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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Empty Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Thu Jun 17, 2021 8:00 pm
Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

The bells. The sound of them ringing was ....interesting to say the least. The significance of the cathedral was, of course, lost on Santa even as she walked through the spaces between the mechanisms that kept them working. All the way to the very front of the cathedral itself. Where those massive, magnificent stained glass windows spanned the face of the place, giving colorful glimpses into the city just beyond that mottled glass. Even with all the noise, there was something.... peaceful about the place. Perhaps she could come here to calm herself rather than return to hueco mundo? It was certainly worthy of a try.

Another glance behind her from where she'd come in, and she could hear the soft hum of hymns down below. So long as nobody disturbed her, she should be fine, right?

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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Fri Jun 18, 2021 1:21 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

A... church... Cathedral? Probably the second one. It was much bigger than what Ari would know as a church; so cathedral was probably the best bet possible. Frankly speaking, the only reason why Ari was even here was because she decided it would be a good idea to explore old areas... especially one she used to leave in. Europe, her old home. Or, at least it was when Arianda was once part of Shadowfall. Besides, Arianda couldn't help but have some minor morbid curiosity to know what may happen when a demon entered a cathedral or church.

Good news, the building didn't collapse nor did a cross crack or randomly burst into flames. So far, doing quite well! Honestly speaking, such a result was about all Arianda could have hoped for when it came to entering a cathedral; a place of normally "holy" origin. Suffice to say, she was glad most human beings could look the other way if Arianda wished to go explore places she shouldn't. Which was why Arianda had quietly made her way to the top of the cathedral, where the bells rang and the beautiful stained glass would send a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors around the room thanks to the rays of the sun.

However, Arianda was not alone in the area. She had entered just as a woman turned around, away from the entrance. She blinked, a tiny bit surprised, however, she simply let out a small chuckle; quietly walking towards her. Arianda's intention was not to surprise her, on purpose at least, however, the demon was struck by the moment; enjoying the surprising serenity... even if the cathedral should have many issues with a demon. Eventually, the demon would stop near Santa, humming softly as she looked upon the stained glass.

"Hello there~ Something tells me we're of the same mind, of a preference to enjoy the view and... relative silence."

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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Fri Jun 18, 2021 5:50 am
Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Oh-sample-b410c942a2017b5e1134ede4913f4733

Santa would be found practically glowing, the light cascading in a brilliant curtain amidst the dust that hung around inside of the upper cathedral, her blonde hair practically lit up with the bright light from above. And she was surprised when she heard someone else up here. She turned, brows raising ever so slightly, her antlers gleaming slightly as she spotted the woman that was approaching her.

"Oh?" She noted in surprise, turning to face the woman for a moment before she glanced up at that massive stained glass window. She couldn't deny that those aspects WERE a large factor in why she was here. "That. And the solitude. It's a place for praying." Not that she knew what praying really was. Or to whom humans usually prayed. She heard their soft, whispered wishes when they came to places like this. and Notre Dam no doubt had it's slews of visitors she could listen in on.

But this wasn't a human. A soft ping from her pesquisa told her just as much. Not that she knew exactly what it WAS that she was sensing. "You're pretty. A fine addition to the ambience. Nice drip, homie." She noted with her own soft, calm tone, gently gesturing, inviting Ari to join her in enjoying the place.

"I'm a little surprised though. I didn't know the spiritually aware humans came here." She noted, guessing for the time being.
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:57 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Quite a beautiful looking woman, likely an Arrancar based upon her appearance. A tiny part of Ari couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, of immature things she would have done in the past; but such a thing was just that, a thing of the past. Regardless, the demon hummed softly as she continued to approach Santa's side. However, she couldn't help but chuckle softly at Santa's comment about praying. Given how calmly she said the word, as an Arrancar, she likely did not know its meaning; which was perhaps for the best. The demon simply gave Santa a warm smile and nodded at her comment of praying.

"It is a nice place to pray, however praying just isn't for me. Personal preference, of course~"

Arianda hummed still. It was quite easy to tell that Santa was likely a little wary of her. After all, she was a demon. And while Santa may not know of Arianda's previous reputation in Shadowfall... But, that was normally exactly how Arianda liked it. She preferred it when people knew little of who, and sometimes what, she was. After all, not many enjoy beings liked demons, nor shadowfall. Regardless, the demon gave Santa a warm smile when she spoke of Arianda being pretty.

