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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Wed May 05, 2021 10:04 am


Enter Algos's Post

"Who cares what they think then, right? I'm fucking royalty and whatever my word says will speak volumes above those pesky critics and publishers. You may not get the fame you seek in this world, but I'm sure I can do wonders for the world of devils."

There was a hardy laugh from the likes of Algos which was a rarity these days given how much glum and woe there was in the world. It felt rather nice to indulge in this soft-hearted nature as her own tendrils twitched around with glee.

Though, as Ulv would move to make her poses, the demoness paid close attention to her stance. It brought the rise of an eyebrow at quickly she slid up into this pose, but she figured it was some kind of demonstration. And after her mate started speaking, it was clear enough she was keen on having The Princess learn this. So, she gave a whirl of her shoulder, stood up herself, and put her hand on her hip with a smug expression on her face.

"I'm used to just decaying things with my magic, but sure, it couldn't hurt to lean in more to the hand-to-hand stuff if I'm ever disarmed. So feel free to lead the way, teach."

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Wed May 05, 2021 11:20 am


"You are royalty, lover. Which means that everyone's thoughts are thrice as important to you as they are to Cho Zi down the road. A Queen without subjects is merely a pretentious hobo. The thoughts of all those under you are like gold, for they are the pillars upon which your life sits" Ulv told her, profound mentality melding with the basic martial forms of Wudang-an-han. She'd never truly Cultivate, being a Demon rather than a Human, but that didn't mean they couldn't be ritual for peace of mind and something to remember her by after Ulv had gone.

"And that is the beauty of Martial Arts. Every step, every strike, every man you put down is backed by years of intense effort and mental accuity. Every moment of a fight you are running through the possibilities of what they do, and countering what may never be. Such involvement, such need to be active every second of the fight, to run a thousand hours through your head to ensure the conflict closes in ten opens a most profound question.

Is it worth it? Is the conflict in front of you worth that kind of effort, that kind of investment? That kind of work? If it is not, then do not start the fight, and find a new way to resolve the issue. In doing so, violence becomes a last resort, but a resort so well honed it can not be detracted from. Always endevour to be so skilled you need not fight"


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Wed May 05, 2021 2:57 pm


Enter Algos's Post

Her mate started speaking about what it meant to be a royal and to work for those who live under your rule. Something which resonated in the core principles of Neoveta's own memories that still existed in that twisted landscape that is Algos's mind. Hence, for a brief moment, The Princess grew flustered as her cheeks grew a bright shade of pink. In response to that embarrassment, the woman gently tapped the back of Ulv's head with her scarlet tendril.

"I know, I know. I'm supposed to think of my subjects before myself. I was just having fun, geez."

Though, when she was done playing around, the woman leaned on Ulv as she gave a quiet huff and puff ingesting the words as her other appendages twitched and listened. Fights, battles, wars; all of them were were heavy investments of resources, time, energy, and life. So there was something that was starting to scratch against the head of The Demoness's thick skull. Perhaps what she was doing right now wasn't the most beneficial and she was picking violent options where a non-aggressive approach could produce the results she wanted.

"I get it. No. I totally get it. I let the curse of my family grip my body, I fall into that lust of power and sometimes over jump the gun. I need to stare down the barrel of that weapon, suck in my pride and determine if the actions I take will create the effect I desire in the world and for my people. You are totally right, Ulv. Just...not in the way you probably envisioned."

And with that, the woman sighed and stroked Ulv's hair as she continued to ponder on these words.

"Feel free to carry on with anything else that might be useful. As I won't forget it, at least..."

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Wed May 05, 2021 3:30 pm


Gods that blush was so cute. If Ulv didn't have a hold over herself beyond sanity or comprehension, they'd be making a third daughter right here. And she also seemed to understand what she did and that it was a wrong thing she didn't want to do in the first place. So much for remorseless monster. She really was just like Ulv, separated by mere circumstance. So, to showcase her next part physically - Ulv enjoys physical showcasing an anologies, a part of her that survived from Mirja and her incredibly aggressive lack of confidence in her words - she would call the Super Chi Sphere to her hand, and then throw it gently up in the air, specifically designed so it would be out of Ulv's reach, but in Algos'.

"Grab that~" she exclaimed, gesturing to it with her head.


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Thu May 06, 2021 12:14 am


Enter Algos's Post

"Right, right."

As her blush faded, it seemed the circumstances were changing as she could feel energy flowing within the depths of the vizard. Algos looked upward at the sphere which the woman formed with a questionable expression on her face.

To be blunt: The Princess had no idea what the hell her intentions were with forging that cyclone of chi.

Still, she trusted Ulv nothing else. So, she'd give a shrug of her shoulders and placed her right hand atop of the orb of chi so that she could figure out what game this woman was trying to play with her. Who knows, it might prove to entertain her for a little bit if it was supposed to do something special.

"Alright, I've got my hand on this silly thing. Now what?"

