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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  Empty Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]

Mon May 04, 2020 8:23 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: n/a

What now?

That was the only question which was lingering in the mind of Saiko as she saw the alluring glow of the morning sun giving way to the Seventh Division Barracks. Sitting on the top of a lone building by herself, the woman's aqua aura drenched of deep shades of melancholy as she let the ambiance of nature take root in her soul. Hearing the sounds of birds chirping, people working, wind blowing and the sensation of a cool spring morning flowing down her pale skin; it made her feel at ease in this sense of glum as she contemplating where to go from this point forward.

The world which she had known before was all but dead and there was no tearing back to Shadow Fall after having cut ties with that organization that enslaved her. Yet, how could she face this new world where she was once labeled a betrayer and war criminal? For so many years she had slain these people and the blood on her hands could perhaps never be forgiven in her mind. The entrails of her spirit were so distorted that ever regaining that sense of purity she remembered so fondly seemed all but impossible.

So, a gentle exhale of breath escaped the lips of the half-breed as she tried to recall the trust that Murasaki seemed to have in her. Maybe things can never be right, but perhaps it is enough to at least make things right and atone for those ill-sins. Hence, she'd accept the circumstance even if her body was filled with this constant sense of woe. Change was not going to happen overnight, but she knew that just as the sun was rising before her, as to did the dawn of a new start for herself began...

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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  WVMWLOu
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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  Empty Re: Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]

Wed May 27, 2020 10:48 am



Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  6EdIfMt

Redemption was such an arduous path. Life presents with you multiple pathways - from the moment you are born to the moment you develop into a living member of society until the day you take your last breath. No journey is similar. There are those who are born into wealth, those select individuals who can operate through life without experiencing its hardships. There are those born into poverty, forced to suffer a life of hunger and a desire to attain more.

To be certain, emotions play a huge factor in this, and so too, do the individuals you meet in life. Parents, friends, confidants, all of them fall into the category of what one would call pillars that can guide you along the path towards a proper life.

How, then, even when granted with such tools in life, could one still fall prey to evil? To committing crimes that could never be washed away?

To killing innocents? If one is granted with so much potential in life, how is it that so many can find themselves commit immoral acts? How could one redeem the fallen? The ones that willingly allowed themselves to participate in the madness?

The Princess of Death had always pondered such questions, more so in the present than she did in the past. Murder was second nature to her during her years in Kokyruteshi and Ender's army. She was an efficient killer who paid no heed towards extending her opponent's a glimpse of mercy.

Why, then, did someone like Henrex Astillion see the merit in releasing her from prison? How in the world did Abalia-Kyoraku Hayden see the merit in not only releasing her but offering her an opportunity to be her bodyguard, promising that her sister would remain protected under her watchful eyes?

In both of these moments, she had asked herself whether she was living in a delusive dream or if these people had gone mad. And yet, here she was, free and redeemed. Her sister had forgiven her and her world had been set alight from the revelation. If they all believed she could be redeemed, Hime would no longer allow herself to question her path now.

Walking through the seven division barracks, Hime had the intent of paying Arkin a visit and offer him a meal during his lunch break but she had also caught wind of an unfamiliar aura she hadn't felt in her last few visits to this division. Was it a new member? She wondered, gazing around before her eyes had set themselves upon Saiko's visage. The aforementioned aura seemed melancholic as if her spirit was troubled. The graceful woman walked forward to where Saiko could perceive her directly and waved in her direction.

"Hello! I don't believe I've seen you in this division before. Are you a new member, miss?" Hime was polite enough to ask a simple question before asking any that concerned the woman's mental state or the reason for her aura being so gloomy.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Thu May 28, 2020 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  Empty Re: Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]

Wed May 27, 2020 4:27 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: n/a

Drenched within her own thoughts, the reality of it all seemed to be detached from Saiko as her oceanic eyes closed and entered into a state of sheer introspection. For her, there was a great deal of contemplation when it came to the heavy feeling that weighed on her body just being in this division. It was going to take a lot of nerve for her to even work up the courage to somehow see the first division barracks again, but her trail of thoughts ceased when the presence of another woman interrupted this segment of internal speak.

