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[Spirit Class 8] Shiro Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Shiro Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Shiro Empty [Spirit Class 8] Shiro

Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:27 pm
[Spirit Class 8] Shiro PKXWM4I


Basic Information

○ Name: Shiro
○ Alias: Gin, Shiroi
○ Age: 24
○ Birthday: April 2nd
○ Gender:Male
○ Race: Plus

○ Affiliation:
The Rukongai
The Academy

○ Alignment: Me/Myself/I
○ Marital Status: -
○ Nationality: Japanese
○ Religious Standing: -
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

○ Height: 5'10"
○ Weight: 180 lbs
○ Hair Colour: White
○ Eye Colour: Bordeaux-colored/Grey

[Spirit Class 8] Shiro AZrdVVz


Shiroi, at first glance, appears to be a slacker. Normally, people will experience him when he is lazing about or when he seems particularly disinterested in whatever he is currently doing, whether it be an assignment or training. His general appearance doesn’t help either, his always bored expression and ineptness doing him little favors. Though, despite his first appearance, once Shiroi is given a task, he normally completes it in a timely manner. He just never seems enthusiastic about it, but he is, at least, reliable.

His laziness also affects his fighting, mostly when training or sparring. Unless provoked, Shiroi rarely gives it his all in front of people. He tends to only train seriously when alone. However, Shiroi dislikes threats. Despite how little inclined he acts around others, he tends to give it his all when it seems fit. Even then, he doesn't enjoy hurting people, particularly. Enemies are dealt with, but it always leaves him in a bad mood.

Shiroi knows the hardships that The Rukongai faces. It is something that is always in the back of his mind. He came from that world after all. One thing he would love to do is make the place better, a place where people won’t have to suffer just because. It also influences a very core part of his identity: his desire to protect his friends. Shiroi seems uncaring and rather antagonistic at times with people, especially as he grows closer to them. His lax nature becomes overly prevalent. However, when push comes to shove and the situation grows serious, Shiroi shows a surprising, near redeeming, quality. He is the first to stand between his friends and a threat, even discarding his rule about not killing needlessly. There is little mercy for those who try to uproot the bonds he has created. This is possibly due to him losing everything he once loved in life, a way to also show his appreciation for all the chances he has been given.

Despite it all, Shiroi seems to hide a surprising amount of charisma behind his lax exterior. He seems capable of imparting some wisdom from time to time. Of course, he's not shy around the ladies. He's not a massive flirt, but his loose tongue gets him in trouble.


His life began in The Rukongai, in one of the outer districts. Though, which one, he never cared to remember. All Shiroi can remember from his youth is his name, no surname, however. He also knew he wasn’t immediately named after his birth. It wasn’t until his near-white hair had begun to grow that he was, officially, giving the name: Shiroi. His youth wasn’t anything spectacular. In fact, it was miserable. His mother and father were nothing impressive, and the daily struggle of life held them down. Luckily, they did not need much food to survive. That did not stop them from going hungry from time to time. His father spent days away just to secure them something to eat from the little work he could find, and, most of the time, he would return home empty-handed. His mother couldn’t afford to leave him to find work, so they proved of no use to his father which soon caused their horrible existence to plummet even further down the rugged rabbit hole. He was still young, about five, when his life had taken a turn for the worse.

He had witnessed his father striking his mother. Despite their bad lives, Shiroi had always had his mother’s love and affection there to soothe his grumbling stomach and aching pains. But, after that day, his mother had grown somewhat distant from him, most likely blaming him for her uselessness and for the fact that she was struck. Yet, despite the blank stare she gave at times, he still found her one of the few things keeping him from breaking down just like that. With resentment for his father, he vowed to do better, and it all began when he had snuck out from home while his mother was asleep and his father was away. The Rukongai proved a scary place for someone his size. Men of all regards walked the dirty streets and alleyways that were decorated with rundown shabby shacks. It was obvious that he was unused to this sort of setting because of his slightly sheltered upbringing, but he wasn’t going to just turn around and escape back to his home after coming so far. However, he soon felt the presence of another person nearing him, and he soon caught the whiff of a man heading his way at a quick pace. Quickly, he made an attempted escape by running in the opposite direction. With little idea of what this older person wanted, he soon felt, for the first time, fear for his life.

Trapped in an alleyway that had no other opening but the one he had entered from, Shiroi found himself stuck with the man who had chased him this whole way. Though, right before he was attacked, there was a sudden loud scream, followed by a sudden flash of fabric. Shiroi had his eyes closed during the whole debacle, but he soon felt a hand on his shoulder. Opening an eye, he would see another child that looked about his age or older with other kids behind him dealing with the man that had chased him into the alley. After a few moments of explanation, it was revealed that these kids were actually a band of orphans watching over one another to keep themselves safe and alive. Seeing how Shiroi was out alone, they had thought him an orphan as well. He did not tell them otherwise. The fear of them leaving him to fend for himself after such an already traumatic experience silenced him.