A single tendril twitched from the woman as she anticipated whatever response would come. Was it suppose to hurt? Was it meant to make her orgasm? Or did it unlock some secret new power? The Demoness hadn't an iota of a clue. So she just wanted this to hurry up.

"And hopefully it isn't anything too goofy~"

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Sat May 08, 2021 9:00 am


Stepping behind Algos and sliding her arms around the woman's waist, she'd pull her in close and hug her, leaning her chin on Algos' shoulder.
"There. When you jump the gun or it all slips out of your hands, others can be there to catch you, to hold you up and stop you from falling down into the deep dark abyss. Which is why it is important to have friends and close family members. Even if you think they might hate you, you need to reach out and try anyway, or else you will suffer when you come to the wall and find no way to go through it"

She'd then tap the ball with a grin.

"You can keep the ball. It's really fun to play with. When you throw it, it comes back, and then you can dodge it and practice precision punches on it and all kind of things. It takes more power than you should ever use on a ball to damage it, and the thing regenerates if you do somehow damage it"


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Fri May 14, 2021 11:54 am


Enter Algos's Post

That feeling of being held wasn't too terrible. Rather, it was favorable to feel herself sinking into another's arms. It is why the woman had a brief flash of pink flow over her cheeks, but it soon dulled as she listened in to the words that Ulv was uttering to her. As the static in her mind started to ease, Algos understood that if nothing else having allies, family and others who are sympathetic to your cause was beneficial. Love, connections, protection, community; they were all things that drove living beings, and perhaps her mate had a point that she should seek to maintain these bridges so that she may not fall into the abyss.

"I suppose as a devil I should approach the situation directly. Not so aggressive that I cause a scene, but to take firm action to mitigate the damages done and see what I can salvage from the ash."

Right, right. It all made logical sense. It's why the notions of what the ball in her hand could do weren't all too important to the demoness right now. Instead, matters of the heart were what was at the forefront of the demon's mind. So, her blood gaze looked up to Ulv as she smothered herself into her arms.

"There is no other choice, is there?"

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Sat May 15, 2021 9:56 am


"The only mistake is the one you don't learn from, love~" Ulv commented, kissing Algos' cute blushing cheeks one at a time. "But never think there is no other choice. There is always another choice, it's just not one you want to go down, or not one you can think of right now, or other reasons for not being enacted. It exists, you just struggle to grasp it, is all"

Ulv liked the intimate cuddle moments, somewhat. She was burning her flame too hot to feel much else, just so Algos didn't have to feel Ulv's despair, but without that...heh.

"You made a big mistake, and it will take a lot of work. But that work is work you should put in anyway because it is the right thing for your heart to do. Go to them and allow them to tell you what you did wrong, because they know themselves a hundred times better than you do. Don't belch out what you think is wrong, and don't allow them to imply they have done nothing wrong to you. But the first step begins with you, because you are you. Can't expect others to be you, for you"


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Tue May 18, 2021 5:19 pm


Enter Algos's Post

"Pfft. Then I guess my black heart won't forget that love then~"

A tongue slithered out of the mouth of The Asthavon as she playfully stuck it towards Ulv's direction before winding it back inside herself. Yeah, Algos was in a jovial mood, but that didn't mean she wasn't discerning the words that were flowing into her mind. Choice always existed even if the road wasn't too ideal. That was what this devil felt: trapped in a sea of miserable choices leading to a bleak future where bloodshed and violence seemed inevitable in her mind. Still -- she had a choice to dull even the catastrophe she was in. And she could acknowledge that.

"If I have the will and power to move worlds, perhaps I should act more like it. It's easy to lose sight of that at times when a power like this consumes you, but I'm sure you understand those violent urges too well."

There was then a pause before the woman allowed herself to lean into Ulv and close her eyes as a warm red glow oozed around the devil's body.

"I feel bloodied memories of my former lives resonate when I try to construct what I need to move forward in this life. Soon, I will come to my answer as to what kind of person I'll become when this pain molds me toward my next endless evolution in this existence."

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 3 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Wed May 19, 2021 7:53 am


"Good Girl~" Ulv would pat Algos' head and nod. Though the topic she brought up about being easy to lose sight of yourself...that was so apt.

"I was talking to my friend Cyrus about that a while ago. He sacrificed is very Self to lead his people, and we were talking about how you feel when you are that high and powerful. Sometimes, it's like you are just a gliding mass of energy far above those you want to interact with. But so lost I can't find where I am...There has been two times in my life I've felt like that. Once I nearly took out Saburo City but was fortunately stopped by a guy I knew. Second time, almost took out the 4th Division Barracks in the Seireitei. That time I managed to catch myself using a special form that clears up all the mental fuckery but is unfortunately far too exhausting to stay in forever"

She'd then lean back and stare at the amber celling when the topic of Neoveta came up. Gods, she was the reason for all of this, Ulv's desire to help everyone, Algos' presence, and now Ulv about to die alone and unloved by any but one.
"I know you'll be the best Algos you can be. I have all the trust in the world for that"


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