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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Empty The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan

Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:25 pm


"Alright, just give me the last of your things so I can put it in the storage. You sure you'll be fine, Yugiri? I know I asked before, but cats and water is like Erchanhardt and the beachside sun, hahaha~."

Micaiah literally slapped her knee at that one. The group were at the beaches of Normandy, and the girl was completely unaware of the trauma it might've incited. Her concern the whole time was the fun of the beach, made evident by her being dressed for the event.

"Speaking of which, I brought sunscreen just in case. I've never had issues with sunburn personally, but a good planner plans for the group!"

The pounding of her chest with a fist indicated pride, but the silly face made from wanting to hold back her laughter from the second joking jab contorted her overall image.

"Anyways, the plan is to swim all the way until the Mid-Atlantic Mountain Range where our break will be. We should swim either side by side or in single file, and if you need to come up for air, just tap the nape of the person in front of you or beside you, and we can swim up together. Any questions, comments, concerns, or prayers to be made?"


The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan 8Bvy1N8


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The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Empty Re: The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan

Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:41 pm
The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

"I'll be fine?"

There was a tone towards the end like she was wondering why Micaiah would think that. Did she actually think she was just a talking cat? Was this the only magical power she attributed to Yugiri?

"I'll just walk."

Pushing reiatsu out her paws to stand on a makeshift platform she pulled herself up to just above Micaiah's reach and flicked her tail.

"I don't really want to swim. It'll be a hassle and I don't like getting wet."


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God of Love
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Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:46 pm
The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan 30puOuO


"Well now, Micaiah, who would say that I do poorly with the beachside sun? I will have you know that the shores of Konigsberg have been home to untold laps, and certainly a great deal of them were below the summer sky."

Laughing quietly at the whole discussion on sunscreen, as well as at Yugiri's decision not to swim, Erchanhardt looked once more out over the sea. He had not served at Normandy, and so while he knew its history, there was not so much in the way of bitter memories here. For all intents and purposes, he was simply visiting with his students. He found that it was quite nice.

"Well, I do have a few prayers that I suppose I should say, but I need not hold us up for that. I have no further concern if the two of you are ready."


The Hybrid King
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The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Empty Re: The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan

Tue Feb 11, 2020 12:47 am
The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan 6Y5HWWf

Saisei | The King's Reincarnation

"I didn't think people would actually come here to play at the beach. Really, isn't this supposed to be some kind of historical site right?"

Drifting along the shore, Saisei watched while a group of people conversed between one another. Visiting the historical sites that Normandy took place at seemed pretty important. Despite that, a Cat, Old Man and brutish girl stood by the ocean's side acting like it was just another day.

Listening it made it clear that they were out of their minds. What kind of fun could people get from travelling the Atlantic by swimming? Seriously, what could they possibly gain from doing something so silly? Standing and clutching his floatie, Saisei couldn't help but try to get their attention.

"Alright hold on. Are y'all really considering this? I mean, I'm not crazy right? Y'all really wanna swim the entirety of the damn Atlantic? Seriously?"

Trotting out of the ocean, Saisei looked absolutely dumbfounded. Taken aback that two people and a talking cat figured that swimming the entirety of the Atlantic was fun.

END POST | He Can't Swim. Seriously

The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan FXpoQxJ
The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Empty Re: The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan

Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:48 am


"Désolé, mon ami. Brother Erchanhardt and I have already planned for a deep dive. It won't be immediate, but some of the sights to see must be seen only underwater. You'll be fine for now, but soon--soon, the fun will begin."

Micaiah wore a wily grin, like she knew what lied await for them. She didn't know for sure, of course, but just call it some womanly intuition. Lo n' behold, the first subject of interest already walked around. Someone with pink hair. Even in Vicara, this wasn't the most common hair colour. Red, black, just darker colours in general were often prefered.

"Well... yeah. No one travels through actual space anymore, they just teleport around. I'm sure there's some airplanes or ships out there that go between the two continents, but they're not just like, public transportation methods. Usually people doing it for the luxury and experience, I reckon."

