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Joined : 2019-02-28
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[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel Empty [Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel

Thu Jun 11, 2020 10:37 pm
[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel 1TQHN4L


"No world is without sacrifices. Doesn't he realize it? This sea of blood covered in ashes...we refer to this hell as the world."

⚋ Name: Tier Harribel
⚋ Alias': Tres Espada
⚋ Age: Unknown
⚋ Birthday: July 25
⚋ Gender: Female
⚋ Race: Arrancar

⚋ Affiliation: None except her Fraccion

⚋ Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
⚋ Marital Status: -
⚋Nationality: -
⚋ Religious Standing: -
⚋ Sexual Orientation: -

⚋ Height: 5'9"
⚋ Weight: 135 lbs
⚋ Hair Colour: Golden Blonde
⚋ Eye Colour: Aqua Green

[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel LRqcawR

Psychological Analysis


Harribel is calm, taciturn, level-headed, and analytical. She has shown, multiple times, that she isn’t one to easily lose her temper unless provoked aggressively by an individual. Though, she does express that she will strike anyone down, swiftly, if they dare to harm her Fraccion or anyone she holds close to her heart. Some may see this as a good quality or a bad quality. Yet, it does make Harribel appear cocky at times. She isn’t one to hold her tongue when another rubs her the wrong way which may end up getting her into a situation she may not have a perfect hold on. However, due to her tactical abilities, she has a way with words just as she does with her blade.

Moving on from such, Harribel also shows a tendency to write off people quickly. If someone appears as loud, then they are loud to her, and it will take strides for that person to change the Arrancar’d mind. This also influences how Harribel sees the organizations of the world. She will quickly write off if one is even worth caring about quickly until proven otherwise, and even then, she will still hold contempt for it. However, despite her disposition, she seems to have an issue with randomly deciding to help others even if she doesn't like them. She usually blames it on her aspect of death forcing her to react to certain things she finds worth getting involved with, but that’s mostly her hiding the side of her that actually cares about the wellbeing of others. One wouldn’t actually guess she has such a side at first however due to her cold nature.


Harribel is a lean and toned woman with olive skin hinting at an African or Hispanic heritage before her death and rebirth as a Hollow. She has golden hair cut short right to the base of her neck that she usually keeps in an untidy style with three braided locks. With Aqua green eyes and thick eyelashes, she normally substains a harsh glare or a bored stare. That, combined with her tendency to hide the lower half of her face, usually gives Harribel an intimidating or bored look whether she is trying to look that way or not. Underneath whatever fabric or clothing she is using to hide her face exists the remnant of her Hollow mask, a skeletal mask covering the sides of her face, mouth, and an extensive area below and around her neck extending down to, and also covering, her nipples. It, of course, is white in coloring with a rather platelike texture and jagged around the edges with elongated human teeth much like a human across the jaws of her mask.

Below the clothing, Harribel sports a fit body. Not overly muscular, her lean muscles are not constantly exerted except for when she flexes them which rarely happens unless forced into situations that require such. Harribel’s chest is also of notable quality with such a large bosom, and due to Harribel’s clothing style, it is rather easy to tell of her physique without much guesswork. Her Hollow hole is in her lower abdomen where her womb should be.


Tier Harribel’s story ended and began with a sacrifice. Though, not even she remembers what that sacrifice was despite the aspect being engraved into her very core as she grew to become an Arrancar. The only thing she can remember from her life as a human was an intense rage at one’s betrayal moments before everything turned black. Even her time as a Plus shortly faded from her memories when her chain of fate broke and her life as a Hollow truly began. Now, she finds herself wandering the infinite expanses of Hueco Mundo, searching to gain power to protect what is close to her hollowed heart. She usually finds herself reminiscing on the events that brought her this far, how they have shaped her, and what they mean for her future. Even as she sits under one of the many scarce broken trees that litter the grounds of Hueco Mundo, she finds herself lost in memories, thinking back on her short time as one of the Espada and of him, Aizen.

Vasto Lorde
Before becoming an Arrancar, Tier had climbed the ladder from when she had started as a measly welp of a Hollow until becoming one of the few feared Vasto Lordes to exist in Hueco Mundo. Her climb was full of sacrifices and betrayal. Over and over did she make the same mistake of allying herself with other Hollows simply to end up putting her body on the line for them. Every time she found herself alone and left for dead, barely alive because of how treacherous her own kind are to their own. Yet, she continued being selfless despite the amount of allies she has had to slay because they thought they could defeat her simply because her back was turned.

Eventually, she found no need for others as she reached a pinnacle of power that little could. She became a Vasto Lorde, leaving behind many in her kind and becoming seen as something benevolent to those beneath her. Though, she cared nothing for titles and kept to herself, only showing herself when the want to protect another came about. She came to hate her aspect of death quickly enough however. Hollow’s were ungrateful beings that took her sacrifice for granted, some of the ones she saved, had to be put down shortly after by her own hands. Yet, it felt nigh impossible to go against the one thing that drove her Hollow life. Without it, she truly had no reason to live, and then, for what reason was she blessed, or cursed, with this power?

Her thoughts usually ran rampant with inner discussions focused entirely around her purpose in life. At one point, she had even entertained the idea of working for Baraggan Louisenbairn and his court but quickly decided against such after experiencing first hand how the King of Hueco Mundo ruled using fear instead of respect. Baraggan’s ideals worked against her own ideals, and thus, she knew she would never have gotten along with the other Vasto Lorde. However, that experience caused her to long for an actual group that she could trust on, people just for her. She had little belief she would ever find such, and so, she continued on her way until one day running into two particular Hollows.