However, after that day, Shiroi found himself a member of this group, wherein, he learned how to do many things. It felt like another family. Though, he was the odd one out of the group. Since he already had a home, he would leave the group for days to spend with his mother and father. During those times, he would bring with him loads of food that he had acquired during his time with the orphans, most of it from stealing or bargaining with other citizens of The Rukongai. His mother was elated, but his father seemed jealous of his sudden capabilities. Everything, however, soon changed. One day, when returning to the orphans, he had discovered their base of operation empty, signs of a conflict everywhere. In fact, there were even dead people scattered about, some a part of the orphan group and some of them being adults. It was the first time Shiroi has seen such a thing, and it made him sick to his stomach. With little idea of what to do, he had returned home as quickly as possible, but, there, he would witness something even more horrifying.

His father was there, strung up by his neck while his mother cried on the ground. Immediately, he felt himself move forward to her, but he was stopped by a burly hand that had wrapped around him. He then noticed the men about. Apparently, the orphans he had befriended would regularly steal from this group of men, and finally, after so long of it, they had decided to teach the kids a lesson. Shiroi, being a part of said group, was also due for a lesson on life. His lesson: watching his parents killed before him. His eyes would never forget seeing his mother slain before him without mercy. His ears will never forget their screams. They had let him live, but not before beating him to an inch of his life and taking him away with them.

They turned him into one of them: a killer. He was not the only one either. Some of the orphans that weren’t killed had ended up in the same situation as him, forced to repay the gang through indentured services. This involved thievery, attacking people and killing off those who oppose the gang. Shiroi didn’t know anything about killing, but they had forced him to learn by cruel means, such as bringing in innocent people for him to torture or kill and worse. Eventually, Shiroi had given up thinking about anything he did. He simply did as told, and this had continued for a few years until, eventually, it all ended. The group had evaded the Gotei for a long time, but they had messed up, and soon, their whole operation was destroyed. Somehow, Shiroi had made it out unscatched but the other orphans weren’t so lucky. It was strange. Despite how close they all were, at the end, he could only feel the desire to escape when it all fell apart. He wasn’t going to die for those people. He hated them.

This eventually led to him finding a job helping an elderly couple with running their small shop in the more commercial districts of The Rukongai. He had also changed his name from Shiroi to Gin to hide his identity. He was no longer indebted to anyone and desired for his sad past to become nothing more but a nightmare every now and then. He even purchased a white yukata to help differentiate himself from back then. His life continued peacefully for a bit until the day he had an especially bad panic attack. One of the men that he had remembered tortured and forced him to commit atrocities had stopped by the shop. They both had recognized one another, but in an attempt to not cause any problems, he had kept quiet until provoked by the man. He had struck then, attacking the other without thinking, nearly killing the man before being detained by a few Gotei members that were out patrolling.

He was rewarded for his outburst by being placed in prison. Though, he did not remain there long. After a few weeks, he was visited by a senior Shinigami and given two options: knowing of his past, he would be allowed the chance to become a Shinigami and work for the Gotei or he could remain in prison for the crimes he had committed. Despite his commitment to not harming others anymore, Shiroi had grown rather disconnected to the idea of killing. It was almost a second nature to him, but with this third new chance at life, maybe he’d be able to direct his skill towards helping rather than harming. Despite this, he was not given an Ausachi when he joined the Shino Academy. He was given a bokutō to make sure he couldn't harm anyone if he was to ever have another episode.

Shiroi wasn’t the ideal student. He seemed to have grown somewhat lazy during his time in the Academy. Maybe it was the fact that he finally felt like he was moving towards a more justifiable life that dulled his honed edge or maybe it just helped him keep his shaky mind together. At least he was not bad in school. Despite his shaky start, his life had nurtured his spiritual capabilities allowing him to prove rather adept at Kido, and, of course, he was skilled with his wooden katana and Hakuda. Yet, as he grew, he seemed to grow rather attached to the bokutō that he carried around. The fact that it could not kill like a normal sword soothed him whenever he unsheathed it. His good behavior also brought good fortune his way. Due to the creation of the Rukongai Police Force, Shiroi was given a choice. He could continue his training to become a Shinigami or join the Rukongai Police Force. At the same time, to help him understand his options better, he was allowed an ausachi and accepted into an apprentice with one of The Gotei's divisions. It is here that he is now faced with a tough decision in his life. Return to what he knows as a Plus or continue down his new path as a Shinigami.

Natural Abilities And Skills

Competence in Strength: Years of being honed into a killer and from his three years in Shino, Shiro is not a weak man. However, his strength is only a determining factor against people around his spiritual level. One would say he has reached the peak of humane strength, but still lacks much in spiritual strength.

Impressive Durability and Pain Tolerance: Pain is something Shiroi knows well, whether it be mental or physical pain. Beaten to an inch of his life and forced to endure countless brutal training regimes at a young age, Shiroi has developed a strong ignorance towards his own life. He will continue moving forward despite how much pain his body is telling him he is experiencing.