With her blue eyes opening to the world again, the mistress of glum witnessed another aqua haired woman stepping toward her. And, when she spoke, she muttered the notion of asking her about whether or not she was a part of this division. Which, to Saiko herself, was a good question. While she certainly wasn't an enemy of the Gotei at this point, she couldn't call herself a member. Perhaps an ally to Murasaki? Bodyguard? Something along those lines felt better fit than member since she couldn't call herself that.

"An ally. Murasaki's ally. She brought me here."

Those words came out quickly and concisely as Saiko tried to gather her senses before a soft exhale of breath left her pale lips.

"Saiko Mori is my name and I just came here as fallout from the war on earth that just took place."

It was inevitable, right? It was going to come out anyway. So, rather than play around and dance around the fact, Saiko just looked straight into the eyes of Hime and uttered this:

"I am an Ex-Shadow Fall operative. I consider myself a war criminal, but I guess she fit for me to try and atone for those crimes. So here I make a long story short."

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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  WVMWLOu
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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  Empty Re: Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]

Thu May 28, 2020 12:21 pm



Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  6EdIfMt

An ally of Murasaki---Ah, the captain of this division. Kagayaku no Murasaki. Conversations with Arkin had gave Hime some semblance of an idea who the woman was and what she represented.

To the members who served in her division - him included - she was an exemplary fighter and leader who invoked courage in the hearts of those who fought in this division.

Hime had not yet Murasaki but she would make a note to do so in the future. At the moment, she was analyzing Saiko as she explained what led her to this division.

A fallout from the war that took place on earth? The war involving the demons of Shadowfall, a war that Abalia had made a heavy note to tread carefully and avoid any and all complications that would jeopardize the Soul Society.

She was very adamant and poised in how she wished to approach the war. Hime had admired that about Abalia. She was level-headed beyond years and never execute any plan without significant forethought.

And then, without any hesitation, Saiko bluntly stated that she was an Ex-Shadowfall operative, which caused Hime's eyes to widen ever so slightly. Each word that Saiko uttered, Hime felt on a nigh-metaphysical level; those words had resonated with her soul...

"I consider myself a criminal but I guess she saw fit for me to atone for my crimes."

Hime smiled and placed a hand on Saiko's shoulder, nodding with such a motherly glow in her expression that seemed almost odd compared to how she acts in normal settings.

"It seems we are in the same boat in that regard, Mori-San. I was once the co-leader of the Kokuryuteshi... I fought beside Kin Iramasha, and committed crimes that numbered in the thousands."

Hime gazed into the sky as she reminisced on what led her here today.

"For the longest time since I allowed myself to be imprisoned, I felt as if I had lost everything. My purpose, my will to live - everything that comprised Hime Tatsumiya - and the only thing left for someone like me was death. And yet... I was released by a man. A kind man. A gentle soul, he was. And I questioned it... he had offered me freedom, and I rejected his offer, choosing to return to my cell. I willingly came back, allowed myself to be imprisoned again, to receive a proper judgement. My aim was to be executed and..."

Hime allowed her gaze to trail back towards Saiko.

"...Of all things, I was released by the most firm and indomitable woman in all of Soul Society. Abalia-Kyoraku Hayden. The person I felt who could deliver a just punishment and execute me for my crimes... had spared me and offered me a chance to atone."

Hime chuckled in embarrassment as she brought her hand back towards her hip. That tangent might have been quite a lot to unravel. It was humorous to think that she had a lot more to talk about on this subject but still, she had to maintain some level of etiquette with this type of subject.

"My apologies... It is quite a profound feeling to meet someone in a similar position such as myself. My name is Hime Tatsumiya."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  Empty Re: Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]

Fri May 29, 2020 1:56 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: n/a

There was a lot to digest from the other woman. Saiko was not one to overtalk other beings as she understood that you could learn more by opening your ears, receiving the essence of their words, and trying to comprehend how it is that they came to be the person they were. So, by utilizing this empathic aspect of herself, the oceanic eyes of the Mistress of Glum never let the sight of Hime when she spoke of her past.