There was a snake and lion Adjuchas level Hollow fighting off a much larger Hollow that seemed to have chosen them as its meal. Harribel was unsure about the situation, but she felt the need to help as she does at times, and so, without much effort, she had easily dispatched the larger Hollow. Cyan Sung-Sun and Franceska Mila Rose, those were the names of the two Hollows. Harribel didn’t truly care seeing as how she expected them to either leave and be on their way or try to get a lucky hit on her as soon as her back turned. Neither occurred however. After leaving the two Hollow, Harribel soon found herself in a gruesome fight against a group of particularly strong Hollows. Against one or three of them, she would have had no issue dispatching them, but the fact that she was against a literal horde, Harribel found herself getting chipped away at little by little. Since the Hollows didn’t care about using their own as bait, the situation became tricky as each downed Hollow meant the others could land a lucky blow. Things looked somewhat poor for Harribel until those two from before had come, standing between her and the horde. Of course, they did little to actually turn the tides of the fight, but the fact that they came to her rescue pushed Harribel to newfound heights of power she didn’t know she had. Maybe it was the fact that others had finally done for her what she had done for so many that had revitalized her enough to destroy the enemy Hollows. That was the beginning of Harribel’s own group. That was the beginning of the Vasto Lorde’s family.

Eventually, Emilou Apacci, another female Adjuchas level Hollow, that was being attacked by a male Hollow was saved by Harribel as well and invited to join the Vasto Lorde’s group. Now, Harribel obtained a small group of fellow Hollow that she actually had trust in. It felt strange at first to finally feel like you belong to something, but she found herself cherishing the moments she spent with them. The change in the Vasto Lorde became evident quickly. Hollows that bothered her group were dealt with, but Harribel had begun letting them escape rather than killing them. One day, Emilou Apacci had confronted Harribel on why she allowed for the Hollows they fought to escape rather than killing and eating them. Harribel expressed her disdain for the laws of Las Noches and told her group that if she couldn’t win a fight alone she would win it with them, in a group, working together. She no longer desired to sacrifice other Hollow just for greater power.

Her ideals, though, eventually caused her little group to run into Baraggan. This time, the other Vasto Lorde came with a warning for Harribel. She would either end her rebellious spree or disappear to an area he could not see her, yet, he proclaimed that he could see all of Hueco Mundo. Despite the efforts of one Hollow that tried to persuade Harribel to stand down which she left injured, Harribel continued to live the way she desired, uncaring for Baraggan’s laws.

Sometime later, Harribel and her group are attacked by a stranger that entered their lair. Harribel, who remembered him as the Hollow she attacked at her confrontation with Baraggan and his court, tried to fend him off, but his reiatsu proved stronger than a Vasto Lorde like herself and he quickly gained the upper hand. Harribel, however, refused to give up and asked her subordinates to run away. Though they complied at first, they eventually came back as they had resolved to die fighting with Harribel. The assailant quickly defeated them though and then took out Harribel. He then stated his intention to kill her and join the upper ranks of Hueco Mundo. That was when they were interrupted by the arrival of Sōsuke Aizen, who blocked the Hollow and stated that such power was only natural for an Arrancar as he dispatched their assailant personally. He then noted that the power of sacrifice allowed for many impossible things and apologized to Harribel stating that he gave their assailant Arrancar powers but not a brain to control it. He then explained himself and why he did things the way he did which eventually convinced Harribel to join his ranks. She desired the power to protect the people who put their trust in her, and Aizen gave her such.

The change was startling. One moment, she is a Vasto Lorde, and the next, she is now an Arrancar. Harribel couldn’t believe the power increase, but Aizen kept true to his word. He even allowed her subordinates to be changed alongside her using the Hōgyoku, making them her Fracción. Following their evolution, Tier was tested and made the 3rd number in Aizen’s group, The Espada. Apparently, one of their members had gone missing, presumed dead. Harribel did not expect to run into Baraggan once more, but she paid him little mind and only showed him the respect that is required for her to show to her comrades. In fact, all the members of The Espada were looked upon with contempt by her, all but Coyote Starrk. He seemed different from all the others despite his lazy exterior. Despite all the arguing and infighting around her, she always noticed how Starrk seemed to find comfort in it all. After learning of him, Harribel came to understand him. Sacrifice and loneliness are roads that are often crossed.

Later on during her time with The Espada, Aizen called together a meeting to discuss their plans. Ichigo Kurasaki and his friends had invaded Hueco Mundo, and, despite Nnoitra Gilga’s comments, Harribel knew not to take anyone lightly when it came to saving or protecting a friend. With such in her mind, she witnessed Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez facing Ichigo in a fight that forced her fellow Espada to enter into his Resurrección. Her Fracción had shown fear in the face of such power, and Harribel made sure that they knew to value such a feeling. However, that is when her interest in Ichigo had peaked. For a human, he seemed too similar to a Hollow in her eyes. However, she had no time to ponder on such for long. Aizen required her attention for his plans moving forward.

Aizen had invaded the human world, but was met with a fake copy of Karakura Town instead, and upon seeing that it was a trap, he had called for her, and her Fracción, along with Starrk and Baraggan to defeat the Gotei that stood in their path. This is where she is confronted by Captain Tōshirō Hitsugaya. Harribel drew her sword and clashed with the shorter Captain.

