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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:51 pm


Enter Algos's Post

There was a perplexing emotion that washed over the face of Algos as she was cooed to and called a good girl. Not often was she ever called such a powerful combination of words throughout her life. Often times, one would describe her as a devil child and one filled to the brim with chaotic power meant to destroy rather than be loved. So, the furious fangs of the monster numbed as she smiled over and liked being held and told she was good. So, she held to Ulv and kissed her with affection as her tendrils slithered around like an excited puppy.

"Don't call me that, it makes me feel weird."

The Princess then closed her eyes before listening to what her vizard mate had to say. Sure, her chapter may end as Ulv, but whatever the third person became was still going to be Algos's. As long as the essence lives on, it was hers to claim and she would seek it out no matter what god or devil may get in her way. So, she'd open her eyes and look up to Ulv with a smirk.

"If you become a demon, you'll become my knight again. You will always find your way back to me, and I will find my way to you. That is the way this works, don't you understand? Two forces such as ourselves don't simply mate out of circumstance. We were meant to have this happen by the black forces of the universe."

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Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:10 pm


"Ohh? Princess Gossy isn't used to being treated with benevolence, huh?~" Ulv teased, giving her playful pokes in the belly and giggling. It was nice to just stretch out and have some good natured fun with Algos before the end. To do things so base, so simple and grounded..."It makes her uncomfortable when people say nice things about her" Ulv's playful tone continued as she ribbed her little love. Serious issues masked in the cladding of play were the best way to get into them, after all.

But, then there was need for serious issues without and cladding, so she would stroke Algos' cheek with a thumb.
"I can make no promises for who shall come for you. But I know you will show her love such that she will wish to be with you forever"


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:56 pm


Enter Algos's Post

There would be a faint blush that came across the woman's chest before she flicked the nose of Ulv. The woman had more than a lifetime of abuse, suffering, war, and death to make negativism the default state of her life. So, her beloved wasn't exactly wrong in her assessment which made the woman all the more flustered. Of course, it wasn't a bad feeling. It was a matter of trying to adjust to these weird, warm mushy feelings as she did like to be called a good call and rewarded deep down as she hadn't been a happy, little girl in so many years.

"Maybe I'm not used to it. You wanna fight about it? I'm strong enough to be a Demon Queen, so this good little girl will pack a punch."

With a playful laugh, Algos stuck her tongue out like a spoiled little brat before smiled a bit and had one of her tendrils place Ulv's hand on her head. Face more reddened than before, she continued.

"And I never said to stop."

Now that the spoiled princess had her way, she listened in to the notion of what Ulv would be in the next life. Of course, there were no promises when it came to reincarnation, but she would get what she wanted. That was the nature of her life. No matter how awful things were, her will would help her get what she wanted no matter what. Right?

"Yes. We will always love each other in one form or another. I am your good girl, after all."

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:22 pm


"There is a ring, you know" Ulv exclaimed, half way to getting up. She was a woman of insummountable passion and vigor, so a good wrestle was always on her head. "Alex took Elyss clean out fighting in it once. Was fun. Just, no Demon Magic crap. The people of Wulin believe the only way to truly see what is in a person's heart is to cross fists with them. How they fight tells a tale of million words. When you fight a person you can no longer hide anything from them. Thus, a fight is an admittance that you want them to know all you are, as much as it is a contest to be the victor"

Still, bossy and spoiled though Algos might have been, one had to indulge their brat at times to keep them happy. It was a most intricate dance of play, tease, and reward. So Ulv stroked her head lovingly.
"A fight is how Mirja bonded so well with her Inner Hollow, you know. Mirja's first fight with Hvit was out of fury and pride. Hvit wanted to be in control, and Mirja was a stubborn bitch who wouldn't give up even when there was every reason to do so.

But, then the second fight came. More than just a fight, it was a catharsis, a release of all the emotions they wanted to say but couldn't find the words for. They grappled and thrashed until they were both exhausted, and then collapsed upon each other.

And the third fight...Was a melding of the two hears. A deep conversation, and exhibition that they were admitting and accepting they were the mirror of each other, and cared deeply for that connection that had been built up.

My own fight with Hvit was more affirmation that I was not taking Mirja's legacy in vein, and that I could hold my own when required. That one Beowulf had to stop because we were getting a little too into it and were about to break open a pair of Bankais..."


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:13 pm


Enter Algos's Post

There were more cooing noises that flowed from the mouth of The Demoness as she was pat on the hand. This pulsation of warmth, affection, and acceptance of whatever pure-will existed in her body made The Princess ooze over with delight. That deep-seated need for affirmation that she was a good girl flowed deep as all throughout her life she was seen as nothing but vile. So, this moment was nice, but nice moments never lasted for too long in this world.

As Ulv started speaking about the duality of fighting, she understood quite well that when engaged in the art of combat you get to see a person's true colors. Ingesting all of the woman's experiences in the art of fighting, The Princess nodded her head at everything she spoke as she spoke of such tales which brought the hearts of other spirits of this world together. And, to this end, Algos smiled devilishly.

"You aren't wrong. I've killed many a creature: you find the utmost of honesty in their dying honest. Whether they were a man of honor, or a man of cowardice; it all comes spilling out when their guts come spilling out of their pretty little bodies."

There was a playful giggle given at something so morbid. Given the fact that Algos was being treated like a loved little kid, she had no reason not to be happy and just glossed over the savage nature of what was just spoken. After all: in her world, it was kill or be killed.

