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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] Empty Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:09 pm


Enter Algos's Post

Rain, rain; go away, come again another day. Isn't that how the song went? Well, despite the cold conditions, this atmosphere was welcomed in the heart of The Princess of Demon World. Cozy days such as this gloomy one brought contentment from all the souls who lamented in their depression; thus giving the woman a source of food to nourish herself with.

However -- today was an especially tasty day for grief! Valentine's day: the day when all the lonely chucklefucks of the world get consumed in their own loneliness and fall into a hole of loveless woe. Such bountiful blessings of pain were like an all you can eat buffet. So her mood was especially fervor today, but that is not why she came to the Harbour.

As she emerged out of a pile of globbed shadows, the woman's crimson eyes came from the darkness of Ulv's manor as she wore nothing but her dress. With the tapping of her bare feet against the floor, the snow-haired demoness called out to the abyss:

"Happy Valentine's day, my knight. Surely you don't wish to spend this day alone? I might eat your lonely heart if you do."

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:57 pm


Suddenly, Algos. Not that the greeting was amicable. A Bear brooked no intrusion when it came to the cub, and so Ulv rounded on Algos with an oppressively vicious look. Though, upon seeing it was actually Algos, Ulv took no action and reigned in her Self to be less hostile.

"Please knock, next time? I'm sure I've said that before" Ulv commented drily, hefting the wriggling Baby Ulv back down as she tried to crawl elsewhere. "Besides, who's alone? I've the company of the cutest baby in all the world~" Ulv cooed, lifting Baby Ulv up and patting her head with a Tulpa hand.

"You are welcome to come join. We have warm milk, cookies and the TV"


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:06 pm


Enter Algos's Post

"Oh? Not a fan of surprises? Afraid I might see something ugly here?"

There was a tone of amusement heard in the voice of Algos as she tapped her chin. Given her lack of restraints in life, it was hard for her to understand the proper boundaries of things. When you are able to swat away most of the world with a wave of your finger, have resources up the asshole and political pull stronger than a busty woman's spine; you tend to overlook these types of small things.

"I'll keep a note of it for next time. My little teleportation trick is needed if you don't want to be seen mating with the devil itself. I'm sure your friends would be appaled at the sin you've bedded with me."

There was a delightful smile behind every word of the woman. She was taking pleasure at this moment and being in the presence of both the mother of her child and the child itself. So, she'd mosey on down to the couch, motion for them to follow and ease herself under the comfortable scenery of family. Her own twisted family.

"I'd be colder than Satan himself if I declined my family this special time."

Algos was almost child-like as she spoke, as she kicking her feet back and forth against the couch; having one hell of a proud smile across her face as she hummed her head. So, it is in this moment of giddiness that the woman turned her head back to Ulv:

"Thank you for making that sacrifice for me and for showing me your loyalty. It's a heavy price to pay, but I will make it worth your while~"

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Feb 02, 2021 8:58 pm


"My whole life is barely restrained reactions and instincts. Now motherhood has come, the urge to protect is often stronger and faster than I am. And it makes a poor greeting to be savaged by your love" She'd then head over to the couch with Baby Ulv and sit down next to her, shaking her head softly at the woman's words. It was nice to see her giddy and enthusiastic. Every day Ulv gave her like this was a day she could use later when the dark days came. Because the inevitability of life was that they always came, and all anyone could do was deal with them.

"If they take my help gladly for their own problems then in the next breath decry me for aiding another's, then I curse their existence and retract any hand that may be offered. Hypocrisy will never be supported as long as I live. In the same vein, it is no sacrifice to love those that need loving. The payment is but a simple feather, my dear. Worry not about it"


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:03 pm


Enter Algos's Post

Gurgled purrs snarled out of the demonic mouth of Algos as she grew closer to Ulv. With her own fangs coming out like a feral beast, the woman's tendrils hissed out as a mist of warm, loving crimson aura echoed out in the air around them. At this moment, she snuggled up against the warmth of the vizard's baby while patting the head of her child with one of her tendrils as her other appendages squirmed with glee. For the time being, the demonic princess's own little black paradise was found on this cold rainy day as she took delight in losing herself in their abyss.

"I have similar urges to keep you both safe. When you carry the life of a demon in you, we become protective of that which has our blood and has borne our spawn. So I won't let anything happen to you, regardless."

With Algos playfully licking the nick of Ulv, she giggled once more before nibbling on it and taking soft bites akin to wild a cheetah showing it's affection to it's partners.

"You are my loving knight, so I will slaughter them all regardless if they touch a hand on you."

That wasn't a threat, that was a promise. It did not matter how long it would take, since these days were so finite, Algos wasn't going to let a single bastard ruin this for her. Her heart was melting in something she yearned for so long and no self-righteous dipshit was going to take that away from her.

"Still, it is why my body and soul are open to you whenever you need it. You have earned that much if you are willing to throw everything away for me."

There was then a pause before Algos gravely chuckled.

"But after I take the little one to demon world after your passings, I'll do my best to find yor reincartion and make it mine to~"

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:33 pm


Hearing her, Ulv would tsk and boop Algos' nose playfully. She was really cute like this, but Ulv was everyone's mother, even now when she was literally another's mother.

"Violence must always be an option, but never the first. It creates a world of savages, where the beauty of life is missed for the vengeance of death previously sowed" Ulv counselled, before letting Baby Ulv crawl over her mother so she could wrap an arm around Algos and hug her warmly as the tv played it's tunes.