When her Fracción, Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun, were defeated, she had upped her tactics against Hitsugaya. Harribel had condensed energy in the hollow portion of her sword and slashes at him, revealing her form of Cero. Then, she unzips her jacket, revealing her rank as the Tres Espada. Hitsugaya had found it difficult to believe she was only the third strongest Espada, but Harribel starkly warned him that she had not begun to show him the extent of her power.This is when she revealed the frightening remains of her mask covering the lower half of her face. Acknowledging the seriousness of this fight against such a powerful opponent, Hitsugaya had activated his Bankai, as Harribel charged directly at him forcing him to block.

The two had continued their fight as Hitsugaya seemed to always be on the defense and left Harribel wondering how Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun could have lost. Harribel then decided to release her Zanpakutō finally. She is enveloped in a cocoon of water which she cuts herself out of, emerging in her Resurrección form, equipped with a dangerously large sword-like weapon. As Hitsugaya looked on, Harribel raised her sword and delivered a seemingly fatal blow. Believing her enemy defeated, she had gloated, telling the now dead Captain he was no match for her.

Seeing Yamamoto on the side of battle, she had decided to approach him and threaten to exact her revenge against him for taking the lives of her subordinates. Suddenly, however, Hitsugaya appeared behind her and nearly landed a blow but she was quick to escape his reach. Wondering how her opponent survived unharmed, Hitsugaya explained how he made an illusion in his image out of ice as a precaution once she released her Zanpakuto, this ice clone being what she had struck down. Hitsugaya then tells Harribel not to underestimate the strength of the Captains.

As their fight ensued, Harribel revealed that her release form has the ability to create and manipulate water, which she uses to fire at Hitsugaya from afar. Hitsugaya had frozen the water and said water was useless against his ice. Harribel had retorted by saying that it isn't useless and that she will soon show him. The two continue to banter as Hitsugaya sends an ice dragon towards her, against which Harribel reveals her Hirviendo technique boiling away the water as it is deflected around her. She decided to mention how water and ice were two interchangeable states of the same substance meaning she can control his abilities much like he could hers. Those are the rules of battle. She then uses her Cascada to attack Hitsugaya.

Hitsugaya, however, freezes most of the water before it can crush him. The two continue fighting, using each other’s weapon against one another. This continues for a while until Toshiro tells her that they both cannot simply wait and counter each other forever which prompted him to attempt a new technique on her: Hyoten Hyakkaso. She watched as the young Captain took control over the weather itself and made it snow all around. Amazed at his control over the weather, but impressed by the results, Harribel found herself attempting to turn the snow into water, but as it touched her person, it began to bloom into giant ice flowers. She is then told by Toshiro that she will be encased in 100 ice flowers which will spell her doom for his ability entraps whoever comes in contact with it, and soon, the Tres Espada finds herself encased in his technique. However, that was not the end for her, for she is soon freed by Aizen’s tampering, and it is revealed that she was unharmed by his attack the whole time. This then begins their second bout with one another as others interfered, but it is around this time that Aizen was defeated.

She had watched as Aizen was ambushed, and she knew then, that she would be unable to come to his aid, but that is fine. What she did do, however, was go to her downed Fraccion and open a gargantua to take them back to Hueco Mundo and escape the conflict as Aizen was defeated. Maybe something of great power had wanted her and her small group to survive, for her Fraccion had lived through their thrashing from the Captain Commander of the Gotei. Harribel, however, still held resentment in her heart towards the organization for almost killing her only friends in life. She had also come to dislike Aizen for his mistreatment. Starrk and Baraggan were left to die much like herself, and Harribel did not care much for them if they had survived. She may have liked Starrk, but he was not someone she had found time to truly bond with. This left her and her Fraccion alone, once more in Hueco Mundo.

400 Years
Years went by with Harribel simply existing with her Fraccion, going about their days in Hueco Mundo as any Hollow would: traveling. Though, during those years, Harribel had held a heavy heart. She knew herself to be strong, strong enough to be classified as the third strongest Espada, but she also knew that there were others who dwarfed her capabilities. She was haunted by nightmares of her Fraccion being killed while she watched, helpless to save them. It caused her to become a recluse and close herself off from her Fraccion which caused them to worry until one day Harribel was confronted by them. It was at that moment that Harribel knew what she had to do as her three subordinates shared their concerns.

She had left them, left them to grow stronger together as she went to grow alone. She knew that doing such went against everything she had ever told them, but she also knew that the training she desired to undergo would prove near-fatal to her weaker friends. With a solemn heart, she traveled the sands of Hueco Mundo alone, but she did not have to worry about going insane from the lack of company. Everyday, she threw herself at hordes of Hollows. Everyday, she risked her life against powerful foes, yet, during every encounter, she did not kill a single one. She declared that she would never stoop back to having to kill for power. She would work her body until it could no longer grow in strength, until she reached the pinnacle of her own evolution. Years went by, too many for her to count, as she dismantled and put herself back together.

Eventually, she began to notice the increase of Arrancar all about. She did not know what had occured, but she did know that these new Arrancar proved valuable assets to her growth. One day, she heard about a new Espada rising, but she did not care. She has one goal in mind, and that is to grow stronger to better serve her Fraccion. She was done with following the ideals of someone because they seemed stronger and made some fathom of sense. She has her own ideals and would not stray. Her past life as an Espada, however, caused many to actually search her out and request a fight out of her. She never declined any of them. Even if the fight proved pointless and was ended in a flash, she took every single one because she knew that the experience, no matter how big or little, would edge her closer to that pinnacle she sought.