"But more importantly, are you saying we should fight, Ulv? To truly let our bodies mend together, should we rise our swords against one another in a deadly duel as my world turns to ash and your body returns to the earth?"

Pushing herself atop of Ulv, Algos grinned as she tried to assert herself on Ulv and see what the woman would do as she continued to test her boundaries of her spoiled rotten attitude.

"Do you want to fight your precious little girl, hm?"

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:27 pm


"You don't always have to kill your opponent, you know?" Ulv commented, sliding her hands up Algos' thighs as she got on top and continued to be a brat. "There are, in fact, three major schools of combat"

Ulv settled in, bearing down with such overwhelming, loving pride that she seemed wholly in control of the situation despite Algos being on top and being a brat.

"The first, is The Killing Fist. Opposed to it's name, it's not actually a name that outright tries to kill you. More so, it is the style that doesn't try not to kill you. If you fight a member of The Killing Fist, then he will fight you with all he has. And if you die then you die, though he won't explicitly go out of his way for that sole purpose.

The second, is The Saving Fist. These Martial Artists believe that a fight should be a lesson, and dying negates the chance to learn or thank them for being taught. So they make sure not to kill you, however that might be. Killing your opponent is a great shame for them.

The third, is The Evil Fist. As you might have guessed, that is the fist of villiany and malice. Your whole intention is to kill your opponent. You have ditched your origins, no longer respect your ancestors, and give no care to your Face. Practitioners are often seen as little more than animals, as they have rid themselves of everything that matters in the world"

With that lecture over, she would give Algos a cute smirk.

"So, in closing. You keep being a brat and I will treat you like a brat"


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:02 pm


Enter Algos's Post

A flowing stream of excitement tingled up the spine of The Princess as Ulv started to touch her thigh. It didn't bother the demoness one bit as she slid her own tendril up the woman's back. With it wrapping around her waist, Algos giggled and pulled her closer as she added her own rebuttal:

"So what you are saying is that it's more fun to play with your food, huh?"

She knew that isn't what Ulv meant, but sometimes it was fun to play dumb and be a bit of pain in the ass. With her own cheesy grin on her face, the woman's blood eyes observed Ulv speak on the many different fighting styles which existed. Certainly, there were a lot of options to really deal with someone when it came to the art of combat. Hell, even demons had their own system with magic and whatnot. So it made sense that those who trained to kill with their fist had different levels of skill needed for every job.

"Ahhhhh~ The two of us should have a duel of Killing Fist then, huh? Savor the style of the other and get to know each other better."

Now slumped on the woman's bosom, Algos rested her body on the woman's warmth for a moment before staring up and flicking her nose once more.

"And I'm your brat to deal with, so you are stuck with me until your dying dies."

That didn't bother The Demoness anymore at this point to say such flustering things. With the world burning to a pile, it was better to speak the truth while one could before the cruel fate of this existence obliterated that chance to speak such sentiments.

"So you can do whatever you want with your brat as I'm yours as much as you are mine~"

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:55 pm


"Samhain, no. I'd rather not disintegrate my baby's mother. You can come at me with everything you can do physically pull off, and I shall guide you down a path of noble conflict with one's knuckles. All fights are lessons but this would almost be a guided tour on how to fight. I actually-" she'd stand up suddenly, a fluid and flexible maneuvering around Algos done so naturally it was clear Ulv didn't even think about what she was doing. Ulv was a woman who had to put in effort to be natural, otherwise her preternatural grace and naturally predatorial prowl didn't make her a lot of friends. That and how easily she fixated on martial arts, made her a unique being she had to put a lot of thought into not being.

"-Wrote a book about this. You'll probably not be so interested in the first volume, it's just a training manual about how to do my things. But, you can read that in your off days. The second one is my rambling musing about how I came to learn all the stuff. Half of it is admittedly 'I had this really cool idea one day and it actually worked out' but you know how it is"


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:54 pm


Enter Algos's Post

All fights were lessons, huh? That sentiment made Algos tendril's twitched as she mulled over the choices which brought her to this conclusion in her life. If anything, this whole year was one tiring war that she certainly needed to mull over. And while it wasn't what Ulv had intended to click in her brain, a switch certainly was turned on when The Demoness thought about her grueling fights.

"You aren't wrong. Life is full of battles to learn from in more ways than one."

Swaying her slithery appendages any which way she pleased, a soft smirk slipped across the face of the demoness as she watched Ulv dance out of her grip and focused her blood eyes on the book. When the woman was done speaking, another one of her tendrils quickly snatched it up and placed it on her lap as she then held it to her chest.

"I'll be sure to go through this at my own leisure and pace. If you've taken my presence into you, certainly I can take your written insights into me."

With a slow blink, the woman continued.

"But surely you didn't do all this just to sell me your book, right? If you did, I must say this is one...unorthodox pitch."

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:06 pm


"Hahaha~ no. It's nothing like that. I just, like this whole thing" she'd say, rolling over and gently gliding the second book over to Algos as well. "I've never written a book before, nor put my thoughts to paper in such a manner. I am eager for feedback. I sent copies everywhere, but nobody has said anything about it so I need to be more proactive"

Ulv would slide up onto her feet and strike a subconsciously sultry pose that was at odds with her words, the passion for martial arts of any description bubbling to the surface and showing themselves in her delighted words.
"Tao Chi would be good for you. It's got slow, relaxing movements that allow you to contemplate the flow of the Tao. Basically your path in life. Comes out of Tajiquan, which is a slow and graceful style that also kicks a guy's ass if he needs it"


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