When all was said and done, the hybrid absorbed the reflections of Hime past. Instead of immediately speaking, the woman remained silent for a few seconds as he started to have the gears in her mind and heart start to churn, awaken, and try to determine how to take things. There were many words that could be spoken into existence, so sometimes it was best to just get the jumbled up mess that was the frustartion of meaningful interaction out of the way. So, when Hime finished, Saiko gave her a reply:

"From all that you've told me, you only wanted to find meaning in the sins of your past. You see the error of a former self, can view the pain that person caused and it makes you feel sorrow. The meaning of your life when imprisoned was to serve your actions toward meeting your end to make amends."

What was she saying? She had just met this woman and was speaking so boldly as if she knew the shinigami her entire life. Yet, it is what her receptive mind felt the woman needed to hear. And, more than that, perhaps articulating these pains, speaking them into existence and reflecting on them could help sort the chaotic mess which was her own broken heart in the process. So, she continued:

"No one can give you a chance to atone. You sought these people out so that they could give you something that only exists within."

In that motion, Saiko kept trying to follow what her heart felt; even if it made her nervous. So, to this end, the woman pointed her right index finger at the chest of Hime and moved forward with what she wanted to express.

"I don't know, perhaps I'm speaking too much, but you made that change within yourself because all you wanted was for the world to acknowledge in some way that you had changed. And maybe, that is what I need to do as well..."

Face now a bit flush with an aqua blush, the woman moved her finger away and decided to acknowledge her name as things were moving at breakneck speeds as far as their engagement went.

"Sorry, Hime, I went overboard....but do you feel that is not accurate?"

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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  WVMWLOu
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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  Empty Re: Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]

Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:44 pm



Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  6EdIfMt

Hime gazed intently at Saiko as the woman processed her thoughts. Her momentary pause was not a cause for worry. Such a stream of information would leave almost anyone silent. Hime wanted to upbraid herself mentally for confessing so many thoughts aloud to a practical stranger and yet... she felt nothing but the airs of refreshed joy.

Confirming her thoughts, coming to terms with the woman she represented, and meeting someone with whom she shared a common theme. One who aimed to walk the path of redemption, who was offered an opportunity by an unexpected source, and recognizing that there were still those who believed that women such as them could be redeemed, could live a life of peace and walk a path they could truly be proud of. It felt almost poetic. When Saiko finally began to speak, Hime gave full attention to the words and opinions that streamed forth from her lips.

To find meaning in the sins of her past had certainly been something the woman had ruminated on during her time in prison. From the men and women, those who had been betrayed, from defecting to one organization to forming another, and to turning herself in hopes of atoning for her crimes - it all had been a form of trying to seek atonement.

She had not predicted that Henrex - let alone someone as cold and calculating as Abalia, would even spare her and grant her an opportunity to redeem herself. In retrospect, that glimmer of belief was an unforeseen blessing that Hime did not intend to waste. Until her very last breath, she would prove that Abalia was correct in her decision.

Saiko had expressed herself quite fluently in the way she viewed Hime's thoughts and to be fair, she was entirely correct. Hime had originally craved death but only as a means of atoning for all the lives she had taken in the name of her past leaders.

Now, every fiber and reishi that comprised her soul desired nothing else but carving a path in the world where she could carry others and show them the light she once thought would never grace her eyes. If Saiko ever doubted that she could change, Hime would always remain at her side as a reminder that she could make a positive impact in this realm and those further beyond.

"My, you practically took the explanations from my very lips, Saiko-san. Besides being very pretty, you are very perceptive." Hime playfully smiled as she cupped her chin and continued speaking.

"I suppose even in my craving to die, I wished to atone for my sins. Even so, it would seem as though there were still others who did not view me as the lost cause I so adamantly believed myself to be. Saiko, if you ever doubt you can change, you are free to visit me as much as you desire. I will support you in any way you need. I know we've met for the first day and perhaps I may be coming on a little too strong but..."

Hime gazed deep into Saiko's eyes and held her hands.

"I see you as a kindred spirit. And I sincerely hope that you never waver in your path. You might not realize it but you've been granted with something truly special..."