However, one day, she heard news of the Espada being disbanded once more. Whether that was true or not didn’t matter. As with the team she was a part of, this new faction of Arrancar had fallen. What did disturb her, however, was the roar she had heard one day after defeating yet another challenger. She then felt the disturbance of others entering Hueco Mundo. She did not know any of the Reiatsu signatures she had felt, but she did know that something had almost occurred that could have affected the whole of Hueco Mundo. Her thoughts quickly moved to her Fraccion and she wondered how they fared. It has been too long. She had almost forgotten why she had left them on her own journey of selfgrowth. It seemed about time she returned to them, did it not? Yet, she did not feel as if she had reached her goal. Those energy signatures she had felt, they were monstrous and actually made her feel somewhat afraid. That is proof enough that she has much to grow before being capable of protecting her family from all things that may prove them harm. However, does her family still exist? And, that thought alone was enough to send Harribel back on her way through the desert. Now, she isn’t traveling to grow stronger. She is traveling to reunite with what she had left behind.


-Natural Affinity-

Master swordsmanship: Harribel shows considerable knowledge with using her zanpakuto to the point that she can fight uncanningly with it. This, of course, proves that she has tremendous skill with sword-type weapons, even capable of fighting against a Captain level Shinigami such as Toshiro who is known as a famous swordsmanship prodigy. Even then, Harribel showed that she can, not only keep up with Toshiro, but fight multiple opponents at the same time without feeling overwhelmed. Another thing to note would be the fact that Harribel is ambidextrous, giving her the ability to switch hands at a moments notice and fight with the same skill with either one. Her skill has only improved since her battle with Toshiro however, honing her swordsmanship beyond what she was naturally capable of.

Immense Spiritual Power: Without a doubt, Harribel has always possessed a tremendous amount of Reiryoku, even before she was made into an Arrancar. In fact, when she was turned into an Arrancar, she became one of the few who were not allowed to release her Zanpakuto within the dome of Los Noches; her immense Reiryoku proving enough to demolish the fortress on its own. In fact, her energy proved capable of even striking fear into Toshiro for a brief moment and, with a flex of her Reiryoku, proved capable of breaking her free from one of his strongest attacks. After wandering for 400 years, Harribel has continued to improve, not only her physical prowess, but her spiritual power as well, evolving into a being that can eradicate lesser Hollows by just allowing her energy to materialize around her.

Highly Perceptive Combatant: Despite being one of few words, Harribel shows a keen ability to feel out her opponent or whoever she has her eyes on. She was able to note small physical and spiritual signs within Toshiro with ease, pointed out how similar Ichigo and Grimmjow were in personality and in Reiatsu, and could feel out her fellow Espada with ease. This became so due to her long life that revolved around helping others and battling against other Hollows. Throughout her time, she has been forced to learn how to tell an individual’s true intentions through their movement, vocal tones, and aura. It was the only way to survive close encounters with foes and has helped her stay alive this long.

Master Tactician: Though she has fought few opponents who have forced her to strategize, Harribel showed an amazing affinity for on-the-fly tactics and diverse maneuvers for situations. In her battle with Toshiro, she proved capable of redirecting his attacks with ease, and even used them to her advantage. Though, it being a fight that used the same element made it far more easier to take control of then say a fight against someone who utilizes fire.

Daunting Strength: Harribel, being as strong as she is, has immense strength within her body. Her physical capabilities are rather high due to immense training and from years of fighting Hollows in Hueco Mundo.

Spectacular Mentality: Without a doubt, Harribel is not an idiot or a simpleminded Hollow. She has shown time and time again to hold a calculating mind and holds fast to what she believes in without fault.

-Hollow Affinity-

Hierro: Harribel has an extremely powerful Hierro capable of even keeping her whole body unharmed even after having her whole body encased in ice by Hitsugaya's Hyōten Hyakkasō.

La zapa (Shark Skin): An advanced form of Hierro usable only when Harribel’s body is wet. By infusing the water on her skin with her Reiryoku, Harribel is capable of increasing the durability of her Hierro by monstrous amounts, a near 50% increase to her Hierro’s durability and strength, providing, not only an extra layer of Hierro over her skin, but reinforces her already activate armor. This ability, however, has a time limit for water is not an infinite resource. After 5 posts, the water on Harribel’s skin dries up unless it is raining or she is in her Resurreccion; her ability to create water makes La zapa a permanent buff. If Depredora is active at the same time, La Zapa only lasts for 3 posts.

Depredora(Predator): Another technique usable only in wet environments. As long as Harribel is wet, her physical capabilities increase. One could say that being in her natural habitat allows for her to perform at higher qualities. Thus, as long as she is wet, her speed and strength increase by approximately 15% compared to her usual stats. However, Harribel is only able to increase her strength for 5 posts unless she has a source of water keeping her wet or in her Resurreccion. If La zapa is active at the same time, Depredora only lasts for 3 posts.

Cero: Harribel, of course, has a powerful Cero. Her Reiryoku and energy output was considered one of the best. She proves capable of eviscerating waves and waves of enemies with ease. Her Ceros usually have a yellow color to them, much like her Reaitsu and Reiryoku.

Gran Rey Cero: Despite never having to use such, Harribel is capable of firing off Gran Rey Ceros. Her Gran Rey Cero takes on a more intense yellowish color than her normal Cero with a black outline to it.

Sonido Master: Harribel’s sonido is incredibly potent, proving fast enough to force Toshiro to fight on the defensive during much of their match. Throughout her years, she has only worked on her technique, and now, she is capable of moving at speeds even higher than before. Untrained individuals cannot even perceive her movements.

Descorrer: This is an ability that allows Harribel to open gargantas between the living world and Hueco Mundo.