Agility: Of course, being trained to kill also means he was trained in the art of not getting killed. He proves capable of on the fly tactics and impressive agility. Despite not sporting his own fighting style, with his weapon or with his hands, he knows how to fight dirty and on par with practitioners around his level without such particular training. His time in Shino has only fine tuned his ability to guage an attack and react appropriately.

Spiritual Affinity: He once began rather weak, but after a long time of training in the Academy, Shiroi has grown adept at honing his own Spiritual energy.

Weapon Efficiency: People did not fight with their body. They fought with weapons. Shiro had to learn fast to protect himself while in the gang. He became experienced by fighting for his life constantly, and he can wield multiple different weapons without looking like an idiot. Of course, he's not able to make use of just anything, and, as he focuses on his swordsmanship, he is naturally losing the ability to pick up a staff and win a fight without much issue. However, because of his growing efficieny with a Katana, Shiro is slowly becoming a strong swordsman that shows inate talent greater than his peers.

Shinigami Natural Abilities And Skills

Hoho: This is where Shiroi found training to be a Shinigami easy. Due to knowing a lot about moving fast, applying his spiritual energy to his movements proved simple. At first, he wasn't the best at it and was always ridiculed for seeming uninterested in the technique, but his rapid progress in the subject surprised everyone. One day, he could barely Shunpo, and then, the next day, he was doing so with practiced ease. Of course, it was nothing similar to masters of the technique, but through hard work, Shiro quickly caught on to how it basically worked and proved capable of applying different basic Hoho techniques with a bit of practice.

Kidō: This is the subject that Shiro focused on the least. He did not like how foriegn using spells felt, and so, he focused on his time on other subjects to make up for it. Of course, he didn't abandon Kido completely. Being able to leave a person's reach and use an offensive ability from afar is still a nice trick in sticky situations. He was able to get down the basics, but he didn't show any interest in pushing his training any further than that.

Zanjutsu: Shiroi was not allowed an Ausachi at first, so he is behind his peers immensely in this department.

Hakuda: His violent life made it easy for him to fight other people. Applying energy to his punches proved annoying. The way he fought proved disadvantegous because his wild swings would either release too much energy or not enough. It took a long time before he became able to keep his energy stable with each punch, but he was rewarded heavily for getting it down. In fact, he enjoyed using his hands more than he did weilding a sword.


Appearance: Shingetsu takes the form of Shiro’s bokutō in its sealed state, a plain wooden practice sword. There is nothing particularly interesting about it outside of the word “blank” written on the side of its hilt.

Inner World: The inner world of Shingetsu is a gruesome sight. It is a Japanese graveyard built outside in an open field with concrete steps that lead up a mountain. Worn paths in perpendicular patterns are the only footholds available for one to walk without stepping into the sanctuary of the buried. The sky here is a bleak blue, not a single cloud or the sun in sight. However there is no wind found in this world normally.

One interesting detail about this world is its state of repetition. There exists a range that one can traverse before a boundary seems to force them back into the same area, the stairs only going up about 20 steps before one ends up back where they started at the gates of the graveyard.

Sealed Ability: The only sealed ability Shingetsu expresses is its ability to mimic a real katana's edge while remaining a bokutō.

Activation: Sketch, Shingetsu.

Shingetsu seemingly transforms into a plain katana that is also as seemingly bland as its bokutō sealed state.

Shikai: Shingetsu influences an approximate thirty foot radius around Shiro, giving him the ability to increase the range of his attacks with his Zanpakuto. Shingetsu works by rending the space that Shiro attacks, using wind to extend his area of influence. His attacks are linear projections of his movement. A slash downward will occur within his radius, mimicking the attack perfectly, but it is not a technique that travels from Shiro. Occurring almost simultaneously with Shiro's attacks, Shingetsu basically gives Shiro a thirty foot sword, meaning his attacks seem to travel instantly.

This ability is as simple as it sounds and comes with easy to read downsides. For one, due to his Zanpakuto mimicking his attacks, one who understands swordplay can easily deduce from where and how his Shikai will strike, taking advantage of the minute delay of his attacks. His range is also only 30 feet around him, leaving him rather susceptible to abilities that outrange him. Then, he is only capable of producing five slashes with his Zanpakuto before the wind around him becomes too displaced, putting his Shikai’s mimicking ability on a two post cooldown.

Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Adept
  • Kidō: Advanced
  • Zanjutsu: Beginner
  • Hakuda: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Last edited by Siegharty on Fri Jun 23, 2023 9:44 pm; edited 5 times in total
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[Spirit Class 8] Shiro Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Shiro

Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:48 pm

Last edited by Siegharty on Fri Jun 23, 2023 9:35 pm; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 8] Shiro Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Shiro

Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:53 pm
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[Spirit Class 8] Shiro Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Shiro

Sat Apr 03, 2021 5:11 pm
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Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

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  • Resources: F

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