Not that Micaiah actually knew for sure, because she never even tried to find out. Just wasn't in her thoughts. She was open to explaining and answering the boy's question, though.

"Besides, how else will we see the actual good sights to see? The wildlife, or the feel of the waves and strength of a whirlpool and storms and stuff. It's not like it'll be long, either. Why, you wanna come with us? It'll be fuuuuuun~."


The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan 8Bvy1N8


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The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Empty Re: The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan

Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:53 am
The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

Now she wasn't going to admit she couldn't swim but the other guy dressed up in floaties made her feel more comfortable. Maybe people didn't actually know how to swim and it was a rare occurance. That made Yugiri wonder why she got teased about it, maybe Chidori was just misinformed for teasing her about a real common problem.

The boy with pink hair was pretty cute, it was a funny sight. She didn't see pink hair a lot, so she looked at him curiously while she floated. A little distracted by him while she waited for the other two to wrap up this business. This kid wasn't actually going to try and do it was he? If he couldn't swim there was no way he'd get it done.


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God of Love
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The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Empty Re: The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan

Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:39 am
The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan 30puOuO


"It is a historical site, yes, but you would be surprised the places on this Earth which qualify for such a title. If we looked only to the past, we would never be able to act in the present."

Looking over to the pink-haired young man, Erchanhardt nodded once in affirmation of their aims. To him, after all, swimming the Atlantic was not so spectacular a feat. And, as Micaiah had pointed out, he was hardly alone in that.

"Another companion for this journey would be more than welcome, given the scale. What is your name, young man?"

The Hybrid King
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The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Empty Re: The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan

Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:51 am
The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan 6Y5HWWf

Saisei | The King's Reincarnation

"Saisei. My name is Saisei. Technically, I don't have a last name. If you wanted to call me by a full name I guess it'd be Saisei Sumashuu."

Throwing a glance towards the brutish blonde, Saisei remained intent on only speaking to the Old Man. The way he spoke was clearly different than little miss brute. Giving a little wave to the cat floating around the three, he turned back towards his elder and smiled, his pearly whites almost infectious.

"I'm not sure what the girl is on about, the last thing I'd want to do is find myself underwater without this bad boy." Chuckling, he patted his floatie and continued. "I'm not sure you'll want me along for the ride. I can't swim. I don't know you guys either and to say that isn't a factor would be an understatement."

Turning back to the Atlantic, he sighed. Frankly, there isn't much to learn about on this beach hehe... Shifting his posture back towards the group he caved, maybe the larger elder could drag him along underwater if need bed.

"I'll come. Gotta be able to learn somethin', though. And if I'm goin' on a trip with folks I don't know I think I'd need to know everyone's name. The little kitty's too."

END POST | He Can't Swim. Seriously

The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan FXpoQxJ
The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Empty Re: The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan

Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:00 am


"Alright, time to learn then. S.S. 'S.S.' is ready to sail!"

Micaiah pounced forward at the speed of sound, the strength of the asura put into play. She lifted him up and, if there was no interference to be had, launched Saisei out into the ocean, pulling his floatie just before. She turned to look at Yugiri with a predatorial smile, relishing in whatever reaction she might offer given the implication, and then turned to Erchanhardt.

"No worries, I'll look after him. If he's actually in danger of anything, I'll pull him up."

If there was nothing else to be said, Micaiah started on to dash towards the water and dive in, freestyling rapidly towards Saisei's location.


The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan 8Bvy1N8


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The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Empty Re: The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan

Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:05 am
The Atlantic Odyssey, Chapter One: Crossing Leviathan Yugiri-cat-template

Kitty Cat Yugirin

Wow, the speed of sound. How impressive. She could've gone faster though. Yugiri sat there in the sky moderately surprised but not showing it on her expression.

"What's wrong with you?"

Yugiri sounded disappointed while she watched Micaiah rush towards the water. Was she really that slow? Yugiri took a step midair and appeared above Saisei's location above the drowning boy and seeing Micaiah still making distance.

"I would offer you some help but I'm pretty incapable. Micaiah, come and clean up your mess!"


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