Sacrifice: Due to her aspect of death being Sacrifice, Harribel has a strange aura that only reveals itself when she performs a deed that requires a sacrifice. All this does however is give her boost to her physical capabilities for as long as she is committing an act that is considered a sacrifice.

The rise in her power isn’t something readily noticeable however. Her strength is still the same, but one will notice that she is able to exert herself slightly above her skill level, possibly giving her the edge she needed in a fight. There is no superficial boon to her strength. This is moreso, what one would consider a form of adrenaline that coats her body allowing her to fight just that strongly. This does, however, wear her down after a fight where she has pushed herself past her limits due to her not gaining energy but using more of what she already has. Adrenaline, though, works in a way where one does not feel the extent of which they pushed their body until after a fight, and due to this, Harribel, after two posts of being out of combat, will feel more fatigued than usual if her ‘Sacrifice’ has been invoked.


In its sealed state, Harribel's Zanpakutō, while not particularly long, is unusually wide and has the distinction of being completely hollow in the middle, essentially consisting of nothing more than the edges of what would otherwise be a normal sword. Its handle is purple and its guard is as wide as its blade, with three small holes on either end that Harribel uses to unsheathe it. Oddly, the sword is longer than its sheath. It is worn horizontally on her upper back.
Ola Azul(Blue Wave): A technique similar to Bala, Harribel gathers Reiryoku within the hollow portion of her blade. She then launches it forward in the form of an energy blade in a similar shape to her Zanpakuto. She has the ability to concentrate the energy within the hollow portion of her blade and slash the energy out in different fashions: wide arcs, circles, etc. Harribel shows the capability of firing multiple blades of energy in a row.

Piel Azul(Blue Skin): A technique similar to Ola Azul, Harribel is capable of gathering Reiryoku into the hollow portion of her blade, but this time, however, she focuses the energy to coat her the edge of Zanpakuto creating a yellow outline around her blade. This changes the dynamic of her blade from one that cuts to one that burns through targets much like a laser. Her powerful swings become enhanced by her Reiryoku coated blade for as long as she has the Reiryoku to spare.

Mundo Azul(Blue World): This technique, inspired by Toshiro, works in three steps that take one post each. Harribel fires a large amount of her Reiryoku into the sky in the first post which then causes the atmosphere to fall under her control. During the second post, clouds begin to form in the sky and gather all around, growing darker as her Reiryoku reacts with the water vapor in the sky. The third post is when it begins to rain. That is all there is to this ability. It rains for up to ten posts in an area large enough to encompass a large city before her Reiryoku dissipates and loses its control over the atmosphere. Due to this ability manipulating the natural state of the atmosphere, it is only usable once in thread unless the characters move to another area that is far away from the affected zone. Even then, Harribel can only expend her energy three times to use this ability.

Rayo Cero(Lightning Zero): A type of Cero usable only when Mundo Azul is active. Harribel is capable of harnessing the Reiryoku she used to activate Mundo Azul and focuses it on a target’s location. Then, on command, the energy fires down from the clouds in a similar fashion to lightning. Due to this ability using Reiryoku used to maintain Mundo Azul, using it causes Mundo Azul’s duration to decrease by one post per use.

Caza Azul(Blue Hunt): By creating a ball of condensed Reiryoku within the hollow area of her blade, Harribel, then, focuses on an opponent sensing their Reiatsu and locks onto it using Pesquisa. Now, the energy within her sword is then released when she locks onto a target causing the ball of energy to disperse into about 20 smaller dart-like forms of energy that fly off in search of the target. These highly dense darts of energy do not explode when they run into an object and will only detonate when someone purposely uses their energy to disrupt them or when they reach their target. They can be stopped by using a powerful enough shield in durability that they cannot penetrate and resists Harribel's energy power. There is also a 3 post time limit before they automatically detonate due to their energy composition growing unstable.

Cero Ahogo(Drowning Zero): By holding her blade directly downwards with her arm stretched out, Harribel gathers her Reiryoku into the hollow part of her Zanpakuto and focuses intensely. The spiritual energy begins to slowly spread out from her Zanpakuto in a web-like fashion perpendicularly to how she’s holding the sword until forming a long thin line of condensed energy. She then swings upwards causing the yellow energy to explode forward like a tidal wave that acts much like water as it crashes into buildings and objects drowning them in energy. There is a second delay before the massive amounts of energy vaporize everything it has come in contact with.


Resurrección Name: Tiburon

Resurrección Release Phrase: Destroy, Tiburon

Release Actions: When releasing her Zanpakutō, she holds it with an outstretched arm in front of her with the blade pointing down and declares the release command. She is then completely enveloped by a heart-shaped surge of water that closes around her to form a cocoon-like cyclone which Harribel then cuts herself out of.
In this form, all of her clothes are gone, as well as her Espada tattoo. The Hollow fragments she has in her sealed state become a collar with extensions that cover her nipples, in addition to spaulders on her shoulders with two ribbon-like protrusions on her back that bare a resemblance to shark fins. A thin, spine-like structure also forms on her stomach, spanning from her waist to the underside of her breasts. Harribel now wears a mini-skirt consisting of bones that appear to surround a dark undergarment. She wears a pair of knee-length boots and elbow-length gloves as well. Her weapon takes the form of a broad pata, which resembles an elongated shark tooth, featuring an unusual hilt with a hand guard that completely covers her hand. The sword also possesses what appear to be gill markings along either side of the blade. Harribel loses her three braids, making her hair become messy, and gains two blue lightning bolt markings on both sides of her face.
Water Manipulation: Harribel’s Resurreccion gives her the basic ability of generating and controlling water in her surrounding environment. By pouring Reiryoku into her pata, she is able to transform the energy into water and manipulate it, giving her the ability to use her water based abilities without an outside source of water. However, this also causes her La Zapa and Depredora to be active constantly as long as she is in her Resurreccion. Though, this does drain her of energy quickly, and she prefers to only use them when necessary.

