Pseudo Resureccion, Lilynette is capable of not only producing spirit wolves, but also is capable of molding them into identical copies of herself, though with slightly reduced capabilities. Not only does this allow her to swarm her targets and detonate with with incredible intensity, but she is also able to seamlessly mix in with these Wolves in order to throw her opponent off and trick them into attacking her White Wolves rather than herself.

Francotiradora Solitaria (Lone Sniper): Lilynette’s weapon when in her Pseudo Resureccion. This weapon can fire cero-like shreds of her soul similar to the old twin pistols, though with much more control over pressure and speed instead of having such control over rapid or multiple firing, even allowing her to bend or split her shots. However she does not have the same ability as Los Llobos to fire continuous or massive amounts of simultaneous shots.

General Attributes
  • Durability: B
  • General Speed: A
  • Strength: D
  • Soul: S

Racial Skills
  • Cero: Elite
  • Nucleo: Elite
  • Augmentar: Untrained
  • Sonido: Elite

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Elite


The Menos forest. The underbelly of Hueco Mundo that so seldom saw the light of the Moon other than the few times that it’s canopy was broken by the strife of those that fought within it. It was one such fight that had burst the bubble that usually kept the Menos forest Separate. In the dark of that low place, a single Arrancar yelled out as she fell from up above, that singular panicked voice breaking the silence and rousing the menos that dotted the area. Massive heads sluggishly turning her way.

”GHAAAAAAADAMMIT!” Lilynette called out when she slid down the slope of a massive tree, peeling her sword from her belt and jamming it into the bark as she skidded down, gritting her teeth, her boots heating up as she slid down slope before finally she came to a stop at the very base, dancing from foot to foot as she cooled her soles and grunted out in frustration. ”FUCK! You big buttface!” She yelled up to the canopy, cursing the Adjuchas up above that had sent her down here even in it’s injured state! GAH! She KICKED a bit of sand as she looked around, that thuggish glare narrowing slightly as she let her singular eye dart around the floor of the Menos Forest.

Seeing none of the Gillian trying their luck, those firm, rigid shoulders slowly slumped as her body drooped just a little, and the situation slowly sank in. Another failure. Another hollow that wouldn’t join up with her, even after she challenged it to a fight so she could prove she was strong enough to be it’s ally. It simply didn’t trust her…. and she wasn’t strong enough for it to simply blindly follow it. In that moment, she felt a slow, eating pang in the center of her chest as she found herself missing Starrk. He would have definitely been able to get them to tag along. He was always the one that the hollows seemed to gravitate toward.

She hadn’t even realized that she had been gripping her zanpaku’to tighter until she heard the soft creak of the skin of her palm grinding along the wrapping and she heard the sound echo off the tree next to her. Fuck this place was spooky. She had to get out of here. ”Come on Lillynette. Bootstraps up.” She said to herself, looking up to the rapidly-closing canopy up above. She better get back up there before she had to make another hole. She vent her knees, getting ready.

But she paused, turning her head for just a moment to look at the Gillian that had turned to look her way. So many blank, thoughtless faces. And for just a moment, she entertained the idea of taking one of them and bringing it up to the surface as one of her allies. But she knew that couldn’t happen…. they were too mindless, to wild, and it would probably just try to wander back down to the forest anyway. She gave one last, yearning look to those peaceful-looking giants, doing one last scan….. hoping to see intelligence in those many blank stares, but she found none. She may as well be alone down there.

With one last pained glance, she turned her attention back to the closing canopy and she burst up, her body blurring in a sudden static THOOM as she sped her way up to the surface, leaving that sad, dark place behind her.

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:24 pm; edited 4 times in total
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[Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck

Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:44 am
If you have any concerns reach out to me and they can be discussed in more depth.

Don't forget to claim your FCs and positions.

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[Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck

Sat Apr 02, 2022 10:36 am
Arrancar Modernization Upgrade:

New Skills/Ability
Racial Skills

  • Cero/Bala: Elite
  • Hollow Nucleus: Elite
  • Regeneration: Untrained
  • Sonido: Elite

» Hierro: By passively flowing her reiatsu into her skin, she is able to compress it into her skin and harden it, due to her high-level of reiatsu the hierro that she can materialize is incredibly dense. She is able to endure incredible damage and powerful detonations without nearly as much damage as one might usually expect. However, against an individual of greater or equal power she finds that her hierro is not as potent, though this defense will still dampen most attacks.
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[Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2] Lilynette Gingerbuck

Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:41 pm
Modernization Upgrade

New Racial Skills

Cero: Elite
Nucleo: Elite
Augmentar: Untrained
Sonido: Elite

New Perudo Resureccion:
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