"Hehe~ Thank you. Quite the compliment for someone you barely know~ You're quite pretty yourself; the stained glass only makes it better~"

Some light flirting, but it was without intent. A compliment for a compliment, quite fair in the end. She eventually stopped walking near Santa, humming softly as her cloak rustled gently thanks to her movement and a very light breeze. However, the demon was extremely calm now; likely because she wasn't in the main part of the cathedral.

"I'm Arianda Vael, by the way. If I may ask, what is your name~? And I'm no human... albeit, it's not bad to be mistaken for one every now and then. Albeit, I certainly prefer not being a human in the end."

Arianda let out a small chuckle, smiling a bit more before she looked at the view outside of the stained glass window. It was quite an interesting place to meet a random Arrancar, but it was something Arianda wasn't going to reject being a possibility in the end! Besides, it could be some time well spent before she returned home to spend the evening with her girlfriend.

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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Sat Jun 19, 2021 6:08 am
Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa tilted her head slightly, her brows raising a little as she was....perplexed a bit by the woman's odd mannerisms. She was.....weirdly......calm and smiley. But not like.....happy smiley, like that weird kind of nun smile, or the kind that would be found on a crocodile's features. This was the first time someone had reacted to her and been so.....calm. Even other arrancar were cautious at first when they met her. That strange man from the store had been suspicious and annoyed. But this woman seemed wholly unbothered.

Perhaps it was the setting, but it was still.....unnerving. "If you say so." She responded in regards to the compliment. Not really sure if the woman was just sortof reciprocating or if she meant it. She wasn't used to these sorts of people, so it was hard to tell. And when the woman asked her name, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to give it. "My name's Alex. Nice to meet ya, G." She responded, lying as easily as she breathed, her brain promptly snaring the name of the pushy one she'd met at the store. She was aiming to play it cool, but the very sudden drop in how talkative she was would be painfully obvious, much less the sudden distrustful staring.
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:05 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Come now, Ari's smile couldn't be that unnerving to remind someone of a crocodile! She was an adorable biscuit! Okay, fair, meeting some random woman at the top of a cathedral, where no one else was, would likely get a little weird; especially if that someone was extremely calm the entire time. Arianda had met Arrancar before, multiple times; she had literally no reason to be uneasy around this woman. Of course, Santa did have reason thanks to how Arianda acted most of the time; and her very sudden appearance to boot. Simply put, Arianda just hummed softly as she noticed how the woman closed up a bit more; both physically and with her speech. It was small, but noticeable to Ari. She was making Santa uneasy. It likely couldn't be helped. After all, this was an extremely random situation. So, instead of continuing as she was, being vague, the demon decided to be a bit more... direct.

"I do say so~ Demons are very good judges of appearances and character. Well, sometimes. Appearances can be deceiving after all. But, it is nice to meet you, Alex~"

The way Arianda said her name, or at least Santa's false name, was akin to how someone who was onto your bullshit would say it was "good". However, she wasn't calling the woman on it; not truly. If Santa wanted to conceal her true identity, there was absolutely nothing wrong with that. And with how Arianda was just enjoying the view, without much worry, was likely rather indicative of that. Especially when Ari moved to sit down and seated herself on air as easily as she would sit upon a chair. She hummed pleasantly, crossing her legs and gently swinging one of her legs. Perhaps this would be more unnerving... but, how Arianda acted certainly portrayed a lack of ill intent towards Santa; and hopefully the woman would perceive it so. After all, Arianda did wish to avoid some form of fight, or whatever, to break out in the bell tower; it was all very beautiful, after all.

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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:39 pm
Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4
Santa paused for a moment, but didn't at all get that little hint, the woman's semicallout going right over her head as she listened to the demon. "You don't look like a demon..." She murmured, and then raised her brows slightly when Ari was suddenly sitting on air. Santa furrowed her brows, focusing.... but nothing happened. Was she seriously just sitting on nothing? She tilted her head, and the floor became slightly.....less clean, a small spot beneath and slightly behind ari began to grow a small lump of flesh which turned into a pair of eyes, which did indeed discretely confirm that there was nothing beneath that behind. What Oni nonsense was THIS?!

She furrowed her brows just a little, scrutinizing the woman as she slowly circled them, cautiously rather than menacingly. So she knew that Santa was an arrancar, well she honestly would disagree with that categorization, but for now she didn't argue. "So you're another one of those Oni... do you also have a hidden form?" She ventured, recalling the little snippet that Calypso had shown her previously.
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:49 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

Arianda smiled at Santa, humming softly as she muttered about how Ari didn't look like a demon. Indeed, she didn't look one little bit like a demon; at the moment. She just looked like a black haired girl that was probably too nice to what was clearly an Arrancar. She hummed softly still, not taking much note of what Santa was doing. Indeed, she felt a slight flow of energy; but it wasn't anything that would concern her. After all, once again, everything about Santa, or Alex as she was calling herself, seemed all quite non-threatening she hummed softly, shrugging a tiny bit at Santa as she remarked about her being an "Oni", which was something more Japanese than demons were. However, she did simply nod at Santa's question.