Harribel has shown the ability to generate enough water to massively flood city blocks. With her growth, she can now generate enough water to fully envelop a small city in water and flood a massive city fully. If allowed to concentrate for a full 3 posts, she can expend all her energy to generate enough water that can flood counties the size of Cuba. In terms of controlling water outside of her own energy, Harribel can manipulate water that is about a 5 miles radius away from her. She can very easily take all of the Great Lakes and manipulate them with ease but would struggle to manipulate the entirely of the Mediterranean sea.

Enhanced Water: Harribel’s water techniques are actually enhanced by her Reiryoku. All water she gains control over becomes infused with her Reiryoku that allows for the water to deal with enemies with high durability that wouldn’t normally fall to simply high pressure water. By adding her Reiryoku, now, all her water based attacks are treated as energy based attacks, along with the pressure naturally caused by compressed water moving at high speeds.

Trident: An advanced form of Cero, Harribel infuses her sword with Reiryoku, causing it to glow. She then fires a high-force slash from her sword that travels faster than normal Cero; a technique that Toshiro could barely perceive before his ice clone was cut in half cleanly.

Hirviendo(Boiling): Harribel focuses and boils the water in the atmosphere causing it to become scalding hot or melt any ice before her instantly.

Congelación(Freezing): The opposite of Hirviendo, this technique takes the idea of controlling the temperature of and manipulates such to freeze water instead of boiling it.

La Gota(The Drop): Harribel is capable of condensing large volumes of water around her the tip of her blade before firing it off as a blast which takes the shape of a shark tooth. When the condensed water comes into contact with any object, it expands quickly creating a massive explosion of water that has enough force to level buildings easily. Harribel is capable of firing off multiple shots at a time.

Cascada(Waterfall): Harribel, rapidly, commands water to gather to her position before commanding it to crash down on an enemy. This technique is extremely powerful and large enough to flood multiple city blocks.

Tifón(Typhoon): Harribel holds her sword upwards and creates water from the gills of it that begin to circle around her as the water grows and grows in volume. Soon, Harribel becomes swallowed in a massive torrent of water that forms a high speed barrier around her that is dangerous to come in contact with due to the velocity and energy of the moving water. Harribel is unable to use another technique while utilizing this defensive move and must remain still. Though, despite its protection, one can enter it from above without facing harm and those within its eye are left uninjured.

Presa(Prey): An ability usable only when it’s raining, Harribel focuses intensely on her surroundings while holding her blade upwards towards the sky. Using her Reiryoku, she forces all the water in the skies and around to bend to her will and congregate to her location forming a ball over her head. After othering the name of the ability, the sphere of compressed form shifts into the shape of a giant great white shark which Harribel commands to attack. Harribel must sacrifice her ability to move and control water to control the shark due to the massive suppression of water and energy that must be kept stable. The shark-like image has massive destructive power, capable of knocking over skyscrapers with ease and devouring cities if left alone. Due to the compression of water, anyone caught within will fill themselves crushed by said pressure unless showing great durability.

Harribel is even capable of making use of her Hirviendo and Congelación which only affects the great white in an attempt to also boil or freeze whoever is trapped within the shark alive.

Presa: Mordedura(Prey: Bite): On command, the great white begins to shrink as the water it is created compresses further and further around whatever is within it causes the compression to grow immensely more power in an attempt to simply squeeze whatever has been captured to death.

Presa: Morder la Muerte(Prey: Biting Death): This is an ability usable by Harribel recalling the shark to her location and forcing it to compress further into a tiny ball of near unstable pressure and energy at the tip of her blade. She then releases the pressurized water in a straight line before in a devastating stream that easily slices through anything in its path at high velocity.

Presa: Frenesi(Prey: Frenzy): On command, the great white created from compressed water begins to bubble before exploding violently transforming into numerous smaller sharks that begin crashing into their surroundings at high speeds exploding violently. Of course, due to the shark breaking apart into multiple pieces, the power of each individual shark has severely weakened, but it is the widespread destruction that is caused that warrants attention.

Presa: Escuela Frenetica(Prey: Frenzied School): Much like Presa: Frenesi, Harribel commands the great white to explode violently into smaller sharks, but this time, she has focused the exploding sharks towards a singular object causing the sharks to move at high velocities towards said object.

Gran Lanza de Tiburón(Grand Shark Spear): One of Harribel’s strongest moves. This technique coats Harribel’s large weapon in water that begins to rotate around her sword at high condensed speeds, and by infusing the water with more Reiryoku than normal, she turns her sword into a deadly high powered spear that doesn’t simply pierce enemies but shreds into their armor in a rotary fashion.

Sea la verdad de Dios(Sea God’s Truth): Harribel’s strongest technique that, once used, forces her out of her released state and leaves her unable to enter it again for the rest of the thread. This technique has a 2 post build up before being able to be used. During that time, Harribel is unable to move due to the high level of concentration required for this technique.