"Besides, I am throwing away nothing. I have been neutral from the day I took this city, and held that ground even as Las Vegas burned. If I was not going to break my principles to protect a friend's glorious undertaking from the foul ego of a fool, then it should show to all who look on that my neutrality is impregnable. If they still wish to judge me by what they think of others, then they are not worth knowing in the first place" Ulv gently spoke. She was feeling content, which was nice. Few things cut through the haze of passion and fury, so anything that did was treasured.

Though, Ulv did raise her wrist and show off the symbol on it.
"If I am right, then the reincarnation of mine should possess this. It will gently guide them to you, and you to them. Because I certainly don't need that. I am Ulv! No being on any plane of existence can hide from my sight!"


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Wed Feb 03, 2021 6:34 pm


Enter Algos's Post

Mmmmmmmm~ There was some point to be had in the words Ulv spoke. Algos would rather have people be on her side, so diplomacy went a long way towards achieving that goal. Yet, at the same time, if negotiations broke down; the woman was not shy about butchering the threat until nothing remained. Still, she would take heed of that warning.

"Fine, fine. I'll try diplomacy first. I am a princess, after all."

There was a chuckle given before the woman smirked and added on to that:

"But if talks break down, never forget I'm willing to purge whatever threat is in our way into a fine oblivion. I have the power of death inside me, after all."

Almost seeming smug at this point, the woman gave a confident laugh before listening in to her beloved. While she may have spoken words of not giving up anything, it still didn't take away the earth and many other dimensions may look at her differently for baring her body so close with the devil itself. And that loyalty is something Algos cherished.

"Well, I have to admire your moxy to stick through to your words. At least it proves I can trust you if nothing else."

Algos then gave the woman a kiss on the cheek before her tendril continued to entertain the baby; gently bopping its head softly as it slithered above like a playful toy for it to be amused by. In that way, The Princess was having her own amusement playing with her child.

"Indeed. You have nothing to fear. I will bring you back to me one way or another."

There was a fiery stare given by the demoness before moving on with her words:

"And we will resume this all over again, got it?"

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:23 am


"Ohh, absolutely. If talks break down or they refuse to talk, go for the throat. But, always favour the noble path above the gutter, and never judge a person on the actions of their family or predecessor. Just because your clan, your family, your realm, has been at war with them for years, or decades, or even centuries, doesn't mean you can't attempt to offer an olive branch to the most current generation of the opposing side. They could be radically different to the one who came before, but you would never know if your treat them with cold hostility right off the bat. This doesn't mean you should avoid enemies and violence entirely. If they do not wish to put aside their predjuice, then kill them. But always offer the hand before the knife. One way or another, end your week without enemies"

She'd kiss Algos back - Intent and Actuality blurred when faced with Ulv, who could push the intent to do something so hard it felt like the thing was actually done - and then settle in. Baby Ulv was not one for settling, and made grabby bity motions for the Tendrils, of the age where everything was bitten for baby science.

"My whole thing relies on my Word. If I lose the reputation of being held to it, my very existence would be naught. And so I must tell you I can promise nothing for afterwards, when I have gone and there is someone new. That you will have to take into your own hands"


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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:26 pm


Enter Algos's Post

Mmmmm~ Ending a week without enemies, eh? It was an alright goal to achieve. After all, if the whole world becomes your enemy, it becomes tedious to deal with. It can be fought, but sometimes other avenues can be used to get what you desired. So, The Princess gave a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders as she grinned with confidence from ear to ear.

"We'll start with one week then~ Baby steps."

Well -- that was a lie. No, not the baby steps thing, but that grin of hers wasn't just from her confidence. With her tendril slithering all over her newborn, Algos smothered it in a blanket of her warmth as these scarlet appendages sought to protect and play with the baby. Getting used to being around her mother was much-needed bonding, after all.

Though, for the time being, Algos was more focused on what Ulv's response was to her question. Thus, she leaned in to pay close attention to this response. As it appeared whatever was forming next was going to be a new person, but the same Ulv would still be found in it if The Princess had her way. And like the spoiled brat she was, death mattered not in that pursuit of attaining what she desired.

"Death matters not to me. You will come back to me and I will help you through whatever comes in your next life."

There was a scoff had as the woman brushed off the absurdity of it all. Though, with a sly grin, she soon followed:

"But humor me: what do you think you will come back as, dear? Hopefully not as a pig or anything disgusting like that."

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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] WVMWLOu
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv] Empty Re: Valentine's Devil [Algos/Ulv]

Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:19 pm


"Good Girl~" Ulv cooed, patting Algos' head. Domme Ulv was always present, and sometimes came out even when it wasn't that kind of interaction. It was how you promoted good behavior after all. Though, while Baby Ulv went through her 'These Tendrils Can Not Beat Me!' routine of wriggling and writhing, Ulv shook her head and just laid on Algos' shoulder.

"I would prefer, when I die, to simply die. I have lived on beyond what I should, and Mirja deserves some peace. To become a third person after I die would be more than I could ever wish for or desire. But don't worry, Algos. I am confident that you will win the heart of the one who is coming after me"

"As for who that will be though...well, I have racked up enough Karma that they could easily skip every step and reincarnate me as a plant. But, assuming that doesn't happen. Definitely some kind of Demon, your mark ensures that. But, probably some kind of Danava. I live my life to such extents I am sure my soul could attract that kind of thing. Hopefully not Fury, that'd make for bad dates. Desire, maybe?"


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