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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  Empty Re: Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]

Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:06 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: n/a

Saiko took a moment to absorb everything the woman ahead of her spoke. As her face began to ease back to its normal shade of pale, the half-breed nodded meekly for a moment before deciding to just keep heading first into whatever relationship they were forging as two people with heavy amounts of sin on their backs. There wasn't a point in hiding behind her shyness, so she just took a breath and uttered these words:

"Then I will be your friend and help you as much as you will help me as a filthy betrayer."

What was she saying? Saiko didn't know. It was awkward as hell to utter such things. But there was a lot of heaviness in her heart as she tried to piece the words together. So, glanced down at her hands and tighten the grip they each had, and nodded as tried to affirm to herself to keep figuring this out.

"We both have blood on our hands, but perhaps that why we both understand better than anyone how it feels to come back from the abyss. So I guess I will have faith that if you can see that in me that it's not too late, maybe..."

As a flicker of oceanic hued energy raged in her eye, the woman's intent stare looked up at Hime as a gust of raw power surged around them that quelled from her woeful, but powerful being.

"I guess even if I am nothing but a sinner, maybe whatever force in this world is forgiving of these circumstances and that I should use this tainted power to at least put some good into this place before I die. I cannot bring back the lives I was taken, but I can try to mend those wrongs as best I can...."

Face to face with Hime, the woman's hands gripped tighter to her warmness. As the hybrid's power kept leaking out, globs of thick emotion reflected in the air as the sentiment of dread and gloom lingered like an awful pressure weighing down on both the woman's chest.

"...I can be better, right? Please tell me I can."

Saiko -- was scared.

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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  WVMWLOu
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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  Empty Re: Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]

Sun Feb 14, 2021 3:14 pm



Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  6EdIfMt

Hime frowned ever so slightly at hearing Saiko say that she was a filthy betrayer. There was hardly anything filthy about her. Still, she continued to listen to the woman as she spoke, agreeing with her sentiment that, given their past, they knew as well as anybody else how fortunate they were to be given a chance at redemption in spite of the hill of corpses that laid at their feet. Hime would support Saiko until the end of time.

Now that they had crossed paths, she would help guide her to a path where she could be content and gaze at others with a smile. She would no longer have to feel as if she needed to walk with shame. Her path to redemption started now. Yet, there were doubts that lingered in Saiko's heart. A flicker of oceanic hued energy raged in her eye, the woman's intense stare looked up at Hime as a gust of raw power surged around them that quelled from her woeful, but powerful being.

Hime could feel the weight of woe and gloom from her being as she squeezed her hands and gazed into her eyes. The pressure was palpable, physical even to a point where Hime could feel it against her chest. Saiko genuinely wanted Hime to answer her, to reaffirm that she could be better, to reaffirm that she could be saved. Gazing into those oceanic eyes, Hime smiled with nothing but motherly affection in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around Saiko as she brought her into a hug, taking the brunt of the pressure as her power leaked out.

"Of course you can, Saiko. I believe in you more than you can imagine. No matter how difficult the tide may be, I will always be a beacon of support for you to confide in. You can be better. You will be better."

Every word uttered from her mouth was genuine. She was not trying to appease her nor tell her a lie. She genuinely believed that Saiko could rise above her past and walk into a future ever brighter.

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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  Empty Re: Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]

Thu Jun 03, 2021 12:32 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: n/a

There was a feeling of unfamiliarity that surged in the body of Saiko. To be embraced so closely by another made the woman have a faint aqua blush flow across her pale-skinned cheeks. It felt pretty foreign because she had been molded and adapted to so much abuse throughout the years, the actual human affection and connection felt like an alien world to her. Still, she wasn't so deep in her pain that she would deny her advances. So, the half-breed gave Hime a soft pat on the head as she wasn't sure how to proceed but to keep moving forward past the newness of the circumstances.

"Thank you. It's...weird to open up to others. But I have to push myself and it helps to have people that believe in you..."

Even if those words were spoken meekly, they were the honest thoughts of the girl. If nothing else, she still had a desire to do better and perhaps that was enough in this world. Others could see the value in that, so Saiko herself was trying to see it, feel it, and familiarize her emotional and mental being to it.

"...I think this will be the beginning of a new, healthy start for me and you. That's all I ever wanted..."

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Tender Horizons [Saiko/Open] [Division 7]  WVMWLOu
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