Harribel crouches down and holds her sword outwards. She then focuses immensely on focusing every ounce of water she is able to create into one singular point at the tip of her spear, compressing said water to the point that the pressure of it warps and bends reality around it. She then focuses the remaining Reiryoku in her body in the next post into the tiny sphere of water, increasing its weight, pressure, and power by an insurmountable number that causes her weapon to begin to crack and break as she takes aim. Then, she fires that charged water at her opponent in a tiny line similar to the size of a water gun’s fire. The pressure of the water causes the energized water to fire at speeds a tier above Tier's own Sonido, even then being the upper limit of said tier, and would require people to be able to react at that tier of movement to dodge this attack. The sheer pressure around it alone is enough to pierce straight through a mountain of admirable size and structures that it passes by until reaching its target where it will attempt to not only pierce through them, but also attempt to explode on contact in one massive explosion that will release an incredible amount of water from within the victim in an attempt to explode them from the inside out. Due to the sheer amount of water and preptime required for this attack, a person must be at least master durability or be able to create a structure of master durability to not take sufficient damage from this attack. This ability is easily able to travel from one side of a city to the next in a matter of seconds.

Cero Oscuras: All Espada can utilize this type of Cero meaning Harribel has access to it as well despite never utilizing such. The Cero Oscuras is far more powerful than an average Cero, with a vast range and massive attack power. Harribel’s Cero Oscuras is pitch black in coloring with a darkened yellow outline. She is only able to use this with her left hand due to holding her weapon with her right, and must focus her energy to the tip of her forefinger before firing.

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Elite

Racial Skills
  • Hollow Nucleus: Elite
  • Aumentar: Advanced
  • Cero/Bala: Elite
  • Sonido: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Elite


Aumentar: Advanced


The sands of Hueco Mundo, dormant as per usual, are disturbed by the sudden exertion of energy in the vicinity. Two combatants: one, a male Arrancar standing at an admirable size and another Arrancar, a female of a dark skin tone, yellow hair, and white ripped clothing are engaged in battle. Their blades danced as they kicked up the surrounding sand and disturbed the silent skies of their shared barren wasteland. From the sidelines, watched another Arrancar, a young female with her fragmented mask on top of her head. Her eyes could barely perceive the battle going on, but, when it ended, one would have thought it lame. The male fell from the sky after one strike from the female struck home down across his chest leaving him gravely wounded but alive. Before the female could blink however after the blow was struck, the winner of the bout appeared before her standing over her menacingly with the front portion of her jacket open revealing the fragments of her mask over the lower half of her face, an intimidating look to the female that had watched this powerhouse of an Arrancar so easily defeat the other.

Tier Harribel. That is the name of the exEspada member, the tattooed remains of her past life evident still on her bosom. The young Arrancar that she stands before seemed near to wetting herself, but the blonde did not care. She did not come here to harm the woman. Harribel just so happened to be traversing the white desert to kill time but noticed the male harassing the female from a distance. Normally, she would have left it at that, but the fear that the woman exuded caught her attention specifically, and being reminded of all the other times she has helped the weak, she felt compelled to step in. She did not expect for the situation to escalate until she was forced to combat the male. She did not kill the individual however, and without much to say to the female, she turned to be on her way.

“W-Wait! You’re Tier Harribel, aren’t you? Uhm… Thank you for saving me, but that man… He won’t stop you know? Not only will he try to harm me again, but he’ll come after you too eventually. You should have killed him.”

It seems the female is finally showing her true colors despite her fear. Yes. She thirsted for blood, to have her disgrace be fixed by the death of the one who assaulted her. Harribel, on the other hand, did not see things in the same way most of her brethren did, and her answer was enough to leave the other Arrancar fuming but wordless.

“No. If he attempts to fight me again, I shall simply defeat him again. If you are that angry, then grow stronger and kill him yourself.”

She had only stepped in because the situation was an unfair one. She did not help to be a judge, jury, and executioner. She has no desire for blood like much of her other kind, and so, she turns her back on the other Arrancar and begins to walk off. The woman, however, desired nothing more than to attack Harribel herself for leaving her to face her fate which will surely worsen. Yet, nothing happens as Harribel disappears into the distance. The ex-Tres Espada has only one thing she cares about right now, her Fraccion.

Last edited by Siegharty on Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:35 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel Left_bar_bleue59000/99999[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel Empty Re: [Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel

Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:28 am
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Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Focus: N/A

Hazard Rankings
  • Power: N/A
  • Influence: N/A
  • Resources: N/A


Traits and unsealed abilities
Sacrifice: Due to her aspect of death being Sacrifice, Harribel has a strange aura that only reveals itself when she performs a deed that requires a sacrifice. All this does however is give her boost to her physical capabilities for as long as she is committing an act that is considered a sacrifice.

Fixes/Comments:My only real issue with this is that it is too vague for me to gauge it from a mechanical standpoint. As with any ability that is going to augment a character, you need to define limitations, scopes of potency, cooldowns, and drawbacks. While requiring sacrifice is a perfectly fine criteria, given harribels aspect of death, I’d need to see more description on what actually goes on, and what it does for her before i could comfortably approve this particular skill.

Zanpakuto section
La zapa (Shark Skin): An advanced form of Hierro usable only when Harribel’s body is wet. By infusing the water on her skin with her Reiryoku, Harribel is capable of increasing the durability of her Hierro by monstrous amounts providing, not only an extra layer of Hierro over her skin, but also reinforces her existing Hierro. This ability, however, has a time limit for water is not an infinite resource. After 5 posts, the water on Harribel’s skin dries up unless it is raining or she is in her Resurreccion; her ability to create water makes La zapa a permanent buff.