"I wouldn't call me an Oni... seems rather inaccurate. But yes, I do have what we demons call a True Form. For some, it can be still humanoid, but far more devilish or demonic. Or, like my daughter, your true form could be that of a dragon. Frankly speaking, it's quite varied. But yes, I do. In fact."

Arianda grinned at Santa again, and without even blinking, before Santa's very eyes, Arianda shifted into her true form without batting an eyelash; it seemed more natural than breathing. She smiled a tiny bit as she temporarily grew a pair of wings from her back and spread them gently; being conscious of the available space and Santa herself. Afterwards, however, the wings faded back into Ari as if they were never there. Then, she gently wiped a tiny bit of dust off her left leg; humming as she did.

"Any other questions~? If I'm the first demon you've met, I'm sure there is more. I don't mind. Ask away~"

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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:05 am
Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) HEADER_sample-1defef0c62717200929536130165e9c4

Santa tilted her head slightly and folded her arms. "It was a little amorphous to be considered a dragon, what with all the extra eyes and everything." She noted, and then paused as she noticed that sudden transformation into.......uh.... She didn't know what to call what she was seeing in that moment. "It's........certainly.....very blue. And your hair is now unreasonably long. IT doesn't seem like much of a change aside from the wings..." She noted lightly, folding her arms. "Your human form was prettier though. Maybe it's the pastels. Shit's like..... totes a little retro. Ya dig?" She observed, idly critiquing the demon's true form as.....well frankly she didn't know any better. She had no real notion of how strong this woman was after all. And a lifetime of being able to regenerate through any of her problems left her somewhat overbold.

"So....your demon form has.....wings..." She murmured and looked over her shoulder. Flesh growing along the shirt on her back as bone slithered out in fans, muscle and tendon stretching behind her before flesh and skin finally grew in, showing off leathery wings as they shifted and then adjusted, a long whip-like tail slithering into existence, similar to Ari's own in general shape and thickness. Trying it out, as if to get a better perspective on the form. She flexed the wings and moved her tail behind her. Erf, it was uncomfortable. But it was possible Ari was much stronger. But even so. "Does the tail strain your spine?" she asked curiously, rubbing her navel a bit and wincing. Jeez just balancing the damn thing was a lot of tension in her abs. The woman must be shredded up front.
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Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) Empty Re: Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa)

Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:25 am

The Angel of Conflict


Echoing Midnight (Ari/Santa) 6EdIfMt

Artist: KAIRI - Song: Adrift in the Leaves

Arianda raised her eyebrows at Santa as she spoke of Calypso's true form. Apparently, she had met Calypso, Ari's very own daughter. She let out a small chuckle at that remark; grinning a tiny bit. Perhaps it was a stretch to be a dragon, but Caly's true form was still a dragon; and nothing was going to change that. Especially Ari's opinion on how cool she thought it was that her daughter could be a dragon for her true form. Regardless, she took Santa's comments about her true form in stride before shrugging at Santa and grinning.

"I dunno~ And it is. The horns normally throw people off a bit; but, then again, I suppose you're less worried about that kinda stuff than most."

She hums softly, watching as Santa started to grow wings. Even if she was critiquing Ari's form as she continued to stare, the demon could care less; she only cared for Kita's judgement as far as she was concerned these days. However, she did watch as Santa grew her wings, and then a tail that was somewhat similar in build to Ari's. However, it was clear that Santa was rather uncomfortable in that entire process. The demon tilted her head a bit, and without a word, she stepped off her seat in the air and moved behind Santa; quietly admiring the woman's wings and tail without touching her. She hummed softly, gliding her hands on the air near Santa's wings. Eventually, the demon circled around and observed how Santa winced; humming slightly.

After that short observation, Arianda sprouted her wings once again, unfurling the pair around her waist; showing the woman her two pairs of wings, and likely a lot more leg, before she gave her another smile.

"You might need to work on your abs more. That, or you need to change where your tail and wings are growing from; at least, if you can. Can you fly with them, Alex~? If it hurts like this just to grow them, then I think some time getting used to them could be great practice~ and no, my tail does not strain my spine."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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