Fixes/Comments:Define monstrous, while this word choice is a great indicator of how much stronger she becomes, it also leaves it fairly vague and up to interpretation, as is the case with physically augmenting abilities, i need to see a more definite scope and scale before i feel comfortable with approving this ability. I am more than fine with you having her boost capable of being bolstered by outside elements like the weather. That being said, acclimate weather must be decided via randomizer if weather is a criteria relating in extension of boost.

Depredora(Predator): Another technique usable only in wet environments. As long as Harribel is wet, her physical capabilities increase. One could say that being in her natural habitat allows for her to perform at higher qualities. Thus, as long as she is wet, her speed and strength increase by large variables. However, if La Zapa is being used at the same time, Harribel is only able to increase her strength for 5 posts unless she has a source of water keeping her wet or in her Resurreccion.

Fixes/Comments:Much like with the previous ability, I need to see a more defined scope for this boost. Does it increase her speed by 15%, etc. With any physically augmented ability that can be boosted by outside variables, I’d like to see a randomizer used if you are using weather as a “source of water” for the sake of this ability.

Mundo Azul(Blue World): This technique, inspired by Toshiro, works in three steps that take one post each. Harribel fires a large amount of her Reiryoku into the sky in the first post which then causes the atmosphere to fall under her control. During the second post, clouds begin to form in the sky and gather all around, growing darker as her Reiryoku reacts with the water vapor in the sky. The third post is when it begins to rain. That is all there is to this ability. It rains for up to ten posts in an area large enough to encompass a large city before her Reiryoku dissipates and loses its control over the atmosphere.

Fixes/Comments:How many times can she use this technique? Is there a cooldown period or can she use this a set number of times before it completely drains her energy.

Caza Azul(Blue Hunt): By creating a ball of condensed Reiryoku within the hollow area of her blade, Harribel, then, focuses on an opponent sensing their Reiatsu and locks onto it using Pesquisa. Now, the energy within her sword is then released when she locks onto a target causing the ball of energy to disperse into about 20 smaller dart-like forms of energy that fly off in search of the target. These highly dense darts of energy do not explode when they run into an object and will only detonate when someone purposely uses their energy to disrupt them or when they reach their target.

Fixes/Comments:How can these be avoided?

Ressureccion Section

Water Manipulation: Harribel’s Resurreccion gives her the basic ability of generating and controlling water in her surrounding environment. By pouring Reiryoku into her pata, she is able to transform the energy into water and manipulate it, giving her the ability to use her water based abilities without an outside source of water. However, this also causes her La Zapa and Depredora to be active constantly as long as she is in her Resurreccion. Though, this does drain her of energy quickly, and she prefers to only use them when necessary.

Fixes/Comments:What is the upper limit of this? Right now you have no definable upper limit theoretically to how far she can pull water and manipulate it from, this needs to be fixed.

Sea la verdad de Dios(Sea God’s Truth): Harribel’s strongest technique that, once used, forces her out of her released state and leaves her unable to enter it again for the rest of the thread. This technique has a 2 post build up before being able to be used. During that time, Harribel is unable to move due to the high level of concentration required for this technique.

Harribel crouches down and holds her sword outwards. She then focuses immensely on focusing every ounce of water she is able to create into one singular point at the tip of her spear, compressing said water to the point that the pressure of it warps and bends reality around it. She then focuses the remaining Reiryoku in her body in the next post into the tiny sphere of water, increasing its weight, pressure, and power by an insurmountable number that causes her weapon to begin to crack and break as she takes aim. Then, she fires that charged water at her opponent in a tiny line similar to the size of a water gun’s fire. The pressure of the water causes the energized water to fire at speeds near impossible to notice without having the best of eyes, and despite being able to sense the shot, only the fastest of individuals will be able to dodge it. The sheer pressure around it alone is enough to eradicate the Earth and structures that it passes by until reaching its target where it will attempt to not only pierce through them, but also attempt to explode on contact in one massive explosion that will release an incredible amount of water from within the victim in an attempt to explode them from the inside out. This ability is easily able to travel from one side of a city to the next in a matter of seconds.

Fixes/Comments:There are a few things wrong this this ability, but the main one is the use of generalities that make it hard to gauge the potency of the ability itself. One such example is the use “only the fastest of individuals will be able to dodge this”. The reason this is a problem is if I were to take this literally, it’d mean it’d require someone on par with shadin, or hayden to be capable of dodging this, which while it isn’t an absolute, does definitely fall under the realm of unfair for a vast majority of other characters on platinum hearts.

While the fact that merely generating this attack is enough to crack her weapon is a great indicator of how destructive this is, I’d recommend rewording this a bit, specifically regarding penetrative potential, given on platinum hearts anyone typically with above advanced durability is easily capable of having bodies which are way more durable than buildings. Given this is harribels strongest technique i’d expect it should be a great deal stronger than this, and given the limitations you’ve put on it, i’m completely fine with you bumping the power of this attack up a few levels to reflect that.

Tier: 1-1 [Pending Fixes]
Hazard Rating: N/A [/mod]

[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel LzZCuy7
[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel BtXe12b
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[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel Left_bar_bleue59000/99999[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel Empty Re: [Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel

Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:14 pm
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  • Skills are not filled in[X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Elite

Hazard Rankings
  • Power: S
  • Influence: F
  • Resources: F


Tier: 1-1++ Base, 0-5 In Any Release form.
Hazard Rating: C [/mod]

[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel LzZCuy7
[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel BtXe12b
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[Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel Empty Re: [Spirit Class 1] Tier Harribel

Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:44 pm
[adm]Due to changes to tier, this character is being adjusted to 1-2.[/adm]

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